13. Creating Slideshows


Another great way to share your favorite photos is to present them in a slideshow. You can create a slideshow to be displayed in Lightroom, or export a slideshow in PDF format to be viewed in a separate application, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Apple Preview. You can also export your slides as individual JPEG images to be used in other applications, such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote.

In this chapter, you learn how to view the images you have selected from the Filmstrip in the Slide Editor. You also learn how to specify slideshow margin width settings, choose image display options, and insert slide overlays, such as styled text and graphical Identity Plates, star ratings, and custom text.

This chapter also teaches you how to create a custom backdrop appearance for your slides and include slideshow intro and ending screens. In addition, you learn how to specify slide duration and order and include soundtrack music.

The last few sections of this chapter teach you how to preview the slideshow in the Content area, present a full-screen slideshow in Lightroom, and export a slideshow as an interactive PDF or as individual JPEG images. You also learn how to save your favorite slideshow settings as a template.

Viewing Images in the Slide Editor

The Content area in the Slideshow module is referred to as the Slide Editor. You can view the primary selected photo from the Filmstrip in the Slide Editor. To change the image that is currently displayed, click the arrow buttons in the Toolbar or press the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard. The Use menu in the Toolbar also enables you to choose whether to display all photos in the Filmstrip, just the selected photos, or only photos that have been flagged.

Preview selected images in the Slideshow module Content area

image From the Library module Grid or the Filmstrip, select the photo(s) you would like to include in the slideshow.


image Click the Slideshow button in the upper-right corner of the interface.


Press Cmd+Option+3 (Mac) or Ctrl+Alt+3 (Win) to enter the Slideshow module quickly.

Lightroom displays the primary selected photo in the Content area of the Slideshow module.

image If the Toolbar is not already visible, choose View > Show Toolbar.


Press T to show or hide the Toolbar quickly.

image Choose Selected Photos from the Use menu in the Toolbar.


image Click the left or right arrow buttons in the Toolbar, or the left or right arrow keys on the keyboard, to display the previous or next selected photo in the Content area.

image To display the first slideshow image in the Content area, click the Go to first slide button (the square icon) in the Toolbar.

Specifying Margin Widths

The Layout panel enables you to specify the amount of pixels to apply to the left, right, top, and bottom slideshow margins. You can drag the sliders in the Layout panel to apply different margin widths, or enter a new value in the respective pixel width fields. Note that the margin widths are always relative to and dictated by the proportions of the monitor that you are using to display the slideshow.

Specify slideshow margin widths from the Layout panel

image In the Slideshow module (with or without slideshow images selected in the Filmstrip), choose Window > Panels > Layout to display the Layout panel.



Press Cmd+2 (Mac) or Ctrl+2 (Win) to show or hide the Layout panel quickly.

image At the top of the Layout panel, enable the Show Guides option.


image In the Layout panel, adjust the margins by dragging the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom sliders, or by entering new pixel values in the respective fields. You can also adjust the margins by hovering the cursor over the pixel values and dragging with the scrubby slider.


To adjust multiple margins simultaneously, enable the Link All option located at the bottom of the Layout panel.

Choosing Image Display Options

The Options panel enables you to apply a Zoom to Fill option. Note that Lightroom automatically centers the cropped image when applying Zoom to Fill Frame. You can change the crop by clicking and dragging the image in the Slide Editor; however, you should be aware that the custom crop will be lost after you deselect the image. The Options panel also enables you to apply stroke borders and cast shadows. Note that the Cast Shadow option is locked to Multiply blend mode. You cannot change the cast shadow color or blend mode to create an outer glow effect when displaying the photo over a dark background.

Specify slideshow image display options from the Options panel

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose Window > Panels > Options to display the Options panel.



Press Cmd+1 (Mac) or Ctrl+1 (Win) to show or hide the Options panel quickly.

image Enable any of the following image display options:


Zoom to Fill Frame—Enlarges and crops the image to fill the entire frame.

Stroke Border—Places an outer border around the image. To determine the stroke width, adjust the Width slider. To determine the stroke color, click the neighboring color swatch icon and choose one from the Color Picker.

Cast Shadow—Places a drop shadow under each image. To control the opacity of the shadow, adjust the Opacity slider, or enter a value in the percentage field. Drag the Offset slider to control the distance between the image and the shadow. Drag the Radius slider to control the hardness or softness of the shadow. To control the position of the shadow underneath the image, drag the Angle slider or the Angle wheel.

Inserting an Identity Plate Overlay

The Overlays panel enables you to apply a styled text or graphical Identity Plate overlay to your slideshows. You can choose to apply the same Identity Plate that you currently have displayed in the Module Picker (also known as the Main Identity Plate—see chapter 1) or insert a new one. The Overlays panel also enables you to adjust the opacity of the Identity Plate and scale it to fit your slideshow.

Insert a styled text Identity Plate

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose Window > Panels > Overlays to display the Overlays panel.



Press Cmd+5 (Mac) or Ctrl+5 (Win) to show or hide the Overlays panel quickly.

image Enable the Identity Plate option in the Overlays panel.

Lightroom applies the Identity Plate that is currently displayed in the Module Picker.


image To edit the Identity Plate settings, click the Identity Plate preview in the Overlays panel and choose Edit from the drop-down list.

image In the Identity Plate Editor dialog box that appears, enable the Use a Styled Text Identity Plate option and enter some text in the field below.


image Highlight the preview text with the cursor. From the drop-down lists positioned below the text preview, choose a font, style, and point size.

image Click the color swatch icon to launch the system Color Picker and choose a different color for the Identity Plate text.

image Click OK to apply the Identity Plate as an image overlay.

image If necessary, enable the Override Color option and click the neighboring swatch icon to access the Color Picker, and choose a different color for the Identity Plate text.


image To adjust the opacity level of the Identity Plate, drag the Opacity slider in the Overlays panel.

image To adjust the size of the Identity Plate, drag the Scale slider in the Overlays panel.

image If you prefer, enable the Render Behind Image option in the Overlays panel to position the Identity Plate behind the image in the slideshow.

image If you’d like to apply a drop shadow to the Identity Plate, select it from the Content area and enable the Shadow option in the Overlays panel. To control the opacity of the shadow, adjust the Opacity slider, or enter a value in the percentage field. Drag the Offset slider to control the distance between the image and the shadow. Drag the Radius slider to control the hardness or softness of the shadow. To control the position of the shadow underneath the image, drag the Angle slider or the Angle wheel.



A completed styled text Identity Plate overlay.

Insert a graphical Identity Plate

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose Window > Panels > Overlays to display the Overlays panel.



Press Cmd+5 (Mac) or Ctrl+5 (Win) to show or hide the Overlays panel quickly.

image Enable the Identity Plate option in the Overlays panel.

Lightroom applies the Identity Plate that is currently displayed in the Module Picker.


image To edit the Identity Plate settings, click the Identity Plate preview in the Overlays panel and choose Edit from the drop-down list.

image In the Identity Plate Editor dialog box that appears, enable the Use a Graphical Identity Plate option.


image Click the Locate File button located under the preview area.

image In the Locate File dialog box that appears, browse to the file on your system and click Choose. You can also drag and drop or copy and paste the image into the preview area.


image Click OK to apply the Identity Plate.

image To adjust the opacity level of the Identity Plate, drag the Opacity slider in the Overlays panel.


image To adjust the size of the Identity Plate, drag the Scale slider in the Overlays panel.

image If you prefer, enable the Render Behind Image option in the Overlays panel to position the Identity Plate behind the image in the slideshow.

image If you’d like to apply a drop shadow to the Identity Plate, select it from the Content area and enable the Shadow option in the Overlays panel. To control the opacity of the shadow, adjust the Opacity slider, or enter a value in the percentage field. Drag the Offset slider to control the distance between the Identity Plate and the shadow. Drag the Radius slider to control the hardness or softness of the shadow. To control the position of the shadow underneath the Identity Plate, drag the Angle slider or the Angle wheel.



A completed graphical Identity Plate overlay.

Including a Star Rating

In addition to Identity Plates, you can also choose to display star ratings as image overlays in a slideshow. Lightroom enables you to choose a specific display color for the star rating using the Color Picker. You can also adjust the opacity and size of the star rating using the sliders available in the Rating Stars portion of the Overlays panel.

Insert star ratings as overlays

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose Window > Panels > Overlays to display the Overlays panel.



Press Cmd+5 (Mac) or Ctrl+5 (Win) to show or hide the Overlays panel quickly.

image Enable the Rating Stars option in the Overlays panel.

Lightroom displays the current star rating in the upper-left corner of the image.


image To change the color of the star rating, click the neighboring color swatch icon in the Rating Stars portion of the Overlays panel and select one using the Color Picker.


image To adjust the opacity level of the star rating overlay, drag the Opacity slider in the Rating Stars portion of the Overlays panel.


image To adjust the size of the star rating overlay, drag the Scale slider in the Rating Stars portion of the Overlays panel.


To resize the star rating manually, click to select it in the Content area, and then drag any corner or side bounding box node.

image To reposition the star rating overlay, click and drag it in the Content area. As you move the star rating around the screen, an anchor point automatically appears and snaps to the nearest Slide Editor side or corner point.


Click the anchor point to lock it into place. Doing so locks the star rating to the anchor point as you move or rotate the text.

image If you’d like to apply a drop shadow to the star rating overlay, select it from the Content area and enable the Shadow option in the Overlays panel. To control the opacity of the shadow, adjust the Opacity slider, or enter a value in the percentage field. Drag the Offset slider to control the distance between the rating and the shadow. Drag the Radius slider to control the hardness or softness of the shadow. To control the position of the shadow underneath the rating, drag the Angle slider or the Angle wheel.



A completed star rating overlay.

Adding a Custom Text Overlay

Lightroom also enables you to insert text as a slideshow overlay. You can choose a preset text overlay option, such as Date or Filename, from the drop-down list in the Toolbar, or else choose Custom Text and type in the text in the Toolbar field provided. The Text Overlays portion of the Overlays panel enables you to modify the opacity level and size of the text by adjusting the respective sliders.

Insert a custom text overlay

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose Window > Panels > Overlays to display the Overlays panel.



Press Cmd+5 (Mac) or Ctrl+5 (Win) to show or hide the Overlays panel quickly.

image If the Toolbar is not already visible, choose View > Show Toolbar.



Press T to show or hide the Toolbar quickly.

image Click the Add text to slide button in the Toolbar. Lightroom displays the Custom Text field in the Toolbar.


image Insert some text into the Custom Text field. When you finish typing, press Return (Mac) or Enter (Win).

Lightroom automatically enables the Text Overlays option in the Overlays panel.

image To reposition the text overlay, click and drag the text in the Content area. As you move the text around the screen, an anchor point automatically appears and snaps to the nearest Slide Editor side or corner point.



Click the anchor point to lock it into place. Doing so locks the text overlay to the anchor point as you move or rotate the text.

image To rotate the text overlay, click the Rotate adornment right (clockwise) or Rotate adornment left (counterclockwise) buttons in the Toolbar.


image To resize the text overlay, click and drag any corner or side bounding box node.


image To choose a different color for the text overlay, click the color swatch icon in the Text Overlay portion of the Overlays panel and select one using the Color Picker.


image To adjust the opacity level of the text overlay, drag the Opacity slider in the Text Overlay portion of the Overlays panel.


image To choose a different font for the text overlay, choose one from the Font menu, located in the Text Overlay portion of the Overlays panel.

image To choose a different font style for the text overlay, choose one from the Face menu, located in the Text Overlay portion of the Overlays panel.

image If you’d like to apply a drop shadow to the custom text overlay, select it from the Content area and enable the Shadow option in the Overlays panel. To control the opacity of the shadow, adjust the Opacity slider, or enter a value in the percentage field. Drag the Offset slider to control the distance between the text and the shadow. Drag the Radius slider to control the hardness or softness of the shadow. To control the position of the shadow underneath the text, drag the Angle slider or the Angle wheel.

Creating a Backdrop

The Backdrop panel enables you to modify the background appearance in your slideshow. The controls in the panel enable you to choose a different background color, as well as insert a gradient color wash. You can also insert a background image and adjust its opacity level. Note that you can combine these backdrop options or apply them independently of each other.

Insert a background color, image, and color wash

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose Window > Panels > Backdrop to display the Backdrop panel.



Press Cmd+4 (Mac) or Ctrl+4 (Win) to show or hide the Overlays panel quickly.

image Enable the Background Color option in the Backdrop panel.


image To choose a different color for the background, click the color swatch icon in the Background Color portion of the Backdrop panel and select one using the Color Picker.


image To add a background image, enable the Background Image option in the Backdrop panel.


image Drag a catalog image from the Filmstrip to the Background Image preview area in the Backdrop panel.

Lightroom adds the image to the backdrop.

image To adjust the opacity level of the background image, drag the Opacity slider in the Background Image portion of the Backdrop panel.


image To add a color wash, enable the Color Wash option in the Backdrop panel.

image To choose a different color for the color wash, click the color swatch icon in the Color Wash portion of the Backdrop panel and select one using the Color Picker.


image To adjust the opacity level of the color wash, drag the Opacity slider in the Color Wash portion of the Backdrop panel.

image To control the angle of the color wash gradient, drag the Angle slider or click and drag the Angle wheel.

Adding Intro and Ending Screens

The Titles panel enables you to apply a styled text or graphical Identity Plate as the intro and ending screens in your slideshow. As it is when inserting Identity Plate overlays, you can choose to apply the Main Identity Plate or create/insert a new one. Note that if you plan to include a lot of text in an intro or ending screen, you should set up the text ahead of time using a basic text editor application, such as TextEdit (Mac) or WordPad (Windows).

Insert a styled text Identity Plate as an intro or end screen

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose Window > Panels > Titles to display the Titles panel.



Press Cmd+5 (Mac) or Ctrl+5 (Win) to show or hide the Overlays panel quickly.

image Enable the Intro Screen and Ending Screen options in the Titles panel.


image To choose a different color for the intro or ending screen, click the color swatch icon in the Intro Screen or Ending Screen portion of the Titles panel and select one using the Color Picker.


image Enable the Identity Plate option in the Intro Screen or Ending Screen portion of the Titles panel.

Lightroom applies the Identity Plate that is currently displayed in the Module Picker.


image To edit the Identity Plate settings, click the Identity Plate preview in the Intro Screen or Ending Screen portion of the Titles panel and choose Edit from the drop-down list.

image In the Identity Plate Editor dialog box that appears, enable the Use a Styled Text Identity Plate option and enter some text in the field below.


image Highlight the preview text with the cursor. From the drop-down lists positioned below the text preview, choose a font, style, and point size.

image Click the color swatch icon to launch the system Color Picker and choose a different color for the Identity Plate text.

image Click OK to apply the Identity Plate as an intro or end screen.

image If necessary, enable the Override Color option and click the neighboring swatch icon to access the Color Picker and choose a different color for the Identity Plate text.


image To adjust the size of the Identity Plate, drag the Scale slider in the Intro Screen or Ending Screen portion of the Titles panel.

Insert a graphical Identity Plate as an intro or end screen

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose Window > Panels > Titles to display the Titles panel.



Press Cmd+5 (Mac) or Ctrl+5 (Win) to show or hide the Overlays panel quickly.

image Enable the Intro Screen and/or Ending Screen options in the Titles panel.


image To choose a different color for the intro or ending screen, click the color swatch icon in the Intro Screen or Ending Screen portion of the Titles panel and select one using the Color Picker.


image Enable the Identity Plate option in the Intro Screen or Ending Screen portion of the Titles panel.


Lightroom applies the Identity Plate that is currently displayed in the Module Picker.

image To edit the Identity Plate settings, click the Identity Plate preview in the Intro Screen or Ending Screen portion of the Titles panel and choose Edit from the drop-down list.

image In the Identity Plate Editor dialog box that appears, enable the Use a graphical Identity Plate option.


image Click the Locate File button located under the preview area.

image In the Locate File dialog box that appears, browse to the file on your system and click Choose. You can also drag and drop, or copy and paste the image into the preview area.


image Click OK to apply the Identity Plate as an intro or end screen.

image If necessary, enable the Override Color option and click the neighboring swatch icon to access the Color Picker and choose a different color for the Identity Plate text.


image To adjust the size of the Identity Plate, drag the Scale slider in the Intro Screen or Ending Screen portion of the Titles panel.

Specifying Slide Duration and Order

The Playback panel enables you to specify the length of time the photos display in the slideshow. It also enables you to specify the length of time to use for fade transitions during playback. You can also choose to display the slides in random order and automatically repeat the slideshow when finished. By enabling the Prepare Previews in Advance option, you can ensure that the slideshow is not interrupted waiting for image information to render on the display.

Choose preferred slideshow playback options

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose Window > Panels > Playback to display the Playback panel.



Press Cmd+6 (Mac) or Ctrl+6 (Win) to show or hide the Playback panel quickly.

image Enable the Slide Duration option in the Playback panel.


image Determine the amount of time each slide is displayed in the slideshow by adjusting the Slides slider in the Slide Duration portion of the Playback panel.

image Determine the amount of time each slide transition is displayed in the slideshow by adjusting the Fades slider in the Slide Duration portion of the Playback panel.

image If during each slide transition, you’d like to display a different background color, click the color swatch icon in the Slide Duration portion of the Playback panel and select one using the Color Picker.

image To shuffle the slideshow images randomly during playback, enable the Random Order option in the Playback panel.

image Enable the Repeat option to allow the slideshow to play continuously.

image Enable the Prepare Previews in Advance option to ensure that the slideshow is not interrupted waiting for image information to render on the display.

Adding Soundtrack Music

The Playback panel includes a Soundtrack option that allows you to play background music as you view a slideshow in Lightroom or in an exported video file. To use this feature, you must have music files saved in mp3, m4a, or m4b format accessible on your disk. If you do, then you can choose a single music file to apply as the soundtrack for your slideshow. Note that you cannot include soundtrack music when exporting slideshows in PDF format.

Add an mp3, m4a, or m4b file as soundtrack music

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose Window > Panels > Playback to display the Playback panel.



Press Cmd+6 (Mac) or Ctrl+6 (Win) to show or hide the Playback panel quickly.

image Enable the Soundtrack option in the Playback panel.


image Click the Select Music button in the Playback panel.

image Select an existing mp3, m4a, or m4b file from your disk.


image Click Choose.

Lightroom adds the music file as the soundtrack to your slideshow.

image Click the Fit to Music button in the Playback panel to automatically calculate the slide duration to fit the length of the soundtrack music.


Previewing the Slideshow

As you choose settings for your slideshow, you can preview them in the Slideshow module Content area. To do so, click the Play button in the Toolbar, or click the Preview button in the lower-right corner of the interface. You can also interact with the slideshow preview by clicking the navigation buttons in the Toolbar.

Display the slideshow in the Content area

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose View > Show Toolbar.


image Choose Play > Content > Use Selected Photos, or choose Selected Photos from the Use menu in the Toolbar.


image Click the Play button in the toolbar, or click the Preview button in the lower-right corner of the interface.


Press Option+Return (Mac) or Alt+Enter (Win) to apply the preview slideshow command quickly.


If the Prepare Previews in Advance option is enabled in the Playback panel, Lightroom pauses to prepare each preview before displaying the slideshow.

Lightroom displays the slideshow in the Content area.

image Click the left or right arrow buttons in the Toolbar, or the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard, to go to the previous or next slide.

image To pause the slideshow, choose Play > Pause Slideshow, or press the Spacebar.

image To stop the slideshow preview, choose Play > End Slideshow.


Press the Escape key to end the slideshow preview.

Playing the Slideshow

After all your slideshow settings have been entered, you can present the finished slideshow in full screen mode by choosing Play > Run Slideshow, or by clicking the Play button in the lower-right corner of the interface. Note that you can also display an impromptu slideshow from any Lightroom module by choosing Window > Impromptu Slideshow or by pressing Cmd+Return (Mac) or Ctrl+Enter (Win).

Display the slideshow in full-screen mode

image In the Slideshow module (with slideshow images already selected in the Filmstrip), choose Play > Content > Use Selected Photos, or choose Selected Photos from the Use menu in the Toolbar.


image Choose Play > Run Slideshow, or click the Play button in the lower-right corner of the interface.


Press Return (Mac) or Enter (Win) to apply the Run Slideshow command quickly.

Lightroom displays the slideshow in full-screen mode.

image Click the left or right arrow keys to go to the previous or next slide.


To pause the slideshow, press the Spacebar. Press the Spacebar again to resume the slideshow. To stop the slideshow, press the Escape key or click the mouse.


Lightroom displays the slideshow in full-screen mode.

Saving a Slideshow Template

Lightroom enables you to save your favorite slideshow settings as templates. Doing so enables you to reinstate your most commonly used settings with a simple click of a button. You can save templates in the User Templates folder or create new folders within the Template Browser panel. In addition, the Template Browser panel also contains a Lightroom Templates folder that contains all the templates that ship with Lightroom.

Save commonly used slideshow settings as templates

image With a slideshow already set up in the Slideshow module, choose Window > Panels > Template Browser to display the Template Browser panel.



Press Control+Cmd+1 (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+1 (Win) to show or hide the Template Browser panel quickly.

image Choose Slideshow > New Template, or click the Create New Preset button (the + symbol) in the upper-right corner of the Template Browser panel.



Press Cmd+N (Mac) or Ctrl+N (Win) to apply the New Template command.

image In the New Template dialog box that appears, enter a name in the Template Name field.


image Choose a folder to save the template in from the Folder drop-down list. The default is User Templates.

image Click Create.

Lightroom adds the new template to the Template Browser list.

Exporting a Slideshow

In addition to presenting slideshows in Lightroom, you can also export slideshows in mp4 video format, PDF format, or as individual JPEG slides to be used in other applications, such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote. Note that Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader application uses fixed transition durations when displaying PDF slideshows and also does not playback soundtrack music. Slideshows exported in mp4 video format are compatible with Adobe Media Player, Apple Quicktime, and Windows Media Player 12.

Export a PDF slideshow

image With a slideshow already set up in the Slideshow module, choose Slideshow > Export PDF Slideshow, or cllick the Export PDF button in the lower-left corner of the module.



Press Cmd+J (Mac) or Ctrl+J (Win) to apply the Export PDF Slideshow command quickly.

image In the Export Slideshow to PDF dialog box that appears, enter a name in the Save As field.


image Choose a disk location where you’d like to save the PDF slideshow.

image Determine the quality of the PDF slideshow by adjusting the Quality slider, or by manually entering the value in the field provided.

image Choose the preferred slideshow dimensions from the Common Sizes drop-down list, or enter specific pixel values in the Width and Height fields provided.


If you’d like the slideshow to display in full-screen mode as soon as you open it in Acrobat, then enable the Automatically Show Full Screen option in the Export Slideshow to PDF dialog box.

image Click Export.

Export a JPEG slideshow

image With a slideshow already set up in the Slideshow module, choose Slideshow > Export JPEG Slideshow.



Press Cmd+Shift+J (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+J (Win) to apply the Export JPEG Slideshow command quickly.

image In the Export Slideshow to JPEGs dialog box that appears, enter a name in the Save As field.


image Choose a disk location to which you’d like to save the JPEGs.

image Determine the quality of the JPEGs by adjusting the Quality slider.

image Choose the preferred JPEG dimensions from the Common Sizes drop-down list, or enter specific pixel values in the Width and Height fields provided.

image Click Export.

Export a video slideshow

image With a slideshow already set up in the Slideshow module, choose Slideshow > Export Video Slideshow.



Press Cmd+Option+J (Mac) or Ctrl+Alt+J (Win) to apply the Export Video Slideshow command quickly.

image In the Export Slideshow to Video dialog box that appears, enter a name in the Save As field.


image Choose a disk location to which you’d like to save the mp4 video.

image Determine the quality of the video by choosing a size option from the Video Preset list. Refer to the guidelines displayed below the list for player compatibility.

image Click Export.

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