Lesson 14: Implementing the Checkout Process

What You Will Learn

In this lesson, you will:

• Use states as the basis for implementing navigation

• Learn about two-way binding

• Work with the Form class

Approximate Time

This lesson takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete.

Imperative to any application is a navigation system. Users should be able to move easily around in an application and locate the functionality they need. Some navigation will be completely at the user’s discretion, such as clicking a button to move to the home page or the checkout process. Other navigation can be tightly controlled by the developer—for example, a checkout process in which users cannot proceed to the next screen until certain conditions are met on an existing screen.


The checkout process will be controlled by states.

Introducing Navigation with States

In Lesson 3, “Laying Out the Interface,” you learned how you can use states to change the appearance of a component at runtime. In this lesson, you’ll take the same states idea, but instead of just changing the appearance, you’ll change which of several components are shown to the user, so that they can see only one child at a time. To implement this, you’ll use a container with a basic layout (so the children can all be positioned at the 0, 0 point), and use the includeIn property, so only one of the children is available in each state.

Introducing Two-Way Bindings

In Lesson 8, “Using Data Binding and Collections,” you learned about data binding, which updates the view components when data changes. Flex 4 introduces a second type of data binding called two-way binding. Two-way binding is most effective when combined with user input forms.

In this type of data binding, view components are updated when data changes; however, the data is also updated when the component changes. You can think of regular data binding as moving in one direction: When the data changes, the view changes. You can think of two-way binding as bidirectional: If either changes, the other updates.

In practice, two-way binding is extremely easy to use. There is simply a syntax difference when declaring a control as bound to data.

To bind a TextInput to a piece of data using traditional data binding, your code would look like this:

<s:TextInput text="{someData}"/>

To use two-way binding, you simply prepend the expression with the @ symbol:

<s:TextInput text="@{someData}"/>

Two-way binding does have one limitation at this time: The types of both the source and destination must be the same. With traditional data binding, you can bind a variable declared as a Number to the text input of a Label, even though that Label is expecting a String instance. Traditional data binding will attempt to convert the Number to a String on your behalf. Two-way data binding cannot work unless both the source and destination are the same.

Creating the OrderInfo valueObject

Throughout this chapter, you’ll be building the checkout process for the FlexGrocer application. In this process, users will be presented with a series of components to allow them to enter various types of information (shipping info, billing info) and a confirmation screen. The information users enter will be stored in a value object. Using two-way data binding, the value object can be populated automatically as the user fills out the form. The first step in this process is to create the OrderInfo object.

  1. Open the FlexGrocer.mxml file that you created in the previous lesson.

    Alternatively, if you didn’t complete the previous lesson or your code is not functioning properly, you can import the FlexGrocer.fxp project from the Lesson14/start folder. Please refer to the appendix for complete instructions on importing a project should you skip a lesson or if you have a code issue you cannot resolve.

  2. In the declarations section, create an instance of the ShoppingCart class, and give it an id of shoppingCart.

    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
      <services:CategoryService id="categoryService"/>
      <services:ProductService id="productService"/>
      <cart:ShoppingCart id="shoppingCart"/>

    You’ll need access to the same shopping cart from both the shopping and checkout experience, so you’ll create it here in the main application, and pass it into the places where it is used.

  3. Find the place where the ShoppingView is instantiated; populate its shoppingCart property with a binding to the shoppingCart instance you created in the previous step.

    <views:ShoppingView id="bodyGroup"
      width="100%" height="100%"
      shoppingCart="{shoppingCart}" />

  4. Open ShoppingView.mxml. Find the property declaration for the public shoppingCart property. Remove the equal sign and everything after it, so the property is declared, but not instantiated:

    public var shoppingCart:ShoppingCart;

    Since the cart is now passed in from the main application, you no longer want to create it here.

  5. Right-click on the valueObjects package, and choose New ActionScript Class. Leave the package as valueObjects, and name the class OrderInfo. Leave the other elements with the default values, and click Finish.
  6. Decorate the class with the Bindable metadata.

    package valueObjects {
      public class OrderInfo {
        public function OrderInfo() {

  7. Before the constructor, define public properties for billingName, billingAddress, billingCity, billingState, billingZip, cardType, cardNumber, cardExpirationMonth, and cardExpirationYear. Define all nine of these properties to use a String as a data type.

    package valueObjects {
      public class OrderInfo {
        public var billingName:String;
        public var billingAddress:String;
        public var billingCity:String;
        public var billingState:String;
        public var billingZip:String;
        public var cardType:String;
        public var cardNumber:String;
        public var cardExpirationMonth:String;
        public var cardExpirationYear:String;

        public function OrderInfo() {

  8. Save and close the OrderInfo.

    This completes the OrderInfo class. In the next exercise, you’ll create the CheckoutView component, which will use an instance of this class.

Creating CheckoutView

Next, you’ll create the CheckoutView component, which contains the views a user will experience in the checkout process.

  1. Right-click the views package and create a new MXML Component. Leave the Package set as views, give the component a Name of CheckoutView, set the Layout to be spark.layouts.BasicLayout, leave the Based on value as spark.components.Group, and remove the values from the Width and Height fields.


  2. After the end of the layout block, create a states block to hold the states. You’ll use the <s:states> tag (with a lower case s in states), as you are addressing the states property of this new component.



  3. Add three <s:State> (capital S) instances to define the states for the component. The first should have a name of customerInfo, the second billingInfo, and the third review.

      <s:State name="customerInfo"/>
      <s:State name="billingInfo"/>
      <s:State name="review"/>

    Here you are defining the three states of this component, which will show the individual views of the Checkout process.

  4. In the Declarations block, create an instance of the valueObject of OrderInfo. Give the instance an id of orderInfo.

      <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
      <valueObjects:OrderInfo id="orderInfo"/>

    You now have an instance of the OrderInfo class that can be populated by the views to which it is passed. Next you’ll add a few methods to ease the process of navigating between the views.

  5. Create a Script block, and a private variable named currentView, data typed as an int, with a default value of 0.

        private var currentView:int=0;

    This will be used to keep track of which views users are on, so when they click a next button, you know what view to show them next.

  6. Create a private method named setViewByIndex, which accepts an integer as a parameter and returns void. In the method, create a switch statement that will set the currentState to customerInfo if the value 1 is passed, billingInfo if a 2 is passed, and review if 3 is passed in.

    private function setViewByIndex(index:int):void{
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:

  7. Create a private method called handleProceed that accepts an event as an argument, and returns void. In this method, increment the value of currentView, and then pass currentView to the setViewByIndex method.

    private function handleProceed( event:Event ):void {

    Now, whenever a proceed event is heard, the currentState will be changed to the next state in the order. Next, you’ll create the CustomerInfo view, and set it to be shown in the proper state.

  8. Right-click the views package and choose new MXML Component. Set the Package to be views.checkout, set the Name to be CustomerInfo, set the Layout to spark.layouts.VerticalLayout, and leave the Based on as spark.components.Group. Remove the Width and Height values. Click Finish.


  9. Add a Label after the closing Declaration tag. Set the text of the Label to be Checkout Page 1 of 3.
  10. Add a Script block after the declarations but before the Label. Declare a public bindable property named orderInfo data typed as valueObject of the OrderInfo.

      <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        import valueObjects.OrderInfo;
        public var orderInfo:OrderInfo;
    <s:Label text="Checkout Page 1 of 3"/>

  11. Open Checkout.mxml from the default package. Copy the entire form from the component. Switch back to CustomerInfo.mxml, and paste the form after the Label tag. Remove the x and y values from the <s:Form> tag.

    <s:Label text="Checkout Page 1 of 3"/>
    <s:Form >
      <s:FormHeading label="Customer Information"/>
      <s:FormItem label="Customer Name">
      <s:FormItem label="Address">
      <s:FormItem label="City">
      <s:FormItem label="State">
      <s:FormItem label="Zip">
        <s:Button label="Continue"/>

  12. Find the TextInput, which is a child of the first form item (which has a label Customer Name). Set the text property of this TextInput to be a two-way binding to the billingName property of the orderInfo object.

    <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.billingName}"/>

    As discussed earlier in the lesson, this syntax will create a two-way binding, so the control will initially be populated with the value of the billingName property of the orderInfo object, and if the user makes a change, the change will be stored automatically back in the orderInfo object.

  13. Add similar two-way bindings for the text inputs in the Address, City, State, and Zip FormItems. The values you’ll bind to are billingAddress, billingCity, billingState, and billingZip.

    <s:Form >
      <s:FormHeading label="Customer Information"/>
      <s:FormItem label="Customer Name">
        <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.billingName}"/>
      <s:FormItem label="Address">
        <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.billingAddress}"/>
      <s:FormItem label="City">
        <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.billingCity}"/>
      <s:FormItem label="State">
        <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.billingState}"/>
      <s:FormItem label="Zip">
        <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.billingZip}"/>
        <s:Button label="Continue"/>

    Now your whole form is set to be bound to the billing properties of orderInfo.

  14. Add a click hander on the Continue button, which calls the handleProceed method and passes the event as an argument. With your cursor after the closing parentheses, which are after the word event, press Ctrl-1 and choose Generate event handler.


  15. In the newly created event handler, dispatch an event with the type proceed.

    protected function handleProceed(event:MouseEvent):void{
      dispatchEvent( new Event( "proceed" ) );

  16. As a final step for this component, add metadata indicating that this class is capable of broadcasting an event with the name proceed and a type of flash.events.Event.

      [Event(name="proceed", type="flash.events.Event")]

  17. Save your file.

    This completes the CustomerInfo component. The complete source for this component should appear like the following code.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        [Event(name="proceed", type="flash.events.Event")]
          import valueObjects.OrderInfo;
          public var orderInfo:OrderInfo;

          protected function handleProceed(event:MouseEvent):void{
            dispatchEvent( new Event( "proceed" ) );

      <s:Label text="Checkout Page 1 of 3"/>
      <s:Form >
        <s:FormHeading label="Customer Information"/>
        <s:FormItem label="Customer Name">
          <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.billingName}"/>
        <s:FormItem label="Address">
          <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.billingAddress}"/>
        <s:FormItem label="City">
          <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.billingCity}"/>
        <s:FormItem label="State">
          <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.billingState}"/>
        <s:FormItem label="Zip">
          <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.billingZip}"/>
          <s:Button label="Continue" click="handleProceed(event)"/>

    Next, you’ll instantiate this component in the CheckoutView component.

  18. Open CheckoutView.mxml. After the closing Declarations tag, add an instance of the CustomerInfo component. Assign a width and height of 100%, bind the orderInfo object to the orderInfo property of the component, listen for the proceed event, and call the handleProceed method you wrote in a previous exercise. Lastly, set this component to be shown only in the customerInfo state, by using the includeIn attribute. The final code for CheckoutView should read like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
          xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" width="400" height="300" xmln
    s:valueObjects="valueObjects.*" xmlns:checkout="views.checkout.*">
        <s:State name="customerInfo"/>
        <s:State name="billingInfo"/>
        <s:State name="review"/>
          private var currentView:int=0;
          private function setViewByIndex(index:int):void{
              case 0:
              case 1:
              case 2:
          private function handleProceed( event:Event ):void {
         <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
         <valueObjects:OrderInfo id="orderInfo"/>
      <checkout:CustomerInfo width="100%" height="100%"
         proceed="handleProceed( event )"

  19. Save your file. CheckoutView is now equipped to work with your new component. The next step is to instantiate CheckoutView in the main application.
  20. Open FlexGrocer.mxml. After the closing declarations tag, add two states: one called shopping and the other called checkout.

      <s:State name="shopping"/>
      <s:State name="checkout"/>

  21. Just after the bodyGroup instance of the ShoppingView component, create an instance of your CheckoutView component. Set the width and height to 100%. Set the includeIn attribute to only show this component in the checkout state. Set the includeIn for the ShoppingView to be shopping.

    <views:ShoppingView id="bodyGroup"
      width="100%" height="100%"
    <views:CheckoutView width="100%" height="100%"

  22. Create a new method called startCheckout that accepts a MouseEvent as a parameter and returns void. The body of the function should set the currentState to checkout. Call this function from the click handler of btnCheckout.

    protected function startCheckout(event:MouseEvent):void{
    <s:Button id="btnCheckout" y="10" right="10" label="Checkout"

  23. Save and run the application. Now, if you click the Checkout button, the application will change states to show the CustomerInfo component.


Now your shopping application allows the user to add products to the shopping cart and to move to the checkout process.

Creating CreditCardInfo

The next step is to add a second page to the checkout process, which will allow the user to enter their billing info.

  1. Right-click the checkout package, and choose new MXML Component. Leave the Package as views.checkout, assign a name of CreditCardInfo, set the Layout to spark.layouts.VerticalLayout, and leave the Based on as spark.components.Group. Remove the Width and Height values. Click Finish.
  2. Copy the Metadata and Script block from the CustomerInfo component, and paste them in the CreditCardInfo component, after the Declarations block.

      [Event(name="proceed", type="flash.events.Event")]
        import valueObjects.OrderInfo;
        public var orderInfo:OrderInfo;

        protected function handleProceed(event:MouseEvent):void{
          dispatchEvent( new Event( "proceed" ) );


    Both components will use the orderInfo object, and both will broadcast a proceed event to indicate the user has finished with this page.

  3. After the closing Script tag, add a label with its text property set to “Checkout Page 2 of 3”.

    <s:Label text="Checkout Page 2 of 3"/>

  4. Add a Form tag after the label. Add a FormHeading that reads “Billing Information”. Add four form items. Their labels should be Credit Card Type, Card Number, and Expiration. The final FormItem should have no label.

    <s:Label text="Checkout Page 2 of 3"/>
      <s:FormHeading label="Billing Information"/>
      <s:FormItem label="Credit Card Type">
      <s:FormItem label="Card Number">
      <s:FormItem label="Expiration">

  5. In the first FormItem, create a DropDownList. Use two-way binding to bind the selectedItem property to the orderInfo’s cardType property. Set the requireSelection property to true. Add a child tag to the DropDownList to address the dataProvider property. Inside the dataProvider, create an ArrayList that contains these five strings: American Express, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, and Visa.

    <s:FormItem label="Credit Card Type">
      <s:DropDownList selectedItem="@{orderInfo.cardType}"
            <fx:String>American Express</fx:String>
            <fx:String>Diners Club</fx:String>

  6. In the second FormItem (the one with the Card Number label), create a TextInput whose text property has a two-way binding to the cardNumber property of orderInfo:

    <s:FormItem label="Card Number">
      <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.cardNumber}"/>

  7. The third FormItem will have two DropDownLists: one to display months, and one to display years. To allow these to be horizontally next to each other, first add a HorizontalLayout to the FormItem.

    <s:FormItem label="Expiration">

  8. Next, add the months DropDownList. Use two-way binding to bind the selectedItem property to the cardExpirationMonth property of orderInfo. Set requireSelection to true. For a dataProvider, create an array list that contains strings for the names of the twelve months.

    <s:DropDownList selectedItem="@{orderInfo.cardExpirationMonth}"

  9. Still in the Expiration FormItem, add a second DropDownList. Use two-way binding to bind the selectedItem property to the cardExpirationYear property of orderInfo. Set requireSelection to true. For a dataProvider, create an array list that contains strings with the years 2011 through 2016.

    <s:DropDownList selectedItem="@{orderInfo.cardExpirationYear}"

  10. In the final FormItem, add a button with the label Proceed, and a clickHandler that calls the handleProceed method and passes the event as an argument. The full CreditCardInfo component should read like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        [Event(name="proceed", type="flash.events.Event")]
          import valueObjects.OrderInfo;
          public var orderInfo:OrderInfo;
          protected function handleProceed(event:MouseEvent):void{
            dispatchEvent( new Event( "proceed" ) );
      <s:Label text="Checkout Page 2 of 3"/>
        <s:FormHeading label="Billing Information"/>
        <s:FormItem label="Credit Card Type">
          <s:DropDownList selectedItem="@{orderInfo.cardType}"
                <fx:String>American Express</fx:String>
                <fx:String>Diners Club</fx:String>
        <s:FormItem label="Card Number">
          <s:TextInput text="@{orderInfo.cardNumber}"/>
        <s:FormItem label="Expiration">
          <s:DropDownList selectedItem=
            "@{orderInfo.cardExpirationMonth}" requireSelection="true">
          <s:DropDownList selectedItem="@{orderInfo.cardExpirationYear}"
          <s:Button label="Proceed" click="handleProceed( event )"/>

  11. Save CreditCardInfo. Open CheckoutView and add an instance of CreditCardInfo after the instance of CustomerInfo. Set the width and height to be 100%. Bind the orderInfo property to the orderInfo instance. Add an event listener for the proceed event that calls the handleProceed method, and passes the event object. Set the includeIn to be billingInfo.

    <checkout:CreditCardInfo width="100%" height="100%"
       proceed="handleProceed( event )"


  12. Save the files, then open and run FlexGrocer. Now when you click checkout, you should be able to navigate from Page 1 to Page 2 of the checkout process.

Creating Review

There is just one page left to create for the checkout process: the page that will let the user see their information and choose to either complete the order or go back and make changes.

  1. Right-click the checkout package, and choose new MXML Component. Leave the Package to be views.checkout, assign a name of Review, set the Layout to spark.layouts. VerticalLayout, and leave the Based on as spark.components.Group. Remove the Width and Height values. Click Finish.
  2. Add a Script block with a public bindable property called orderInfo of type OrderInfo

        import valueObjects.OrderInfo;
        public var orderInfo:OrderInfo;

  3. After the Script block, create a label with the text “Checkout Page 3 of 3”.

    <s:Label text="Checkout Page 3 of 3"/>

  4. Below the label, add an HGroup with a width of 100% and a height of 90%

    <s:Label text="Checkout Page 3 of 3"/>
    <s:HGroup width="100%" height="90%">


    This HGroup will show the customer and billing information on the left and the shopping cart on the right.

  5. As a first child of the HGroup, add a Form that contains a FormHeading with a label Review and Checkout. The form should also contain four FormItems, with the labels Name, Address, and Card Type. The fourth FormItem should have no label.

    <s:HGroup width="100%" height="90%">
        <s:FormHeading label="Review and Checkout"/>
        <s:FormItem label="Name">
        <s:FormItem label="Address">
        <s:FormItem label="Card Type">

  6. In the first FormItem, add a Label, whose text is bound to the billingName property of the orderInfo object.

    <s:FormItem label="Name">
      <s:Label text="{orderInfo.billingName}"/>

    You don’t need a two-way binding here, because the user is not able to edit the object.

  7. In the second FormItem, add two labels. The first should be bound to orderInfo.billingAddress. The second will concatenate orderInfo.billingCity with a comma, space, orderInfo.billingState, space, and then orderInfo.billingZip.

    <s:FormItem label="Address">
      <s:Label text="{orderInfo.billingAddress}"/>
      <s:Label text="{orderInfo.billingCity}, {orderInfo.billingState}

  8. The third FormItem will have a label, whose text is showing the orderInfo.cardType.

    <s:FormItem label="Card Type">
      <s:Label text="{orderInfo.cardType}"/>

  9. The final FormItem will have two buttons. The first should have a label of “Complete Order”, and the second label should read “Edit Information”. Add click handlers for both to call methods you’ll write shortly called handleComplete and handleEdit.

      <s:Button label="Complete Order" click="handleComplete( event )"/>
      <s:Button label="Edit Information" click="handleEdit( event )"/>

    If you prefer, you can use quick assist (Ctrl+1) to create these methods for you, as you have done in previous exercises.

    Next, you’ll add an instance of CartGrid to show the user the items in their shopping cart. But first you’ll need to have a shopping cart property that will contain the data for their cart.

  10. In the Script block, just below the orderInfo property, create a bindable public property named shoppingCart of type ShoppingCart.

    import cart.ShoppingCart;
    import valueObjects.OrderInfo;

    public var orderInfo:OrderInfo;

    public var shoppingCart:ShoppingCart;

    Don’t forget to ensure that cart.ShoppingCart is imported.

  11. After the closing Form tag, add a VGroup with a width and height of 100%. Inside the VGroup, add an instance of your CartGrid component. Assign the CartGrid a width and height of 100%, and bind the shoppingCart property of the grid to the shoppingCart property of the Review class.

    <s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%">
      <components:CartGrid width="100%" height="100%"

  12. Listen for a removeProduct event from the cartGrid. Add an event handler that calls a function named removeProductHandler and pass it the event object as an argument. Use quick assist to generate the function for you.

    <s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%">
      <components:CartGrid width="100%" height="100%"

  13. In the Script block, find the newly generated method. In the method, create a new instance of the ShoppingCartItem class, passing the event.product to its constructor. Then call the removeItem method of the shoppingCart and pass it your newly created ShoppingCartItem.

    protected function removeProductHandler(event:ProductEvent):void
      var sci:ShoppingCartItem = new ShoppingCartItem( event.product );
      shoppingCart.removeItem( sci );

    Be sure you add an import for the ShoppingCartItem class.

  14. After the CartGrid, add a Label, whose text shows “Total:” followed by a binding to the shoppingCart.total property.

    <s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%">
      <components:CartGrid width="100%" height="100%"
      <s:Label text="Total: {shoppingCart.total}"/>

  15. In the Script block, find the handleComplete method. Create and dispatch a new Event with the type completeOrder.

    protected function handleComplete(event:MouseEvent):void
      dispatchEvent( new Event( 'completeOrder' ) );

  16. In the Script block, find the handleEdit method. Create and dispatch a new Event with the type editInformation.

    protected function handleEdit(event:MouseEvent):void
      dispatchEvent( new Event( 'editInformation' ) );

  17. Create a Metadata block that defines the completeOrder and editInformation events.

      [Event(name="editInformation", type="flash.events.Event")]
      [Event(name="completeOrder", type="flash.events.Event")]

  18. Save and close Review.mxml. This completes the Review component. Next you need to add it to the CheckoutView, and handle its events.
  19. Open CheckoutView.mxml. In the Script block, add a public bindable property called shoppingCart of type ShoppingCart.

    public var shoppingCart:ShoppingCart;

  20. Create an instance of the Review component below the CreditCardInfo component. Set the width and height to be 100%. Bind the orderInfo attribute to the orderInfo valueObject. Bind the shoppingCart attribute to the shoppingCart valueObject. Add event handlers for the editInformation and completeOrder events, and use quick assist to create those methods. Lastly, set the includeIn attribute to be review.

    <checkout:Review width="100%" height="100%"
       editInformation="handleEdit( event )"
       completeOrder="handleComplete( event )"

  21. In the Script block, find the handleEdit method. In the body of the method, set the currentView to 0, and call setViewByIndex, passing in the currentView.

    protected function handleEdit(event:Event):void

    Earlier, you built the currentView and setViewByIndex to allow for easily switching between states. By telling the CheckoutView component to go to view 0, you are sending them back to the CustomerInfo screen.

  22. Open FlexGrocer.mxml. Find the instantiation of the CheckoutView. Bind the shoppingCart property to shoppingCart.

    <views:CheckoutView width="100%" height="100%"


Completing the Order

The checkout process is almost complete. You still need an OrderEvent object to pass the OrderInfo back to the main application. You’ll create that in this next exercise. For now, if you save the files and run the application, you’ll see that you can add items to the cart, enter your information, step through to the confirmation page, and go back to edit the information.

  1. Right-click the events package and choose new ActionScript Class. Leave the Package as events, set the Name to be OrderEvent, and add flash.events.Event as the Superclass. Click Finish.
  2. In your new class, add a public property named order of type OrderInfo.

    public var order:OrderInfo;

    Be sure to import the valueObjects.OrderInfo class.

  3. Modify the constructor, so that an order object, of type OrderInfo, is passed as the second argument, between the type and bubbles parameters. In the body of the method, set this.order equal to the order parameter, just after the call to the super class.

    public function OrderEvent(type:String, order:OrderInfo, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false)
      super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
      this.order = order;

  4. Override the clone method, so it returns a new instance of the OrderEvent. Your completed class should look like this:

    package events
      import flash.events.Event;

      import valueObjects.OrderInfo;

      public class OrderEvent extends Event
        public var order:OrderInfo;
        public function OrderEvent(type:String, order:OrderInfo, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false)
          super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
          this.order = order;
        public override function clone():Event{
          return new OrderEvent(type, order, bubbles, cancelable);

  5. Save and close the OrderEvent class.
  6. Open CheckoutView.mxml. Find the handleComplete method. In this method, create and dispatch an OrderEvent, with the type set to placeOrder, and using the orderInfo object to populate its order property.

    protected function handleComplete(event:Event):void
      dispatchEvent( new OrderEvent( 'placeOrder', orderInfo ) );


    Remember that you’ll need to import the OrderEvent class.

  7. Still in the handleComplete method, reset the checkout process by setting the currentView to 0 and passing currentView to setViewByIndex. The final step of the method is to clear out the orderInfo property by setting it equal to a new OrderInfo() instance:

    protected function handleComplete(event:Event):void
      dispatchEvent( new OrderEvent( 'placeOrder', orderInfo ) );


      orderInfo = new OrderInfo();

  8. Add a Metadata tag block and declare the placeOrder event.


  9. Save CheckoutView, and open FlexGrocer. Find the instantiation of the CheckoutView, and add an event handler for the placeOrder event, which will call a method named handlePlaceOrder and pass along the event object. Use the quick assist feature to have Flash Builder build this method for you.
  10. Find the newly created handlePlaceOrder method. Inside the method, reset the shopping cart (by instantiating a new ShoppingCart in its place) and set the currentState to shopping:

    protected function handlePlaceOrder(event:OrderEvent):void
      shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();


  11. Find the button with the Flex Grocer label, and add a click handler, which calls a method named returnToShopping. Pass an event object to the method. Use code assist to create this method.
  12. In the newly created returnToShopping method, set the currentState to shopping:

    protected function returnToShopping( event:MouseEvent ):void

  13. Save and run the application.

    The only remaining problem is that users can start the checkout process even if they have no items in their cart. Although this isn’t really a problem, it can lead to user confusion. In the final step, you’ll dynamically enable/disable the checkout button, based on the contents of the cart.

  14. Back in FlexGrocer.mxml, find the btnCheckout button and use a binding expression to enable the button only if the cart’s total isn’t $0:

    <s:Button id="btnCheckout" y="10" right="10" label="Checkout" click="startCheckout(event)" enabled="{shoppingCart.total != 0}"/>

  15. Save and run the application. This time it should be clearer to users that the checkout button is disabled until after they have added an item to the cart.

What You Have Learned

In this lesson, you have:

• Created a navigation structure to the application using states (pages 337345)

• Used two-way binding to ease the process of sharing and editing data (pages 334–336)

• Implemented a full checkout process (pages 346–358)

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