5.4. Electromagnetic moving-coil microphone (dynamic microphone)

General features

The moving-coil electromagnetic microphone is a medium-priced instrument of high sensitivity. It is principally used in broadcast work and in applications where long cables are required or where rapid fluctuations or extremes in temperature and humidity are expected.
The best designed moving-coil microphones have open-circuit voltage responses to sounds of random incidence that are within 5   dB of the average response over the frequency range between 40 and 16,000   Hz. Sound pressures as low as 16   dB SPL and as high as 140   dB SPL re 20   μPa can be measured. Changes of response with temperature, pressure, and humidity are believed to be, in the better instruments, of the order of 3–5   dB maximum below 1000   Hz for the temperature range of 10–100°F, pressure range of 0.65–0.78   m   Hg, and humidity range of 0%–90% relative humidity.
The electrical impedance is that of a coil of wire. Below 1000   Hz, the resistive component predominates over the reactive component. Most moving-coil microphones have a nominal electrical impedance of about 300   Ω. The mechanical impedance is not high enough to permit use in a closed cavity without seriously changing the sound pressure therein.
To connect a dynamic microphone to an amplifier, a stepping-up transformer is required, which is usually contained within the microphone housing.


The electromagnetic moving-coil microphone consists of a diaphragm that has fastened to it a coil of wire situated in a magnetic field (see Fig. 5.9a). In addition, there are acoustical circuits behind and in front of the diaphragm to extend the response of the microphone over a greater frequency range. A cutaway view of a widely used type of moving-coil microphone is shown in Fig. 5.9b and a cross-sectional sketch is shown in Fig. 5.10.

Electro-mechano-acoustical relations

The sound passes through the dust screen and arrives at an array of sound holes in front of the diaphragm, which form a small acoustic mass and a small acoustic resistance, although most of the acoustic resistance is provided by the dust screen. The holes are so small that their radiation impedance, operating as a loudspeaker, is essentially reactive over the whole frequency range (see Fig. 4.39). The front cavity between the holes and diaphragm is a small acoustic compliance. Hence, the total acoustical circuit in front of the diaphragm is that of Fig. 5.11. The pressure p˜B image is that which the sound wave would produce at the face of the grid if the holes of the grid were closed off. U˜H image is the volume velocity of the air that moves through the holes. U˜D image is the volume velocity of the diaphragm and is equal to the effective linear velocity u˜D image of the diaphragm times its effective area S D . The radiation mass looking outward from the grid openings is M AA . The acoustic mass and resistance of the holes and dust screen are M AH and R AH . The compliance of the air space in front of the diaphragm is C AF . At all frequencies, except the very highest, the effect of the protective screen can be neglected.
image image
Figure 5.9 (a) Diagrammatic representation of the essential elements of a moving-coil (dynamic) microphone. (b) Cutaway view of a commercially available moving-coil microphone type D230. In this varimotion design, the thickness of the diaphragm varies radially to provide higher compliance in the suspension and greater stiffness at the center, which moves the dome break-up modes out of the operating frequency range. 
(a) From Beranek, Acoustic Measurements, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1949. (b) Courtesy of AKG.
Figure 5.10 Cross-section of a commercially available moving-coil microphone type D230. 
Courtesy of AKG.
Figure 5.11 Acoustical circuit for the elements in front of the diaphragm of the microphone of Fig. 5.9 (acoustic-impedance analogy).
Behind the diaphragm the acoustical circuit is more complicated. First there is an air gap between the diaphragm and the magnet that forms an acoustic compliance and resistance (see Fig. 5.9b). This air gap connects with a large back cavity that is also an acoustic compliance. In the connecting passages, there are screens that serve as acoustic resistances. Also, the interconnecting passages form an acoustic mass. The large air cavity connects to the outside of the microphone through a narrow pressure-equalizing tube, which prevents static displacements of the diaphragm due to variations in atmospheric pressure. It also attenuates the output of the microphone at the very lowest frequencies because the sound arriving at the rear of the diaphragm via the tube cancels that at the front. However, for simplicity, we shall ignore this tube during our analysis because its effect is only evident well below the working frequency range of the microphone, although in some designs it is tuned to resonate with the back cavity and thus boost the low-frequency output rather like a bass-reflex port in a loudspeaker, a topic which is covered in more detail in Chapter 7.
The complete acoustical circuit behind the diaphragm is given in Fig. 5.12. The acoustic compliance and resistance directly behind the diaphragm are C AG and R AG respectively, the acoustic resistances of the screens are R AS , the acoustic mass of the interconnecting passage is M AS , and the acoustic compliance of the large back cavity is C AB .
The electromechanical circuit (mechanical-admittance analogy) for the diaphragm and voice coil is given in Fig. 5.13. The force exerted on the diaphragm is f˜D image , and its resulting velocity is u˜D image . Here, M MD is the mass of diaphragm and voice coil; C MS is the compliance of the suspension; L is the inductance of voice coil; and R E is the electric resistance of the voice coil. Z EL is the electric impedance of the electric load to which the microphone is connected. The quantity e˜0=Blu˜D image is the open-circuit voltage produced by the microphone. There will also be some mechanical resistance due to the suspension, but this is generally very small compared with the acoustic resistance R AS so we will ignore it.
To combine Figs. 5.115.13, the dual of Fig. 5.13 must first be taken; it is shown in Fig. 5.14. Now, to join Figs. 5.11, 5.12, and Fig. 5.14, all forces in Fig. 5.14 must be divided by the area of the diaphragm S D and all velocities multiplied by S D . This can be done by inserting an area transformer into the circuit. Recognizing that U˜D image must be the same for all three component circuits, we get the circuit of Fig. 5.15 for the moving-coil microphone.
Figure 5.12 Acoustical circuit for the elements behind the diaphragm of the microphone of Fig. 5.9 (acoustic-impedance analogy).
Figure 5.13 Mechano-electrical circuit of diaphragm, voice coil, and magnetic field of the microphone of Fig. 5.9 (mechanical-admittance analogy).
Figure 5.14 Mechano-electrical circuit of the diaphragm, voice coil, and magnetic field of the microphone of Fig. 5.9 (mechanical-impedance analogy). Note that u D is also equal to e 0/Bl.


The performance of the circuit of Fig. 5.15 can best be understood by reference to Fig. 5.16, which is derived from Fig. 5.15. Let us assume from now on that Z EL     ∞. This means that the electrical terminals are open circuited so that the voltage appearing across them is the open-circuit voltage e˜0 image (see Fig. 5.13). In the circuit of Fig. 5.15, the “short-circuit” velocity is equal to e˜0/Bl image .
At very low frequencies, Fig. 5.15 reduces to Fig. 5.16a. The generator p˜B image is effectively open circuited by the three acoustic compliances C AF , C AG , and C AB , and the mechanical compliance C MS of which only C AB and C MS have appreciable size. Also, all of the resistances and reactances of the masses are small compared with the reactances of C AB and C MS S D 2. Hence, e˜0 image is very small. This region is marked (a) in Fig. 5.17, where we see the voltage response in decibels as a function of frequency. In region (a), the response increases at the rate of 6   dB per octave increase in frequency.
Figure 5.15 Complete electro-mechano-acoustical circuit of the moving-coil microphone of Fig. 5.9 (impedance analogy). The electromechanical transformer has been cleared from the circuit.
Figure 5.16 Moving-coil microphones. Simplified circuits for four frequency regions (impedance analogy). The excess pressure produced by the sound wave at the front of the microphone with the sound holes blocked off is p˜B image and the open-circuit voltage is e˜o image .
Figure 5.17 Open-circuit voltage response characteristic of a moving-coil microphone of the type shown in Fig. 5.9. The vertical scale is in dB and the reference voltage e˜1kHz image is the value of e˜o image at 1   kHz. 
Courtesy of AKG.
As the frequency increases (see Fig. 5.16b), a highly damped resonance condition occurs involving the resistance and mass of the screens behind the diaphragm, R AS and M AS , and the diaphragm constants themselves, M MD and C MS , together with the compliance C AB back of the back cavity. This is region (b) of Fig. 5.17. A highly important design feature, therefore, is a resistance of the screens R AS large enough so that the response curve in region (b) is as flat as possible. The damping is so great that it makes more sense to define this region by two break frequencies ω L and ω U , which define the upper and lower limits of this region rather than a single resonance frequency ω 0. These are defined by
image (5.24)
image (5.25)
image (5.26)
The lower frequency ω L marks the beginning of the 6   dB/octave low-frequency roll-off, which occurs at 55   Hz in Fig. 5.17, where the response is 3   dB less than that in the flat region. The upper frequency ω U occurs somewhere near the upper limit of region (b). At the resonance frequency ω 0, the mass and compliance elements cancel each other's reactances leaving just resistive element R AS . At this frequency, the midband sensitivity is given by
image (5.27)
In the case of the microphone shown in Fig. 5.9, the sensitivity is 2.4   mV/Pa or 52   dBV/Pa.
Above region (b) (see Fig. 5.16c), a resonance condition results that involves primarily the mass of the diaphragm M MD and the stiffness of the air immediately behind it, C AG . This yields the response shown in region (c) of Fig. 5.17. The resonance frequency ω C at the center of region (c) is given by
image (5.28)
Because the air gap is so small, the viscous air flow therein has a damping effect on this resonance, as represented by R AG , which is important for keeping the frequency response reasonably flat. The large value of R AS damps the antiresonance of C AG with M AS , which would otherwise produce a suck-out in the frequency response.
Finally, a third resonance occurs involving primarily the acoustical elements in front of the diaphragm (see Fig. 5.16d and region (d) of Fig. 5.17). The resonance frequency ω D at the center of region (d) is given by
image (5.29)
Because there are three reactive elements in the circuit (M AA   +   M AH , C AF , and M MD ), the response then drops off at the rate of 18   dB per doubling of frequency. Of course, this is the open-circuit roll-off and a steeper rate is likely to occur if the microphone is loaded with a capacitive cable that will resonate with the coil inductance at some frequency. A step-up transformer also has a limited bandwidth, although through careful design this need not compromise the performance of the microphone. The low-frequency response depends on the inductance, which is maximized through the use of a generous core size and an ample number of turns. The high-frequency response is extended through the use of a split bobbin to reduce the interwinding capacitance and several interleaving primary and secondary sections, which reduces the leakage inductance.
These various resonance conditions result in a microphone whose response is substantially flat from 50 to 20,000   Hz except for diffraction effects around the microphone. These diffraction effects will influence the response in different ways, depending on the direction of travel of the sound wave relative to the position of the microphone. The usual effect is that the response is enhanced in regions (c) and (d) if the sound wave impinges on the front of the microphone at normal (perpendicular) incidence compared with grazing incidence. One purpose of the outer protective screen is to minimize this enhancement.
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