Part XXXXIV: Lumped-element model of an electrostatic loudspeaker

15.10. Electro-mechano-acoustical circuit

In Section 14.10 we developed an analytical (distributed-element) model of a circular electrostatic loudspeaker. Here we will develop a simpler lumped-element model which is valid when there is sufficient resistance (usually in the form of a dust screen) to suppress the membrane modes. Using an analogous circuit, we will then develop useful design formulas.
The analogous circuit of the electrostatic loudspeaker shown in Fig. 15.1 is given by Fig. 15.16. Although this is a general circuit, we shall assume for this analysis that the loudspeaker is circular with radius a and has no enclosure whatsoever.
The symbols have the following meanings:
  • e˜in image is the voltage of the generator (audio amplifier) in volts (V).
  • i˜in image is the total input current in amperes (A).
  • image
    Figure 15.16 Electro-mechano-acoustical analogous circuit of the electrostatic loudspeaker shown in Fig. 15.1.
  • i˜s image is the static part of the input current in amperes (A).
  • i˜m image is the motional part of the input current in amperes (A).
  • C E is the static capacitance between the electrodes in Farads (F).
  • C E represents the negative capacitance due to electrostatic attraction in Farads (F).
  • E P is the polarization supply voltage in volts (V).
  • d is the separation distance between the membrane and each electrode in meters (m).
  • f˜D image is the mechanical force driving the membrane in Newtons (N).
  • u˜D image is the average velocity of the membrane in m/s.
  • ZM=f˜D/u˜D image is the total mechanical impedance in N·s/m.
  • C MD is the mechanical compliance of the membrane in m/N due to its tension.
  • M MT is the total moving mass of the membrane and stator perforations in kg.
  • R MS is the mechanical resistance due to viscous flow losses through the stator electrode perforations and dust screen.
  • S D   =   πa 2 is the surface area of the membrane in m2, where a is the radius in m.
  • U˜D=SDu˜D image is the total volume velocity in m3/s.
  • p˜0 image is the pressure in N/m2 driving the radiation load 2Z AR on both sides of the membrane.
  • M AR is the acoustic radiation mass on one side of the membrane in kg/m4.
  • C AR is the acoustic radiation compliance on one side of the membrane in m5/N.
  • R AR is the acoustic radiation resistance on one side of the membrane in N⋅s/m5.
For simplicity, we assume that the output impedance of the amplifier and resistance of the cables are negligible, and we also ignore any stray capacitance in the cables. There are two transformers: the first acts as an interface between the electrical domain and the mechanical one converting voltage to force f˜D image and current i˜m image to velocity u˜D image , while the second acts as an interface between the mechanical and acoustical domains, converting force to pressure p˜0 image and velocity u˜D image to volume velocity U˜D image .
Notice how the input current i˜in image divides into two: one is the static current i˜s image while the other is the motional current i˜m image . The static current still flows when the membrane is blocked (or the polarization voltage E P is turned off), but the motional current is dependent on the membrane velocity u˜D image . Unfortunately, in most practical electrostatic loudspeakers i˜si˜m image , so that the electrical input impedance is defined almost entirely by C E , although it is possible to measure the motional current by “balancing out” the static current with a capacitor [7]. The stator resistance R MS is technically an acoustic flow resistance, but it is included on the mechanical side of Fig. 15.16 for convenience.
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