15.17. Summary of electrostatic loudspeaker design

We can see from Eqs. (15.19) and (15.20) that to maximize the radiated sound pressure, the field strength E P /d should be as close to its maximum allowable value as possible, which is around 2   kV/mm. Similarly, we generally set the maximum peak signal voltage 12e˜in image to the same value as the polarizing voltage E P because the maximum sound pressure is proportional to the product of the two, but their sum should not exceed 4   kV/mm.
If the gap distance d is reduced, we can reduce both E P and e˜in image while keeping the sound pressure constant. Hence the sensitivity is increased. Although the capacitance is increased proportionately, the input current does not change because of the reduced voltage. Hence the reactive power is reduced, while the efficiency is increased. With a smaller gap, some very low bass is sacrificed, but this is usually in a region where there is little output anyway because of rear-wave cancellation.
A good place to start the design process is with the highest frequency of interest because we can use this to define the membrane thickness h independently of its radius a. From this we can work out the maximum tension T that it can withstand. Maximizing the tension enables a smaller gap d to be employed without the membrane touching the electrodes at the maximum input voltage at low frequencies, where the displacement is highest. We have shown (see Eqs. 15.84 and 15.86) that making the tension large enough to avoid contact automatically meets the condition for stability under the electrostatic force of attraction.
Knowing the tension, we can then define the fundamental resonance frequency f 0 for any given radius a or choose a fundamental resonance frequency to find the required radius. Having found the radius, we can define the gap d, the polarizing voltage E P , the specific resistance of the dust screen R s (for the desired Q factor), and the sound pressure level.
  • 1. Referring to Fig. 15.18, choose the highest frequency of interest f 2. By rearranging Eq. (15.110), calculate the membrane thickness h using
  • h=ρ0ρD(cπf22t+0.85ah(11.28ϕh)ϕh)
    image (15.111)
  •     or we can calculate the cut-off frequency for a given thickness
  • f2=ρ0cπ(ρDh+2ρ0(t+0.85ah(11.28ϕh))/ϕh).
    image (15.112)
  • 2. Let the tension be 60% of the maximum value, so that
  • T=0.6σmaxh.
    image (15.113)
  • 3. Using this tension, choose the lowest frequency of interest (or fundamental resonance frequency) f 0, which is given by Eq. (15.101) and repeated here for convenience
  • f0=13.26aTaρ0
    image (15.114)
  •     From this we obtain the membrane radius a in terms of the fundamental resonance frequency f 0
  • a=12.2Tf02ρ03.
    image (15.115)
  •     When building an electrostatic loudspeaker, it is easier to adjust the tension by measuring the resonance frequency, like tuning a drum skin, rather than by measuring the tension directly, as Eq. (15.114) gives a direct relationship between the two.
  • 4. Assuming the maximum peak input signal is equal to the polarizing voltage such that 12e˜in=EP image , we obtain from Eq. (15.93) the maximum rms sound pressure at f 0 assuming Q   =   1
  •     so that   ζ     1
  • SPL0=94+20log10(ε0πa2f02rc·EP2d2)dBatf0.
    image (15.116)
  •     If this is not loud enough, then it is necessary to lower f 0 by increasing a. Note that this equation ignores the attenuation due to the resistance R S of a dust screen.
  • 5. Choose a suitable Q value of 0.7–1.0. Again, using T   =   0.6·σ max·h, we obtain the optimum specific acoustic resistance of the covering cloth from Eq. (15.103) as follows
  • RS=2Qρ0Ta.
    image (15.117)
  • 6. Assuming E P /d   =   2000 V/mm and T   =   0.6·σ max·h, we obtain from Eq. (15.86) the gap distance between the membrane and each stator
  • d=ε0a2T(EPd)2.
    image (15.118)
  • 7. Then we obtain the polarizing voltage using simply
  • EP=(EPd)d.
    image (15.119)
  • 8. If a delay line is used, this may be designed using the formulas given in Sections 15.6and 15.8 . Some experimentation will be needed to find the maximum value of the termination resistance R T that does not result in negative capacitor values yet guarantees optimum efficiency. If the push–pull transformer shown in Fig. 15.1 has a turns ratio of 1:τ   +   τ, and the nominal input impedance is Z nom, then the turns ratio is given by
  • τ=RT2Znom.
    image (15.120)
  •     Once the design has been arrived at, the frequency response with normal directivity may be calculated using Eq. (15.93). Constant directivity may be modeled by including the factor ω 1/(   +   ω 1), where ω 1   =   2c/a.
Example 15.1. We now use the equations of Section 15.17, to derive the tension, resistance, gap width, and polarizing voltage required for the 280   mm diameter membrane for which we derived the on-axis pressure and directivity pattern in the previous sections while assuming an ideal membrane with no mass or tension. If we use a stator with a thickness of t   =   1   mm perforated with holes of radius a h   =   1.5   mm and pitch b h   =   5   mm in a triangular array, the porosity is given by
Then if we use a membrane with a thickness of h   =   12   μm and density of ρ D   =   1400   kg/m3, the upper cut-off frequency is given by
Assuming the tensile strength of polyester is σ max   =   60   MPa and the stress is 60% of the maximum, we obtain the tension from
Then, for a membrane radius of 140   mm, the resonance frequency is
and the maximum output at f 0 is given by
We let Q   =   1 so that we can obtain the optimum specific acoustic resistance of the dust screen
Referring to Table 4.1 on p. 126, this value may be made up from using a 75   rayls dust screen on the front and a 47   rayls screen on the back, for example. The gap between the membrane and each stator is given by
and the polarizing voltage by
Figure 15.25 Comparison of the on-axis response of an electrostatic loudspeaker without a delay line calculated using the lumped-element Eq. (15.93), based on the quantities given in Example 15.1, with an analytical calculation using distributed-element equations from Section 14.10. Also shown is a plot of the Walker's voltage equation from Eq. (15.121).
These values are used in Eq. (15.93) to calculate the on-axis response shown in Fig. 15.25 for an electrostatic loudspeaker without a delay line. Also shown is the on-axis response of the same loudspeaker calculated from rigorous equations [10] from Section 14.10 based on an analytical model. This reveals an excellent correlation between the lumped-element model and the analytical one, except that the latter shows a 2.7   dB dip at 330   Hz, which is smoothed out by the simpler lumped-element model. Because the simple model cannot reproduce any harmonics above the fundamental resonance, this correlation is dependent on the membrane being well damped through the use of a dust screen. The simple model appears to overestimate the peak displacement by around 10% at the lowest frequencies, whereas the rigorous model keeps it just within the gap width of 1.6   mm.
Note that the plot of Walker's voltage equation shown in Fig. 15.25 uses the following version of Eq. (15.20) which is modified to include the resistance R S of the dust screen
image (15.121)
Next, we combine the on-axis response of a real membrane, based on the lumped-element model, from Eq. (15.93) with Eq. (15.52) for the far-field pressure of an ideal electrostatic loudspeaker with a delay line to yield that of a real membrane with a delay line
image (15.122)
where D(θ) is given by Eq. (15.53). This is plotted in Fig. 15.26 for θ   =   0 (on-axis). Also, the reference sensitivity is given by Eq. (15.19), modified to include the resistance of the dust screen
image (15.123)
Figure 15.26 The on-axis response of the electrostatic loudspeaker with a delay line as previously shown in Fig. 15.14 but modified to include the response of a real membrane as given by Eqs. (15.122) and (15.53) using the quantities derived in Example 15.1. The fundamental resonance frequency is f 0   =   112   Hz and the “flat” region lies between f 1   =   784   Hz and f 2   =   4.9   kHz.
Assuming 12e˜in=EP=3200V image , d   =   1.6   mm, a   =   160   mm, and R S   =   121   rayls, this gives a pressure of 4.31   Pa rms or 106.7   dB SPL with an input voltage of 2   ×   3200   V rms.
Although the high-frequency response appears to roll-off prematurely, in practice this can be compensated for by omitting some of the stray neutralizing capacitors.
Problem 15.1. A simple electrostatic loudspeaker with no delay or any kind of directivity control whatsoever has a diameter of 10   cm (i.e., radius of 5   cm). Assuming a maximum field strength of 2000 V/mm, calculate the maximum rms sound pressure in Pa and dB SPL re 20   μPa at 1   m on-axis at 1   kHz. Assume that 12e˜in=EP image .
Hint: From Eq. (15.20), prms(r,0)=2πfε0a2(EP/d)2/(22rc) image and use Eq. (1.18) to calculate the sound pressure level in dB SPL.
Problem 15.2. Suppose that the loudspeaker has a gap width of d   =   0.224   mm. Calculate the polarization voltage E P , minimum tension T needed for stability (from Eq. 15.86), resonance frequency f 0, and specific resistance R S needed for unity Q. Assuming the maximum membrane stress before breaking is 55   MPa, calculate the maximum allowable tension according to Eq. (15.113).
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