Chapter Eight

Cell phone acoustics


This chapter begins discussing about an entertainment-type cell phone with a microphone, a receiver, and a “handsfree” loudspeaker followed by the basic design for a cell phone loudspeaker. The electromechanoacoustic circuit for the loudspeaker quantifies this design. A series of design considerations followed by an apparatus for testing the receiver is next. Two types of microphones are discussed: electret and microelectromechanical system. The chapter ends with acoustic measurements for type approval.


Acoustics; Cell phones; Helmholtz resonator; Loudspeaker; Microphones; Turbulence

Part XXVI: Acoustical transducers for cell phones

The number of cell phones in the world is approaching 6   billion. These range from those that provide simple telephone services to those that serve as full business and entertainment centers. For all these, acoustical design is very important, but such design is involved because of limitations of space, ergonomics, and frequently the requirement of producing good-sounding music.
Shown in Fig. 8.1 is a cell phone with the characteristics of an entertainment center. The three main electroacoustic elements are the handsfree loudspeaker, the receiver, and the microphone. The basic principles for the loudspeakers are the same as that for a loudspeaker in a closed baffle as presented in Chapter 7.

8.1. Loudspeaker and microphone

Basic considerations

The sound-producing part in all cell phones is a flat radiating surface, i.e., the diaphragm, which is analogous to the cone in a hi-fi loudspeaker. The diaphragm is set in motion by an attached moving coil located in a magnetic field. The diaphragm and the coil may be circular or square. In the cell phone of Fig. 8.1, there are two flat diaphragms and driving coils, one of which feeds into the handsfree loudspeaker opening and the other into the call receiver opening. The small fully enclosed space behind either diaphragm is analogous to an acoustic compliance. The combined mass of the diaphragm and coil is analogous to an acoustic mass. These elements at resonance determine the low-frequency cutoff of the radiated sound.

Handsfree loudspeaker

In the simplest cell phones, the ringtone is a buzz or a repeated ring resembling that of an old landline phone. In an entertainment center type, the ringtone is often an excerpt from a musical composition. Also, continuous music may be played through it. As shown, the handsfree loudspeaker opening is on the side of the cell phone so that the phone can be laid on a flat surface and thus is “handsfree.” If the surface is large enough, the energy output of the loudspeaker will be double that compared with the handheld position because the opening is radiating into half space. Like any small closed-box loudspeaker the trend in cell phones is toward the “acoustic suspension” concept, i.e., the stiffness of the suspension for the diaphragm is a small fraction of that of the airspace behind. The volume of the backspace is about 1   cm3. This design is only practical if the diaphragm is fairly stable and the resonant frequencies are constant. Surprisingly, in the cell phone of Fig. 8.1, the user can carry on a telephone conversation with it on a surface, despite the proximity of the microphone to the handsfree opening. This is possible because the output of the microphone has an “echo canceling” feature in the digital circuitry and its output is also attenuated while the loudspeaker is operating. Nowadays handsfree loudspeakers are very loud, often producing as much as 105   phons at a distance of 10   cm.
Figure 8.1 Cell phone Nokia model 7.1 showing the positions of the receiver, handsfree loudspeaker, and microphone openings. 
Courtesy of HMD Global OY.


The receiver is similar to the handsfree loudspeaker. In Fig. 8.1, the volume of the space behind its diaphragm is larger and it contains the electronics and the keyboard. There is greater chance of leakage from this space and, if it should occur, the low-frequency output will be diminished. The opening is always held close to the ear, which mitigates the effect of leakage from the rear space.


The microphone is an electret or microelectromechanical system (MEMS) type, more of which will be discussed later. It is only actuated when voice transmission is required.

8.2. Circuit diagram for a cell phone loudspeaker/receiver

The circuit diagram for a cell phone loudspeaker system is given in Fig. 8.2. The elements are derived from the circuit of a loudspeaker in a closed box baffle as given in Fig. 7.6. The symbols are as follows:
  • e˜g image is open-circuit voltage of the generator (audio amplifier) in volts (V).
  • R g is generator resistance in electrical ohms (Ω).
  • R E is resistance of voice coil in electrical ohms (Ω).
  • B is steady air-gap magnetic field or flux density in Tesla (T).
  • l is length of wire on the voice coil winding in m.
  • i˜ image is electric current through the voice coil winding in amperes (A).
  • a is radius of diaphragm in m.
  • S D   =   πa 2 is area of diaphragm in m2.
  • P˜c image ·SD is force produced by the current in the coil in Pa·m2.
  • U˜c image is volume velocity produced by the diaphragm in m3/s.
  • M AD is acoustic mass of the diaphragm and the voice coil in kg/m4.
  • C AS is total acoustic compliance of the suspensions in m5/N.
  • R AS is acoustic resistance of the suspensions in N·s/m5.
  • C AB is total acoustic compliance of the back enclosure in m5/N.
  • C AF is acoustic compliance of the front cavity in m5/N.
  • R AB is acoustic resistance of the leak path through the enclosure (needed to relieve changes in atmospheric pressure) in N·s/m5.
  • M AH is acoustic mass of the sound hole(s) in kg/m4.
  • R AH is acoustic resistance of the dust screen in N·s/m5.
  • Z AE is radiation impedance (including the effect of proximity to the ear).
Figure 8.2 Analogous circuit of a handsfree loudspeaker or receiver in a cell phone. All circuit elements are referred to the acoustical side. In the case of a receiver, Z AE is the impedance of the ear including any leakage because it is unlikely to be sealed. In the case of a handsfree loudspeaker near a flat surface, Z AE can be considered to be the radiation impedance of a piston in an infinite baffle.
Figure 8.3 Cross section of leak-tolerant receiver in cell phone with (a) external leak and (b) internal leak [1].
The radiation impedance, Z AE , is difficult to specify because the impedance for the receiver opening is highly dependent on how the user uses the handset. Because both of the openings are small, the radiation impedance when not too near the ear will approximate that for a small diaphragm in the end of a tube. Possible means for assuring a known radiation impedance in the receiver opening are to deliberately build a degree of controlled leakage that is at least as great as the uncontrolled leakage that would occur in normal usage. The controlled leakage path may lead to the outside space as shown in Fig. 8.3(a) or to the internal space as shown in Fig. 8.3(b). The more probable solution is that shown in Fig. 8.3(a), and for it a series acoustic resistance and acoustic mass must be connected between the circles “1” and “3” in Fig. 8.2. For the solution of Fig. 8.3(b), the mass and resistance should be connected between the circles “1” and “2.” Obviously the controlled leakage addition will reduce the output strength. The solution of Fig. 8.3(b) in particular will cause loss of low frequencies because of the acoustic short circuit between the front and back of the diaphragm, unless the space inside the handset is very large (>60   cm3).

Acoustic low-pass filter (helmholtz resonator)

In cell phones, for both the handsfree loudspeaker and the receiver, the compliance of the front cavity C AF and the mass of the sound opening M AH form a Helmholtz resonator. This is a second-order low-pass filter. The angular resonance frequency is
image (8.1)
When listening to music, the resonance frequency is normally set at the upper limit of the required frequency range, and the Q of the resonance is controlled by the resistance R AH of the dust screen. To calculate the dimensions of the resonator, we can either choose the radius a of the opening and calculate the length l according to l   =   n c 2 a 2/(4π f 0 2 V)     ζa or choose the length and calculate the radius according to
image (8.2)
These are general formulas for a Helmholtz resonator, such as a bottle, which are derived from those given in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 for an acoustic mass M AH and acoustic compliance C AF , respectively.
The quantities are defined as follows:
  • l is length of opening in m.
  • a is radius of opening in m.
  • ζ is end correction factor.
  • f 0 is resonance frequency in Hz.
  • V is volume of cavity in m3.
  • c is speed of sound   =   348.8   m/s at P 0   =   105   Pa and T   =   22°C.
The end correction factor for the opening is given by
image (8.3)

8.3. Design considerations

Dust screens

All of the openings, for the loudspeakers and microphone, must be covered by a dust screen, which not only protects against the ingress of magnetic dust but also helps damp out the various Helmholtz resonances. Data on dust screens are given in Section 4.4.

Magnetic fields

High strength neodymium magnets have generally improved the performance of miniature loudspeakers; however, their proximity to sound holes means that magnetic dust can be sucked in and clog the coil gap. Magnetic fields can also affect magnetic strips on credit cards.

Acoustic shock

The location of a loudspeaker opening is very important because, if it is tightly held against the ear, damage to hearing may result. Loudspeaker openings are often located on the sides of a phone so that they cannot be sealed against the ear. Another frequent location is on a rear surface that is curved, which also prevents closure of the opening when laid on a table.

Protection against damage to the loudspeaker

It is vital that all seals be secure. If the back enclosure leaks, the stiff cushion of the air that limits the excursion of the diaphragm no longer exists and physical damage may result. At low frequencies, the generated sound pressure is limited by diaphragm excursion and at high frequencies by power dissipation. The input voltage to a voice coil is often limited according to a digital signal processor model [2] of the loudspeaker parameters and how they change according to conditions such as temperature. In addition, audio peak clipping, called dynamic range compression, is used extensively to make the sound louder.


At low particle velocities, the flow of air in a tube is linear. In other words, the velocity increases with radial distance from the wall as discussed in Chapter 4. As the velocity is increased beyond a certain point, the flow becomes turbulent with the formation of chaotic eddies and vortices. The Reynolds number is given by
image (8.4)
  • ρ 0 is density of air in kg/m3.
  • u is particle velocity in m/s.
  • d is diameter of tube in m.
  • μ is viscosity coefficient in N·s/m2 (see Eq. (4.23)).
The point at which the flow becomes turbulent varies considerably with both geometry and surface finishes. As a rule of thumb, the Reynolds number should be kept below 1000 and the particle velocity below 10   m/s. All surfaces should be smooth with no sharp edges.

Wind noise [3]

The location of the microphone on the handset is critical with respect to wind noise. The worst location is on a large flat area such as a front cover because there is greater boundary layer turbulence than on a small area. The bottom edge is better and the best position is away from the center of the bottom edge. The direction of the wind also makes a significant difference. When the microphone is on the surface facing the wind, there is generally less noise than when it is facing away because turbulence builds up as air flows past an obstacle. Trailing edge vortex shedding also contributes to wind noise, but to a lesser degree than boundary layer turbulence. In general, all surfaces should be as smooth as possible with no sharp edges.

Handling noise

Handling noise is generated by friction when a handset is held. Smooth surfaces produce less noise than rough ones. The noise is amplified by structural vibrations within housing as well as normal modes within the internal space, although the latter will be reduced by the presence of electronic components. Therefore, the housing should be either rigid or well damped, or both. Adding ribs to the inner surfaces of the housing increases its rigidity. These precautions will also help to reduce unwanted resonance peaks and dips in the handsfree loudspeaker and receiver frequency responses.

8.4. Head and torso simulator

The most commonly used device for testing the receiver of a cell phone is a head and torso simulator or HATS, which has a pair of “soft” ears (pinna) on a head with shoulders, as shown in Fig. 8.4. The HATS microphone is located at the eardrum position. Unfortunately, acoustical simulation of the head and torso simulator is not so simple because to date there is no reliable equivalent circuit available using lumped elements. Not only is the model complicated by leakage into open air, but the loading varies with force and handset position. Therefore, finite element modeling would have to be used. However, once a finite element model has been made for the acoustic path between the receiver and microphone, which is mainly the ear plus the space surrounding it and the phone, the results can be converted into a two-port model. The two-port model is then imported into an equivalent circuit for the receiver and microphone.
It should be noted that the head and torso simulator is a multipurpose device. Although the head beyond the immediate vicinity of the ear has little influence on the testing of a receiver, it is important for testing the microphone in a cell phone, in which case the sound source is in the mouth. Because the receiver opening is not in tight contact with the ear opening, it is probably sufficient to assume that the radiation impedance for it is similar to that for a diaphragm in the end of a tube. In testing, the head and torso simulator has largely replaced the older ear simulators, which looked nothing like real human ears. They were originally used for testing of the receivers in a conventional phone handset. For readers who are interested to find out what the impedance of an ear or that of an older simulator looks like, the data sheets [4] for the B&K 4185 sealed ear simulator or B&K 4195 nonsealed ear simulator with IEC low-leak and high-leak couplers are informative.
Figure 8.4 B&K type 4128D head and torso simulator with cell phone Nokia model Lumia 800. The simulator has a sound source inside the mouth and a microphone inside the ear. 
Courtesy of Brüel and Kjær Sound and Vibration Measurement A/S and Nokia OY. Photograph by Enrico Pascucci.

8.5. Microphones

Electret microphones

Until the electret condenser microphone (ECM) was invented by Sessler and West [58], all condenser microphones required a polarizing voltage supply. Such condenser microphones are treated in Section 5.5. The name electret literally means “electrostatic magnet.” It is a dielectric in which a permanent charge is embedded. In Sessler and West's invention, as shown in Fig. 8.5(a), the dielectric was a metalized Teflon foil which formed the diaphragm and the electrode was a stationary plate located behind it. In recent years, the charge storage capacity has been increased by using porous membranes [9]. Metalized electrets have a dipole charge because a charge of opposite polarity to that contained by the membrane is induced in the metallic coating. Although this gives a more stable charge, it means that, for a given membrane charge, the resulting field decays with increasing electrode separation, whereas in an externally polarized condenser microphone, the field remains constant. However, this is not a major issue in a microphone where the electrode spacing is usually very small. The capacitance of the electret membrane is given by
Figure 8.5 Simplified cross section of an electret transducer: (a) Single-ended and (b) Push-pull.
image (8.5)
where ε 0 is the permittivity of air, ε r is the relative permittivity of the dielectric, S is the area of the membrane, and h is the thickness of the electret membrane. This voltage then also appears across the air gap when the microphone terminals are at the same potential. The capacitance of the air gap is given by
image (8.6)
where d is the width of the gap. Then the total capacitance across the input terminals is
image (8.7)
The negative membrane charge is usually expressed as a charge per unit area  σ m or charge density so that the total charge is  σ m S. The charge induced in the electrode is given by
image (8.8)
The charge induced in the membrane coating is given by
image (8.9)
so that when d   =   ∞, there is zero charge on the electrode (σ 0   =   0) and the charge on the coating is equal and opposite to the electret charge so that σ 1   =   σ m . In general, the total induced charge on the electrode and coating is equal and opposite to the electret charge. When d   =   0, the induced charge is shared equally so that σ 0   =   σ 1   =   σ m /2. Although the charge may be distributed throughout the electret, we may model it as a concentrated layer somewhere near the middle, depending on how symmetrical the charge distribution is. Inevitably some charge is lost both near the outer surface and near the coating, where there will be some recombination of positive and negative charge. Hence we may treat the concentrated charge layer and coating as electrodes of a capacitor across which there is a polarizing voltage E, where the dielectric thickness is h/2, so that
image (8.10)
Hence we can use the same equivalent circuits as those for an externally polarized electrostatic microphone shown in Fig. 5.20.
The voltage sensitivity versus average diaphragm displacement Δδ is given by Ref. [10].
image (8.11)
It is well known that single-ended electrostatic transducers are nonlinear because the charge varies with displacement. This is not such a problem with microphones at moderate sound pressures because the displacement is very small and hence almost linear. However, for microphones at high sound pressures or loudspeakers, which have to displace a significant volume of air, a linear transducer may be created using the constant-charge push-pull principle. All conventional electrostatic loudspeakers with external polarizing supplies use this principle, which was first proposed by Frederick Hunt and then commercialized by Peter Walker [1113]. An electret equivalent of this is shown in Fig. 8.5(b), which has been proven to be linear both theoretically [10] and experimentally [14]. Fig. 8.6 shows a cutaway view of an electret microphone.
So far we have only considered the foil electret microphone. In fact there are three types:
  • Foil-type or diaphragm-type. The diaphragm itself is made of an electret dielectric. However, the electret may not be strong enough to maintain tension over a long period, especially if it is porous, and may therefore require support from an additional membrane.
  • Back electret. The electret film is adhered to the back plate of the microphone capsule, which forms an electrode, and the diaphragm is made of a metalized but uncharged material.
  • Front electret. This is a newer design, which is essentially the reverse of the back electret. The back plate is eliminated from the design, and the condenser is formed by the metalized diaphragm and the inside surface of the capsule. The electret film is adhered to the inside front cover, which is perforated to let sound through.
The circuit for an electret microphone as shown in Fig. 8.7 is simpler than that for an externally polarized microphone, shown in Fig. 5.18, because the electret provides the polarization for the capsule, although the bias for the FET usually settles to zero due to leakage.
When ECMs were first introduced, they were only expected to last for the lifetimes of the products in which they were used. However, with improved materials and processes, the ability to store charge over long periods has steadily increased. The loss of charge is compensated for by slackening of the diaphragm. Hence the sensitivity change over 28   years [15] has been found to be less than 1   dB.

Microelectromechanical system microphones

At the time of writing, most low-cost cell phones use analogue electret microphones, whereas midmarket models use both analogue microelectromechanical system microphones and digital electret microphones, where the latter are analogue electret microphones with onboard analogue-to-digital converters. This has the advantage of immunity to electrical noise pickup by the connections between the microphone and baseband chip. Many top-end models now use digital MEMS microphones because these have better signal-to-noise ratios (typically 69   dB). Also, MEMS microphones are smaller and can be surface mounted, which is an advantage in products that may have stereo microphones for recording as well as multiple microphones for noise cancellation. The sensitivity of a MEMS microphone is typically 38 to 42   dBV/Pa, and the acoustic performance is very stable.
Figure 8.6 Cutaway view of an electret microphone. 
Courtesy of Hosiden.
Figure 8.7 FET circuit for an electret microphone.
A cross section of a MEMS microphone [16,17] is shown in Fig. 8.8. Although its operation is the same as that of a conventional capacitor microphone, as described in Section 5.5, the fabrication is somewhat different and is more akin to that of an integrated circuit. The substrate is made of silicon. On this rests a “free” diaphragm of polysilicon which is 1   μm thick. The patented free diaphragm design avoids film stress which would otherwise stiffen it. The backplate has a 0.5   μm layer of polysilicon coated with a 1.5   μm layer of low-stress silicon nitride. The various layers are deposited and etched to form the entire structure. The gap between the diaphragm and substrate is created by means of a sacrificial layer of phosphorus-doped glass, which is removed using an HF acid release process. The same method is also used to create the gap between the diaphragm and backplate. A detailed view of the backplate and diaphragm is shown in Fig. 8.9.
Figure 8.8 Cross section of a SiSonic microelectromechanical system microphone. 
Courtesy of Knowles Electronics, LLC.
Figure 8.9 Detailed SEM photograph of a SiSonic microelectromechanical system microphone. The diaphragm is visible through the holes in the backplate. The small holes provide acoustic damping because of viscous flow losses. 
Courtesy of Knowles Electronics, LLC.
Because the cost of silicon wafer is fixed, the price of each MEMS microphone depends on how many can be made from a single wafer. Hence it is necessary for the diaphragm to be small for economic reasons as well as for miniaturization. The diaphragm is typically 0.6   mm in diameter with a gap of about 4   μm. The polarizing voltage of 11   V is developed by a charge pump within a separate integrated circuit (see Fig. 8.10), which also contains the amplifier and analogue-to-digital converter, if there is one.

Part XXVII: Type approval testing of cell phones

The most commonly used standard for the acoustical testing of cell phones today is the 3GPP Technical Specification [18,19], which is part of the overall set of specifications for the third generation network, although many network operators have their own type approval requirements which are usually variations of or additions to 3GPP. However, this only provides the acceptable limits for the test results. The test setups and methods for calculating the results are specified in other documents [20,21].

8.6. Measurements for type approval

Because there are many measurements in type approval testing, we shall only discuss the basic acoustic ones.
Figure 8.10 Cross section of a SiSonic microelectromechanical system microphone inside its package which provides an environmental and interference shield. The integrated circuit, which provides the polarizing voltage and amplification, is on the left. 
Courtesy of Knowles Electronics, LLC.

Frequency response

Here we shall confine ourselves to broadband telephony (100   Hz–8   kHz) as opposed to narrowband (100   Hz–4   kHz). To measure the send frequency response, the sound source is calibrated by means of a microphone holder attached to the head and torso simulator (see Fig. 8.4). Then the calibration microphone is attached to the microphone holder with the diaphragm at the mouth reference point (MRP), which is 25   mm in front of the lip plane. The sound source is equalized to give a constant sound pressure of typically 4.7   dB   Pa at all test frequencies. The frequency response is measured by connecting an analyzer to the point of interconnection (POI). In a landline phone, this is an analogue connection to the public switched telephone network, but in a cell phone it is usually the digital interface point (formerly digital air interface). The measured frequency response is plotted between upper and lower limits known as a mask. Thus, to meet the requirements of type approval, the plot must fall within this mask. A typical frequency response is shown in Fig. 8.11.
To measure the receive frequency response, a signal is applied to the POI, and the microphone at the drum reference point (DRP) within the HATS is connected to an analyzer. A typical frequency response is shown in Fig. 8.12.

Loudness rating

The loudness rating LR is calculated from the measured response over a set of frequencies which are spaced 1/3 octave apart according to the following formula:
image (8.12)
  • m   =   0.175 is a constant.
  • image
    Figure 8.11 Typical send frequency response (gray) with mask (black).
  • S i refers to the sensitivities at frequency f i of the send or receive electroacoustic path.
  • W i refers to the weighting factors given in Table 8.1, where SLR refers to the send loudness rating and RLR to the receive loudness rating.
Notice the minus sign in Eq. (8.12), which means that the larger the loudness rating, the quieter the phone.
However, care has to be taken in evaluating the sensitivities from the digital POI of a cell phone. They are expressed in dB re V/Pa in the send direction and dB re Pa/V in the receive direction, which are analogue quantities. This is fairly straightforward in a landline phone where we are simply concerned with the analogue voltage across a 600   Ω termination. In a digital system, it is convenient to use the maximum “full-scale” level before clipping as the reference point or 0   dBFS. This has been defined as equivalent to the voltage which is required to deliver 2.06   mW of power into a 600   Ω load. Hence
Figure 8.12 Typical receive frequency response (gray) with mask (black).

Table 8.1

Weights for wideband SLR and RLR calculations.
Frequency (Hz) W Si (SLR) W Ri (RLR)
100 103.0 115.4
125 75.3 87.5
160 60.2 72.3
200 59.5 72.1
250 52.9 67.2
315 59.4 75.8
400 45.4 63.6
500 56.6 74.6
630 53.5 70.4
800 53.8 69.9
1000 55.9 70.9
1250 64.2 78.4
1600 60.6 74.9
2000 73.7 85.2
2500 70.4 81.6
3150 87.1 95.4
4000 68.2 77.0
5000 84.5 91.7
6300 86.5 92.4
8000 71.0 89.0
image (8.13)
For type approval, the send and receive loudness ratings must be


When we talk, we normally hear our own voices via the external acoustic path between our mouths and ears. It is unnatural to have one ear obscured by a cell phone, so the acoustic path is replaced by an electrical one between the microphone and receiver. This is known as sidetone. There are two kinds, one being a deliberate path within the handset and the other the result of echo from an imperfect analogue interface, or hybrid, to a two-wire line within the network. The latter is minimized through use of a digital echo canceler because delayed sidetone is extremely irritating to the caller. Other sidetone paths may be carried by the mechanical structure of the phone or the space within it.
The sidetone rating is calculated using Eq. (8.12) as before except that the sensitivities S i are for the path between the MRP and DRP and are thus dimensionless because pressure is measured (in Pa) at both points. In addition, m   =   0.225 and the weights are given in Table 8.2.
There are two sidetone ratings. One is the sidetone masking rating (STMR) and the other is the listener sidetone rating (LSTR). In the case of the STMR, the test signal comes from the mouth simulator, whereas in the case of the LSTR, it is an external diffuse field. Hence the latter is a characterization of the room noise picked up via the electrical sidetone path. However, it is often more useful to evaluate the listener's sidetone performance of a handset indirectly by the difference
image (8.14)
where D is a parameter of the phone which is independent of the network.

Table 8.2

Weights for wideband sidetone masking rating and listener sidetone rating calculations.
Band No. Midfrequency (Hz) W i
1 100 115.4
2 125 87.5
3 160 72.3
4 200 72.1
5 250 67.2
6 315 75.8
7 400 63.6
8 500 74.6
9 630 70.4
10 800 69.9
11 1000 70.9
12 1250 78.4
13 1600 74.9
14 2000 85.2
15 2500 81.6
16 3150 95.4
17 4000 77.0
18 5000 91.7
19 6300 92.4
20 8000 89.0


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[9] Chiang D.-M, Liu W.-L, Chen J.-L, Susuki R. PALS and SPM/EFM investigation of charged nanoporous electret films Chem Phys Lett . 2005;412:50–54.

[10] Mellow T.J, Kärkkäinen L.M. On the forces in single-ended and push-pull electret transducers J Acoust Soc Am . 2008;124(3):1497–1504.

[11] Walker P.J. Wide range electrostatic loudspeakers, Part 1 Wireless World . 1955;61:208–211.

[12] Walker P.J. Wide range electrostatic loudspeakers, Part 2 Wireless World . 1955;61:265–269.

[13] Walker P.J. Wide range electrostatic loudspeakers, Part 3 Wireless World . 1955;61:381–384.

[14] Bai M.R, Wang C.J, Chiang D.M, Lin S.R. Experimental modeling and design optimization of push-pull electret loudspeakers J Acoust Soc Am . 2010;127(4):2274–2281.

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[18] 3rd Generation partnership project; technical specification group services and system aspects; terminal acoustic characteristics for telephony; requirements (release 10), 3GPP TS 26.131, V10.3.0 (2011-09).

[19] 3rd Generation partnership project; technical specification group services and system aspects; Terminal acoustic characteristics for telephony; test (release 10), 3GPP TS 26.132 V10.2.0 (2011–09).

[20] Series P: Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks; measurements related to speech; calculation of loudness ratings for telephone sets, ITU-T P.79 (11/2007).

[21] Series P: Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks; measurements related to speech; calculation of loudness ratings for telephone sets; annex G: wideband loudness rating algorithm, ITU-T P.79, annex G (11/2001).

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