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Note: Page numbers followed by f and t indicate figures and tables, respectively

21 CFR Part 11, 304

802.1x protocol, 213


AAA framework, 221

ABAC. See attribute-based access control

accents, 188

acceptability parameter, 191

acceptable use policy (AUP), 5051, 313

access, 34

access-challenge response, 208

access control, 4, 2738, 6265, 6971, 8185, 100, 109130, 133155, 175, 176, 182, 253, 272, 282284, 288, 325329

access control entries (ACEs), 7980, 164165, 165t

access control lists (ACLs), 7980, 100, 164

access control solutions for remote workers, 205

access control strategy, 4647

access levels, 11, 2830, 29f

access mask, 164

access owners responsibilities, 4950

access protocols to minimize risk, 205212

access restrictions on information, 3031

accounting, 5, 205206, 211

account management policy, 314

accuracy, monitoring and reporting, 283

Acme, 315316

Acme Credit Card Processing, 332

acquisition phase, 257

Active Directory, 164

Active Directory forest, 170

administrative access level, 11

administrative policies, 114

administrative rights, 123

Administrative Simplification provisions, HIPAA, 297

administrative strategies, 121

administrator, 123

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 102, 229, 236

A-I-C triad, 80, 277

ALE. See annualized loss expectancy

algorithms, 62, 151

analyst conflicts of interest, SOX, 301

annualized loss expectancy (ALE), 66, 67

annualized rate of occurrence (ARO), 66

anomaly detection, 283

anti-circumvention parameter, 191

application development standard, 314

Application Layer, 137

application-level events, 284

application-level firewalls, 71

applications, 6, 12, 118, 141142, 308

applications access, 146147

ARO. See annualized rate of occurrence

assess impact, 273

assessment, 134

asset inventory, 34

assets, 67, 143

asset value (AV), 60, 66

assumed identity, 4142

asymmetric algorithms, 229232, 235236

asymmetric attributes, 236t

asymmetric cryptography, 230, 235, 239

asymmetric encryption, 230232

asymmetric key algorithms, 231

asymmetric key encryption process, 231f

asymmetric key systems, 232

asynchronous tokens, 88

ATM. See automated teller machine

attackers, 62, 63, 86, 87

attribute-based access control (ABAC), 80, 8384

auditing, 49, 296

audit logs, 284287

auditor independence, SOX, 300

audit trail, 286287

authentication, 5, 7, 8, 73, 85, 205207, 211, 219, 239, 240, 280

authentication factors, 1317, 8591

authentication header (AH), 217

authentication methods, 151

authentication server (AS), 94, 213

authentication service, 93, 246

authentication tickets, 96

authenticator, 94, 213

authenticity, 281

author access level, 11

authorization, 5, 79, 102103, 154, 205206, 211

authorization policy, 306309

authorized subject, 5

automated account review, 121

automated expiration of temporary access, 122

automated patching, 71

automated teller machine (ATM), 6, 269, 278

automated testing, 254

automatic declassification, 23

availability, 80, 117, 278279, 282, 291

awareness, 282283


backdoors, 6, 264

background checks, 4344

bad hiring decision, consequences of, 44

Bank One, 334335

barriers, 183

baselines, 141

behavioral biometrics, 17

behavior-based biometrics, 187188

believability, 42

Bell-LaPadula Model, 83

best practices, 155156, 306312

binary large objects (BLOBs), 166

biometrics, 16, 90, 104, 185193, 327

black-hat hackers, 331

blacklist, 283

blue team, 269

bollards, 183, 183f

border firewalls, PNNL, 73

boundary conditions, 253

breaches, 321

breach planning, 259

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, 84

British Telecom, 162

broadcast domains, 99

brute-force attacks, 86, 96, 229

Bugtraq alert, 264

building security, 182

business challenges, 109130

business continuity, 110115

business cryptography, 242245

business drivers for access control, 2735

business facilitation, 2831

business issues, 192

business partners, access, 147150

business reasons to secure information, 2735

business requirements for asset protection, 21

business to business (B2B) transactions, 151

business to customer (B2C) transactions, 151

business use of Kerberos, 96


CA. See certificate authority

California Identity Theft Statute, 323324

Cardenas, D., 317

card holder unique identification (CHUID), 195

case studies in risk assessment, 7173

Center for Internet Security (CIS), 138

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 299

CER. See crossover error rate

certificate authority (CA), 227, 233, 234, 236238, 238f, 245247

certificate issuer, 245

certificate manufacturer, 245

certificate PKI software/hardware, 245

Certificate Practice Statement (CPS), 238

certificate repository, 228

certificate revocation list (CRL), 238

certificate server, 228

certificate validation, 228

CFAA. See Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

challenge handshake authentication protocol (CHAP), 213, 213t

challenge-response device, 89

challenge-response tokens, 15, 195

CHAP. See challenge handshake authentication protocol

chief security officer (CSO), 101

child objects, 164

Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), 303304

C-I-A triad, 80, 277279, 278f

cipher locks, 194

civil penalties, Enforcement Rule, 300

classification of information, 2125

classification schemes, 2122

classified government facilities, 185

cleanup, 264, 271

clearance, 21

cleartext, 94

client/server model, 209

Cloud Collaboration, 126, 127

cloud service, 232

code injection, 267

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 304

collectability parameter, 191

collusion, 4849

combination locks, 194

commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products, 93

Commission Resources and Authority, SOX, 301

common access card (CAC), 89, 195

Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, 81

common roles, 123124

Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), 303

communications, internal business operations and, 150

compartmentalization, 122

competitive advantage, 2526, 114

competitive use of information, 2627

comprehensive plan, 180185

compromise, 102

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 321322

computer rooms, 185

computer security, 331

Confidential information, 21, 22, 35

confidentiality, 80, 102, 117, 239, 241, 278, 282

confidentiality agreement, 26

configuration, PNNL, 73

consistent approach, 68

consistent measurement, 68

contactless smart card, 89

contact smart card, 89

Content Scramble System (CSS), 323

contractor access controls, 3637

control, 60, 62

Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), 22

controlling access to information, 3537

cookies, 104

copyright technology protection, 322323

Corporate Fraud Accountability, SOX, 301

corporate newsletter, 28

corporate responsibility, SOX, 300

corporate tax returns, SOX, 301

corporations access to information, 23

cost-benefit analysis, 27

cost containment, 3132, 32f

cost-effectiveness of biometric solutions, 192

cost of deployment and maintenance, 192

cost of impact, 67

cost of replacement, 67

Counter Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Protocol (CCMP), 102

covered entity, 297298

crackers, 331

creative risk-taking, 54

credentials, 87

credit card information, 26

Criminal Fraud Accountability, SOX, 301

critical infrastructure access control, 5657, 106107, 129, 157158, 177, 199200, 221, 291, 310312, 317318

critical infrastructure PKI, 249

critical infrastructure risk assessment, 74

critical infrastructure security breaches, 335

crossover error rate (CER), 189, 189f

cryptographic hash function, 239

cryptography, 93, 232, 242245

cryptosystem, 229, 236

CSS. See Content Scramble System

culture of open discussion, 5354

customer access, 113114, 148

customer relationship management (CRM), 31


DAC. See discretionary access control

DACL. See discretionary access control list

daemon, 210, 211

data access, 148, 308

data at rest (DAR), 161162

database, 12

database servers, 165166

database storage, 193

database transmission, 193

data centers, 185

data element, 12

data encryption, PNNL, 73

Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption, 327

Data General Corporation, 26

data in motion (DIM), 162164, 163f

data integrity, 278

data leaks, 162

Data Link Layer, 98, 137

dbcreator, 147

declassification, 23

decommissioning of users, 177

Defense-in-depth, 143

defense-in-depth strategy, 73

delegated access rights, 166167

demilitarized zone (DMZ), 71

denial of service (DoS) attack, 61, 101, 330

departmental guidelines, 315

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 299300

depreciated cost, 66

designated file types properties, 144, 146f

development phase, 256

dictionary attacks, 86

Diffie-Hellman algorithm, 235

Diffie-Hellman key exchange, 235

digital certificates, 151, 218219, 233235, 233f, 238, 239, 245246

Digital Computer Controls, 26

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 322

digital signatures, 239, 240f

DIM. See data in motion

direct costs of security breaches, 325, 332

directory information, 302

disaster recovery, 110, 112113

discretionary access control (DAC), 81, 121, 127, 161, 316

discretionary access control list (DACL), 79, 164165

disgruntled employees, 45

disk encryption, 162

distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, 330, 335

distribution of keys, 244

distributors, extranets, 150151

document-sharing, 161

domain administrator, 170

domains of typical IT infrastructure, 265268

domain validated (DV), 234

double-blind penetration test, 270


EAP. See extensible authentication protocol

EAP with flexible authentication via secure tunneling (EAP-FAST), 215

EAP with message digest 5 (EAP-MD5), 214

EAP with transport layer security (EAP-TLS), 214215

EAP with tunneled transport layer security (EAP-TTLS), 215

eavesdropping, 86, 330

e-commerce sites, 151152

electronic key management system (EKMS), 194195

electronic protected health information (EPHI), 298299

electronic security guidelines, NERC, 304305

elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC), 236

Emergency Disconnect Prime Directive, 101

employees, 5051, 112, 114, 116, 119121, 148

employee training, 114

Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), 217218

enclaves implementation, PNNL, 72

encryption, 151152, 162, 228, 228f, 229, 308

end users guidelines, 315

enforcement properties, 144, 145f

Enforcement Rule, 299300

enforcing policies, 5253

enhanced financial disclosures, SOX, 301

enrollment process, 186

enterprise organization access controls best practices, 104105

enterprise-wide password database system, 141

Equifax security breach, 333

ESP. See Encapsulating Security Payload

ethical hackers, 331

ethics, 5153

event-type audit logs, 284285

existence of information, 124

explicitly delegated rights, 166

exposure factor (EF), 66

Extended TACACS (XTACACS), 210211

extended validation (EV), 234

extensible authentication protocol (EAP), 214216, 214f, 215t, 216f

external access controls, 3637

external audit, 49

extranets, 150151


facial recognition, 187

facilities, access control for, 307

failure to acquire rate. See failure to capture rate

failure to capture rate, 190

failure to enroll rate, 189

Fair Credit Reporting Act, 44

false acceptance rate (FAR), 188

false negatives, 188, 283

false positives, 283

false rejection rate (FRR), 189

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 301303

federal facilities, 184

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), 152154

Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS), 232

Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), 136137, 309

federation, 154

FFIEC. See Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

file permissions in Linux, 172173, 172t, 173f

file-sharing sites, 327

file systems access control, 147, 164165

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 267

file transfers, encrypting, 243

financial impact of security breaches, 332333

Financial Modernization Act of 1999. See Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

fingerprints, 186

fingerprint scan, 8

firewall, 71

FISMA. See Federal Information Security Management Act

five pillars of information assurance, 279280

fobs, 195

folder access, 147

folder permissions in Windows, 169170, 169f170f

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines, 304

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 22

Freedom of Information Act request, 22

full asset inventory, 34


gap analysis, 259, 265268

gaps identification, 273

generic routing encapsulation (GRE), 217

generic work areas, 183

get out of jail free card, 269

government facilities, 184185

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), 296297

group access controls, 11

groups, 119, 150

guests, 124

guidelines, 134, 140, 142, 313, 315

Guide to Enterprise Password Management, 139


hackers, 4243, 331

hand geometry systems, 187, 193

hardening, network, 260

hash salt, 327

Hawaii Integrated Maritime Information System (HIMIS), 291

health information system (HIS), 176

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009, 299

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 26, 44, 115, 289, 297300

heightened access, 62, 64

Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC), 335

HHS Office for Civil Rights, 299

highly sensitive data, encrypting, 243

highly sensitive information, 23

HIPAA. See Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

History-based access control (HBAC), 84

HMI. See human machine interface

Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD 12), 305306

host-based firewalls, PNNL, 73

host discovery methods, 259

host synchronization, 97

how criteria, 10, 11

human element, 4146, 325327

human machine interface (HMI), 311

human nature, 41, 5354

human resources (HR), 53

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) communications, 163


IA. See information assurance

ICS. See industrial control system

identification, 78, 154, 204205

identification mode of a biometric system, 190

identification process, 186

identification standard, 314

Identity as a Service (IDaaS), 155

Identity-based access control (IBAC), 82

identity management, application, 141142

identity provider, 154

identity theft, 321, 324

Identity Theft Enforcement and Restitution Act, 321

IDS. See intrusion detection system

IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA), 99, 136

IETF. See Internet Engineering Task Force

impact, 60, 67, 259

implementation, 134135, 257

implicitly delegated rights, 167

incident handling, 258270

incident response, 264

indirect attacks, 330

indirect costs of security breaches, 325, 332

individual guidelines, 315

industrial control system (ICS), 173174

information, 6, 2138, 32f, 271

information assets inventory, 28

information assurance (IA), 276282, 278f, 279f, 281f, 282283, 288292

information integrity, 278

information security activities, 258, 277

information security policy, FISMA, 136

information technology (IT), 296301

in-house key management, 244245

initial key, 234

initiation phase, 257

input controls, 125

instant messaging communication, encrypting, 243

intangible damages, security breach, 330

integration testing, 256

integrity, 80, 117, 239, 241, 278, 282

intellectual property. See information assets inventory

internal access controls, 3536

internal audit, 49

internal business operations and communications, 150

internal information, 23

International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC), 137

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 137138

Internet key exchange (IKE), 218

Internet Layer, 137

Internet Protocol (IP), 10, 97, 259

Internet protocol security (IPSec) protocol, 217218

Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP), 218

Internet service provider (ISP), 102, 323

intranets, 150

intrusion detection system (IDS), 71, 163, 283, 288

intrusion prevention system (IPS), 71, 163

intrusive testing method, 259260, 268

inventory of IT assets, 143

IPS. See intrusion prevention system

iris, 187

ISA Security Compliance Institute (ISCI), 311

ISO, 137

IT infrastructure, 68

IT infrastructure domains, 265268

IT risk management, 3435

IT security policy framework, 312315, 312f


job rotation, 47


Kerberos, 93, 104

key archival, 234

key distribution, 234

Key Distribution Center (KDC), 93, 9596

key generation, 234

key management, 233235, 244245

key recovery, 234

key recovery service, 228

keyspace, 229

key storage, 96, 234

key termination, 234

key usage, 234

knowledge-based authentication (KBA), 219

knowledge-based methodologies, 8687


LAN Manager (LM) hash, 327

LAN-to-WAN Domain, 267

law enforcement databases, 193

laws, 321324

Layer 2 techniques, 98

Layer 3 techniques, 100

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), 217

LDAP. See Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

least privilege, 80, 114, 122124

least privileged scenario, 22

least user access (LUA), 122

legal issues, 192

LexisNexis, 334

liability, risk assessment, 6971

library access monitoring, 142

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 175, 176, 207

Lightweight EAP (LEAP), 215

Linux, 171173, 172t, 173f

Linux file permissions, 172173, 172t, 173f

load testing, 256

Local Area Network (LAN) Domain, 71, 98, 163, 266267

locking mechanism, 182

locks, 194

log file, 286287

logical access controls, 913, 13f

logical link control (LLC), 98

logical location, 10

logon/password access, 153154

log shipping, 71

Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, 316


MAC spoofing, 99

maintenance of biometric solutions, 192

malicious hackers, 331

malware, 87, 123

mandatory access control (MAC), 81, 82, 121, 128, 161, 316

mandatory declassification review, 24

man-in-the-middle attacks, 235, 236

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 93

McCumber cube, 279280, 279f

mechanical locks, 194

Media Access Control (MAC), 1011, 98, 99, 128

membership in groups, 150

mesh network topology, 128, 129f

minutiae matching, 186

misuse detection, 283284

mitigation plans, 35

mobile devices, encrypting information on, 243

mobile work force, 203204

monetary gain, 331

Monster.com security breach, 332

motivation, 4243

MS-CHAP, 213

multilayered access control, 143148

multilayered approach, 68

multilevel security (MLS) system, 82

multiple contacts, 42

multiple single level (MSL), 82

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format, 243


National Audit Office (NAO), 335

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 136

National Security classification, 22

National Vulnerability Database (NVD), 135

need to know, 22, 114, 124125

Nessus, 260, 262f, 263

network access control (NAC), 97101

network access server (NAS), 206

network administrators, assets, 143

network admission control, 97

network analysis, identity management, 141142

network antivirus, 326

network authentication protocols, 213216

network devices, 119

network interface card (NIC), 98

Network Layer, 100

networks, 6, 12

network scanners, 260

New York Times, The, 333

NIST National Vulnerability Database (NVD), 135

NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53, 139

NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-118, 139

Nmap (Network Mapper), 260, 261f

Nmap report in Zenmap GUI, 260

no access, 11

non-directory information, 302

nondisclosure agreement (NDA), 23, 36

non-financial impact, 69

nonintrusive testing methods, 259260

nonrepudiation, 239, 241, 280

non-sensitive work areas, 183

normalization, 287

North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), 304305

NTLM hash, 327



objectives of risk assessment, 68

object level security, 164

objects, 3, 4, 6, 1113, 13f, 118

one-to-many scenario, 28

ongoing observation of personnel, 4546

ongoing training policy, 288

online banking access control, 152153

Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), 238

open discussion culture, 5354

OpenID Connect, 154

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model, 98

Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner (OpenVAS), 263, 263f, 264f

operating system, 12, 117118

operational efficiency, 33

operation, principles of, 186

operations and maintenance phase, 258

Orange Book, 83

order process example, 2931, 29f

organizational behavior, 5354

organizational ethics programs, 52

organizational structure model, 47

organizational units (OUs), 168

Organization-based access control (OrBAC), 83

organization validated (OV), 234

output controls, 125

outsourced key management, 244245

outsourcing, 244, 246247

outsourcing physical security, 195196


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), 72

parent object, 167

Parkerian hexad, 280282, 281f

parsing, 286

Partner Standards Development Organization (PSDO), 137

passphrase, 14

pass-the-hash attack, 171

Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), 212, 213t

password cracking, 6264, 63t, 64t

password hash, 65

password policy, 313

passwords, 8, 8587, 327

patch management, PNNL, 73

pattern matching, 187

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), 26, 138, 243

PCI DSS. See Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

PCI Security Standards Council, 138

penalties for improper disclosure, 2627

penetration attempt, 271

penetration testing, 253, 268270, 326

performance parameter, 191

perimeter security, 180, 181f

periodic vacation requirement, 47

permanence parameter, 191

Perot Systems, 248

personal danger issues, 193

personal identification numbers (PINs), 88, 269

personal information, 323324

personally identifiable information (PII), 24, 78, 328

phased approach, 134

phishing, 65, 326327

physical access controls, 114, 117, 196197, 334

physical attacks, 330

physical biometrics, 16

physical guidelines, NERC, 304

physical location, 6, 1011

physical locks, 194

physical obstacles, 183

physical security, 6, 114, 180, 195196, 325, 327

physiological biometric types, 186187

PII. See personally identifiable information

PINs. See personal identification numbers

PKI. See public key infrastructure

plaintext password, 124

planning, penetration test, 270271

points of entry and exit, 182

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), 212

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), 217

policies, 4, 5, 21, 23, 35, 5253, 134, 139, 272, 313315

policy authority, 245

policy-based routing, 100

port scanning, 259, 260, 267

position sensitivity, 47

possession or control, 281

potential liability, 69

pre-employment background checks, 4344

principals, 96

principle of least privilege, 80, 122124

prioritization, 134, 287

Privacy Act information, 24

privacy concerns, 191, 192

privacy impact assessment (PIA), 328329

Privacy Rule, 297

private key, 152, 230, 231f

private sector access control, 5455, 104105, 126129, 156, 175, 197198, 220221, 289, 306309, 315316

private sector PKI, 248

private sector risk assessment, 7172

private sector security breaches, 334335

probability of occurrence, 60, 61

procedures, 4, 5, 134, 140, 313315

processes, 6

programmable logic controllers (PLCs), 311

proprietary information, 23

Protected EAP (PEAP), 215

protected health information (PHI), 297

protecting value of information, 3537

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), 300

public information, 23

public key, 151, 230, 231f, 245

public key cryptography, 227

public key infrastructure (PKI), 227228, 240241, 247249

public records, 106

public sector access control, 5556, 106, 128129, 156157, 175176, 198199, 221, 289291, 309310, 316317

public sector PKI, 248249

public sector risk assessment, 7273

public sector security breaches, 335

purchase cost, 66


qualitative risk assessment, 67

quantitative risk assessment, 66


RA. See registration authority

RAdAC. See risk-adaptive access control

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) badges, 328

RADIUS. See Remote Authentication Dial In User Service

RBAC. See role-based access control

read only access level, 11

realm, 96

red team, 269

registration authority (RA), 227, 234, 246

regulatory compliance, 295

relational database (RDB), 164

relational database management system (RDBMS), 166

release and training phase, 256

remediation plans, 273

remote access, 204205, 219220, 309

Remote Access Domain, 268

remote access policy, 314

remote access server (RAS), 210

remote access standard, 314

remote access VPN, 220, 221

Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS), 175, 206209, 207f, 212, 212t, 221

remote authentication protocols, 212213

remote employees, 148150

remote terminal units (RTUs), 311

remote virtual private network (VPN) access, 148150

removable devices, encrypting, 243

replacement cost, 66, 67

repository, 246

request for help, 42

Requests for Comments (RFCs), 137

requirements analysis, 254, 255

requirements definition, 258

resellers, 150151

restricted information, 32

restricting access to information, 3031

retina, 187

retinal scans, 187

return on investment (ROI), 104

revocation manufacturer, 245

ridges, 186

risk, 60, 62f, 114, 242, 246247

risk acceptance, 67, 115

risk-adaptive access control (RAdAC), 81, 8485

risk assessment, 28, 3435, 60, 6669, 7173

risk assessment policy, 67

risk assessment process, 66

risk avoidance, 67, 115

risk exposures, 273

risk management strategies, 67

risk mitigation, 67, 116117

risk transference, 67, 115116

rogue internal operatives, 326

role-based access control (RBAC), 8183, 121, 127, 161, 316

role-playing activities, 50

roles, 8183, 119

root certificate authorities, 245

root superuser, 173

root user, 123

route maps, 100

RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm, 236

Rule-based access control (RuBAC), 81, 84


SACLs. See system access control lists

sandbox, 165

Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002, 300301

SCADA. See supervisory control and data acquisition

scalability, 93

scope development, 259268

Secret information, 22

secret key, 9495

Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), 243

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 163

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 301

security, 93

security administrator, 62, 63

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), 154

security association (SA), 218

security audit, 196

security awareness policy, 51

security breach attack plan, 264265

security breaches, 264265, 330333

security countermeasures, 272

security development life cycle, 256258, 257f

security gaps, 273

security identifier (SID), 79

security information and event management (SIEM) system, 287288

security policies, 306, 325

security risk, 219

Security Rule, 298299

self-signed digital certificate, 245

senior management role, 21

Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs), 13, 70

sensitive information, 2123

sensitive positions, pre-employment background checks for, 4344

sensitive work areas, 184

separation of duties, 4849, 83

separation of responsibilities, 122

serveradmin, 147

service level agreements (SLAs), 196

Service provider, 154

service set identifier (SSID), 101

session key, 96

shadow password file, 327

shared secret, 8, 208, 218

shoulder surfing, 88

signature analysis, 188

signing server, 228

simple security rule, 83

Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE), 102

single-factor authentication, 91

single loss expectancy (SLE), 66

single point of failure, 97

single sign-on (SSO), 103104, 141

situation, risk assessment, 6971

smart card ID badge, 64

smart cards, 89, 104

SMShing, 87

social engineering, 4143, 5455, 62, 6465, 86, 269, 270, 272, 307, 326, 330

social networking sites, 327

Social Security number (SSN), 24, 324

Software as a Service (SaaS) office suite, 126

software design, 255

software development life cycle, 254256, 255f

something you are, 9091

something you have, 8890

something you know, 8588

spam remailer, 331

spear phishing, 73, 87, 326327

specification detection, 284

SSL 128-bit encryption, 157

staff, 143

standards, 133155, 272, 313, 314

standard testing procedures, third-party application, 308

state laws, 323324

status motivation, 43

storage of biometric data, 193

strong authentication, 91

strong *-property rule, 83

subjects, 36, 1013, 118, 119

subordinate certificate authorities, 245

subscribers, 227

subsequent key, 234

substitute user do (sudo), 173

sunset phase, 258

super administrator, 170171

supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), 173174, 310311

supplicant, 213

support phase, 256

symmetric algorithms, 229230, 235236

symmetric attributes, 236t

symmetric cryptography, 239

symmetric cryptosystems, 229, 239

symmetric encryption, 89

symmetric encryption algorithms, 229

symmetric encryption key, 152

symmetric key encryption process, 230f

symmetric key systems, 229, 232

synchronous tokens, 88

sysadmin, 147

system access control lists (SACLs), 80, 144145, 165

System/Application Domain, 268

systematic declassification, 23

system exploits, 330

system-level events, 284

systems, 6, 12

systems access control, 307


table, 12

tailgating, 65

tangible damage, security breach, 330

target, 43

TCSEC. See Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria

technical strategies, 121122

technological access controls, 114

technology, 6, 327329

technology-related access control solutions, 194195

Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), 102

Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS), 210212

Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+), 211212, 212t, 221

termination of employment, 4546

testing, 258270

testing access control systems, 253

testing security systems, 256

test plan development, 259268

third parties access controls, 36

third-party application, standard testing procedures, 308

threat assessment, 3435

threat mitigation, 116117

threats, 60, 6266, 116117, 311312

three-factor authentication, 92

Ticket-Granting Service (TGS), 93

Ticket-Granting Ticket (TGT), 94

tiger teams, 270, 326

time, 287

timeliness, monitoring and reporting, 283

time server, 228

time-variable tokens, 14, 89

TJX Companies, Inc., 333

TJX security breach, 333

TLS. See Transport Layer Security

tokens, 8, 14, 15, 88, 195

tools, 5

Top Secret information, 22

trade secret, 23, 26

training, 282283, 288

training employees, 5051

transaction authorization, 82

Transactions and Code Set Rule, 297298

transmission, database, 193

transparency, 93, 103

transportation, critical infrastructure, 310312

Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), 199200

Transport Layer, 137

Transport Layer Security (TLS), 163, 213, 242

Trojan horse malware, 87

trust, 7

trusted certificate authorities, 236, 237f

Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC), 81, 82

trusted publishers properties, 145, 146f

trusted-third party authentication, 95

tumbler locks, 194

tunnel vision, 287

TWIC Privacy Key (TPK), 199

two-factor authentication, 8, 9192, 205, 218

two-person control, 48

type I errors, 189

type II errors, 188, 189

typing tempo, 188


U.K. Data Protection Act of 1998, 335

unauthorized access, 264265, 285286, 320324

unauthorized subject, 5

unclassified information, 22

unintentional threat, 42

uninterruptable power supply (UPS), 197

Unique Identifier Standards Rule, 298

uniqueness parameter, 191

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 248, 249

unit testing, 256

Universal City Studios v. Reimerdes, 323

universality parameter, 190

universal serial bus (USB) drives, 243

unknown subject, 5

U.S. compliance laws and regulations, 295306

user access control profiles, 144

user account standard, 314

user behavior, identity management, 141142

User Domain, 266

user-level events, 284

users, 117, 118, 123, 124, 127

user type audit logs, 285

U.S. federal laws, 321323

utility, 281282


vacation requirement, 47

valleys, 186

valuable information, 25

value, risk assessment, 6971

vandalism for security breaches, 331

vendor access controls, 36

verification mode of a biometric system, 190

verification process, 186

VeriSign, 236, 249

view full record, 125

view partial information, 124

virtual local area networks (VLANs), 99100

virtual private networks (VPNs), 120, 148150, 164, 217218, 309

virus, high-risk rating, 61

voice recognition systems, 188, 193

VPNs. See virtual private networks

vulnerabilities, 6266, 117118, 259, 267, 268, 271, 311312

vulnerability assessment, 34

vulnerability assessment scanning, 260264

vulnerability management, 117118


Wall Street Journal, The, 116

warded locks, 194

wards, 194

Web 2.0, 150

Web application scanners, 260

Web authentication, 218219

Web browser, 162, 163f, 327

Web-facing systems, 71

Web servers, 61

what criteria, 10

when criteria, 10

where criteria, 1011

white collar crime penalty enhancement, SOX, 301

white-hat hackers, 331

whitelist, 284

who criteria, 10

wide area network (WAN), 98, 267268

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 101

Windows, 167171, 167t, 168t, 169f–170f

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 102

wireless IEEE 802.11 LANs, 101103

wireless mesh networks, 128

workers, remote employees and, 148150, 149f

Workstation Domain, 266

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 322


yardstick measurement, 68


Zenmap configuration screen, 260, 261f

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