OpenBSD and Your Security

Even though OpenBSD is tightly secured, intruders still break into OpenBSD systems. This might seem contradictory, but in truth, it means that the person running the computer didn’t understand computer security.

OpenBSD has many integrated security features, but you cannot assume that these features secure everything running on the system. That’s just not possible. No operating system can defend itself against operator error. An operating system can protect itself from software problems to a limited extent, but ultimately, the responsibility for security is the administrator’s.

Consider a web server—even OpenBSD’s integrated Apache server—running on OpenBSD. OpenBSD provides the web server with a stable, reliable platform, and will provide services as the web server requests, within the limits assigned by the system administrator. If the system administrator has configured the web server correctly, a web server failure will not endanger the operating system. If the system administrator configures the web server to run with unlimited privileges, the web server can inflict almost unrestricted damage on the underlying system.

Or consider a less extreme case. The web server might be configured correctly, but suppose you install insecure forum software. An intruder can break into the forum and edit its data—maybe grab the username and password the forum software uses to access the local database. If that account information matches a system-level username and password, the intruder might be able to leverage them to gain access to the system. Or perhaps he can use that username and password to get administrator-level access to the database and penetrate other applications. What if those applications have elevated privileges?

Only careful, consistent, thoughtful work by a system administrator can prevent intrusions. Throughout this book, we’ll discuss some basic security precautions you should take when installing and running software. We’ll also discuss the advanced security features OpenBSD offers in order to protect itself.

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