Chapter 12. Connecting to the Network

My tunnel is now up.
I can do IPv6.
Me and three others.

All that theory of IPv4 and IPv6 is fine. Now let’s do something with it, and actually connect to a network. While dial-up connections work with OpenBSD, they’re not used much these days, so we’ll focus on Ethernet connections. Ethernet is the most common network type today, and the most common network interface on OpenBSD systems.

Most people have IPv4 connectivity, but IPv6 is increasingly important. If you can’t get native IPv6 to your network, you can use a tunnel to reach IPv6 address space and provide IPv6 to your clients. I’ll cover acquiring and configuring such a tunnel in this chapter.

Finally, OpenBSD can combine network connections into trunks or split them into virtual local area networks (VLANs). This chapter covers both approaches.

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