
accents, 204–205, 206

accessibility, trust and, 109

accountability, 93–123

case study, 97–98

components of, 120–122

creating in virtual environment, 95–97

defining, 93–95

establishing commitment to, 20–21, 22

importance of, 95, 98

lack of, problems with, 21

link with context communication, 90

nature of, 93–95

trust and, 98–122

Virtual Roadmap to, 123, 250

Wheel of Trust ™, 118–122

acronyms, 18, 51, 60, 72, 111, 202

action teams, 11

active listening, 216–217

Adapta-Leadership, 233, 236–237


for team destination session, 55

for teleconferences, 76

for videoconferences, 80

Agent of Change, 30, 230–231

Agent of Connection, 30, 230–231

agreeable vs. willing to disagree persona, 210, 215


trust and, 109–110

see also Team Code of Conduct

alignment, 159–162

of goals and expectations, 159–161

of interests, 161–162

ambiguity avoidance, 219–220

American culture, 199

asynchronous communication options, 10

authenticity, in successful virtual teams, 251, 253


communicating context around, 63–64

team member awareness of, 63

awards, 25

body language, 61

bullet points, e-mail, 72

case studies

accountability, 97–98

conflict management, 138–141

cross-cultural communication (CCC), 198–201, 224–225

setting up virtual teams, 39–45

virtual team mediation, 148

CCC, see cross-cultural communication (CCC)


birthdays, 50, 86, 89, 245

holidays, 88, 112, 245

in Refresh stage, 245

Chinese culture, 242


in accountability, 94

of e-mail communication, 72

Collabo-Leadership, 234, 240

collaborative vs. competitive mindset, 209, 215


accountability and, 20–21, 22

establishing, 20–21, 22

individualizing, 25

trust and, 105, 107–108

in Wheel of Trust™, 119, 122

Commitment-Trust definition, 113, 114–115

Common Snack Food (team spirit activity), 51

communication, 57–90

assuming positive intent in, 12, 102, 103

challenges of, 5, 63–68

conflict management and, 142

connections and, 29–32, 57–58, 83

context, see context communication

in CPR (communication, people, risk management), 174–176

in deliverables management, 174–176

frequencies of, 169–172, 177

in LEARN strategy, 217–219

opening lanes of, 20, 22

options in on-site teams, 10, 58–59, 60–61, 171

options in virtual teams, 10, 24, 58–61, 171

in successful virtual teams, 251, 253–254

trust and, 105–106, 111

Virtual Roadmap to, 91, 248, 249–250

see also cross-cultural communication (CCC)

Communi-Leadership, 233, 238–239

compactness, of e-mail communication, 72

competence, in Wheel of Trust™, 119–120

Competence-Trust definition, 113, 114

completeness, of e-mail communication, 71

completion rates, 172–173

conciseness, of e-mail communication, 71

concreteness, of e-mail communication, 71

conference calls, see teleconferences

confidences, 110

conflict management, 125–151

aspects of conflict, 137–138

case study, 138–141

challenges of conflict, 5

conflict avoidance, 134

cultural issues in, 131

data conflicts, 21, 128–129, 132

dimensions of conflict, 135

identifying conflicts, 23, 130, 132

identity conflicts, 21, 127–128, 132

importance of, 21, 22

levels of conflict, 136–138

performance conflicts, 21, 126–127, 132

productive approach to, 135, 142–144

reacting to conflict, 133–135

social conflicts, 129–130, 132

three Ps of conflict resolution, 137–138

tips for effective, 142–144

types of conflict, 21, 126–130

Virtual Roadmap to, 151, 250

for virtual teams, 142–150, 252, 255


in context communication, 29–32, 57–58, 83

importance of, 30–32, 229–230

in Setup stage, 29–32, 229–230

in successful virtual teams, 251, 253–254

telepresence and, 245–246

virtual keyboard generation and, 246–247

see also relationships

consistency, 105, 108–109, 120

consultative vs. decisive mindset, 209

context communication, 61–90

differences in interpreting context, 196–197

environmental cues in, 62–68, 91

frequencies of communications, 171, 177

link with accountability, 90

medium in, 62, 68–82, 91, 171, 177

nature of, 61–62

relationships in, 62, 82–89, 91

routines in, 89

Virtual Roadmap to, 91

CPR (communication, people, risk management) in, 173, 174–183

cross-cultural communication (CCC), 191–228

in accountability, 95

case studies, 198–201, 224–225

challenges in virtual environment, 195–197

cultural factors in conflict management, 131

giving credit, 219

giving feedback, 218

impact of miscommunication, 194–195

importance of, 191–192

improving ideas, 218

language issues in, 77–78, 131, 193, 197–207

LEARN strategies for, 216–225

mindset issues in, 209, 215

nature of culture, 192–194

Pepper Pot Soup activity, 192, 214

persona issues in, 210–211, 215

process issues in, 213–214, 215

responding, 218

saying “no,” 204

saying “yes,” 196, 203–204

structure issues in, 212–213, 215

time orientation issues in, 211–212, 215

tips for improving, 205–207, 216–225

translation issues, 202–206

Virtual Roadmap to, 227–228

Vista-leadership and, 225–226

cultural lens, 194–195

culture, 192–194

defining, 193–194

intercultural disconnect, 194–195

nature of, 192–193

see also cross-cultural communication (CCC)

data conflicts, 21, 128–129, 132


following teleconferences, 77

in postmortems, 185–186

De George, Richard, 136

delegation, challenges of, 5

deliverables management, 22, 153–189

accepting responsibility for, 121

across time zones, 157–159

alignment in, 159–162

challenges of, 154–157, 163

communication around deliverables, 174–176

coordinating deliverables, 159

CPR (communication, people, risk management) in, 173, 174–183

deliverables survival kit, 173, 174–183

frequencies in, 169–173

guidelines for, 153–154, 156–157, 160–165, 166–168, 172, 176, 179–183, 184–185

postmortems, 185–186

realignment in, 155–156, 183–185

in successful virtual teams, 252, 255

tracking in, 162–168

Virtual Roadmap for, 187–189, 250

in Wheel of Trust™, 121, 122

destination of team, 32–37

clarifying, 17, 19, 33–34

goals in, 33, 34–35

mission in, 33, 34–35

project sponsors and, 33, 35

purpose in, 33, 34–35

Rules of the Road, 17–18, 19

selecting team members, 34, 36

Team Charter, 34, 37

destructive characteristics of conflict, 135

different time, different place communication, 10

different time, same place communication, 10

Diversa-Leadership, 233, 237–238

diverse workforce

as by-product of virtual teams, 4

trust and, 111

see also cross-cultural communication (CCC)

Edu-Leadership, 234, 241

e-mail, 69–73

cc (carbon copy) message, 69–70, 73

challenges of, 5

for communicating team member availability, 64

five Cs of writing, 70–72

lack of contribution, 77

managing, 70–72

Team Code of Conduct for, 70, 71

telephone communication to clarify, 73, 202

tips for writing effective, 72–73

uses of, 69–70

virtual keyboard generation and, 246–247

English language

translating English to English, 202–205

working with other languages, 206–207

see also language issues

environmental cues, 62–68

diminished cues, 62

Lost Rider challenge, 64–66

multitasking challenge, 66–68

nature of, 62

team members’ awareness of tasks and availability, 63–64

in Virtual Roadmap, 91

Ethical Displacement Theory (De George), 136

existing virtual teams

buddy system, 47

getting team ready, 46–47

preparing new team members, 46

Rules of the Road, 46

Setup stage, 45–47

expectation management

accountability and, 120–121

in alignment of virtual teams, 159–161

explicit expectations, 121

implicit expectations, 121

explicit expectations, 121

extraverts, 36

facilitators, for teleconferences, 76, 77

fear, trust versus, 101–102


in cross-cultural communication (CCC), 218

following teleconferences, 76

in postmortems, 185–186

Follow-Through stage, 19–22

accountability in, 20–21, 22

conflict management in, 21, 22

connections in, 229–230

deliverables in, 22, 121–122, 153–189

opening communication, 20, 22

overview of, 22

trust in, 20–21, 22

formal vs. informal structure, 213, 215

frequencies, 169–173

best practices for, 172

of communication with team, 169–172, 177

completion rates and, 172–173

Friedman, Thomas, 243

future of virtual teams, 26–27, 229–247

general vs. detail process, 214, 215

globalization process

future developments in virtual teams and, 26–27, 229–247

language barriers and, 77–78, 131, 193, 197–207

need for virtual teams in, 1–3

Global Leadership

Adapta-Leadership, 233, 236–237

Collabo-Leadership, 234, 240

Communi-Leadership, 233, 238–239

Diversa-Leadership, 233, 237–238

Edu-Leadership, 234, 241

Innova-Leadership, 233, 235–236

nature of, 231

Vista-Leadership, 225–226, 232–233, 234–235

global vs. local mindset, 209, 215, 251, 252


of virtual teams, 33, 34–35, 159–161

see also destination of team

grapevine, 86–89, 195

greetings, e-mail, 73

group lists, e-mail, 73

Happy Birthday to Us! (team spirit activity), 50

happy hour, 24

headers, e-mail, 72

hierarchical vs. entrepreneurial structure, 212–213, 215

high-context cultures, 196–197

history, as challenge in relationships, 86–87

holding opinions to oneself vs. voicing an opinion persona, 210, 215


trust and, 105, 107, 113–114

in Wheel of Trust™, 119

Honesty-Trust definition, 113–114

humor, 73, 203

hypercommunication, 170

IBM, 79–80

identity conflicts, 21, 127–128, 132

implementation stage, see Follow-Through stage

implicit expectations, 121

Indian culture, 173, 199, 201, 203–204, 242

influence, in accountability, 94

informal communication, 86–89, 195

information flow, in successful virtual teams, 252, 254

information technology

defining virtual teams, 6–8

need for virtual teams and, 2–3

in opening lanes of communication, 20

in successful virtual teams, 252, 254

Innova-Leadership, 233, 235–236

instant messaging (IM), see e-mail

interests, in alignment of virtual teams, 161–162

interpersonal conflict, 136


teleconference, 76

videoconference, 79, 81

introverts, 36

isolation, as challenge in relationships, 84–85

Israeli culture, 199

Japanese culture, 196, 204, 224–225

jargon, 71, 111, 203

jokes, 73, 203

judgment, avoiding, 223–224

language issues

accents, 204–205, 206

in accountability, 111

in cross-cultural communication, 77–78, 131, 193, 197–207

translation issues, 202–206

working with speakers of other languages, 206–207

LEARN strategy, 216–225

listen, 216–217

effective communication, 217–219

avoid ambiguity, 219–220

respect differences, 220–222

no judgment, 223–224

life cycle of virtual teams, 15–27

future developments, 26–27, 229–247

Stage 1: Setup, 16–19, 29–55

Stage 2: Follow-Through, 19–22

Stage 3: Refresh, 22–26

limited vs. plentiful orientation, 211, 215

linear vs. fluid thinking process, 214, 215

listen strategy, 216–217

Lost Riders, 64–66

low-context cultures, 196–197

management teams, 11

mediation techniques, 144–149

case study, 148

problems with, 149

teleconferences, 145–147

medium, 68–82

in deliverables communication plan, 177

e-mail communication, 69–73, 171

nature of, 62, 68–69

telephone communication, 74–79, 171

using technology to communicate, 69

videoconferences, 79–81, 171

in Virtual Roadmap, 91

web conferences, 81–82

mindset issues, 209, 215, 243–244


nature of virtual team, 33, 34–35

of successful virtual teams, 251, 252–253


acknowledging and tolerating, 104, 107, 113, 121, 186, 236

in postmortems, 185–186


in alignment of virtual teams, 161–162

role of virtual manager, 34–35

multitasking, 66–68

complaints concerning, 66

identifying excessive, 66–67

tips for avoiding, 67–68

My Team Setup tool, 32, 48–49

networked teams, 10

new team members

first teleconference and, 78–79, 87

preparing, 46

videoconferences and, 79

web conferences and, 81

“no scrolling” rule, e-mail, 72

note-takers, for teleconferences, 76

obstacles, confronting, 121

offshore teams, 11

on-site communication options, 10, 58–59, 60–61, 171

openness, trust and, 107

operational rhythm, in accountability, 94

organizational conflict, 136

orientation of virtual team, 38–39

parallel teams, 10


in conflict management, 137

in deliverables management, 176–180

mapping your team, 178, 179

role of manager in virtual team, 34–35, 178–180

selecting team members, 34, 36

see also relationships

Pepper Pot Soup activity, 192, 214

perception differences, in cross-cultural communication (CCC), 195–196


in accountability, 95

challenges of, 5

performance conflicts, 21, 126–127, 132

persona issues, 210–211, 215

personality, as challenge in relationships, 85–86

planning ahead vs. just in time process, 214, 215

positive attitude, in successful virtual teams, 252, 255–256

postmortems, 185–186

precise vs. loose structure, 212, 215

predictability, 105, 108–109, 120

present vs. future orientation, 211, 215

priority level, e-mail, 72

problem, in conflict management, 137, 138

process, in conflict management, 137

process issues, 213–214, 215

production teams, 11

productive characteristics of conflict, 135, 142–144

progress reports, 163, 166, 168

project management software, 160

project/product development teams, 10

project sponsors, 33, 35

project summary sheet, 160

promotion, challenges of, 5

public vs. private persona, 210, 215

purpose, of virtual teams, 33, 34–35

quality control (QC), 34

questioning authority vs. acquiescing persona, 210–211, 215

rapport, 48–51

finding common threads, 48–49

Virtual Water Cooler and, 86–89

realignment, 183–185

in deliverables management, 155–156, 183–185

nature of, 183–184

in Setup stage, 53–54, 155–156

Refresh stage, 22–26, 244–245

celebrating success, 245

connections in, 229–230

leader activities in, 244

overview of, 25

refueling in, 24, 25

tune-ups in, 23, 25

wrapping up, 24–26, 244–245

relationships, 82–89

challenges of, 5, 84–89

finding common threads, 48–49

isolation challenge of, 84–85

nature of, 62

personality challenge of, 85–86

team spirit, 48–51

in Virtual Roadmap, 91

Virtual Water Cooler, 86–89

see also connections; trust

reliability, trust and, 105, 107–108

reports in tracking process, 163–165

best practices, 166–168

PPP: Progress, Problems, and Plans, 163

progress reports, 163, 166, 168

spreadsheets, 165–166

Representation-Trust definition, 113, 115–116


for cultural differences, 220–222

in LEARN strategy, 220–222

in teleconferences, 76–77

in Virtual Water Cooler, 88

in Wheel of Trust™, 122

responsiveness, trust and, 109

risk management, 180–183

assigning ownership for risk strategies, 181

creating the plan for, 181–182

identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing risks, 181

in Innova-Leadership, 233, 235–236

tips for, 183

Rogers, Will, 243

Romanian culture, 200–201

round-robin discussions, 64


in accountability, 94

in context communication, 89

Rules of the Road, 38–43

case study, 39–43

conflict management and, 142, 149–150

for existing virtual teams, 46

in handling Lost Riders, 65

importance of, 38

setting, 17–18, 19

team orientation, 38–39

team spirit and, 48

Russian culture, 201, 242

same time, different place communication, 10

same time, same place communication, 10

Samoan culture, 194–195

Santo Domingan culture, 210

sarcasm, 73

service teams, 11

Setup stage, 16–19, 29–55

conflict management and, 142, 149–150

connections in, 29–32, 229–230

destination of team in, 32–37

human connections and, 29–30

importance of, 30–32

My Team Setup tool, 32, 48–49

overview of, 19

realignment in, 53–54, 155–156

Rules of the Road, 17–18, 19, 38–43, 48, 65, 142

success factors for virtual teams, 11–13, 31–32, 33, 54

Team Code of Conduct, 18, 19, 51–53

team destination in, 17, 19

test-drive in, 18, 19

Virtual Roadmap for, 55

shared calendars, 63, 64, 172

short message service (SMS), see e-mail

Silent Riders, 77–79

slang, 111, 206–207

slow vs. fast pace orientation, 211–212, 215

social conflicts, 129–130, 132

social networks, 87, 89

societal conflict, 136

spreadsheets, 165–166, 167


in deliverables communication plan, 175, 177

frequencies of communication with, 171, 177

status differences, in cross-cultural communication (CCC), 196

structure issues, 212–213, 215

subject line, e-mail, 72

synchronous communication options, 10

task-oriented vs. relationship-oriented mindset, 209, 215


communicating context around, 63–64

frequencies of communications, 171

team member awareness of, 63

team building, 48–51

challenges of, 5

finding common threads, 48–49

fun in, 48–51, 88–89

importance of, 48

real-life examples of, 50–51

Virtual Water Cooler in, 86–89

Team Charter, 34, 37

Team Code of Conduct, 51–53

conflict management and, 149–150

developing, 18, 19, 51–53

for e-mail, 70, 71

for existing virtual teams, 47

issues to explore, 52–53

multitasking and, 67–68

nature of, 51

in virtual roadmap to team setup, 55

for voice mail, 75

team spirit, 48–51

teleconferences, 75–79

challenges of, 5, 75–77

cross-cultural communication issues in, 198–200, 207, 217–219

defined, 82

guidelines for, 76–77

mediating conflict through, 145–147

pros and cons of, 145

scheduling, 75–76, 88

Silent Riders, 77–79

tips for productive, 76–77

see also telephone communication

telephone communication, 74–79, 171

to clarify e-mail communication, 73, 202

voice mail, 74–75

see also teleconferences

telepresence, 245–246

test-drive, in Setup stage of virtual team, 18, 19

text messages, see e-mail

time-keepers, for teleconferences, 76

time orientation issues, 211–212, 215

time zones, deliverables management across, 157–159

tracking, 162–168

progress reports in, 163, 166, 168

reporting mechanisms and, 163–165

spreadsheets in, 165–166, 167

translation issues, 202–206

travel, challenges of, 6

Truman, Harry, on accepting responsibility, 121

trust, 98–122

behaviors that break trust, 104

behaviors that build trust, 104, 105–112

commitment and, 105, 107–108

in creating teamwork, 100–102

engendering, 105

establishing commitment to, 20–21, 22

fear versus, 101–102

in high-context cultures, 196

importance of, 98, 100

instant, 99

manager as chief trust leader (CTL), 102–104, 106–107

reliability and, 105, 107–108

road to lasting, 99–100

rules for building, 105–112

in successful virtual teams, 251, 253

Trust Synchronization, 112–116

Virtual Roadmap to, 123, 248, 250

Wheel of Trust™, 116–122

see also relationships

Trust Synchronization, 112–116

Commitment-Trust definition, 113, 114–115

Competence-Trust definition, 113, 114

Honesty-Trust definition, 113–114

nature of, 112–113

Representation-Trust definition, 113, 115–116

verbal tone, in context communication, 61


defined, 82

guidelines for, 80, 81–82

to introduce new team members, 79

tips for successful, 80–81

uses of, 79–80

virtual communication options, see medium

virtual keyboard generation, 246–247

virtual mindset, 243–244

Virtual Roadmap

to accountability, 123, 250

to communication, 91, 248, 249–250

to conflict management, 151, 250

creation of, 15

to cross-cultural communication (CCC), 227–228

for deliverables management, 187–189, 250

Follow-Through stage, 19–22

reevaluating team roadmap, 250

Refresh stage, 22–26

Setup stage, 16–19, 29–55

to trust, 123, 248, 250

virtual steering committee, 161

virtual teams

assuming positive intent in, 12, 102, 103

benefits of, 3

challenges of, 4–6, 9

characteristics of high-performing, 251–256

defining, 6–8

future of, 1–3, 26–27, 229–247

life cycle of, 15–27

need for, 2–3

opportunities of, 9

types of, 10–11

variations in, 10–11

Virtual Water Cooler, 86–89

Vista-leadership, 225–226, 232–233, 234–235

visual cues, in context communication, 61, 63

voice mail, 74–75

walking the talk, challenges of, 5

web conferences, 81–82

website, team, 87

Welcome Aboard! (team spirit activity), 50

Wheel of Trust™, 115–122

accountability attainment, 118–122

commitment and, 119, 122

competence and, 119–120

honesty and, 119

work systems, in successful virtual teams, 252, 255

World is Flat, The (Friedman), 243

wrap up, 24–26, 244–245

Zulu Warriors (team spirit activity), 50–51

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