• Manufacturing applications. See also Automotive/motor vehicle applications; Construction/home improvement/home purchases and sales applications

    • active nuclear power plants, 6465, 70

    • aluminum smelter pot life span, 569570

    • bursting strength of bottles, 410

    • child labor in diamond mines, 541

    • consumer complaints, 146, 149

    • contaminated gun cartridges, 180

    • cooling method for gas turbines, 330, 351

    • corrosion prevention of buried steel structures, 20

    • cutting tool life span tests, 523, 550

    • defect rate comparison between machines, 458459

    • defective batteries, 340341

    • estimating repair and replacement costs of water pipes, 515, 528

    • flexography printing plates, evaluation of, 432

    • freckling of superalloy ingots, 109

    • increasing hardness of polyester composites, 337

    • lot acceptance sampling, 220221

    • metal lathe quality control, 314

    • preventing production of defective items, 288

    • quality control monitoring, 314

    • reliability of a manufacturing network, 181

    • settlement of shallow foundations, 396397, 418

    • soft-drink bottles, 245

    • softness ratings of paper, 412413

    • solar energy cells, 180, 397, 402, 419, 553

    • spall damage in bricks, 572

    • temperature and ethanol production, 433

    • testing manufacturer’s claim, 234235

    • thickness of steel sheets, 227228

    • twinned drill holes, 395396

    • weapons development, 167, 205206, 212213

    • when to replace a maintenance system, 243

    • wind turbine blade stress, 566

    • yield strength of steel connecting bars, 337

  • Marine/marine life applications, 96

    • contaminated fish, 289292

    • lobster fishing, 529, 540, 561

    • lobster trap placement, 273, 287, 294, 335, 357, 383384

    • mercury levels in wading birds, 318

    • oil spill and seabirds, 102, 109110, 438, 488

    • rare underwater sounds, 128

    • scallop harvesting and the law, 301

    • sea turtles and beach nourishment, 419420

    • sea turtles’ shell lengths, 69, 207, 237, 264, 273, 294

    • shrimp quality, 356

    • underwater acoustic communication, 194, 345

    • underwater sound-locating abilities of alligators, 344

    • whales entangled in fishing gear, 431

    • whistling dolphins, 109

  • Medical/medical research/alternative medicine applications. See also Dental applications; Genetics applications; Health/health care applications

    • abortion provider survey, 140

    • accuracy of pregnancy tests, 164

    • Alzheimer’s detection, 468, 483

    • Alzheimer’s treatment, 299300

    • ambulance response time, 156, 208

    • angioplasty’s benefits challenged, 457, 460

    • animal-assisted therapy for heart patients, 7879, 434, 439

    • asthma drug, 299300

    • blood typing method, 96, 514, 521522

    • brain specimen research, 52, 91, 299

    • bulimia, 383, 402

    • Caesarian births, 193, 222

    • cancer and smoking, 143145

    • cardiac stress testing, 153

    • characterizing bone with fractal geometry, 531

    • comparing measuring instruments, 400401

    • contact lenses for myopia, 64

    • dance/movement therapy, 571

    • dementia and leisure activities, 398

    • depression treatment, 437438

    • drug content assessment, 215216, 351, 384385

    • drug designed to reduce blood loss, 3335

    • drug response time, 315316, 324325, 520, 525, 537, 543544

    • drug testing, 130, 492

    • dust mite allergies, 242

    • eating disorders, 52, 243

    • effectiveness of TV program on marijuana use, 464465

    • emergency room waiting time, 223

    • errors in medical tests, 361

    • ethnicity and pain perception, 386387

    • eye refraction, 64

    • eye shadow, mascara, and nickel allergies, 282, 288

    • FDA mandatory new-drug testing, 359

    • fitness of cardiac patients, 244

    • gestation time for pregnant women, 243244

    • guided bone regeneration, 410

    • healing potential of handling museum objects, 396, 418

    • heart patients, healing with music, imagery, touch, and prayer, 481482

    • heart rate during laughter, 329

    • herbal medicines and therapy, 21, 359

    • HIV vaccine efficacy, 484485

    • honey as cough remedy, 51, 62, 70, 92, 294295, 433434

    • hospital administration of malaria patients, 456

    • hospital admissions, 135136

    • hospital stay, length of, 9495, 255257, 326

    • interocular eye pressure, 362

    • jaw dysfunction, 466467

    • LASIK surgery complications, 222

    • latex allergy in health care workers, 262, 300, 350351

    • lung cancer CT scanning, 22

    • male fetal deaths following 9/11/2001, 346

    • MS and exercise, 442

    • multiple sclerosis drug, 492

    • olfactory reference syndrome (ORS), 282, 288

    • pain empathy and brain activity, 531, 563

    • pain tolerance, 541

    • perceptions of emergency medical residents, 411412

    • placebo effect and pain, 396

    • post-op nausea, 130

    • psoriasis treatment with “Doctorfish of Kangal,” 92, 417418

    • reaction time to drugs, 405407, 503, 507510

    • skin cancer treatment, 176177

    • skin cream effectiveness, 363

    • sleep apnea and sleep stage transitioning, 139140, 154

    • splinting in mountain-climbing accidents, 281282

    • stability of compounds in drugs, 4950, 82, 328

    • sterile couples in Jordan, 159

    • teamwork between doctors and nurses, 411

    • tendon pain treatment, 420421

    • transplants, 164, 450, 477479

    • virtual reality hypnosis for pain, 318

    • yoga for cancer patients, 431

  • Miscellaneous applications:

    • Benford’s Law of Numbers, 110

    • box plots and standard normal distribution, 209

    • customers in line at Subway shop, 170

    • evaporation from swimming pools, 262263

    • fill weight variance, 346349

    • impact of dropping ping-pong balls, 553

    • jitter in water power system, 300

    • marine selection, 125

    • matching socks, 130

    • National Bridge Inventory, 21

    • national firearms survey, 153, 280281

    • psychic ability, 156, 194

    • quantitative models of music, 522

    • questionnaire mailings, 245

    • random numbers, 1920

    • randomly sampling households, 13

    • regression through the origin, 571572

    • selecting a random sample of students, 160

    • sound waves from a basketball, 52, 9697, 170, 516, 549

    • spreading rate of spilled liquid, 9798, 517518, 532, 550

    • symmetric vs. skewed data sets, 63

    • testing normality, 495

    • TNT detection, 156

    • Winchester bullet velocity, 78

  • Motor vehicle applications. See Automotive/motor vehicle applications

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