
Book Description


Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title page
  3. Contents
  4. Dedication
  5. About the author
  6. Acknowledgements
  7. Introduction
  8. How to get the most out of this book
  9. Section 1 Managing a successful business
    1. Introduction
    2. 1 Peter Drucker on why customers are more important than profits
    3. 2 Jack Walsh on the need for a competitive advantage
    4. 3 Marvin Bower on why more cohesion and less hierarchy is required in organisations
    5. 4 Harold Geneen on why cash is king
    6. 5 Andrew Carnegie on taking care of the pennies
    7. 6 Sam Walton on why you should ignore conventional wisdom
    8. 7 Jeff Bozos on two ways to expand your business
    9. 8 Philip Kotler on creating markets
    10. 9 Laurence J. Peter on why people rise to the level of their own incompetence
    11. 10 Warren Bennis on why failing organisations need leadership not more management
    12. Conclusion
  10. Section 2 Managing yourself and your career
    1. Introduction
    2. 11 Theodore Levitt on making your career your business
    3. 12 Henry Ford on pursuing your heart’s desire
    4. 13 Dale Carnegie on how people know you
    5. 14 Henry Ford on self-confidence and self-doubt
    6. 15 Molly Sargent on investing in your greatest asset – yourself
    7. 16 Andrew Carnegie on why you can’t do it all yourself
    8. 17 Thomas Edison on why persistence not inspiration leads to success
    9. 18 Bill Watkins on why you should never ask management for their opinion
    10. 19 Andrew Carnegie on investing 100 per cent of your energy in your career
    11. 20 Thomas Edison on saving time
    12. Conclusion
  11. Section 3 Managing people and teams
    1. Introduction
    2. 21 Charles Handy on what management should be about
    3. 22 Peter Drucker and the manager’s job in 13 words
    4. 23 Peter Drucker on learning to work with what you’ve got
    5. 24 Robert Townsend on how to keep the organisation lean, fit and vital
    6. 25 Warren Buffet on why integrity trumps intelligence and energy when appointing people
    7. 26 Marcus Buckingham on managers and the Golden Rule
    8. 27 Theodore Roosevelt on why you should not micro-manage staff
    9. 28 Dee Hock on why you should keep it simple, stupid (KISS)
    10. 29 Alfred P. Sloan on the value of management by exception
    11. 30 Jack Walsh on the three essential measures of business
    12. 31 Ron Dennis on supporting the weakest link
    13. 32 Zig Ziglar on why you should invest in staff training
    14. Conclusion
  12. Section 4 Leadership
    1. Introduction
    2. 33 Warren Bennis on the making of a leader
    3. 34 Howard D. Schultz on why leaders must provide followers with meaning and purpose
    4. 35 Peter Drucker on why results make leaders
    5. 36 Warren Bennis on why leaders must walk the talk
    6. 37 Edward Deming on building credibility with followers
    7. 38 Henry Mintzberg on why leadership is management practised well
    8. 39 S.K. Chakraborty on the source of organisational values
    9. 40 Claude I. Taylor on vision building
    10. 41 Doris Kearns Goodwin on why leaders need people to disagree with them
    11. 42 John Quincy Adams on how you know you are a leader
    12. Conclusion
  13. Section 5 Motivation
    1. Introduction
    2. 43 Robert Frost on disenchantment in the workplace
    3. 44 Kenneth and Scott Blanchard on explaining to people why their work is important
    4. 45 Fredrick Herzberg on the sources of motivation
    5. 46 Tom Peters on self-motivation
    6. 47 General George Patton on motivation through delegation
    7. 48 John Wooden on why you need to show you care
    8. Conclusion
  14. Section 6 Decision making
    1. Introduction
    2. 49 Robert Townsend on keeping decisions simple
    3. 50 Helga Drummond on why you should never chase your losses
    4. 51 Kenneth Blanchard on delegating decisions to front-line staff
    5. 52 Bud Hadfield on the value of gut instinct in decision making
    6. 53 Mary Parker Follet on why there are always more than two choices
    7. 54 Rosabeth Moss Kanter on why the best information does not reside in executive offices
    8. 55 Warren Bennis on the vital difference between information and meaning
    9. 56 Peter Drucker and the power to say no
    10. Conclusion
  15. Section 7 Change management
    1. Introduction
    2. 57 Gary Hamel on why change should be from the bottom up
    3. 58 Michael Hammer and James Champy on why too much change can kill an organisation
    4. 59 Peter Drucker on the need for continuity in a period of change
    5. 60 Daniel Webster on why it’s not the change that kills you, it’s the transition
    6. 61 Niccolò Machiavelli on the enemies of change
    7. 62 Seth Godin on the need to make changes before you’re forced to
    8. 63 Peter Drucker on why changing an organisation’s culture should be avoided
    9. Conclusion
  16. Section 8 Planning
    1. Introduction
    2. 64 Dwight D. Eisenhower on why plans are useless but planning is essential
    3. 65 Andrew S. Grove on why you need a flexible workforce
    4. 66 Edmund Burke on why you can’t base future plans on past events
    5. 67 James Yorke on the need for a Plan B
    6. 68 Michael E. Porter on setting your strategy
    7. 69 Winston Churchill on the need to evaluate your strategy
    8. Conclusion
  17. Section 9 Power and influence
    1. Introduction
    2. 70 Max Weber on authority
    3. 71 John French Jr and Bertram Raven on the five sources of social power
    4. 72 Robin Sharma on the power of influence
    5. 73 Niccolò Machiavelli on survival
    6. 74 Albert Einstein on why you should fight authority
    7. 75 Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Sophocles on how to lose power
    8. Conclusion
  18. Section 10 Turning customers into partners
    1. Introduction
    2. 76 Clayton M. Christensen on how customers control your organisation
    3. 77 Dale Carnegie on why it’s not about you
    4. 78 Bill Gates on what you can learn from unhappy customers
    5. 79 Tom Peters on why you should always under-promise and over-deliver
    6. 80 Warren Buffet on how to lose your reputation
    7. 81 Jeff Bezos on the implications of bad news in the digital age
    8. 82 Warren Bennis on the value of benchmarking
    9. Conclusion
  19. Section 11 A miscellany of wisdom
    1. Introduction
    2. 83 Elvis Presley on knowing which experts you need
    3. 84 Eileen C. Shapiro on the need to avoid management fads
    4. 85 John Pierpont Morgan on why you should provide solutions not problems in any report
    5. 86 Peter Drucker on the value of thinking and reflection
    6. 87 Abraham Maslow on why you must be the best you can be
    7. 88 Aaron Levenstein on unseen statistics
    8. 89 David Packard on the importance of marketing
    9. 90 Alan Kay on the value of failure
    10. Conclusion
  20. The Top Ten management wisdom quotations
  21. Recommended reading
  22. List of contributors
  23. Index
  24. Advertisements
  25. Imprint