
Book Description

Learn electricity and electronics fundamentals and applications—all without taking a formal course

This fully updated guide offers practical, easy-to-follow instruction on electricity and electronics. Written by a pair of experienced instructors, Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics, Sixth Edition, features plain language explanations and step-by-step lessons that make it easy to understand the material quickly. Throughout, detailed illustrations, practical examples, and self-tests reinforce key concepts. Inside, you’ll find all-new coverage of switching power supplies, class-D amplifiers, lithium-polymer batteries, microcontrollers—even the Arduino electronics platform.

This up-to-date sixth edition covers:

· Direct Current (DC) Circuits

· Resistors

· Cells and Batteries

· Magnetism

· Alternating Current (AC) Circuits

· Inductors and Capacitors

· Phase

· Inductive and Capacitive Reactance

· Impedance and Admittance

· AC Power and Resonance

· Transformers and Impedance Matching

· Semiconductors, Diodes, and Transistors

· Integrated Circuits (ICs) and Electron Tubes

· Amplifiers and Oscillators

· Wireless Transmitters and Receivers

· Digital Circuits

· Microcontrollers, including the Arduino

· Transducers, Sensors, Location, and Navigation

· Acoustics and Audio

· Lasers

· Advanced Communication Systems

· Antennas for RF Communications

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
  7. Part 1 Direct Current
    1. 1 Background Physics
      1. Atoms
      2. Protons, Neutrons, and Atomic Numbers
      3. Isotopes and Atomic Weights
      4. Electrons
      5. Ions
      6. Compounds
      7. Molecules
      8. Conductors
      9. Insulators
      10. Resistors
      11. Semiconductors
      12. Current
      13. Static Electricity
      14. Electromotive Force
      15. Non-Electrical Energy
      16. Quiz
    2. 2 Electrical Units
      1. The Volt
      2. Current Flow
      3. The Ampere
      4. Resistance and the Ohm
      5. Conductance and the Siemens
      6. Power and the Watt
      7. A Word about Notation
      8. Energy and the Watt-Hour
      9. Other Energy Units
      10. Alternating Current and the Hertz
      11. Rectification and Pulsating Direct Current
      12. Stay Safe!
      13. Magnetism
      14. Magnetic Units
      15. Quiz
    3. 3 Measuring Devices
      1. Electromagnetic Deflection
      2. Electrostatic Deflection
      3. Thermal Heating
      4. Ammeters
      5. Voltmeters
      6. Ohmmeters
      7. Multimeters
      8. FET Voltmeters
      9. Wattmeters
      10. Watt-Hour Meters
      11. Digital Readout Meters
      12. Frequency Counters
      13. Other Meter Types
      14. Quiz
    4. 4 Direct-Current Circuit Basics
      1. Schematic Symbols
      2. Schematic and Wiring Diagrams
      3. Circuit Simplification
      4. Ohm’s Law
      5. Current Calculations
      6. Voltage Calculations
      7. The Rule of Significant Figures
      8. Resistance Calculations
      9. Power Calculations
      10. Resistances in Series
      11. Resistances in Parallel
      12. Division of Power
      13. Resistances in Series-Parallel
      14. Quiz
    5. 5 Direct-Current Circuit Analysis
      1. Current through Series Resistances
      2. Voltages across Series Resistances
      3. Voltage across Parallel Resistances
      4. Currents through Parallel Resistances
      5. Power Distribution in Series Circuits
      6. Power Distribution in Parallel Circuits
      7. Kirchhoff’s First Law
      8. Kirchhoff’s Second Law
      9. Voltage Division
      10. Quiz
    6. 6 Resistors
      1. Purpose of the Resistor
      2. Fixed Resistors
      3. The Potentiometer
      4. The Decibel
      5. Resistor Specifications
      6. Quiz
    7. 7 Cells and Batteries
      1. Electrochemical Energy
      2. “Grocery Store” Cells and Batteries
      3. Miniature Cells and Batteries
      4. Lead-Acid Batteries
      5. Nickel-Based Cells and Batteries
      6. Photovoltaic Cells and Batteries
      7. Fuel Cells
      8. Quiz
    8. 8 Magnetism
      1. Geomagnetism
      2. Magnetic Force
      3. Magnetic Field Strength
      4. Electromagnets
      5. Magnetic Materials
      6. Magnetic Machines
      7. Quiz
    9. Test: Part 1
  8. Part 2 Alternating Current
    1. 9 Alternating-Current Basics
      1. Definition of AC
      2. Period and Frequency
      3. The Sine Wave
      4. Square Waves
      5. Sawtooth Waves
      6. Complex Waveforms
      7. Frequency Spectrum
      8. Fractions of a Cycle
      9. Expressions of Amplitude
      10. The Generator
      11. Why AC and Not DC?
      12. Quiz
    2. 10 Inductance
      1. The Property of Inductance
      2. The Unit of Inductance
      3. Inductors in Series
      4. Inductors in Parallel
      5. Interaction among Inductors
      6. Air-Core Coils
      7. Ferromagnetic Cores
      8. Transmission-Line Inductors
      9. Quiz
    3. 11 Capacitance
      1. The Property of Capacitance
      2. Simple Capacitors
      3. The Unit of Capacitance
      4. Capacitors in Series
      5. Capacitors in Parallel
      6. Fixed Capacitors
      7. Variable Capacitors
      8. Capacitor Specifications
      9. Interelectrode Capacitance
      10. Quiz
    4. 12 Phase
      1. Instantaneous Values
      2. Rate of Change
      3. Circles and Vectors
      4. Expressions of Phase Difference
      5. Vector Diagrams of Relative Phase
      6. Quiz
    5. 13 Inductive Reactance
      1. Inductors and Direct Current
      2. Inductors and Alternating Current
      3. Reactance and Frequency
      4. The RXL Quarter-Plane
      5. Current Lags Voltage
      6. How Much Lag?
      7. Quiz
    6. 14 Capacitive Reactance
      1. Capacitors and Direct Current
      2. Capacitors and Alternating Current
      3. Capacitive Reactance and Frequency
      4. The RXC Quarter-Plane
      5. Current Leads Voltage
      6. How Much Lead?
      7. Quiz
    7. 15 Impedance and Admittance
      1. Imaginary Numbers Revisited
      2. Complex Numbers Revisited (in Detail)
      3. The RX Half-Plane
      4. Characteristic Impedance
      5. Conductance
      6. Susceptance
      7. Admittance
      8. The GB Half-Plane
      9. Quiz
    8. 16 Alternating-Current Circuit Analysis
      1. Complex Impedances in Series
      2. Series RLC Circuits
      3. Complex Admittances in Parallel
      4. Parallel RLC Circuits
      5. Putting It All Together
      6. Reducing Complicated RLC Circuits
      7. Ohm’s Law for Alternating Current
      8. Quiz
    9. 17 Alternating-Current Power and Resonance
      1. Forms of Power
      2. Power Parameters
      3. Power Transmission
      4. Resonance
      5. Resonant Devices
      6. Quiz
    10. 18 Transformers and Impedance Matching
      1. Principle of the Transformer
      2. Transformer Geometry
      3. Power Transformers
      4. Isolation and Impedance Matching
      5. Radio-Frequency Transformers
      6. Quiz
    11. Test: Part 2
  9. Part 3 Basic Electronics
    1. 19 Introduction to Semiconductors
      1. The Semiconductor Revolution
      2. Semiconductor Materials
      3. Doping and Charge Carriers
      4. The P-N Junction
      5. Quiz
    2. 20 Diode Applications
      1. Rectification
      2. Detection
      3. Frequency Multiplication
      4. Signal Mixing
      5. Switching
      6. Voltage Regulation
      7. Amplitude Limiting
      8. Frequency Control
      9. Oscillation and Amplification
      10. Energy Emission
      11. Photosensitive Diodes
      12. Quiz
    3. 21 Bipolar Transistors
      1. NPN versus PNP
      2. Biasing
      3. Amplification
      4. Gain versus Frequency
      5. Common-Emitter Configuration
      6. Common-Base Configuration
      7. Common-Collector Configuration
      8. Quiz
    4. 22 Field-Effect Transistors
      1. Principle of the JFET
      2. Amplification
      3. The MOSFET
      4. Common-Source Configuration
      5. Common-Gate Configuration
      6. Common-Drain Configuration
      7. Quiz
    5. 23 Integrated Circuits
      1. Advantages of IC Technology
      2. Limitations of IC Technology
      3. Linear ICs
      4. Digital ICs
      5. Component Density
      6. IC Memory
      7. Quiz
    6. 24 Electron Tubes
      1. The Main Advantage
      2. Vacuum versus Gas-Filled
      3. Electrode Configurations
      4. Circuit Arrangements
      5. Cathode-Ray Tubes
      6. Tubes above 300 MHz
      7. Quiz
    7. 25 Power Supplies
      1. Power Transformers
      2. Rectifier Diodes
      3. Half-Wave Circuit
      4. Full-Wave Center-Tap Circuit
      5. Full-Wave Bridge Circuit
      6. Voltage-Doubler Circuit
      7. Power-Supply Filtering
      8. Voltage Regulation
      9. Voltage Regulator ICs
      10. Switched-Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)
      11. Equipment Protection
      12. Quiz
    8. 26 Amplifiers and Oscillators
      1. The Decibel Revisited
      2. Basic Bipolar-Transistor Amplifier
      3. Basic FET Amplifier
      4. Amplifier Classes
      5. Efficiency in Power Amplifiers
      6. Drive and Overdrive
      7. Audio Amplification
      8. Radio-Frequency Amplification
      9. How Oscillators Work
      10. Common Oscillator Circuits
      11. Oscillator Stability
      12. Audio Oscillators
      13. Quiz
    9. 27 Wireless Transmitters and Receivers
      1. Modulation
      2. Image Transmission
      3. The Electromagnetic Field
      4. Wave Propagation
      5. Transmission Media
      6. Receiver Fundamentals
      7. Predetector Stages
      8. Detectors
      9. Postdetector Stages
      10. Specialized Wireless Modes
      11. Quiz
    10. 28 Digital Basics
      1. Numeration Systems
      2. Digital Logic
      3. Binary Communications
      4. Quiz
    11. Test: Part 3
  10. Part 4 Specialized Devices and Systems
    1. 29 Microcontrollers
      1. Benefits
      2. All Shapes and Sizes
      3. General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Pins
      4. Digital Outputs
      5. Digital Inputs
      6. PWM Outputs
      7. Analog Inputs
      8. Dedicated Serial Hardware
      9. An Example—the ATtiny44
      10. Programming Languages
      11. Programming a Microcontroller
      12. Quiz
    2. 30 Arduino
      1. The Arduino Uno/Genuino
      2. Setting up the Arduino IDE
      3. Programming “Blink”
      4. Programming Fundamentals
      5. Setup and Loop
      6. Variables and Constants
      7. The Serial Monitor
      8. Ifs
      9. Iteration
      10. Functions
      11. Data Types
      12. Interfacing with GPIO Pins
      13. The Arduino C Library
      14. Libraries
      15. Special Purpose Arduinos
      16. Shields
      17. Quiz
    3. 31 Transducers, Sensors, Location, and Navigation
      1. Wave Transducers
      2. Displacement Transducers
      3. Detection and Measurement
      4. Location Systems
      5. Navigational Methods
      6. Quiz
    4. 32 Acoustics and Audio
      1. Acoustics
      2. Loudness and Phase
      3. Technical Considerations
      4. Components
      5. Specialized Systems
      6. Hard Recording Media
      7. Electromagnetic Interference
      8. Quiz
    5. 33 Lasers
      1. How a Laser Works
      2. The Cavity Laser
      3. Semiconductor Lasers
      4. Solid-State Lasers
      5. Other Noteworthy Lasers
      6. Quiz
    6. 34 Advanced Communications Systems
      1. Cellular Communications
      2. Satellites and Networks
      3. Amateur and Shortwave Radio
      4. Security and Privacy
      5. Modulated Light
      6. Fiber Optics
      7. Quiz
    7. 35 Antennas for RF Communications
      1. Radiation Resistance
      2. Half-Wave Antennas
      3. Quarter-Wave Verticals
      4. Loops
      5. Ground Systems
      6. Gain and Directivity
      7. Phased Arrays
      8. Parasitic Arrays
      9. Antennas for Ultrahigh and Microwave Frequencies
      10. Safety
      11. Quiz
    8. Test: Part 4
  11. Final Exam
  12. Appendix A Answers to Quizzes, Tests, and Final Exam
  13. Appendix B Schematic Symbols
  14. Suggested Additional Reading
  15. Index