
Book Description

A reference that answers your questions as you move through your coding

The demand for Android programming and web apps continues to grow at an unprecedented pace and Java is the preferred language for both. Java For Dummies Quick Reference keeps you moving through your coding while you solve a problem, look up a command or syntax, or search for a programming tip. Whether you're a Java newbie or a seasoned user, this fast reference offers you quick access to solutions without requiring that you wade through pages of tutorial material.

  • Leverages the true reference format that is organized with quick answers and solutions so you can read less and do more

  • Offers new elements such as a syntax guide, command guide, special generics and annotation section, and programming tips

  • Boasts a new, compact trim size that easily goes where you go for convenient referencing

Java For Dummies Quick Reference helps you move quickly and efficiently through Java without missing a beat!

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Title Page
  4. Introduction
    1. Introduction
    2. About Java For Dummies Quick Reference
    3. Foolish Assumptions
    4. Conventions Used in This Book
    5. How This Book Is Organized
    6. Icons Used in This Book
    7. Where to Go from Here
  5. Part 1: Java Language Tools
    1. Downloading and Installing the Java Development Kit
    2. JDK Folder Structure
    3. Setting the Path for Java
    4. java Command
    5. javac Command
    6. javap Command
    7. jar Command
  6. Part 2: Java Language Basics
    1. & and && Operators
    2. | and || Operators
    3. ! Operator
    4. Abstract Class
    5. And Operators (& and &&)
    6. Anonymous Class
    7. Arrays
    8. Assignment Statements
    9. Blocks
    10. boolean Data Type
    11. Boolean Expressions
    12. Boolean Operators
    13. break Statement
    14. byte Data Type
    15. Casting
    16. char Data Type
    17. Checked Exceptions
    18. Class Declaration
    19. Class Variables
    21. Concatenating Strings
    22. Constants
    23. Constructor
    24. continue Statement
    25. Data Types
    26. Decrement Operator
    27. do...while Statement
    28. double Data Type
    29. Escape Sequences
    30. Exception Class
    31. Exceptions
    32. extends Keyword
    33. Fields
    34. final Class
    35. final Method
    36. final Variables
    37. float Data Type
    38. Floating-point Data Types
    39. for Statement
    40. Generic Class
    41. Identifiers
    42. if Statement
    43. implements Keyword
    44. import Statement
    45. Increment and Decrement Operators
    46. Inheritance
    47. Inner Class
    48. Initializer
    49. Instance Variables
    50. int Data Type
    51. Integer Data Types
    52. Interface
    53. Keywords
    54. Local Variables
    55. Logical Operators
    56. long Data Type
    57. Main Method
    58. Method
    59. Not Operator (!)
    60. Object-Oriented Programming
    61. Operators
    62. Or Operators (| and ||)
    63. Package Statement
    64. Parsing Strings
    65. Polymorphism
    66. Primitive Data Types
    67. private Keyword
    68. protected Keyword
    69. public Keyword
    70. Recursion
    71. Reference Types
    72. Scope
    73. Shadowing
    74. short Data Type
    75. Statements
    76. static Keyword
    77. String Data Type
    78. switch Statement
    79. super Keyword
    80. this Keyword
    81. throw Statement
    82. throws Keyword
    83. try Statement
    84. Variables
    85. while Statement
    86. White Space
  7. Part 3: Basic Java Classes
    1. ArrayList Class
    2. Arrays Class
    3. Class Class
    4. Exception Class
    5. Iterable Interface
    6. Iterator Interface
    7. LinkedList Class
    8. Matcher Class
    9. Math Class
    10. NumberFormat Class
    11. Object Class
    12. Pattern Class
    13. Random Numbers
    14. Regular Expressions
    15. Runnable Interface
    16. String Class
    17. StringBuffer Class
    18. StringBuilder Class
    19. Thread Class
  8. Part 4: File and Network I/O
    1. BufferedInputStream Class
    2. BufferedOutputStream Class
    3. BufferedReader Class
    4. BufferedWriter Class
    5. DataInputStream Class
    6. DataOutputStream Class
    7. DirectoryStream Class
    8. InputStream Class
    9. File Class
    10. FileInputStream Class
    11. FileOutputStream Class
    12. FileReader Class
    13. Files Class
    14. FileVisitor Interface
    15. FileVisitResult Enum
    16. FileWriter Class
    17. InetAddress Class
    18. OutputStream Class
    19. Path Interface
    20. Paths Class
    21. PrintStream Class
    22. PrintWriter Class
    23. Reader Class
    24. Scanner Class
    25. ServerSocket Class
    26. SimpleFileVisitor Class
    27. Socket Class
    28. Streams (Overview)
    29. System.err
    30. System.out
    31. Writer Class
  9. Part 5: Swing
    1. ActionEvent Class
    2. ActionListener Interface
    3. BorderFactory Class
    4. ButtonGroup Class
    5. DefaultListModel Class
    6. Event Handling
    7. FileFilter Class
    8. ItemEvent Class
    9. ItemListener Interface
    10. JButton Class
    11. JCheckBox Class
    12. JFileChooser Class
    13. JComboBox Class
    14. JFrame Class
    15. JLabel Class
    16. JList Class
    17. JOptionPane Class
    18. JPanel Class
    19. JRadioButton Class
    20. JScrollPane Class
    21. JSlider Class
    22. JSpinner Class
    23. JTextArea Class
    24. JTextField Class
    25. SpinnerListModel Class
    26. SpinnerNumberModel Class