Part II. The Mobile iPhone

The Mobile iPhone

Your iPhone is first and foremost a mobile phone, so in this part we explore how to use typical mobile phone features, starting with all the neat ways to make an outgoing phone call. You also find out how to answer or ignore the calls that come in and discover iPhone's clever visual voicemail feature, which lets you take in messages on your terms, rather than in the order in which the messages arrived on the phone. You also figure out how to juggle calls, merge calls, and select a ringtone. And, if you're lucky enough to own an iPhone 3GS or 4, you see how easy it is to make calls with Voice Control.

After you master all the calling and listening stuff, you're ready to become a whiz at sending and retrieving SMS and MMS messages. As journalists, we especially appreciate what comes next: finding out how to become a champion note-taker.

We close this part by investigating all those C-word programs — namely, Calendar, Calculator, and Clock — plus a V-word program called Voice Memos. These handy applications enable you to stay on top of your appointments, solve arithmetic problems on the fly (with one or two nifty calculators), show up for appointments on time — thanks to a built-in alarm clock — and record memos (or lectures, or anything you can hear, really).

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© tanir (Middle)

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The Mobile iPhone
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