
images  A

App Game Center



        showGameCenter: action method


        ViewController.xib file

        Visit Game Center button

    game implementation

        alert view

        AppDelegate.h file


        buttonForIndex: helper method

        easy level screen

        gameButtonSelected action

        gameButtonSelected: action method



        helper method


        “killer” button

        main menu view

        playEasyGame action

        playHardGame action

        playNormalGame action





        setupButtons helper method

        three levels

        UIAlertViewDelegate protocol

        UIViewController subclass

        user interface

        ViewController.h file


        ViewController.xib file

        viewDidLoad method

        welcomeLabel outlet

    local player authentication


        Game Kit framework cinfiguration


        required device capability



        viewDidLoad method

        welcoming message screen

    registering with iTunes Connect

        application information

        app registered

        bundle identifier

        enabling Game Center

        Game Center sandbox

        iOS Dev Center portal

        iOS Provisioning Portal

        Lucky Large App Icon.jpg

        Lucky Screenshot.png

        Lucky Screenshot (iPhone 5).png


    action method

        alert view



        Touch Up Inside events

        two connection, same event

        Type, Event, and Arguments attributes

        ViewController.h file

    class creation


        file folder and group folder selection

        Info.plist property addition



        NSObject class

        Objective-C class template

        Project Navigator

    error handling (see Error handling)

    exception handling (see Exceptions handling)

    framework link

        CoreData API


        reference node


        UIKit, foundation

    launch images



    lite version

        build target addition

        specific version coding

    outlet creation

        Assistant editor

        button title


        Editor group

        Interface Builder

        outlet configuration


        viewDidLoad method

    resource file addition

    single-view application

        with app delegate and view controller


        Objective-C file template

        parent folder selection

        project configuration



        version control

    storyboards (see Storyboards)

    user interface control view


    ambiguous layouts

        adding code to create buttons

        adding constraints to pin buttons

        Autolayout trace

        equal width buttons


        Pause Program Execution button

        unequal width buttons


        adding own constraints

        adding trailing button

        on by default

        default spacing

        Horizontal Space Constraint

        landscape orientation

        lowering priority

        Options menu

        portrait orientation

        Size inspector

        text field

        Width Constraint


        adding image views

        building imageViewConstraints array

        single-view application setup

        Visual Format Language

    unsatisfiable constraints


    camera preview

    capturing still images




        captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection method


        Info.plist file


        save, photos library

        user interface with capture button

        ViewController.h file

        viewDidLoad method

    capturing video

        app with take photos and record videos


        AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate protocol

        AVCaptureMovieFileOutput’s delegate method


        capture action method



        switch modes

        tempFileURL method


        ViewController.h file

        viewDidLoad method

    preview display

        AVCaptureDevice class method




        AVFoundation framework

        AVMediaTypeVideo and AVMediaTypeAudio

        single-view project

        UIImagePickerController interfaces

        UIVideoEditorController interface

        video input instance

        viewDidLoad method

        viewWillAppear: method

images  B

images  C

Core data

    data model


        Cascade value

        Delete Rule drop-down menu

        Deny value



        Graph Editor Style mode


        inverse relationship

        My Vocabularies app

        name attribute

        No Action value

        Nullify value

        objective-C classes

        to-many relationship option

        two-way relationship option

        Vocabulary entity

        word and translation attributes






    set up

    vocabularies table view

        add action method

        alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex: delegate method

        application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method

        cache name

        cells configuration

        custom initializer method


        fetchedResultsController property

        managedObjectContext property

        new vocabularies addition

        NSFetchedResultsController class


        performFetch: method

        setSortDescriptors: method

        tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: delegate method

        viewDidLoad method

        VocabulariesViewController.h file

        Vocabulary deletion

    word edit view

        add action method

        cancel action method

        completion handler

        done action method


        EditWordViewController.h file

        navigation controller

        objective-C blocks

        tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: delegate method

        tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: delegate method

        user interface

        viewDidLoad method

        VocabulariesViewController.m file

        vocabularies, words addition

        word deletion

        WordsViewController.h file

    words view controller

        data source delegate method

        header file

        tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: delegate method

        viewDidLoad method

        word list view



Core Location framework

    activity-type property


    basic information



        CLLocation object

        deprecated purpose property

        description property

        desirdAccuracy and distanceFilter properties

        error delegate method

        horizontalAccuracy property

        kCLDistanceFilterNone property

        location events

        location information label

        locationManager:didUpdateLocations method

        location permission requests

        location updates, on/off switch

        outlet properties

        simulated location information

        single-view application

        standard location service testing

        startUpdatingLocation method

        toggleLocationUpdates action

        toggleLocationUpdates method

        user interface

        Value Changed event

        verticalAccuracy property

        view controller



        GPS coordinates

        latitude and longitude coordinates


        reverse (see also Reverse geocoding)

    iOS 6

    location awareness

    locationManager purpose property

    location service requirement

    magnetic bearing

        delegate method

        didFailWithError method

        didUpdateHeading method


        headingAccuracy property

        heading calibration message

        headingFilter property

        headingOrientation property

        heading tracking

        locationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration method

        magneticHeading property

        magnetic poles

        setup application

        start and stop heading methods

        toggleHeadingUpdates method

    region monitoring

        Baltimore (see Baltimore)

        CLLocationManager object

        custom coordinates

        kCLErrorRegionMonitoringFailure error

        monitoredRegions property

        startMonitoringForRegion method

        triggering alert

    significant location changes

        delegate methods

        didFailWithError method

        Info.plist file

        local notification method

        locationManager, didUpdateLocations method


        required background mode


        single-view applications

        toggleLocationUpdates method

    source data

    standard location service

    true bearing

        CLHeading object

        control code



        toggleHeadingUpdates method

        trueHeadingInformationLabel outlet

        trueHeading property

        trueHeading value

        user interface

Core Motion framework

    device data access

        CMAttitude class property

        CMDeviceMotion access

        data retrieval

        filtering techniques

        gravity property

        motion manger property

        reference frame

        start and stop method

        user interface

    label with gravity


        AppDelegate.m file

        basic architecture

        Earth’s gravity force

        portrait interface orientation

        user interface

        velocity value

        ViewController.m file


    raw data access



        iOS directions and rotations


        main view interface


        sensors availability

        view controller interface

    sensor data access



        convenient feature


        programming interface

        pushing/pulling method

        raw Core Motion data

        supported interface orientations

        update interval

        ViewController.h file

        ViewController.m file

        view controller’s header class

    shake events recognition



        shakes notification


        window subclassing


    user’s experience

images  D

Data storage recipes

    core data (see Core data)

    iCloud (see iCloud)

    iOS’s file management system

        clearContent action

        contentTextView outlet

        filenameTextField outlet

        loadContent action

        loadContent: action method

        overwriting, existing file

        saveContent action

        saveContent: action method

        saveContent: method

        saveContentToFile: method

        text file editor

        UIAlertViewDelegate protocol

        user interface

        ViewController.m file






        loadPersistentData: method

        restored app

        savePersistentData: method

        Stubborn app

        Switch and Activity indicator

        toggleActivity: action method


        ViewController.h file

        ViewController.xib file


        viewDidLoad method

Data transmission recipes

    email composing

        attachment parameter

        Clip Subviews attribute

        fileName parameter

        getImage: method

        header file

        image attaching

        imageView and getImageButton


        mailMessage: method

        mailPressed: method

        MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate protocol

        MFMailComposeViewController’s delegate method


        MFMessageComposeViewController class


        mimeType parameter


        UIImagePickerControllerDelegate protocol methods


        UIPopoverController property

    formatted printing, page renderers

        drawContentForPageAtIndex:inRect method

        drawFooterForPageAtIndex:inRect method

        drawHeaderForPageAtIndex:inRect method

        drawInRect:forPageAtIndex: method

        drawPrintFormatter:forPageAtIndex method

        footer-implementation method

        header print

        NSString properties

        objective-C class template

        printCustom: action method

        printing output

        SendItOutPageRenderer.h file


        UIPrintPageRenderer class

        UIPrintPageRenderer subclass

        viewDidLoad method

    image printing

        application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method

        inkjet printer

        navigation bar


        packaged content, Xcode bundle

        presentAnimated:completionHandler method

        presentFromBarButtonItem:animated:completionHandler method

        presentFromRect:inView:animated:completionHandler method

        Printer Simulator

        printInfo property

        print: method

        sharedPrintController class method

        UINavigationController property




        UIPrintInteractionController class

    plain text printing

    text message composing

        MFMessageComposeViewController class

        MFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate protocol

        MFMessageComposeViewController’s messageComposeDelegate method

        textMessage: action method

        Text View’s delegate property



        UITextViewDelegate protocol


        viewDidLoad method

        view printing

images  E

images  F

images  G

images  H

images  I, J



    core data storage

    document storage

    key-value storage

        App ID configuration

        App ID generation

        bundle identifier


        fontSizeSegmentedControl and documentTextView

        iCloud enabling


        provisioning profiles

        segment control

        text size preference storing

        updateTextSize action

        updateTextSize action method

        user interface


        contentsForType:error method

        documentDidChange: delegate method

        implementation of the handleICloudDidChangeIdentity: notification method

        loadFromContents:ofType:error method

        MyDocumentDelegate protocol

        MyDocument.h file

        Save button

        saveDocument: action method

        ubiquity container

        UIDocument subclass


        user’s iCloud account

        ViewController.h file



    facial detection application

    image manipulation (see Image manipulation)

    image scaling (see Image scaling)

    image views

        attributes inspector

        clearImage action

        clearImage: action method

        clipsToBounds property

        configured user interface


        contentMode property

        DetailViewController.h file

        DetailViewController.xib file

        Drawing option Clip Subviews

        iPad project


        Master-Detail Application template

        mode attribute


        selectImage action

        selectImage: method

        UIImagePickerController delegate methods

        UIImagePickerControllerDelegate protocol


        UIImageView class

        UINavigationControllerDelegate protocol

        UIPopoverControllerDelegate protocol





        assistant editor


        Ctrl + Cmd + Z

        interface builder



        QuartzCore API

        setNeedsDisplay method

        shake recognition

        UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() function

        ViewController.h file



    simple shapes drawing

        CGContextClosePath() function

        CGContextFillEllipseInRect() function

        CGContextFillRect() function



        color components

        custom class section

        drawRect: method

        gray semitransparent parallelogram

        green rectangle and a blue ellipse

        Identity inspector


        “paths” of points

        .xib file

images  K

images  L

Launch images



images  M

Map kit framework

    annotation grouping

        abs function

        _annotations array

        color coding

        delegate method

        group: method


        by location

        mapView property

        mapView: regionDidChangeAnimated: method

        mapView:viewForAnnotation: delegate method

        map with far too many annotations


        ViewController.h file

        view controller.m file

        viewDidLoad method

        viewForAnnotation method

        (void)group(NSArray *)annotations

    custom annotations

        application set up



        detailed view application




        DetailViewController .xib file

        dragging a pin

        mapView:annotationView:calloutAccessoryControlTapped: method

        MKAnnotationView class

        MKPinAnnotationView objects

        view (see Custom annotation view)

    with device’s location

        location access

        MapKit/MapKit.h framework library

        mapView:didUpdateUserLocation: delegate method

        MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance method



        setUserTrackingMode:animated: method


        .showUserLocation property

        userLocationVisible property

        userTrackingMode property

        ViewController.h file

        viewDidLoad method

        .xib file with MKMapView and userLocationLabel

        zoomEnabled and .scrollEnabled properties

    marking locations with pins

        adding annotation objects

        application set up

        changing pin color

    overlays addition

    routing app

        application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: method

        coverage area specification


        directions button

        directions screen with Routing app mode selection

        launched within Maps

        launch handling

        setting custom location

        simulator with selected location

    starting maps


        directions mode launch

        initWithPlacemark: method



        openInMapsWithLaunchOptions: method

        openMapsWithItems:launchOptions: class method

        Start Maps in Directions Mode



    user-controlled tracking

Music library

    action and outlet creation

    handling notifications


        addItems action method

        delegate methods

        Play button

        queue updation

        tapping Prev button

        user interface

        volume updation

    querying media

        grouping property



        tapping return key

        view controller

        viewDidLoad method

    user interface for queuing music

    viewDidLoad method

images  N

images  O

images  P

images  Q

images  R

images  S


    cell prototypes

        Class attribute

        Content attribute

        Identifier attribute

        with labels and a disclosure indicator

        nameLabel and descriptionLabel outlets



        prepareForSegue:sender: method

        reuse identifier

        table view loading



    custom view controller


        AppDetailsViewController.h file


        Class attribute

        object selection


        three App Details scenes


    detail view


        init method

        initWithName:description: method

        multiple segues connection

        segue identifier

        Selection Segue/Accessory Action

        user interface

    file loading

    Navigation Controller

    new scene addition

        contact information

        Contact Info view

        Contact Us view

        main simulated view

        Navigation Item

        push action segue

        setting segue identifier




    table view scene

        “awesome” apps list

        Content attribute

        Controller scene

        customized cell

        Prototype Cells

        storyboard with three scenes

        Style attribute



    user interface

images  T

Tic Tac Toe game

    application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method

    encoding and decoding match data

        advanceTurn method

        aNSKeyedArchiver class

        currentParticipant property

        delegate method

        gameEndedInTie method

        gameEndedWithWinner: method

        loadMatchData method



        NSData object


        opponentParticipant method

        selectButton: action method




        GKTurnBasedMatch object

        loadMatchData helper method

        loadPlayers method

        match property

        player1 and player2 properties

        viewController:didFindMatch: delegate method




    ongoing game



    Turn-based events handling

    UINavigationController property

    user interface



    accounts access

        ACAccountStore instance

        accountsWithAccountType method

        dispatch_async function

        requestAccessToAccountsWithType:options:completion: method

        sendText:toTwitterAccount: helper method

        sent tweet message

        shareOnTwitter: action method

        ViewController.h file


    multiple accounts

        Alert View

        availableTwitterAccounts array


        shareOnTwitter: method

        UIAlertViewDelegate protocol

        ViewController.h file




    tweets retrieval

        dequeue cells

        feeds display

        individual tweets (see Individual tweets)

        initialization methods

        initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier: method

        initWithTwitterAccount: method


        navigation-based application

        NSJSONSerialization class

        numberOfSectionsInTableView: methods

        public tweets feed

        retrieveAccounts helper method

        retrieveTweets method


        tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: delegate method

        Table View Data Source delegate methods

        tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: delegate method


        tweetData property



        TwitterFeedCell class


        TwitterFeedCell.m file

        viewDidLoad method

    user interface

images  U


    application set up

    centered headers

    data model creation

    flag picker





    custom cell class


        implementation pattern



        delegate methods

        editButtonItem property

        functionality for removing rows

        Insertion button

        revealing Delete buttons

        row animations

    grouped table

        adding footers

        application with grouped items

        array retrieval



        final result


        objects change groups

        section headers


    ungrouped table

        adding a model

        adding delegate method

        adding UITextFieldDelegate protocol

        basic application

        beginUpdates and endUpdates methods

        cached cells

        cell view customization

        component outlets

        configuring cells

        displaying data

        enhanced user interaction

        NSIndexPath variable

        20-point padding

        populating the view

        project options

        revert selector

        rounded corners

        row selection or deselection

        viewDidLoad method

        .xib file and configuration

User data

    address book

        ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex ()




        access contact information



        header file

        single values and multi-value records

        XIB file

    calendar events



        Event Kit framework

        iOS Simulator

        output log

        privacy settings

        single-view application project

        usage description

        user’s permission

        ViewController.h file

        viewDidLoad method

    contact information


        user interface

    display events and table view

        calendar events



        section titles

        table’s cells

        top bar simulated metrics

        user interface

    events recurring

    NSCalendar and NSDate

        calendar types

        Gregorian and Hebrew calendar

        NSUInteger unitFlags



        user interface, calendar conversion


        access request

        application set up

        location-based reminders

        time-based reminders

    viewing, editing,and deleting events

images  V, W, X, Y, Z

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