
Note: Page numbers followed by f refer to figures.

Abstract nouns, avoiding, 276–79

Actions, sequencing, logic trees and, 73–74

Active voice, 280

Alignment of results and benefits, 35, 36–39

“align” step of, 40–43, 42f

“expand” step of, 40, 41f

“list” step of, 39, 39f


qualifications slot and, 187–89

using Themes Development Worksheet for structuring, 189

Background section, map for writing, 152–56, 152–56f

Baseline logic, 3, 17–24, 18f

aligning, 25–47

desired results and, 30

engagement objective and, 29f

outputs of, 76, 77f

overriding problem and, 28

overriding question and, 29, 29f

strategic direction and, 27

triggering event and, 27–28

value proposition and, 44, 45f

work session for aligning, 47–54

Benefits, 3, 33–34

aligning results and, 35, 36–39f

implementation, 34

insight, 33–34

planning, 34

types of, 199–200

Benefits slot

function of, 200–201

work session for, 201–5

writing, 197–99

Buyers, analyzing, 96

Buying roles, 88–96

coach, 90–91, 91f

economic, 88–89, 89f

ratifier, 92–93, 93f

reason for identifying, 94

technical, 90, 90f

user, 89–90, 89f

worksheet for identifying, 96–101

Closing component, of background section, 148–51

work session for writing, 162

writing, 13, 155–56f

Coach buying role, 90–92, 91f

Collaboration, 131

Competition, analyzing, 122–24, 123f

Complex sales, 5, 88

Counters to competition, themes and, 112, 113f

work session for identifying, 122–24

Current situations, 3

kinds of, 20–21, 20f

Deliverables, 31–33, 34

implementation, 32

insight, 32

planning, 32

Desired results, 30, 34

Economic buying role, 88–89, 89f

Engagement objective, 29f

Evaluation criteria, for themes, 110–12, 111f

work session for identifying, 120–22

Fees slot

pricing considerations for, 208–15

writing, 207


green, 136

red, 136

Generic structure, of proposals, 87

relationship of baseline logic and proposed project, 44–46

slots in, 12–15

understanding logic of, 15

Green flags, 136

Green Team Review, 132

defined, 134

events after, 138

members of, 134–35

process of, 135–38

strategic premise of, 133–34, 133f

value of, 139

Green-thinking hat, 131–32

Hot buttons, for themes, 108–10

work session for identifying, 118–20

Implementation benefits, 34

Implementation deliverables, 32

Implementation Projects, 21, 22f

objectives for, 70

Information slots (I-slots), 165, 165f

Insight benefits, 33–34

Insight deliverables, 32

Insight Projects, 21, 22f

measurable-results orientation of, 58

objectives for, 69–70

Internal proposals, 267–74

Leads, worksheet for qualifying, 301–2

Logic trees, 64–69

characteristics of, 65, 66f

identifying and integrating activities necessary for, 74–76

ordering actions necessary to achieve objectives of, 70–73

principles of, 70

sequencing actions for, 73–74

work session for, 80–83, 118–20

Logical methodologies, constructing, 4–5, 79

Logics, of proposals, 5

Logics Worksheets, 246–48

Measurable-results orientation

Implementation Projects, 61

Insight Projects, 58

Planning Projects, 59–60

using, 61

work session for, 62

Methodology, constructing logical, 79

Methods slot, of proposals, 163–64

work session for, 177–84

Minto, Barbara, 64

Minto Pyramid Principle, The (Minto), 64

New Strategic Selling, The (Miller and Heiman), 88

Nondecision decisions, 7


abstract, avoiding, 276–79

changing, to verbs, 280

Objectives, identifying, 69–70

Overriding question, 29, 29f, 30f

identifying objectives based on, 69–70

Paragraphs, writing coherent, 283–86

Parallelism, 281–83

Persuasion–Information–Persuasion (PIP)

defined, 164–66

at document level, 172–73

at methods-section level, 169–72

in presentation slide, 168f

proposal strategy and, 173–77

at task level, 166–69

in text proposal, 168f

Persuasion slots (P-slots), 6, 165, 166f, 173f

levels of, 173–76

work session for composing, 177–84

PIP. See Persuasion–Information–Persuasion (PIP)

Planning benefits, 34

Planning deliverables, 32

Planning Projects, 21, 22f

measurable-results orientation, 61

objectives for, 70

Point of view, of potential client, 26–27

Pricing considerations, 210

Proposal-development process, 3–6, 4f, 222–31


assumptions for creating, 129–31

baseline logic of, 17–24

internal, 267–74

map for writing background section of, 152–56, 152–56f

situation slot and, 143–52

slots in generic structure of, 12–15

story component of, 144–48

writing situation and objective slots for, 143–57

Psychologics, of proposals, 5, 85

Psychologics Worksheets, 249–51

Qualifications slot

as argument, 187–89

using Themes Development Worksheet for, 189

work session for writing, 191–95

writing, 185–87, 190–91

Questions component, of background section, 148–51

work session for writing, 161–62

writing, 153, 154f

Ratifier buying role, 92–93, 93f

Red flags, 136

Red Team Review, 131

Requests for proposals (RFPs), reading, 293–99

Results, aligning benefits and, 35, 36–39f

Sentences, writing effective, 275–86

Situation slot, proposals and, 143–52

closing component of, 151–52

competitive advantage and, 156–57

questions component of, 148–51

story component of, 144–48

work session for writing, 158–62

Six Thinking Hats (de Bono), 131

Slots, in generic structure of proposals, 12–15

Story component, of background section, 144–148

work session for writing, 159–61

writing, 152, 153–54f

Strategic direction, 27

Subject slots, avoiding abstract nouns in, 276–79

Technical buying role, 90, 90f

Themes, 6

counters to competition and, 112, 113f

defined, 105–7

developing, 115–16, 117

evaluation criteria for, 110–12, 111f

hot buttons for, 108–10

identifying, 117

selecting, 113–15, 117, 125–28

sources of, 107, 107f

work session for developing, 118–28

Themes Development Worksheet (TDW), 126–27f, 171, 171f

to structure argument, 189

Triggering event, 27–28

User buying role, 89–90, 89f

Value propositions, 54–55

baseline logic and, 44, 45f

Verbs, changing nouns to, 280

Voice, using right, 287–92

Wordiness, avoiding, 281

Work sessions, 6

for aligning baseline logic, 47–54

for benefits slot, 201–5

for composing persuasion slots, 177–84

for developing themes, 118–28

for identifying buying roles, 96–101

for identifying counters to competition, 122–24

for identifying evaluation criteria, 120–22

for identifying hot buttons, 118–20

instructions for, 16

for logic trees, 80–83, 118–20

for measurable-results orientation, 62

for methods slot, 177–84

for writing closing component, 16–22

for writing qualifications slot, 191–95

for writing questions component, 161–62

for writing situation slot, 158–62

for writing story component, 159–61

Worksheets, 245–52

Logics, 246–48

Psychologics, 249–51

for qualifying leads, 301–2

Themes Development Worksheet, 171, 171f, 252

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