
Note: f represents a figure and t represents a table. ASTD 2008 World-Class Sales Competency Model,
76, 79, 243-45, 248f
A      ASTD 2008 World-Class Sales Competency Study
academia, 74-76      approach for, 3-4, 247, 249-53
accounting, 27      benefits of, vii-viii
accounts      example organization for, 35-37
     areas of expertise (AOEs) definition, 99-101,      methodology for, 4, 5, 247
          122-23      overview of, v-vi, x-xi, xxv, 35, 36f
     assessments for, 169f-71f, 199f-201f, 217t, 226t      premises of, 33-35
     importance of, 138f, 145f      purpose of, 6
acumen checklist, 17 respondent demographics for, 255-57
administrator role ASTD Models for Human Performance Improvement,
     definition of, 41, 80, 81t       244
     overview of, xvi, 40f, 81, 258t ASTD Models for Learning Technologies, 244
advertising, 16 ASTD Models for Workplace Learning and Performance,
alignment, xiii-xiv, 21-22, 68      243-44
     See also partnering competencies ASTD sales effectiveness levels, 65-67, 65f
     competencies for, xxii B
     of organizations, 207, 207f behaviors and competencies, 57-58
     of sales teams, 234, 234f, 235t, 236, 236t      See also areas of expertise (AOEs)
analyst role Boyatzis, Richard, 32
     definition of, 41, 80, 81t Burch, Noel, 33
     overview of, xvi, 40f, 81, 258t buyer facilitation, 10
areas of expertise (AOEs) buyers, xii-xiii, 12-13, 20, 26, 30-31
     definition of, 79
     importance of, 258-61, 258t C
     job titles and, 53f-54f, 260-61 capability, 111-13, 142f, 185f-89f, 222t
     key actions, key knowledge areas, 52, 95-126, 137f, category management, 10
          262-90 checklists, 14-15, 17
     overview of, xvii-xxi, 49-52, 49f, 51f, 81t chief learning officers (CLOs), 35-37
     roles and, 47t coaching, 116-17, 143f, 192f-94f, 224t
for trainings, 114-15, 142f, 190f-91f, 223t communication, 52
assessments      See also partnering competencies
     for accounts, 169f-71f, 199f-201f, 217t, 226t compensation, 120-21, 144f, 197f-98f, 225t
     competencies, 132f-36f, 151f-64f, 207, 207f, competence, 2-3, 32, 67
          208t-15t competencies
     peer, leader, 146-49, 150f      alignment of, xiii-xiv, 21-22
     self, 128-30, 131f      assessments of, 132f-36f, 151f-64f, 207, 207f,
     360-degree, 127, 128-30, 206, 207f, 228           208t-15t
     behaviors and, 57-58 finance, 27
     development planning tool, 229, 230f-31f foundational competencies. See competencies
     effectiveness, xxiii, 56f, 57, 59-60, 59t, 91-94, Four Ps, 16
          300-303 functional areas, 17, 23, 24f, 26
     importance of, 58, 291-301
     insight, 56, 56f, 59-60, 59t, 85-87, 295-97 G
     overview of, xxi-xxii, 35, 55, 79 globalization, x-xi, 10
     partnering, xxi-xxii, 56, 56f, 59-60, 59t, 83-84, goals, xxiii-xxiv, 4, 6
     roles and, 44-45, 46t H
     sales and, 23-26 HR Chally, 30
     solution, xxii-xxiii, 56-57, 56f, 59-60, 59t, 88-90, human performance improvement (HPI), 244
          298-99 human resource development (HRD), 244
     tactical selling, 25 human resources, 26
     top ten, 58, 59t
competency model, 2-4, 35 I
competency-based approaches, 22-23 indirect sales, 104-5, 139f, 175f-78f, 219t
competition, xi, 10-11, 19 information technology (IT), 26
complexity, 20 infrastructure, 118-19, 144f, 195f-96f, 225t
Coné, John, vii-viii insight competencies, 56, 56f, 59-60, 59t, 85-87,
consultant role      295-97
     definition of, 40, 40f, 79-80, 81t intelligence vs. competence, 32
     overview of, xvi, 37, 80, 258t
consultants, 73-74 J
consultative selling, xii-xiii, 10, 13, 20, 66 job titles, 39, 41-42, 53f-54f, 80-81, 260-61
contracts, 232, 232f, 233f
culture, x-xi, 10 K
customer service, 26 knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), 32-33, 35
data analysis, 207, 207f Lambert, Brian, 21
demographics, xi-xii, 11-13, 255-57 leader assessments, 146-49, 150f
developer role, xvi, 40f, 41, 80, 81t, 258t leadership development, 12
development techniques, 12, 21 learning contracts, 232, 232f, 233f
learning technologies, 244
E      See also technology
ecosystem, 108-10, 141f, 181f-84f, 221t loyalty, 26
effectiveness competencies
     definition of, 57, 91-94 M
     importance of, 59-60, 59t, 300-303 manager role
     overview of, xxiii, 56f      definition of, 40f, 41, 80, 81t
employee demographics, xi-xii, 11-13      overview of, xvi, 35, 37, 81, 258t
environment, xiii, 20 managers, 22, 25-26, 57, 72-73
expectations, xii-xiii, 12-13, 30-31 Mapping the Future (Bernthal), 243
     See also partnering competencies Mapping the Future (ConĂ©, John), vii-viii
marketing, 16, 26
McClelland, David, 32 S
methodology, 4, 5, 247 sales
models, 2-4, 35, 76, 79, 243-45, 248f      acumen checklist, 17
     competencies and, 23-26
N      definition of, 13
National Cash Register (NCR) Corporation, 20      indirect, 104-5, 139f, 175f-78f, 219t
     old-fashioned, ix
O strategies for, 106-7
old-fashioned sales, ix technology and, xi
opportunities, 95-98, 137f, 165f-68f, 216t sales capacity, xiv, 23, 63-64
organizational performance, 12 sales competence, xiv, 63-64
organizations, xxiii-xxiv, 17, 64, 68, 207, 207f sales effectiveness levels, 65-67, 65f
sales management competency, 25
P sales process, 22, 26, 66
partnering competencies sales profession, xv, 14-15, 17, xvf
     definition of, 56, 83-84 sales professionals, xi-xii, xvi-xvii
     importance of, 59-60, 59t, 293-94 sales promotions, 16
     overview of, xxi-xxii, 56f sales roles. See roles
peer assessments, 146-49, 150f sales teams. See teams
Pelham, Al, 12 sales techniques, 10
people, 19 sales training. See training
people development techniques, 12, 21 salespeople, xii-xiii, 12-13, 19-20
processes, 22, 26, 66, 237, 237f, 238t-41t science, 65-66
production, 27 self-assessments, 128-30, 131f
professional selling, ix, 14-17 skills development, 21
professionals, 29 solution competencies
profitability, xiii, 14      definition of, 56-57, 88-90
promotion, 16, 16f      importance of, 59-60, 59t, 298-99
public relations, 16      overview of, xxii-xxiii, 56f
solutions, 102-3, 138f, 172f-74f, 218t
R strategies, xxii-xxiii, 106-7, 140f, 179f-80f, 220t
relationships, xii-xiii, xxi-xxii, 12-13, 66 strategist role, xvi, 40-41, 40f, 80, 81t, 258t
     See also partnering competencies Study of Professional Training and Development Roles and
research approach, 247, 248f, 249-53      Competencies, A, 245
research methodology, 4, 5, 247 success, 35, 71
responsibilities competencies, xxiii synthesis skills competencies, xxii
revenue generation, 23-27, 24f, 43-44, 45t
roles T
     areas of expertise (AOEs) and, 47t tactical selling competencies, 25
     competencies and, 44-45, 46t talent, 124-26, 145f, 202f-5f, 227t
     definition of, 42-43, 79 talent management, 12, 21
     importance of, 44, 44t, 45t, 258t team selling, 10
     job titles and, 39, 41-42, 80-81 teams
     See also specific roles      alignment in, 22
     analysis tool, 234, 234f, 235t, 236, 236t
     Competency Model applications for, 71-72
     managers and, 25
technology, xi, 11, 26, 52, 66-67, 244
360-degree assessments, 127, 128-30, 206, 207f, 228
trainers, 4, 37, 57
     alignment of, xiii-xiv
     areas of expertise (AOEs) for, 114-15, 142f,
          190f-91f, 223t
     competencies for, 25-26
     diagnostic, 237, 237f, 238t-41t
     overview of, 1, 22-23, 29
training managers, 67-68
training professionals, 4, 6
trends, x-xii, 9-13
trust, 26
vice presidents, 37
workplace learning and performance (WLP) models,
workplace learning and performance (WLP)
     professionals, vii-viii, 68-71, 69f
worksheets, self-assessment, 128-30, 131f
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