B. Glossary

ActiveX: ActiveX is a Microsoft creation designed to work in a manner similar to Sun Microsystems’ Java. The main goal is to create platform-independent programs that can be used continually on different operating systems. ActiveX is a loose standards definition, not a specific language. An ActiveX component or control can be run on any ActiveX-compatible platform.

ActiveX defines the methods with which these COM objects and ActiveX controls interact with the system; however, it is not tied to a specific language. ActiveX controls and components can be created in various programming languages such as Visual C++, Visual Basic, or VBScript.

Active Scripting: Active scripting is the term used to define the various script programs that can run within and work with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) in order to interact with users and create a dynamic Web page. By itself, HTML is static and only presents text and graphics. Using active scripting languages such as JavaScript or VBScript, developers can update the date and time displayed on the page, have information pop up in a separate window, or create scrolling text to go across the screen.

Adware: While not necessarily malware, adware is considered to go beyond the reasonable advertising one might expect from freeware or shareware. Typically, a separate program that is installed at the same time as a shareware or similar program, adware will usually continue to generate advertising even when the user is not running the originally desired program.[*]

* These defi nitions were derived from Robert Slade's Dictionary of Information Security (Syngress. ISBN: 1-59749-115-2).With over 1,000 information security terms and defi nitions, Slade's book is a great resource to turn to when you come across technical words and acronyms you are not familiar with.

Antivirus Software: Antivirus software is an application that protects your system from viruses, worms, and other malicious code. Most antivirus programs monitor traffic while you surf the Web, scan incoming e-mail and file attachments, and periodically check all local files for the existence of any known malicious code.

Application Gateway: An application gateway is a type of firewall. All internal computers establish a connection with the proxy server. The proxy server performs all communications with the Internet. External computers see only the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the proxy server and never communicate directly with the internal clients. The application gateway examines the packets more thoroughly than a circuit-level gateway when making forwarding decisions. It is considered more secure; however, it uses more memory and processor resources.

Attack: The act of trying to bypass security controls on a system. An attack may be active, resulting in the alteration of data; or passive, resulting in the release of data. Note: The fact that an attack is made does not necessarily mean that it will succeed. The degree of success depends on the vulnerability of the system and the effectiveness of the existing countermeasures. Attack is often used as a synonym for a specific exploit.[*]

Authentication: One of the keys in determining if a message or file you are receiving is safe is to first authenticate that the person who sent it is who they say they are. Authentication is the process of determining the true identity of someone. Basic authentication is using a password to verify that you are who you say you are. There are also more complicated and precise methods such as biometrics (e.g., fingerprints, retina scans).

Backbone: The backbone of the Internet is the collection of major communications pipelines that transfer the data from one end of the world to the other. Large Internet service providers (ISPs) such as AT&T and WorldCom make up the backbone. They connect through major switching centers called Metropolitan Area Exchange (MAE) and exchange data from each others’ customers through peering agreements.

Backdoor: A backdoor is a secret or undocumented means of gaining access to a computer system. Many programs have backdoors placed by the programmer to allow them to gain access in order to troubleshoot or change a program. Other backdoors are placed by hackers once they gain access to a system, to allow for easier access into the system in the future or in case their original entrance is discovered.

Biometrics: Biometrics is a form of authentication that uses unique physical traits of the user. Unlike a password, a hacker cannot “guess” your fingerprint or retinal scan pattern. Biometrics is a relatively new term used to refer to fingerprinting, retinal scans, voice wave patterns, and various other unique biological traits used to authenticate users.

Broadband: Technically, broadband is used to define any transmission that can carry more than one channel on a single medium (e.g., the coaxial cable for cable TV carries many channels and can simultaneously provide Internet access). Broadband is also often used to describe high-speed Internet connections such as cable modems and digital subscriber lines (DSLs).

Bug: In computer technology, a bug is a coding error in a computer program. After a product is released or during public beta testing, bugs are still apt to be discovered. When this occurs, users have to either find a way to avoid using the “buggy” code or get a patch from the originators of the code.

Circuit-level Gateway: A circuit-level gateway is a type of firewall. All internal computers establish a “circuit” with the proxy server. The proxy server performs all communications with the Internet. External computers see only the IP address of the proxy server and never communicate directly with the internal clients.

Compromise: When used to discuss Internet security, compromise does not mean that two parties come to a mutually beneficial agreement. Rather, it means that the security of your computer or network is weakened. A typical security compromise can be a third party learning the administrator password of your computer.

Cross Site Scripting: Cross site scripting (XSS) refers to the ability to use some of the functionality of active scripting against the user by inserting malicious code into the HTML that will run code on the users’ computers, redirect them to a site other than what they intended, or steal passwords, personal information, and so on.

XSS is a programming problem, not a vulnerability of any particular Web browser software or Web hosting server. It is up to the Web site developer to ensure that user input is validated and checked for malicious code before executing it.

Cyberterrorism: This term is more a buzzword than anything and is used to describe officially sanctioned hacking as a political or military tool. Some hackers have used stolen information (or the threat of stealing information) as a tool to attempt to extort money from companies.

DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used to automate the assignment of IP addresses to hosts on a network. Each machine on a network must have a unique address. DHCP automatically enters the IP address, tracks which ones are in use, and remembers to put addresses back into the pool when devices are removed. Each device that is configured to use DHCP contacts the DHCP server to request an IP address. The DHCP server then assigns an IP address from the range it has been configured to use. The IP address is leased for a certain amount of time. When the device is removed from the network or when the lease expires, the IP address is placed back into the pool to be used by another device.

Demilitarized Zone: The demilitarized zone (DMZ) is a neutral zone or buffer that separates the internal and external networks and usually exists between two firewalls. External users can access servers in the DMZ, but not the computers on the internal network. The servers in the DMZ act as an intermediary for both incoming and outgoing traffic.

DNS: The Domain Name System (DNS) was created to provide a way to translate domain names to their corresponding IP addresses. It is easier for users to remember a domain name (e.g., yahoo.com) than to try and remember an actual IP address (e.g., of each site they want to visit. The DNS server maintains a list of domain names and IP addresses so that when a request comes in it can be pointed to the correct corresponding IP address.

Keeping a single database of all domain names and IP addresses in the world would be exceptionally difficult, if not impossible. For this reason, the burden has been spread around the world. Companies, Web hosts, ISPs, and other entities that choose to do so can maintain their own DNS servers. Spreading the workload like this speeds up the process and provides better security instead of relying on a single source.

Denial of Service: A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack floods a network with an overwhelming amount of traffic, thereby slowing its response time for legitimate traffic or grinding it to a halt completely. The more common attacks use the built-in features of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/IP to create exponential amounts of network traffic.

E-mail Spoofing: E-mail spoofing is the act of forging the header information on an e-mail so that it appears to have originated from somewhere other than its true source. The protocol used for e-mail, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), does not have any authentication to verify the source. By changing the header information, the e-mail can appear to come from someone else.

E-mail spoofing is used by virus authors. By propagating a virus with a spoofed e-mail source, it is more difficult for users who receive the virus to track its source. E-mail spoofing is also used by distributors of spam to hide their identity.

Encryption: Encryption is when text, data, or other communications are encoded so that unauthorized users cannot see or hear it. An encrypted file appears as gibberish unless you have the password or key necessary to decrypt the information.

Firewall: Basically, a firewall is a protective barrier between your computer (or internal network) and the outside world. Traffic into and out of the firewall is blocked or restricted as you choose. By blocking all unnecessary traffic and restricting other traffic to those protocols or individuals that need it, you can greatly improve the security of your internal network.

Forensic: Forensic is a legal term. At its root it means something that is discussed in a court of law or that is related to the application of knowledge to a legal problem.

In computer terms, forensic is used to describe the art of extracting and gathering data from a computer to determine how an intrusion occurred, when it occurred, and who the intruder was. Organizations that employ good security practices and maintain logs of network and file access are able to accomplish this much easier. But, with the right knowledge and the right tools, forensic evidence can be extracted even from burned, waterlogged, or physically damaged computer systems.

Hacker: Commonly used to refer to any individual who uses their knowledge of networks and computer systems to gain unauthorized access to computer systems. While often used interchangeably, the term hacker typically applies to those who break in out of curiosity or for the challenge itself, rather than those who actually intend to steal or damage data. Hacker purists claim that true hacking is benign and that the term is misused.

Heuristic: Heuristics uses past experience to make educated guesses about the present. Using rules and decisions based on analysis of past network or e-mail traffic, heuristic scanning in antivirus software can self-learn and use artificial intelligence to attempt to block viruses or worms that are not yet known and for which the antivirus software does not yet have a filter to detect or block.

Hoax: A hoax is an attempt to trick a user into believing something that is not true. It is mainly associated with e-mails that are too good to be true or that ask you to do things like “forward this to everyone you know.”

Host: As far as the Internet is concerned, a host is essentially any computer connected to the Internet. Each computer or device has a unique IP address which helps other devices on the Internet find and communicate with that host.

HTML: HTML is the basic language used to create graphic Web pages. HTML defines the syntax and tags used to create documents on the World Wide Web (WWW). In its basic form, HTML documents are static, meaning they only display text and graphics. In order to have scrolling text, animations, buttons that change when the mouse pointer is over them, and so on, a developer needs to use active scripting like JavaScript or VBScript or use third-party plug-ins like Macromedia Flash.

There are variations and additions to HTML as well. Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML) is used to refer to pages that include things like JavaScript or CGI scripts in order to dynamically present information unique to each user or each time the user visits the site. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is gaining in popularity because of its ability to interact with data and provide a means for sharing and interpreting data between different platforms and applications.

ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is part of the IP portion of TCP/IP. Common network testing commands such as PING and Trace Route (TRACERT) rely on the ICMP.

Identity Theft: Use of personal information to impersonate someone, usually for the purpose of fraud.[*]

IDS: An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a device or application that is used to inspect all network traffic and to alert the user or administrator when there has been unauthorized access or an attempt to access a network. The two primary methods of monitoring are signature based and anomaly based. Depending on the device or application used, the IDS can alert either the user or the administrator or set up to block specific traffic or automatically respond in some way.

Signature-based detection relies on the comparison of traffic to a database containing signatures of known attack methods. Anomaly-based detection compares current network traffic to a known good baseline to look for anything out of the ordinary. The IDS can be placed strategically on the network as a Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS), which will inspect all network traffic, or it can be installed on each individual system as a Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS), which inspects traffic to and from that specific device only.

Instant Messaging: Instant messaging (IM) offers users the ability to communicate in real time. Starting with Internet Relay Chat (IRC), users became hooked on the ability to “chat” in real time rather than sending emails back and forth or posting to a forum or message board.

Online service providers such as America Online (AOL) and CompuServe created proprietary messaging systems that allow users to see when their friends are online and available to chat (as long as they use the same instant messaging software). ICQ introduced an IM system that was not tied to a particular ISP and that kicked off the mainstream popularity of instant messaging.

Internet: The Internet was originally called Arpanet, and was created by the United States government in conjunction with various colleges and universities for the purpose of sharing research data. As it stands now, there are millions of computers connected to the Internet all over the world. There is no central server or owner of the Internet; every computer on the Internet is connected with every other computer.

Intranet: An Intranet is an Internet with restricted access. Corporate Intranets generally use the exact same communication lines as the rest of the Internet, but have security in place to restrict access to the employees, customers, or suppliers that the corporation wants to have access.

IP: The IP is used to deliver data packets to their proper destination. Each packet contains both the originating and the destination IP address. Each router or gateway that receives the packet will look at the destination address and determine how to forward it. The packet will be passed from device to device until it reaches its destination.

IP Address: An IP Address is used to uniquely identify devices on the Internet. The current standard (IPv4) is a 32-bit number made up of four 8-bit blocks. In standard decimal numbers, each block can be any number from 0 to 255. A standard IP address would look something like “”

Part of the address is the network address which narrows the search to a specific block, similar to the way your postal mail is first sent to the proper zip code. The other part of the address is the local address that specifies the actual device within that network, similar to the way your specific street address identifies you within your zip code. A subnet mask is used to determine how many bits make up the network portion and how many bits make up the local portion.

The next generation of IP (IPv6 or [IP Next Generation] IPng) has been created and is currently being implemented in some areas.

IP Spoofing: IP spoofing is the act of replacing the IP address information in a packet with fake information. Each packet contains the originating and destination IP address. By replacing the true originating IP address with a fake address, a hacker can mask the true source of an attack or force the destination IP address to reply to a different machine and possibly cause a DoS.

IPv4: The current version of IP used on the Internet is version 4 (IPv4). IPv4 is used to direct packets of information to their correct address. Due to a shortage of available addresses and to address the needs of the future, an updated IP is being developed (IPv6).

IPv6: To address issues with the current IP in use (IPv4) and to add features to improve the protocol for the future, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has introduced IP version 6 (IPv6) also known as IPng.

IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses rather than the current 32-bit addresses, allowing for an exponential increase in the number of available IP addresses. IPv6 also adds new security and performance features to the protocol. IPv6 is backwards compatible with IPv4 so that different networks or hardware manufacturers can choose to upgrade at different times without disrupting the current flow of data on the Internet.

ISP: An ISP is a company that has the servers, routers, communication lines, and other equipment necessary to establish a presence on the Internet. They in turn sell access to their equipment in the form of Internet services such as dial-up, cable modem, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), or other types of connections. The larger ISPs form the backbone of the Internet.

JavaScript: JavaScript is an active scripting language that was created by Netscape and based on Sun Microsystems’ platform-independent programming language, Java. Originally named LiveScript, Netscape changed the name to JavaScript to ride on the coattails of Java's popularity. JavaScript is used within HTML to execute small programs, in order to generate a dynamic Web page. Using JavaScript, a developer can make text or graphics change when the mouse points at them, update the current date and time on the Web page, or add personal information such as how long it has been since that user last visited the site. Microsoft Internet Explorer supports a subset of JavaScript dubbed JScript.

Malware: Malicious Code (malware) is a catch-all term used to refer to various types of software that can cause problems or damage your computer. The common types of malware are viruses, worms, Trojan horses, macro viruses, and backdoors.

NAT: Network Address Translation (NAT) is used to mask the true identity of internal computers. Typically, the NAT server or device has a public IP address that can be seen by external hosts. Computers on the local network use a completely different set of IP addresses. When traffic goes out, the internal IP address is removed and replaced with the public IP address of the NAT device. When replies come back to the NAT device, it determines which internal computer the response belongs to and routes it to its proper destination.

An added benefit is the ability to have more than one computer communicate on the Internet with only one publicly available IP address. Many home routers use NAT to allow multiple computers to share one IP address.

Network: Technically, it only takes two computers (or hosts) to form a network. A network is any two or more computers connected together to share data or resources. Common network resources include printers that are shared by many users rather than each user having their own printer. The Internet is one large network of shared data and resources.

Network Security: This term is used to describe all aspects of securing your computer or computers from unauthorized access. This includes blocking outsiders from getting into the network, as well as password protecting your computers and ensuring that only authorized users can view sensitive data.

P2P: Peer-to-peer Networking (P2P) applies to individual PCs acting as servers to other individual PCs. Made popular by the music file swapping service, Napster, P2P allows users to share files with each other through a network of computers using that same P2P client software. Each computer on the network has the ability to act as a server by hosting files for others to download, and as a client by searching other computers on the network for files they want.

Packet: A packet, otherwise known as a datagram, is a fragment of data. Data transmissions are broken up into packets. Each packet contains a portion of the data being sent as well as header information, which includes the destination address.

Packet Sniffing: Packet sniffing is the act of capturing packets of data flowing across a computer network. The software or device used to do this is called a packet sniffer. Packet sniffing is to computer networks what wire tapping is to a telephone network.

Packet sniffing is used to monitor network performance or to troubleshoot problems with network communications. However, it is also widely used by hackers and crackers to illegally gather information about networks they intend to break into. Using a packet sniffer, you can capture data such as passwords, IP addresses, protocols being used on the network, and other information that will help an attacker infiltrate the network.

Patch: A patch is like a Band-Aid®. When a company finds bugs and defects in their software, they fix them in the next version of the application. However, some bugs make the current product inoperable or less functional, or may even open security vulnerabilities. For these bugs, users cannot wait until the next release to get a fix; therefore, the company must create a small interim patch that users can apply to fix the problem.

Phishing: Posting of a fraudulent message to a large number of people via spam or other general posting asking them to submit personal or security information, which is then used for further fraud or identity theft. The term is possibly an extension of trolling, which is the posting of an outrageous message or point of view in a newsgroup or mailing list in the hope that someone will “bite” and respond to it.[*]

Port: A port has a dual definition in computers. There are various ports on the computer itself (e.g., ports to plug in your mouse, keyboards, Universal Serial Bus [USB] devices, printers, monitors, and so forth). However, the ports that are most relevant to information security are virtual ports found in TCP/IP. Ports are like channels on your computer. Normal Web or Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) traffic flows on port 80. Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) e-mail flows on port 110. By blocking or opening these ports into and out of your network, you can control the kinds of data that flows through your network.

Port Scan: A port scan is a method used by hackers to determine what ports are open or in use on a system or network. By using various tools, a hacker can send data to TCP or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports one at a time. Based on the response received, the port scan utility can determine if that port is in use. Using this information, the hacker can then focus his or her attack on the ports that are open and try to exploit any weaknesses to gain access.

Protocol: A protocol is a set of rules or agreed-upon guidelines for communication. When communicating, it is important to agree on how to do so. If one party speaks French and one German, the communications will most likely fail. If both parties agree on a single language, communications will work.

On the Internet, the set of communications protocols used is called TCP/IP.TCP/IP is actually a collection of various protocols that have their own special functions. These protocols have been established by international standards bodies and are used in almost all platforms and around the globe to ensure that all devices on the Internet can communicate successfully.

Proxy Server: A proxy server acts as a middleman between your internal and external networks. It serves the dual roles of speeding up access to the Internet and providing a layer of protection for the internal network. Clients send Internet requests to the proxy server, which in turn initiates communications with actual destination server.

By caching pages that have been previously requested, the proxy server speeds up performance by responding to future requests for the same page, using the cached information rather than going to the Web site again.

When using a proxy server, external systems only see the IP address of the proxy server so the true identity of the internal computers is hidden. The proxy server can also be configured with basic rules of what ports or IP addresses are or are not allowed to pass through, which makes it a type of basic firewall.

Rootkit: A rootkit is a set of tools and utilities that a hacker can use to maintain access once they have hacked a system. The rootkit tools allow them to seek out usernames and passwords, launch attacks against remote systems, and conceal their actions by hiding their files and processes and erasing their activity from system logs and a plethora of other malicious stealth tools.

Script Kiddie: Script kiddie is a derogatory term used by hackers or crackers to describe novice hackers. The term is derived from the fact that these novice hackers tend to rely on existing scripts, tools, and exploits to create their attacks. They may not have any specific knowledge of computer systems or why or how their hack attempts work, and they may unleash harmful or destructive attacks without even realizing it. Script kiddies tend to scan and attack large blocks of the Internet rather than targeting a specific computer, and generally don't have any goal in mind aside from experimenting with tools to see how much chaos they can create.

SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used to send e-mail. The SMTP protocol provides a common language for different servers to send and receive e-mail messages. The default TCP/IP port for the SMTP protocol is port 25.

SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a protocol used for monitoring network devices. Devices like printers and routers use SNMP to communicate their status. Administrators use SNMP to manage the function of various network devices.

Stateful Inspection: Stateful inspection is a more in-depth form of packet filter firewall. While a packet filter firewall only checks the packet header to determine the source and destination address and the source and destination ports to verify against its rules, stateful inspection checks the packet all the way to the Application layer. Stateful inspection monitors incoming and outgoing packets to determine source, destination, and context. By ensuring that only requested information is allowed back in, stateful inspection helps protect against hacker techniques such as IP spoofing and port scanning

TCP: The TCP is a primary part of the TCP/IP set of protocols, which forms the basis of communications on the Internet. TCP is responsible for breaking large data into smaller chunks of data called packets. TCP assigns each packet a sequence number and then passes them on to be transmitted to their destination. Because of how the Internet is set up, every packet may not take the same path to get to its destination. TCP has the responsibility at the destination end of reassembling the packets in the correct sequence and performing error-checking to ensure that the complete data message arrived intact.

TCP/IP: TCP/IP is a suite of protocols that make up the basic framework for communication on the Internet.

TCP helps control how the larger data is broken down into smaller pieces or packets for transmission. TCP handles reassembling the packets at the destination end and performing error-checking to ensure all of the packets arrived properly and were reassembled in the correct sequence.

IP is used to route the packets to the appropriate destination. The IP manages the addressing of the packets and tells each router or gateway on the path how and where to forward the packet to direct it to its proper destination.

Other protocols associated with the TCP/IP suite are UDP and ICMP.

Trojan: A Trojan horse is a malicious program disguised as a normal application. Trojan horse programs do not replicate themselves like a virus, but they can be propagated as attachments to a virus.

UDP: UDP is a part of the TCP/IP suite of protocols used for communications on the Internet. It is similar to TCP except that it offers very little error checking and does not establish a connection with a specific destination. It is most widely used to broadcast a message over a network port to all machines that are listening.

VBScript: VBScript is an active scripting language created by Microsoft to compete with Netscape's JavaScript. VBScript is based on Microsoft's popular programming language, Visual Basic. VBScript is an active scripting language used within HTML to execute small programs to generate a dynamic Web page. Using VBScript, a developer can cause text or graphics to change when the mouse points at them, update the current date and time on the Web page, or add personal information like how long it has been since that user last visited the site.

Virus: A virus is malicious code that replicates itself. New viruses are discovered daily. Some exist simply to replicate themselves. Others can do serious damage such as erasing files or rendering a computer inoperable.

Vulnerability: In network security, a vulnerability refers to any flaw or weakness in the network defense that could be exploited to gain unauthorized access to, damage, or otherwise affect the network

Worm: A worm is similar to a virus. Worms replicate themselves like viruses, but do not alter files. The main difference is that worms reside in memory and usually remain unnoticed until the rate of replication reduces system resources to the point that it becomes noticeable.

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