
  • accelerated depreciation methods
  • accounting
    • for monetary assets and liabilities
    • for pensions and postretirement benefits
    • push down
    • for uncertainty in income taxes
  • accounting changes
    • accounting estimates
    • accounting principles
    • accounting requirements
    • by affiliated organizations
    • checklist
    • disclosures
    • equity securities
    • error corrections
    • interim reporting
    • perspective and issues
    • reporting entities
    • unrestricted contributions
  • accounting principles
    • changes made in interim period
    • checklist
    • justification for change
  • Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs)
    • 2009-12
    • 2010-6
    • 2010-07
    • 2010-11
    • 2010-17
    • 2010-28
    • 2010-29
    • 2011-04
    • 2011-7
    • 2011-8
    • 2011-11
    • 2012-02
    • 2012-05
    • 2013-03
    • 2013-04
    • 2013-06
    • 2013-10
    • 2013-12
    • 2014-05
    • 2014-09
    • 2014-15
    • 2014-17
    • 2015-01
    • 2015-02
    • 2015-04
    • 2015-5
    • 2015-07
    • 2015-11
    • 2015-14
    • 2016-02
    • 2016-07
    • 2016-10
    • 2016-14
    • 2016-15
    • 2016-18
    • 2017-01
    • 2017-02
    • 2017-04
  • accrual basis accounting
    • advantages
    • versus cash
    • combination with cash basis accounting
    • requirements
    • statement example
  • accrued pension cost
  • accumulated benefit obligation
  • accumulated postretirement benefit obligation
  • acquisitions see mergers and acquisitions
  • actual return on plan assets
  • actuarial present value
  • advertising
    • income
  • affiliated organizations
    • accounting by beneficiaries
    • affiliates of a common parent
    • asset-holding affiliate
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • consolidations and equity method guidance
    • control checklist
    • disclosures
    • financially interrelated not-for-profit organizations
    • fundraising affiliate of a “parent” organization
    • investments in for-profit entities
    • pass-through gifts
    • perspective and issues
    • program activity affiliate
    • recipient organization
    • related-party disclosures
    • reporting entity definition
    • support
    • transfer of assets that are not contributions
    • types of relationships,
  • agency transactions
    • reporting
  • agent
    • definition
  • AICPA see American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • amortization
    • assets, intangible
    • of unrecognized amount at date of initial SFAS 87 application
    • of unrecognized prior service cost
  • annual information return
  • annuities
    • charitable gift annuity
  • annuity contract
  • appropriation accounting
  • asset-holding affiliate
  • assets
    • accounting
    • acquired with gifts or grantsx
    • checklist for intangible
    • current
    • elements of change in net assets
    • expropriation
    • gifts of long-lived
    • long-lived checklist
    • mergers and acquisitions
    • noncurrent
    • offsetting
    • purchases of long-term
    • receipts and disbursements
    • sales of long-term
  • assets, intangible
    • amortization
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • disclosure requirements
    • goodwill
    • internally developed
    • perspective and issues
    • recognition and measurement of an impairment loss
    • recording
    • useful life determination
    • zero or negative reporting units
  • assets, long-lived
    • to be disposed of
    • changes in depreciation calculations
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • contributed
    • cost
    • depreciation and
    • depreciation methods
    • disclosure requirements
    • example
    • impaired
    • impairment
    • partial-year depreciation
    • perspective and issues
    • recoverability
    • retirement obligations
  • associations
    • see also trade associations
    • appropriation accounting
    • functional reporting
    • section or group reporting
    • separate charitable organizations
  • assumptions
  • ASUs see Accounting Standards Updates
  • attribution
  • attribution period
  • balance sheet
    • sample
  • bargain purchases
  • bargain renewal option
  • beneficiaries
    • accounting by affiliated organizations
  • bequests
  • board-designated funds
    • budgets
  • boards of directors
    • board-created fund
    • board-designated endowments
  • bonds
  • bookkeepers
  • books
    • value
  • borrowing
    • interfund
  • budgets
    • action by the board
    • allocation of annual budget to monthly or quarterly periods
    • alternate presentation
    • comparisons
    • deviations from
    • expense
    • five-year master plan
    • functions of
    • importance
    • interim statements
    • levels of reserves
    • monthly and quarterly
    • perspective and issues
    • preparation
    • responsibility for preparation
    • statement of income and expenses
    • variable
  • business combination accounting
  • callable obligations
  • capitalization of interest costs
    • amount of interest capitalized
    • assets acquired with gifts or grants
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • disclosure requirements
    • land
    • perspective and issues
    • requirements
    • on tax-exempt borrowings
    • time period
  • capital leases
  • capital shares
    • clubs
  • career-average-pay formula
  • cash basis accounting
    • versus accrual basis accounting
    • advantages
    • churches
    • combination with accrual statements
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • conversion to accrual basis statement example
    • definition
    • legal requirements
    • modified
    • operating activities
    • perspective and issues
    • predominance principle
    • statement example
  • cash flows
    • checklist
    • direct method statement
    • from financing activities
    • gross and net
    • hedges
    • indirect method statement
    • from investing activities
  • charitable gift annuity
  • charitable lead trust
  • charitable organizations
    • Federal and State tax reporting and regulatory requirements
  • charitable remainder annuity trusts (CRAT)
  • charitable remainder trust
  • charitable remainder unitrusts (CRUT)
  • charities
    • contribution acknowledgment
    • excise taxes
    • individual tax deductions
    • solicitation disclosures
  • churches
    • see also religious organizations
    • adequacy of bookkeeping staff
    • cash basis accounting
    • fixed assets and depreciation
  • clubs
    • see also country clubs
    • capital shares
    • fixed asset accounting
    • initiation fees
    • unrelated business income
  • CMO see collateralized mortgage obligation
  • Codification
  • collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO)
  • collections
    • see also museum collections
    • capitalized after adoption of SFAS
    • capitalized items
    • checklist
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • disclosure requirements
    • items not capitalized
    • perspective and issues
  • colleges
  • community foundations
  • comparative financial information
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • disclosure requirements
    • perspective and issues
  • conduit debt obligors
  • consolidations
  • contingencies
    • accounting for uncertainty in income taxes
    • checklist
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • consideration payments
    • disclosure requirements
    • financial statements
    • gain
    • going concern
    • loss
    • obligations
    • perspective and issues
  • contingent consideration payments
  • contingent rentals
  • contracts
    • costs of obtaining
    • costs to fulfill
    • definition
    • for goods or services from restricted grants
    • performance obligations
    • recording of revenue
    • termination costs
  • contributed facilities
  • contribution disclosures
    • checklist
  • contributions
    • see also bequests; pledges
    • accounting for contributions received checklist
    • accounting for unrestricted contributions
    • acknowledgment
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • costs to fulfill contract with customer
    • disclosure requirements
    • donor-restricted
    • exchange transactions
    • fair value
    • fundraising
    • gifts-in-kind
    • perspective and issues
    • program ownership checklist
    • purpose-restricted checklist
    • reporting on a gross basis
    • restricted
    • support not currently expendable
    • troubled debt restructurings
    • unrestricted
  • contributory plan
  • control
    • affiliated organization checklist
    • definition
  • corporate-owned life insurance policies
    • proceeds
  • cost flow
    • assumptions
  • costumes
  • country clubs
    • see also clubs
    • membership shares
  • coupon interest rates
  • CRAT see charitable remainder annuity trusts
  • creditors
    • FASB ASC 314-10
  • credit risk
  • CRUT see charitable remainder unitrusts
  • current assets
    • classification
    • description
    • offsetting
  • current liabilities
    • callable obligations
    • offsetting
    • perspective and issues
  • current restricted fund
  • current unrestricted fund
  • curtailment
  • dealer
  • death see bequests
  • debt
    • checklist
    • conduit obligors
    • extinguishment costs
    • long-term
    • prepayment
    • restructurings
    • settlement
    • short-term
  • debtors
  • debt securities
    • definition
  • deferred compensation contracts
  • defined benefit pension plan
  • defined contribution pension plan
  • Definition of a Public Business Entity—an Addition to the Master Glossary
  • depreciation
    • accelerated method
    • assets and
    • changes in calculations
    • checklist
    • churches
    • group (composite) method
    • methods
    • partial-year
    • replacement method
    • retirement method
    • straight-line method
  • depreciation accounting
    • private schools
  • derivative instruments
    • checklist
    • definition
    • split-interest agreements
  • Derivatives Implementation Group (DIG)
  • DIG see Derivatives Implementation Group
  • direct costing
    • inventory
  • disaggregation
    • level
  • disclosures
    • accounting changes
    • affiliated organizations
    • assets, intangible
    • assets, long-lived
    • capitalization of interest costs
    • checklist
    • collections
    • comparative financial information
    • contingencies
    • contributions
    • fair value of services received but not recognized
    • Financial Accounting Standards Board
    • financial instruments
    • full
    • functional reporting
    • fundraising
    • guarantees
    • inventory
    • investments
    • lease checklist
    • leases
    • long-term liabilities
    • net assets
    • pensions and postretirement benefits
    • reduced requirements for nonpublic entities
    • related-party
    • solicitation
    • split-interest agreements
    • statement of activities
    • statement of cash flows
    • statement of financial position
  • discounts
    • measurement
  • dividend
    • income
  • donations
    • inventory
    • versus purchase checklist
  • donor-restricted contributions
    • investments
  • donors
    • deductibility of charitable contributions
    • name of donor fund
    • stipulations
  • dues
    • public broadcasting stations
  • economic interest
    • definition
  • election dates
  • employers
  • endowments
    • board-designated
    • donor-restricted funds
    • gains and losses
    • gifts
    • net assets reporting
    • quasi-endowment fund
    • restricted income
  • environmental remediation liability
  • EPBO see expected postretirement benefit obligation
  • equity method
    • accounting
    • affiliated organizations
    • calculations
    • changes
    • distributions
  • equity securities
    • application
    • definition
    • impairment
  • error corrections
  • estimated residual value
  • exchange transactions
    • allocation of transaction price
    • contract with customer
    • performance obligations in the contract
    • revenue
    • transaction price determination
  • excise tax
    • charities
    • private foundation
  • executory costs
  • exempt status
  • expected long-term rate of return on plan assets
  • expected postretirement benefit obligation
  • expected return on plan assets
  • expendable current support
    • unrestricted contributions
  • expenses
    • analysis
    • budgets
    • classification
    • example of analysis
    • gross amounts
    • performing arts organizations
    • recognition
    • statement of activities
  • explicit approach to assumptions
  • facilities use
  • fair value
    • assets, intangible
    • checklist
    • definitions
    • disclosures
    • financial instruments
    • hedges
    • leased property
    • measurement in premiums and discounts
    • measurement option,
    • 491
    • mergers and acquisitions
    • reporting changes
    • services received but not recognized
  • FASB see Financial Accounting Standards Board
    • accounting requirements for pensions and postretirement benefits
  • Federal and State tax reporting and regulatory requirements
    • annual information returns
    • charitable organizations
    • importance of reporting requirements
    • initial registration
    • intermediate sanctions
    • noncharitable exempt organizations
    • organizations exempt from tax
    • principal federal tax forms filed
    • private foundations
    • private inurement
    • private operating foundations
    • registration and requirements
    • reports by recipients of federal support
    • return inspection
    • state compliance requirements
    • title-holding companies
    • trade associations
    • unrelated business income
  • FIFO see first-in first out
  • final-pay formula
  • finance
    • cash flows
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
    • business combinations
    • disclosure requirements
    • funded status of a single-employer defined benefit postretirement plan
    • measurement date of plan assets and benefit obligations
    • multiemployer plans that provide benefits
    • multiemployer plans that provide postretirement benefits other than pensions
    • non-US pension arrangements
    • other pension considerations
    • plan settlements and curtailments
    • postretirement benefits other than pensions
    • termination benefits
  • financial assets
    • definition
  • financial instruments
    • checklist
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • credit risk concentration
    • derivative instruments
    • disclosure requirements
    • election dates
    • fair value disclosures
    • fair value measurement option
    • perspective and issues
    • reporting changes in fair value
  • financial liability
    • definition
  • financial position
    • checklist
  • financial statements
    • available to be issued
    • changes in individual funds
    • columnar presentations
    • comparison with last year's figures
    • complexity
    • contingent items
    • contributions
    • disclosure requirements
    • expense budgets
    • financial position
    • fourth quarter adjustments
    • fund accounting
    • income and expenses
    • interim reporting
    • internal
    • issued
    • net assets
    • performing arts organizations
    • presentation
    • religious organizations
    • split-interest agreements
    • supplementary
  • financing activities
    • noncash
    • nonrecourse
  • financing agreement
  • first-in, first out (FIFO)
  • fiscal years
    • differences
    • discrepancies
  • 501(c)(2)
  • 501(c)(3)
  • 501(c)(4)
  • five-year master plan
    • development
    • estimating costs
    • example
    • illustrative
    • income plan
    • procedures
    • setting goals
  • fixed asset accounting
    • clubs
    • museum collections
    • performing arts organizations
  • fixed asset fund
  • fixed assets
    • churches
    • public broadcasting stations
  • flat-benefit formula
  • Form 990
  • Form 990-EZ
  • Form 990-EZ, short form
  • Form 990-N, e-postcard
  • Form 990-PF
  • Form 990-PF, return of private foundation
  • Form 990-T, exempt organization business income tax return
  • Form K-1s
  • for-profit organizations
    • affiliated organization investments
  • foundations see private foundations
    • excise tax
  • fourth quarter adjustments
  • fraternities
  • “Friends of . . .” organizations
  • full absorption costing
    • inventory
  • full eligibility (for benefits)
  • functional reporting
    • affiliated organizations
    • associations
    • checklist
    • classification of expenses for more than one function
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • cost of sales of contributed inventory
    • disclosure requirements
    • functional classifications
    • perspective and issues
    • professional societies
    • program services
    • reporting example
    • supporting services
  • fund
    • definition
  • fund accounting
    • alternative fund groupings
    • board created
    • categories of funds
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • elimination of funds for reporting purposes
    • perspective and issues
    • sample balance sheet
    • typical financial statements
  • fund balance
    • definition
  • funding policy
  • fundraising
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • contributed items
    • disclosure requirements
    • joint costs
    • perspective and issues
    • reporting no fundraising expenses
    • reporting special events
  • gain
  • gain (loss) component of net pension cost
  • gain contingencies
  • gain or loss component (of net periodic pension cost)
  • gains
    • classification
    • endowment
    • statement of activities
  • generally accepted accounting principles
  • gifts
    • annuities
    • capitalization of interest costs
    • charitable gift annuity
    • conditional versus restricted checklist
    • endowment
    • fund accounting
    • long-lived assets
    • pass-through
  • gifts-in-kind
    • disclosures about valuation techniques
    • fixed assets
    • fundraising
    • museum collections
    • services provided by other organizations
    • use of facilities
    • valuation techniques
    • volunteer services
  • goodwill
    • assets, intangible
    • impairment test
    • mergers and acquisitions
  • grants
    • capitalization of interest costs
    • contracts for goods or services
    • prepayment versus cost-reimbursement
    • private foundations
    • public broadcasting stations
    • research and scientific organizations
    • for specific projects
  • group (composite) depreciation method
  • guarantee of residual value
  • guarantees
    • loss contingencies
  • the Guide see Private Company Decision-Making Framework: A Guide for Evaluating Financial Accounting and Reporting for Private Companies
  • “haircuts,”
  • health care organizations
    • functional reporting
  • health organizations
  • hedges
    • cash flow
    • fair value
  • IFRS see International Financial Reporting Standards
  • impairment
    • recognition and measurement of a loss
  • implicit interest rate
  • inception of the lease
  • income
    • distribution
    • dividend
    • interest
    • recognition of pledges
    • restricted income from endowments
    • unrelated business income
  • income taxes
    • accounting for uncertainty contingencies
    • checklist
    • interim reporting
    • investments
    • uncertainty in provisions
  • incremental borrowing rate
  • initial direct costs
  • initial direct leasing costs
  • initiation fees
  • insurance claims
    • loss contingencies
    • proceeds from settlement
  • insurance contract
  • intangible assets
    • checklist
  • interest cost component
    • capitalization of interest costs
    • of new periodic pension cost
  • interest-free loans
  • interest income
  • interest rates
    • coupon
    • example of applying effective interest method
    • factors affecting
    • implicit
  • interfund borrowing
  • interim reporting
    • accounting changes
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • disclosure requirements
    • discontinued operations and extraordinary items
    • inventories
    • perspective and issues
    • public entities
    • revenue and expense recognition
    • subsequent events
    • unrelated business income taxes
  • intermediary
    • definition
  • Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • inurement, private
  • inventories
    • interim reporting
  • inventory
    • checklist
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • cost flow assumptions
    • direct costing
    • disclosure requirements
    • donated
    • first-in, first-out
    • full absorption costing
    • functional reporting of cost of sales of contributed inventory
    • interim financial statements
    • last-in, first-out
    • lower of cost or market
    • perspective and issues
    • specific identification
    • valuation
    • values in business combinations
  • investing activities
    • noncash
  • investment income
    • excise tax
    • unrestricted
  • investments
    • accounting rules
    • alternative
    • cash flows
    • checklist
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • disclosure requirements
    • disclosures
    • donor-restricted endowment funds
    • equity method of accounting
    • expenses
    • fair value disclosures
    • impairment of equity securities reported at cost
    • income
    • liquidity restrictions
    • loans acquired in a transfer
    • net asset value per share
    • noncash
    • perspective and issues
    • pooling
    • reporting realized gains and losses
    • sale
  • investment securities
  • IRC see Internal Revenue Code
  • irrevocable split-interest agreements
    • recognition during agreement's term
    • recognition upon termination of agreement
    • unconditional
  • IRS see Internal Revenue Service
  • joint costs
    • allocation checklist
    • audience criterion
    • criteria
    • guidance
    • incidental activities
    • program functions
    • purpose criterion
    • understanding
  • kick-out rights
  • land
    • capitalization of interest costs
  • last-in, first-out (LIFO)
  • LCM see lower of cost or market
  • leases
    • accounting for changes in lease agreements resulting from refunding of tax-exempt debt
    • accounting in a business combination
    • change in residual value
    • changes in provisions
    • checklist
    • classification
    • components
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • definitions of terms
    • description
    • direct costs
    • direct financing
    • disclosure requirements
    • effective date
    • extension
    • failure to renew
    • inception
    • lessee accounting
    • lessor accounting
    • leveraged
    • operating
    • perspective and issues
    • real estate
    • related and unrelated parties in leasing transactions
    • between related parties
    • renewal
    • renewal or extension of existing lease
    • reporting
    • sale-leaseback transactions
    • sale or assignment to third parties
    • sales-type
    • sublease accounting
    • termination
    • transfers of residual value
  • lease term
  • legalities
    • for cash basis accounting
  • legislation
    • Pension Protection Act of
    • Taxpayer Relief Act of
    • Tax Reform Act of
    • Tax Reform Act of 1976
    • Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act of
    • Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act of
  • lessee accounting
    • classification
    • disclosure requirements
    • leases involving land and building
    • leases involving land only
    • real estate
  • lessor accounting
    • classification
    • disclosure requirements
    • real estate
  • “letter of the law” accounting standards
  • liabilities
    • accounting
    • current
    • long-term
    • noncurrent
    • offsetting
  • libraries
  • life insurance
    • proceeds
  • LIFO see last-in, first-out
  • liquidity
    • investments
    • restrictions in investments
  • litigation
    • loss contingencies
  • loan guarantees
  • loans
    • acquired in a transfer
    • receivable
  • lobbying expenses
  • long-term assets
    • purchases
    • sales
  • long-term debt
  • long-term liabilities
    • accounting for costs associated with exit or disposal activities
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • contract termination costs
    • disclosures
    • environmental remediation liability
    • extinguishment of debt
    • notes and bonds
    • one-time termination benefits
    • perspective and issues
    • recognition
    • restructuring with gain/loss recognized
    • restructuring with no gain/loss recognized
    • scope
    • statement of activities presentation
    • troubled debt restructurings
  • loss
  • loss contingencies
    • allowance for uncollectible receivables
    • claims-made insurance policies
    • contract revenue concentration
    • contributor concentration
    • expropriation of assets
    • general rules
    • guarantees
    • joint and several liability
    • litigation and claims
    • noncompliance with donor or grantor restrictions
    • revenue concentration
    • risks and uncertainties
    • uninsured risks
    • vulnerability
  • losses
    • classification
    • endowment
    • statement of activities
  • lower of cost or market (LCM)
  • majority voting interest
    • definition
  • managed fund groups
  • manufacturer
  • market-related value of plan assets
  • master plan see five-year master plan
  • measurement date
  • mergers and acquisitions
    • accounting for a merger
    • accounting for an acquisition
    • assets required and liabilities assumed
    • consideration transferred
    • definitions
    • determining acquisition date
    • disclosures for a merger
    • disclosures for an acquisition
    • distinguishing between
    • goodwill acquired
    • goodwill previously recognized
    • identifying the acquirer
    • measurement period
    • perspective and issues
    • presentation
    • push down accounting
  • minimum lease payments
  • minimum rental payments
  • mortality rate
  • multiemployer plans
    • that provide benefits
    • that provide postretirement benefits other than pensions
  • museum collections
    • see also collections
    • contributed facilities
    • fixed asset accounting
    • valuing the collection as an asset
  • national charities
  • net assets
    • board-designated endowment
    • classification reported in a prior year
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • disclosure requirements
    • elements of change
    • endowment fund reporting
    • financial statement presentation
    • permanently restricted
    • perspective and issues
    • presentation of information
    • temporarily restricted
    • unrestricted
  • net pension expense
  • net periodic pension cost
  • NFP see not-for-profit organizations
  • noncancelable lease
  • noncharitable exempt organizations
  • noncurrent assets
  • noncurrent liabilities
  • “nonexchange” transactions
  • nonmonetary transactions
    • checklist
  • nonrecourse financing
  • notes
    • example of accounting for note exchanged for property
    • noncash transactions
    • receivable
    • used for cash
  • Not-for-Profit Entities (Topic 958) Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities
  • not-for-profit (NFP) organizations
    • affiliations with other organizations
    • boards of directors
    • differences between profit organizations and
    • disclosure of fair value of services received but not recognized
    • financially interrelated
    • financial statements
    • generally accepted accounting principles
    • importance of budgets
    • information about
    • overview
    • ownership interest
    • perspective and issues
    • purpose
    • seasonality
    • specific types
  • obligations
    • callable
    • contingent
    • disclosure requirements
    • expected to be refinanced
  • OPEB see other postemployment benefits
  • operating activities
    • adjustments
    • direct method presentation
    • indirect method presentation
    • interim reporting of discontinued operations
    • reporting discontinued
  • operating lease
  • other postemployment benefits (OPEB)
  • ownership interest
    • definition
  • parent organization
  • pass-through gifts
  • PBGC see Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
  • penalty
  • Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
  • Pension Protection Act of 2006
  • pensions and postretirement benefits
    • accounting requirements of FASB ASC 715-20
    • amendments
    • checklist
    • commitment
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • defined benefit
    • defined contribution
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosure requirements
    • disclosure standards
    • interest cost component
    • other postemployment benefits
    • perspective and issues
    • service costs
    • summary of net periodic pension costs
    • vested benefit obligations
  • performance obligation
    • definition
  • performing arts organizations
    • costumes and stage scenery as fixed assets
    • expense recognition
    • financial statement presentation
    • ticket revenue
  • perpetual trust
    • held by third party
  • plan amendment
  • pledges
    • see also contributions
    • allowance for uncollectible
    • assessment checklist
    • checklist
    • conditional versus restricted checklist
    • conditions versus restrictions
    • discounted to present value
    • discounting cash contributions
    • for extended periods
    • public broadcasting stations
    • recognition as income
    • recording as asset
  • pooled (life) income fund
  • pooling of investments
  • postretirement benefits
  • predominance principle
  • premiums
    • measurement
  • prepaid pension cost
  • prior service cost
  • Private Company Decision-Making Framework: A Guide for Evaluating Financial Accounting and Reporting for Private Companies
  • private foundations
    • annual information return
    • community
    • distribution of income
    • excise tax on investment income
    • Federal and State tax reporting and regulatory requirements
    • investments that jeopardize exempt functions
    • prohibited expenditures
    • prohibited transactions
    • recording liability for grants awarded
    • self-dealing
    • tax consequences of gifts of securities
  • private operating foundations
    • advantages
    • qualifying tests
  • private schools
    • accounting manual
    • depreciation accounting
  • professional societies
    • appropriation accounting
    • functional reporting
    • section or group reporting
    • separate charitable organizations
  • profit organizations
    • differences between not-for-profit organizations and
  • pro forma information, supplemental
  • program activity affiliate
  • projected benefit obligation
  • promise to give see pledges
  • property
    • economic life
    • residual value
  • public broadcasting stations
    • accounting guidance
    • donated services of volunteers
    • fixed assets
    • grants received/program underwriting
    • member dues/pledges
    • program production costs
  • public entities
    • conduit debt obligors
    • definition
    • interim reporting
    • mergers and acquisitions
  • push down accounting
    • mergers and acquisitions
  • quasi-endowment fund
  • real estate
    • leases
    • leases involving equipment and
    • leases involving land and building—lessee accounting
    • leases involving land only—lessee accounting
    • leases involving only part of building
    • sale-leaseback accounting
  • recipient organization
  • reclassifications
    • statement of activities
  • recognition
    • expenses
    • revenues
  • refinancing
    • short-term obligations
  • registration requirements
  • related-party
    • definition
    • disclosures
    • leases between
    • transactions checklist
  • religious organizations
    • see also churches
    • allocations from other organizations
    • financial statements
    • other than churches
  • remainder trusts
  • replacement depreciation method
  • reporting
  • reporting entity
    • definition
  • research and scientific organizations
    • recording future grant awards
    • timing of recording contract revenue
  • reserves
  • restricted endowment fund
  • retirement
    • conditional asset retirement obligation
    • depreciation method
    • long-lived asset obligations
  • retroactive benefits
  • revenues
    • classification
    • gross amounts
    • recognition
    • statement of activities
    • timing of recording
  • revocable split-interest agreements
  • “right of setoff,”
  • risks
    • checklist
    • uninsured
  • sale-leaseback accounting
  • sanctions
  • schools see private schools
  • scientific organizations see research and scientific organizations
  • seasonality
  • SEC see United States Securities and Exchange Commission
  • securities
    • equity
  • securitization transactions
  • segment disposal
  • self-dealing
  • service cost component (of net periodic pension cost)
  • service efforts
    • statement of activities
  • services
    • to affiliated organizations
    • program services
    • provided by other organizations
    • supporting
  • settlement
  • SFAS
  • short-term debt
  • short-term obligations
    • expected to be refinanced
  • sick leave
  • social and recreation clubs
    • exempt status
    • Federal and State tax reporting and regulatory requirements
    • membership shares
    • substantiation requirements
    • unrelated business income
  • solicitation disclosures
  • sororities
  • special events
  • special-purpose entities (SPEs)
  • SPEs see special-purpose entities
  • split-interest agreements
    • see also trusts
    • charitable gift annuity
    • charitable lead trust
    • charitable remainder trust
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • description
    • disclosure requirements
    • with embedded derivative instruments
    • examples
    • financial statement presentation
    • irrevocable
    • perpetual trust held by third party
    • perspective and issues
    • pooled (life) income fund
    • revocable
  • stage scenery
  • standalone selling price
  • state compliance requirements
    • registration for organizations having assets within the state
    • registration for organizations soliciting funds
  • statement of activities
    • checklist
    • classification of revenues, expenses, gains and losses, and reclassifications
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • contributions
    • disclosure requirements
    • elements of change in net assets
    • financial statement presentation
    • information about an organization's operations
    • information about an organization's service efforts
    • information about gross amounts of revenues and expenses
    • long-term liabilities
    • perspective and issues
    • volunteer services
  • statement of cash flows
    • cash and cash equivalents
    • classification
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • direct method statement
    • disclosure requirements
    • from financing activities
    • gross and net
    • indirect method statement
    • from investing activities
    • noncash investing and financing activities
    • operating activities presentation
    • perspective and issues
  • statement of financial position
    • acceptable formats
    • classified
    • concepts, rules, and examples
    • disclosure requirements
    • liquidity
    • offsetting assets and liabilities
    • perspective and issues
    • sequenced
  • statements
    • accrual-basis
    • cash-basis
  • straight-line depreciation method
  • sublease accounting
  • subsequent events
    • checklist
    • definition
    • nonrecognized
    • recognized
  • subsidiary
    • purchase or sale
  • substantive plan
  • support
    • not currently expendable
  • taxes see Federal and State tax reporting and regulatory requirements
    • advice
    • consequences of gifts of securities
    • excise
    • on income of a taxable subsidiary of a nonprofit organization
    • individual deductions
    • organizations exempt from
    • tax-exempt borrowings
    • on unrelated business income
  • Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997
  • tax rates
    • estimate
    • unrelated business income
  • Tax Reform Act of
  • Tax Reform Act of 1976
  • ticket revenue
  • title-holding companies
    • unrelated business income
  • Topic 958 see Not-for-Profit Entities (Topic 958) Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities
  • trade associations
    • Federal and State tax reporting and regulatory requirements
    • lobbying expenses
    • unrelated business income
  • trade shows
  • transactions
    • “nonexchange,”
    • price
  • transition obligation
  • troubled debt restructurings
  • trustee
    • definition
    • third party
  • trusts
  • 20% accounting method rule
  • UBI see unrelated business income
  • UMIFA see Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act of
  • underwriting
    • public broadcasting stations
  • unfunded accumulated benefit obligation
  • unfunded accumulated postretirement benefit obligation
  • unguaranteed residual value
  • Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act of 1972 (UMIFA)
  • Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act of 2006 (UPMIFA)
  • United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  • universities
  • unrecognized net gain or loss
  • unrecognized prior service cost
  • unrelated business income (UBI)
    • caveats
    • definition
    • exclusions
    • need for competent tax advice
    • tax rates
    • title-holding companies
    • uncertainty in income tax provisions
  • unrelated parties
  • unrestricted investment income
  • UPMIFA see Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act of
  • vacation
  • valuation
    • change in provisions of lease
    • change in residual value
    • disclosures about techniques used
    • estimated residual value
    • guarantee of residual value
    • inventory
    • techniques
    • transfers of residual lease value
    • unguaranteed residual value
  • values in business combinations
  • volunteer services
    • functional reporting
    • public broadcasting stations
    • statement of activities
  • voting interest
    • definition
  • welfare organizations
    • functional reporting
  • “write-ups,”
  • zero-coupon debt instruments
    • settlement
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