
You have inspired me, instructed me, accepted, honored and encouraged me. I want to share you with my friends, and them with you, in an unforgettable experience.

You are invited to a phenomenal gathering of exceptional women. We will make history together as we harness our 10 Feminine Forces:

Fire, Intuitive Vision, Engagement, Agility, Genius, Integrity, Endurance, Enterprise, Renewal and Female Fusion

We'll talk about how we can excel with these 10 Feminine Forces, and encourage each other to live the passionate life we envision for ourselves.

Hosted by:



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While you can use Fusion in many ways, it's not a social or networking group. Everyone in the Fusion needs to have a desire to improve her life.

If you choose to work through the 10 Feminine Forces and 5 Promises together, you'll develop powerful goals, objectives and strategies. It will take time, but collaboration will move you toward your passionate vision more swiftly than working through them on your own. Specifically, you will engage all 10 Feminine Forces at a higher level as you:

  • Explore your passions together, ignite your inner fires and connect.
  • Intuitively envision your individual futures and collectively validate one another's visions, no matter how audacious.
  • Engage in, and hold one another accountable for, achieving Big Things.
  • Flex your agility by diving deep into your passions and stretching further than ever before.
  • Accelerate success through ingenious collaboration.
  • Inspire the highest integrity for attracting authentic success.
  • Collectively fuel individual endurance.
  • Apply enterprising strategies to excel at being CEOs of life.
  • Reclaim your life energy through renewal.
  • Unite in Fusion to attain the impossible.

After you complete all the chapters, I encourage you to start over again from your new altitude of growth and attainment. Then begin another book together.


Any time a group of people meets regularly there's a tendency to create rules, dues, dos and don'ts. That will stop Fusion cold. Yes, you need a format and someone to get the Fusion started, but you won't need officers, and you won't be inviting outside speakers.

Keep it simple. This is all you will need:

  • Three or more women (10 maximum).
  • An intimate location.
  • Two to four hours of uninterrupted time for the first Female Fusion.
  • A goal for the Fusion (e.g., complete the 10 Feminine Forces using Wicked Success Is Inside Every Woman).
  • A copy of Wicked Success Is Inside Every Woman for each woman present. (Read the Contents and the introductory chapter on the 5 Promises before the first Fusion.)

Create a safe environment where members can expose their most closely held secrets. At our first Fusion, women exchanged stories they'd never told anyone, not even their closest family members. Two things that can help to foster a safe environment are:

  1. An agreement on how to offer advice. Only when asked for? Or openly and freely? Sometimes we need to vent our feelings without anyone trying to “fix” us. Other times we truly need and want suggestions.
  2. A confidentiality agreement. It might be as informal as a handshake commitment that “whatever is shared in Fusion stays in Fusion,” or a simple document that every woman signs.

To facilitate Fusion the first time you come together and any time a new woman is brought into the group, engage in one of the bonding exercises in the next section.


Complete one of these three exercises together before you start working through the book. For all exercises, you'll need a timekeeper to tactfully move things along and a recorder to communicate results. Whichever exercise you choose will take 45 minutes to an hour. If you have more than five members, break into smaller groups for the exercise. When you come back together, each recorder will share her group's experience.

This is not critique time. It's an informal, impromptu outpouring of ideas and information. Keep all feedback positive.

Exercise 1: Your Most Audacious Desire

In this exercise, it's a good idea for the woman who brought all the others together to go first, because she will probably feel most comfortable.

Disclose a secret wish, something very few people know. Start with the word that most defines your wish, selected from the following list:


The woman speaking describes her wish and a personal experience that stimulated her wish. She takes a full five minutes, using vivid detail. Speaking for five minutes is critical for the woman to go deep. While she's talking, everyone else jots down one of the 10 Strengths that can help her attain that wish.

When she's finished, everyone in turn affirms her audacious desire.

After each woman has presented her positive comments to the speaker, she takes an additional minute to respond to what she has heard.

Exercise 2: Your Personal Promises

Take turns describing in detail one promise you made to yourself that you kept, and one promise you broke. Take a full five minutes to describe the experiences that surrounded these promises. While the speaker describes her promises, everyone jots down one of the 10 Strengths exhibited in keeping the promise and a strength needed to recommit to the broken promise.

When she's finished, give her the positive feedback you jotted down. Spend no more than one minute each.

When everyone has presented positive comments to the speaker, she takes an additional minute to respond.

A sequel to the Personal Promises exercise can include discussing what the 5 Promises mean to each woman.

Exercise 3: The Circle of Fusion

This is the exercise most recommended for activating Fusion. Each woman chooses a Feminine Force—fire, intuitive vision, engagement, agility, genius, integrity, endurance, enterprise, or renewal. Each woman will describe how this strength has impacted her life.

It is important to choose the strength that tugs at you. Don't be analytical, just go with the one your intuition chooses. Use specific, detailed examples to illustrate that strength and how you've used it.

While one woman talks about everything the strength means to her, the others jot down positive feedback on small stickers. You are not trying to think of something clever; you're saying, “This is what I noticed about you as you related that situation.” Give only affirming comments about the positive qualities you noticed as her story unfolded, such as optimism, endurance, humor, compassion or commitment. Use as many stickers as you need.

The speaker talks for a full five minutes, then gives her Circle of Fusion (see the next page) to the woman on her left. Every listener in turn expresses positive feedback for one minute, while attaching the stickers to the outer ring of the Circle of Fusion as she speaks. She then passes the Circle of Fusion to the next listener. When the Circle of Fusion returns to the speaker, she takes a moment to respond to the powerful insights she's just received, writing key words only in the inner ring of the Circle of Fusion. She responds for one minute, relating with her open heart how their feedback made her feel.

Continue this process until everyone has spoken, received feedback and responded. One by one you'll witness the effects of the positive transformation.

Revisit these three Fusion exercises any time your Female Fusion needs to rekindle its fire.

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