You can use the finger command to find out what people are doing on other systems.

You can only run the who or ps commands on a machine if you can log in to that machine. Not so with the finger command. You can use finger on a remote machine just as easily; you just have to precede the machine name with an at sign (@). For example, if I want to see what’s going on at a remote machine called rock, I can run finger on that machine:

% finger
rock — Home of ORA-WEST 1-800-998-9938
 12:12pm  up 4 days, 11:46,  59 users,  load average: 4.80, 5.51, 5.19

-User --Full name-  -What Idle  TTY -Console Location-
abbot  Abbot Chambers    pine      2  p9   xterm36 (X Window)
                         tcsh   1:40  q3   xterm36 (X Window)
                         pico      6  s8   xterm36 (X Window)
allen  Allen Noren       vi       32  p5   xterm23 (X Window)
                         csh    2:03  s6   xterm23 (X Window)
                         xmosai 2:03  s7   xterm23 (X Window)
                         csh      34  t4   xterm23 (X Window)
andrea Andrea Reust      csh    2:16  pb   xterm32 (X Window)
ann    Ann Lennon        csh    3:45  qe   xterm31 (X Window)

Not all sites support finger, so this may not work for all systems. But it works on rock. Even though I have an account on rock, using finger is faster than logging in remotely and running who.

I can also look at what a single user is doing on a remote machine, by specifying their name followed by an at sign followed by the hostname (i.e., similar to an email address on the Internet). For example, let’s see what my father-in-law at MIT is up to. (His login name and machine name have been changed to protect his dignity.)

% finger [email protected]
Login name: dan In real life: Dan K.
Directory: /u/dan Shell: /bin/csh
On since Oct 20 07:58:49 on console 261 days Idle Time

Login name: dan In real life: Dan K.
Directory: /u/dan Shell: /bin/csh
On since Oct 20 11:20:21 on ttyp3 1 hour 15 minutes Idle Time

I’m sparing you the screenfuls of output. But from this, I found out that my father-in-law has at least one window in which he worked today, which means he’s in town this week and not off at a physicists’ convention or whatever it is they do.

Notice that although you use the same sort of syntax that you would for an email address, you can’t assume that any email address will work. In fact, many email addresses won’t, since many sites have a policy of not giving out real login names for email addresses, just mail aliases. The email address I give out to people is , but if people try using finger on this address, finger won’t know who I am.

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