Chapter 17. The Composite Pattern

Frequently programmers develop systems in which a component may be either an individual object or a collection of objects. The Composite pattern is designed to accommodate both cases. You can use the Composite to build part-whole hierarchies or to construct data representations of trees. In summary, a composite is a collection of objects, any one of which may be either a composite or just a primitive object. In tree nomenclature, some objects may be nodes with additional branches and some may be leaves.

The problem that develops is the dichotomy between having a single, simple interface to access all the objects in a composite and the ability to distinguish between nodes and leaves. Nodes have children and can have children added to them, whereas leaves do not at the moment have children, and in some implementations they may be prevented from having children added to them.

Some authors have suggested creating a separate interface for nodes and leaves where a leaf could have the methods, such as the following:

public Function getName() As String
public Function getValue() As String

and a node could have the additional methods:

public Function elements() As Collection
public Function getChild(nodeName As String) As Node
public Sub add(obj As Object)
public Sub remove(obj As Object);

This then leaves us with the programming problem of deciding which elements will be which when we construct the composite. However, Design Patterns suggests that each element should have the same interface, whether it is a composite or a primitive element. This is easier to accomplish, but we are left with the question of what the getChild operation should accomplish when the object is actually a leaf.

VB can make this quite easy for us, since every node or leaf can return a Collection of the child nodes. If there are no children, the count property returns zero. Thus, if we simply obtain the Collection of child nodes from each element, we can quickly determine whether it has any children by checking the count property.

Just as difficult is the issue of adding or removing leaves from elements of the composite. A nonleaf node can have child leaves added to it, but a leaf node cannot. However, we would like all of the components in the composite to have the same interface. We must prevent attempts to add children to a leaf node, and we can design the leaf node class to raise an error if the program attempts to add to such a node.

An Implementation of a Composite

Let's consider a small company. It may have started with a single person who got the business going. He was, of course, the CEO, although he may have been too busy to think about it at first. Then he hired a couple of people to handle the marketing and manufacturing. Soon each of them hired some additional assistants to help with advertising, shipping, and so forth, and they became the company's first two vice-presidents. As the company's success continued, the firm continued to grow until it has the organizational chart in Figure 17-1.

A typical organizational chart

Figure 17-1. A typical organizational chart

Computing Salaries

If the company is successful, each of these company members receives a salary, and we could at any time ask for the cost of the control span of any employee to the company. We define this control cost as the salary of that person and those of all subordinates. Here is an ideal example for a composite.

  • The cost of an individual employee is simply his or her salary (and benefits).

  • The cost of an employee who heads a department is his or her salary plus those of subordinates.

We would like a single interface that will produce the salary totals correctly whether the employee has subordinates or not.

public Function getSalaries() As Single

At this point, we realize that the idea of all Composites having the same standard method names in their interface is probably naïve. We'd prefer that the public methods be related to the kind of class we are actually developing. So rather than have generic methods like getValue, we'll use getSalaries.

The Employee Classes

We could now imagine representing the company as a Composite made up of nodes: managers and employees. It would be possible to use a single class to represent all employees, but since each level may have different properties, it might be more useful to define at least two classes: Employees and Bosses. Employees are leaf nodes and cannot have employees under them. Bosses are nodes that may have employee nodes under them.

We'll start with the AbstractEmployee class and derive our concrete employee classes from it.

'Class AbstractEmployee
'Interface for all Employee classes
Public Function getSalary() As Single
End Function
Public Function getName() As String
End Function
Public Function isLeaf() As Boolean
End Function
Public Sub add(nm As String, salary As Single)
End Sub
Public Sub addEmp(emp As AbstractEmployee)
End Sub
Public Function getSubordinates() As Subords
End Function
Public Sub remove(emp As AbstractEmployee)
End Sub
Public Function getChild(nm As String) As AbstractEmployee
End Function
Public Function getSalaries() As Single
End Function
Public Sub init(name As String, salary As Single)
End Sub

Our concrete Employee class will store the name and salary of each employee and allow us to fetch them as needed.

'Class Employee
'implementation of AbstractEmployee interface
Implements AbstractEmployee
Private nm As String
Private salary As String
Private subordinates As Subords
Private Function AbstractEmployee_getChild(nm As String) _
  As AbstractEmployee
  Set AbstractEmployee_getChild = Null
End Function
Private Function AbstractEmployee_getName() As String
  AbstractEmployee_getName = nm
End Function
Private Function AbstractEmployee_getSalaries() As Single
  AbstractEmployee_getSalaries = salary
End Function
Private Function AbstractEmployee_getSalary() As Single
  AbstractEmployee_getSalary = salary
End Function
Private Sub AbstractEmployee_init(name As String, _
  money As Single)
  nm = name
  salary = money
 Set subordinates = New Subords
End Sub
Private Function AbstractEmployee_isLeaf() As Boolean
  AbstractEmployee_isLeaf = True
End Function
Private Sub AbstractEmployee_remove(emp As AbstractEmployee)
  Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, , & _
  "No subordinates in base employee class"
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  nm = ""
  salary = 0
End Sub

The Employee class must have concrete implementations of the add, remove, getChild, and subordinates classes. Since an Employee is a leaf, all of these will return some sort of error indication. For example, subordinates could return null, but programming will be more consistent if it returns an empty enumeration.

Private Function AbstractEmployee_getSubordinates() _
                                             As Subords
Set AbstractEmployee_getSubordinates = subordinates
End Function

The add and remove methods must generate errors, since members of the basic Employee class cannot have subordinates.

Private Sub AbstractEmployee_add(nm As String, _
    salary As Single)
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, , & _
             "No subordinates in base employee class"
End Sub
Private Sub AbstractEmployee_addEmp(emp As _
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, , & _
                  "No subordinates in base employee class"
End Sub

The Subords Class

VB does not provide an enumeration class that contains its own internal pointer to move through a list. So we create a simple class that contains a collection and an index to move through that collection. The advantage of using this class, here called Subords, is that you can search down through the composite tree without having to maintain indexes outside of each instance of the Collection that you search through.

'Class Subords
'A simple enumeration of a collection
Private subNames As Collection  'the collection
Private index As Integer        'the internal index
Public Sub moveFirst()
  index = 1
End Sub
Public Function hasMoreElements()
  hasMoreElements = index <= subNames.count
End Function
Public Function nextElement() As Object
  Set nextElement = subNames(index)
  index = index + 1
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  Set subNames = New Collection
  index = 1
End Sub
Public Sub add(obj As Object)
  subNames.add obj
End Sub
Public Function element(i As Integer) As Object
  Set element = subNames(i)
End Function
Public Function count() As Integer
  count = subNames.count
End Function

Using the Subords class, we can simply call the hasMoreElements method and the nextElement method to move through a collection without having to use and maintain an index ourselves.

The Boss Class

Our Boss class is a subclass of Employee and allows us to store subordinate employees as well. We'll store them in a Collection called subordinates and return them through an enumeration. Thus, if a particular Boss has temporarily run out of Employees, the enumeration will just be empty. We'll make this Boss class contain an instance of Employee, which will then return the name and salary information. The Boss class itself will handle the subordinate list.

'Class Boss
'A Boss implementation of AbstractEmployee
'which allows subordinates
Implements AbstractEmployee
Private emp As AbstractEmployee 'keeps employee data
Private subordinates As Subords 'list of subordinates
Private Sub AbstractEmployee_add(nm As String, _
            salary As Single)
Dim newEmp As AbstractEmployee
 Set newEmp = New Employee
 newEmp.init nm, salary
 subordinates.add newEmp
End Sub
Private Sub AbstractEmployee_addEmp(emp As _
 subordinates.add emp
End Sub
Private Function AbstractEmployee_getName() As String
 AbstractEmployee_getName = emp.getName
End Function
Private Function AbstractEmployee_getSalary() As Single
 AbstractEmployee_getSalary = emp.getSalary
End Function
Private Function AbstractEmployee_getSubordinates() _
      As Subords
 Set AbstractEmployee_getSubordinates = subordinates
End Function
Private Sub AbstractEmployee_init(name As String, _
            salary As Single)
 Set emp = New Employee
 emp.init name, salary
 Set subordinates = New Subords
End Sub
Private Function AbstractEmployee_isLeaf() As Boolean
 AbstractEmployee_isLeaf = False
End Function

If you want to get a list of employees of a given supervisor, you can obtain an Enumeration of them directly from the Subords collection. Similarly, you can use this same Collection to returns a sum of salaries for any employee and his subordinates.

Private Function AbstractEmployee_getSalaries() As Single
Dim sum As Single, esub As AbstractEmployee
'get the salaries of the boss and subordinates
  sum = emp.getSalary
  While subordinates.hasMoreElements
    Set esub = subordinates.nextElement
    sum = sum + esub.getSalaries
  AbstractEmployee_getSalaries = sum
End Function

Note that this method starts with the salary of the current Employee and then calls the getSalaries() method on each subordinate. This is, of course, recursive, and any employees who have subordinates will be included. A diagram of these classes is shown in Figure 17-2.

The AbstractEmployee class and how Employee and Boss are derived from it

Figure 17-2. The AbstractEmployee class and how Employee and Boss are derived from it

Building the Employee Tree

We start by creating a CEO Employee and then add his or her subordinates and their subordinates, as follows.

Private Sub buildEmployeeList()

Dim i As Integer
Dim marketVP As AbstractEmployee
Dim salesMgr As AbstractEmployee
Dim advMgr As AbstractEmployee, emp As AbstractEmployee
Dim prodVP As AbstractEmployee, prodMgr As AbstractEmployee
Dim shipMgr As AbstractEmployee

  Set prez = New Boss
  prez.init "CEO", 200000

  Set marketVP = New Boss
  marketVP.init "Marketing VP", 100000
  prez.addEmp marketVP

  Set salesMgr = New Boss
  salesMgr.init "Sales Mgr", 50000

  Set advMgr = New Boss
  advMgr.init "Advt Mgr", 50000

  marketVP.addEmp salesMgr
  marketVP.addEmp advMgr
  Set prodVP = New Boss
  prodVP.init "Production VP", 100000

  prez.addEmp prodVP
  advMgr.add "Secy", 20000

'add salesmen reporting to sales manager
  For i = 1 To 5
    salesMgr.add "Sales" & Str$(i), rand_sal(30000)
  Next i

  Set prodMgr = New Boss
  prodMgr.init "Prod Mgr", 40000
  Set shipMgr = New Boss
  shipMgr.init "Ship Mgr", 35000
  prodVP.addEmp prodMgr
  prodVP.addEmp shipMgr

  For i = 1 To 3
    shipMgr.add "Ship" & Str$(i), rand_sal(25000)
  Next i
  For i = 1 To 4
    prodMgr.add "Manuf" & Str$(i), rand_sal(20000)
  Next i
End Sub

Once we have constructed this Composite structure, we can load a visual TreeView list by starting at the top node and calling the addNode() method recursively until all the leaves in each node are accessed.

Private Sub addNodes(nod As Node, ByVal emp As AbstractEmployee)
Dim col As Subords, i As Integer, newNode As Node
Dim newEmp As AbstractEmployee, cnt As Integer
Dim index As Integer

Set col = emp.getSubordinates
index = nod.index     'get node's index
While col.hasMoreElements
  Set newEmp = col.nextElement
  Set newNode = empTree.Nodes.add(index, tvwChild)
  newNode.Text = newEmp.getName
  newNode.Expanded = True
  addNodes newNode, newEmp
End Sub

The final program display is shown in Figure 17-3.

The corporate organization shown in a TreeView control

Figure 17-3. The corporate organization shown in a TreeView control

In this implementation, the cost (sum of salaries) is shown in the bottom bar for any employee you click on. This simple computation calls the getChild() method recursively to obtain all the subordinates of that employee.

Private Sub empTree_Click()
 Dim newEmp As AbstractEmployee
 'finds the salary of the selected employee and
 'all the subordinates

 Set newEmp = prez.getChild(empTree.SelectedItem)
 lblSalary.Caption = Str$(newEmp.getSalaries)

End Sub


We can imagine cases where a simple Employee would stay in his current job but have new subordinates. For example, a Salesman might be asked to supervise sales trainees. For such a case, it is convenient to provide a method in the Boss class that creates a Boss from an Employee.

Private Sub AbstractEmployee_makeBoss(newBoss As _
 Set emp = newBoss
End Sub

In this implementation, we have all the classes (Employee and Boss) implement the AbstractEmployee interface. However, so we can treat each object as one having the methods of an AbstractEmployee, we have to include the makeBoss methods in the AbstractEmployee interface. Then we have to add this method to the Employee class as well, raising an error if it is called inadvertently.

Private Sub AbstractEmployee_makeBoss( _
      emp As AbstractEmployee)
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 514, , "Employee is not a boss"
End Sub

Doubly Linked Lists

In the preceding implementation, we keep a reference to each subordinate in the Collection in each Boss class. This means that you can move down the chain from the president to any employee, but there is no way to move back up to find out who an employee's supervisor is. This is easily remedied by providing a constructor for each AbstractEmployee subclass that includes a reference to the parent node.

Private Sub AbstractEmployee_init(parnt As AbstractEmployee, _
 name As String, money As Single)
   Set parent = parnt
   hasParent = True
   nm = name
   salary = money
   Set subordinates = New Subords
End Sub

Then you can quickly walk up the tree to produce a reporting chain.

Public Sub setBoss(empl As AbstractEmployee)
Dim nm As String
Set emp = empl
  nm = emp.getName
  empList.AddItem nm
  Set emp = emp.getBoss
Loop Until emp.getName = nm
End Sub

See Figure 17-4.

The tree list display of the composite with a display of the parent nodes on the right

Figure 17-4. The tree list display of the composite with a display of the parent nodes on the right

Consequences of the Composite Pattern

The Composite pattern allows you to define a class hierarchy of simple objects and more complex composite objects so they appear to be the same to the client program. Because of this simplicity, the client can be that much simpler, since nodes and leaves are handled in the same way.

The Composite pattern also makes it easy for you to add new kinds of components to your collection, as long as they support a similar programming interface. On the other hand, this has the disadvantage of making your system overly general. You might find it harder to restrict certain classes where this would normally be desirable.

A Simple Composite

The intent of the Composite pattern is to allow you to construct a tree of various related classes, even though some have different properties than others and some are leaves that do not have children. However, for very simple cases, you can sometimes use just a single class that exhibits both parent and leaf behavior. In the SimpleComposite example, we create an Employee class that always contains the Collection employees. This Collection of employees will either be empty or populated, and this determines the nature of the values that you return from the getChild and remove methods. In this simple case, we do not raise errors and always allow leaf nodes to be promoted to have child nodes. In other words, we always allow execution of the add method.

While you may not regard this automatic promotion as a disadvantage, in systems where there are a very large number of leaves, it is wasteful to keep a Collection initialized and unused in each leaf node. In cases where there are relatively few leaf nodes, this is not a serious problem.

Composites in VB

In VB, you will note that the Node object class we use to populate the TreeView is in fact just such a simple composite pattern. You will also find that the Composite describes the hierarchy of Form, Frame, and Controls in any user interface program. Similarly, toolbars are containers, and each may contain any number of other containers.

Any container may then contain components such as Buttons, Checkboxes, and TextBoxes, each of which is a leaf node that cannot have further children. They may also contain ListBoxes and grids that may be treated as leaf nodes or that may contain further graphical components. You can walk down the Composite tree using the Controls collection.

The Composite in VB.NET

In VB7 we do not need to use the Subords class because we have a built-in enumeration interface called IEnumerator. This interface consists of these methods.

Function MoveNext() as Boolean     'False if no more left
Function Current() as Object       'get current object
Sub Reset()                        'move to first

So we can create an AbstractEmployee interface that returns an Enumerator. You move through an enumeration, allowing for the fact that it might be empty, using the following approach.

While e.MoveNext
  Emp = Ctype(e.Current, Employee)
  ' computation..
End While

This Enumerator may, of course, be empty and can thus be used for both nodes and leaves of the composite. Here is our AbstractEmployee interface.

Public Interface AbstractEmployee
    Inherits IEnumerable
    'Interface for all Employee classes
    Function getSalary() As Single
    Function getName() As String
    Function isLeaf() As Boolean
    Overloads Sub add(ByVal nm As String, _
             ByVal salary As Single)
    Overloads Sub add(ByVal emp As AbstractEmployee)
    Function getSubordinates() As IEnumerator
    Sub remove(ByVal emp As AbstractEmployee)
    Function getChild(ByVal nm As String) _
                  As AbstractEmployee
    Function getSalaries() As Single
End Interface

Since VB7 allows polymorphism, we have two polymorphic versions of the add method. Note that VB7 syntax requires that we specifically declare them using the Overloads keyword.

The other major change we make for VB7 is that we can throw an exception if a program tries to add or remove an Employee from an Employee class when that employee is not a Boss and has no subordinates.

Public Overridable Overloads Sub add( _
         ByVal nm As String,_
         ByVal salary As Single) _
         Implements AbstractEmployee.add
     Throw New Exception("No subordinates")
End Sub
Public Overridable Overloads Sub add( _
        ByVal emp As AbstractEmployee) _
        Implements AbstractEmployee.add
    Throw New Exception("No subordinates")
End Sub

In our VB6 version of the composite, we had to completely implement every method of the AbstractEmployee interface in both the Employee and the Boss class. In VB7 we can derive the Boss from the Employee class and only implement the methods that differ. VB7's syntax does require that we specifically declare the fact that we are overriding these methods, as shown below.

Public Overloads Overrides Sub add( _
           ByVal nm As String, ByVal salary As Single)
     Dim newEmp As AbstractEmployee
     newEmp = New Employee(nm, salary)
End Sub
Public Overloads Overrides Sub add( _
            ByVal emp As AbstractEmployee)
End Sub

The Enumerator

The Enumerator we use in our Boss and Employee classes to enumerate employees is a member of the ArrayList class. Classes that can return an IEnumerator are said to implement the IEnumerable interface. However, the advantage here is that we can create an empty ArrayList in the Employee class and never allow additions to the array. However, we need not handle requests for an enumeration of subordinates separately because the enumeration will always be empty.

For this reason, we do not have to create separate versions of the getSalaries method for Employees and Bosses because if the enumeration of subordinates is empty, the method will simply return the salary of the current employee.

Public Function getSalaries() As Single _
            Implements AbstractEmployee.getSalaries
        Dim sum As Single
        Dim esub As AbstractEmployee
        Dim enumSub As IEnumerator
        'get the salaries of the boss and subordinates
        sum = getSalary
        enumSub = subordinates.getEnumerator
        While enumSub.moveNext
            esub = CType(enumSub.current, AbstractEmployee)
            sum = sum + esub.getSalaries
        End While
        Return sum
End Function

Multiple Boss Constructors

In our VB6 version of the composite, we had a specific makeBoss method to create a Boss from an employee. We can do that in VB7 with a second, overloaded version of the constructor.

Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, _
        ByVal salary As Single)
    MyBase.New(name, salary)
    subordinates = New ArrayList()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal emp As Employee)
    MyBase.New(emp.getName, emp.getSalary)
End Sub

When you click on an element of the tree view, you can catch the afterSelect event.

Protected Sub EmpTree_AfterSelect( _
            ByVal sender As Object, _
            ByVal e As System.WinForms.TreeViewEventArgs)
        Dim node As EmpNode
        node = CType(EmpTree.SelectedNode, EmpNode)
End Sub

Then you can compute the salary recursively.

Private Function getNodeSum(ByVal node As EmpNode)_
 As Single
        Dim emp As AbstractEmployee
        Dim sum As Single

        emp = node.getEmployee
        sum = emp.getSalaries

        lbSalary.Text = sum.Format("n", Nothing)
End Function

Note that the label text is generated using the Single variable object's Format method.

The final Composite program for VB7 is shown in Figure 17-5.

The VB7 Composite

Figure 17-5. The VB7 Composite

Other Implementation Issues

Ordering components. In some programs, the order of the components may be important. If that order is somehow different from the order in which they were added to the parent, then the parent must do additional work to return them in the correct order. For example, you might sort the original collection alphabetically and return a new sorted collection.

Caching results. If you frequently ask for data that must be computed from a series of child components, as we did here with salaries, it may be advantageous to cache these computed results in the parent. However, unless the computation is relatively intensive and you are quite certain that the underlying data have not changed, this may not be worth the effort.

Thought Questions

Thought Questions
  1. A baseball team can be considered an aggregate of its individual players. How could you use a composite to represent individual and team performance?

  2. The produce department of a supermarket needs to track its sales performance by food item. Suggest how a composite might be helpful.

Programs on the CD-ROM

CompositeSimpleComposite VB6 composite shows tree
CompositeParentChild VB6 composite that uses both child links and parent links
CompositeVBNetComposite VB7 composite of same employee tree
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