Object Programming

Unlike previous versions of VB, VB.NET is a fully object-oriented programming language. This object orientation has two aspects: access to the .NET Framework Class Library (FCL), and the ability to define and instantiate custom classes using inheritance.

.NET Framework Class Library

The .NET Framework Class Library is an object-oriented library consisting of thousands of system and application types (classes, structures, interfaces, delegates, and enumerations) organized in namespaces. The namespaces and types of the .NET FCL offer a wide range of functionality, from wrappers to classic Win32 API functions to diagnostics and debugging to input/output to data access, Windows forms programming, and web application and web service development. In fact, most of the “intrinsic” functions and procedures that are part of the VB.NET language are implemented as members of classes in the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace.

In order to access the types in a namespace, the compiler must be provided with a reference to its assembly. This is done with the /r switch using the VB command line compiler. When a type is instantiated or a type member is invoked, ordinarily the type’s fully qualified namespace must be included. For example, a new instance of an ApplicationException class is generated by the following code fragment:

Dim e As New System.ApplicationException(  )

As an alternative, you can have the compiler or the Visual Studio design-time resolve an unqualified object reference by using the Imports directive to import a type’s namespace. The Imports directive appears at the top of a file, after any Option statements and before any type or module definitions. Using Imports, we can instantiate an ApplicationException object as follows:

Dim e As New ApplicationException(  )

Custom Types and Classes

In addition to accessing the functionality of the .NET FCL, you can also define your own custom types, including custom classes. In defining a class, you can take advantage of inheritance; that is, you can indicate that your class derives from another class, either from a class in the .NET FCL or from another custom class. In this case, your class automatically inherits the functionality of its base class. You can even take advantage of inheritance without explicitly specifying an inherited class. All classes automatically inherit from type System.Object, and all structures (which cannot take advantage of inheritance directly) automatically inherit from type System.ValueType. For instance, consider the following code:

Public Class AppClass
Public Shared Sub Main
   Dim obj As New AppClass
End Sub
End Class

When compiled, the code produces the following output:


The code calls the AppClass.ToString method. But the ToString method isn’t explicitly defined; instead, it is inherited from the Object class.

Along with inherited members, you can also access any members that you defined in your class. Any particular class member can be either an instance member or a shared member. Instance members require that an object of the class be instantiated, and that the member (and its value, if there is one) belongs to that instance. Shared members do not require an object instance, and instead can be invoked using the class itself. If a shared member has a value, it is shared across all instances of a class.

VB supports three different kinds of members: fields, properties, and methods. The following section examines each of these.

Fields, Properties, and Methods

A field is simply a publicly accessible constant or variable. Because it is usually undesirable to give users of a class unrestricted access to its data, fields typically consist of constants or read-only variables. (Read-only variables are not completely read-only; values can be assigned to them when the variable is declared and initialized, as well as in the class constructor.) For example:

Public Class FieldClass
   Public ReadOnly Value As Integer = 100
   Public Const Pi = Math.Pi

   Public Sub New(  )
   End Sub

   Public Sub New(x As Integer)
      Value = x
   End Sub
End Class

A property provides a public interface to a class’ state information. A property can consist of either a get accessor (which returns the property value), a set accessor (which sets the property value), or both. For example, the following code defines an Age property for the Employee class:

Public Class Employee

   Private EmployeeAge As Integer

   Public Property Age(  ) As Integer
         Return EmployeeAge
      End Get
         EmployeeAge = Value
      End Set
   End Property
End Class

A method represents an action or operation that is performed upon the class. VB recognizes functions, which are declared with the Function...End Function construct, and subroutines, which are declared with the Sub...End Sub construct. Functions return a value to the caller; subroutines do not. Both functions and subroutines can include a list of parameters to be passed to the procedure by the caller. For example:

Public Class MathLib
   Public Sub SwapNumbers(ByRef Num1 As Integer, _
                          ByRef Num2 As Integer)
      Dim Temp As Integer
      Temp = Num2
      Num2 = Num1
      Num1 = Temp
   End Sub

   Public Function Pi(  ) As Double
      Return System.Math.Pi
   End Function
End Class

By default, arguments are passed to functions and subroutines by value; that is, the function or subroutine is provided with a copy of the argument, and any changes made to the argument by the function or subroutine are discarded when control returns to the caller. This behavior can be overridden, and an argument can be passed to a function or subroutine by reference; that is, the address of the data is provided to the function or subroutine. To pass an argument by reference, precede the parameter in the function or subroutine’s parameter list with the ByRef keyword.

You can call a subroutine in either of the following ways:

oMath.SwapNumbers(x, y)
Call oMath.SwapNumbers(x, y)

You call a function as follows:

Result = oMath.Pi(  )

However, if you’re not interested in the function’s return value, you can also call the function as if it were a subroutine.

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