An organization's culture can help or hinder how social networking systems are implemented. Here are some questions you need to ask as you investigate culture:


Adapted from 10 Steps to Social Networking for Business by Darin Hartley, forthcoming from ASTD Press.




The following checklist offers you insight into the groups and potential leaders of groups you should consult with and include in your project plan prior to the launch of a Web 2.0 campaign. All of these departments are needed in order for you to successfully gain buy-in from leadership and be well informed before taking on this project.

image Information Technology: You need this group. They are there to help you understand the intricacies of application deployment and to help support you in your effort.

image Human Resources: Whether your learning group sits within HR or Sales, be sure to keep this group informed so they may leverage the Web 2.0 technologies you deploy for their own initiatives. Also, if you are part of HR, you need to make certain that your Web 2.0 solution fits into the larger HR mission/vision/strategy.

image Marketing/Communications: If you plan to leverage your company's brand or speak with employees internally, you may want to engage these two groups, if for nothing more than awareness. They can provide research and insight into your company's customer demographic and be invaluable when considering the marketplace. They are also your knowledge experts when it comes to effective communication techniques, including writing for the web.

image Recruiting: If you plan to leverage Web 2.0 technologies to engage new hires, college students, experienced hires, and so forth, be sure to include this group for their knowledge, relationships, and expertise.

image Finance: Even though many Web 2.0 technologies can be managed for free, in order to get the best bang for your buck, be sure to engage your finance department, which can provide budget forecasting and insight into future finance trends in relation to technology.

image Leadership: There is nothing worse than hearing about what's going on at your company from your child's Facebook account. Remember to engage your company's leadership team so there are no surprises.

image Focus Groups: Harness the power of focus groups, especially within the demographic and psychographic you plan to engage in your Web 2.0 net. Focus groups provide real insight into what you're developing and how things can be tweaked before they go live.

image Research: Remember the reason you are doing all of this. It's all about the return on investment (ROI), and you need research and data to demonstrate the ROI—whether that means decreasing turnover rates or increasing employee engagement. You will need research and data to help you demonstrate the Web 2.0 plan's success.

image Yourself/Your Team: Buy books, take classes, learn about the Web 2.0 medium, and determine what you need to know in order to make the best use of the analytics to demonstrate the positive impact on the bottom line.

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