Page numbers for entries occurring in figures are suffixed by an f; those for entries in notes, by an n, with the number of the note following; and those for entries in tables, by a t.

AARP, 36–37

Abelson, Hal, 58, 78n76, 80, 81n91, 82n96

Ab Initio, 86, 87

accelerated learning, in Open Learning Initiative, 104–6, 105nn52–53

access to higher education, xvii–xix

barriers to, xvii, xviii, 7–8, 11

demand for, 7, 7n11

expansion of, xvii–xviii

recent trends in, 7–11

administrations, university: in Fathom, 39, 41, 227, 227n53

importance of role of, 227, 227n53, 236–37, 236n74

in OpenCourseWare, 70–71, 70nn46–47, 85, 115, 227, 227n53, 228f, 237

in Open Learning Initiative, 108, 115–16, 237

in Open Yale Courses, 146–47, 146n83

in webcast.berkeley, 152, 153, 163, 171–73

advertising: funding through, 241

in internet business models, 13

for NPTEL, 198, 198n79. See also marketing

Africa, OER initiative in, 185n32

AICTE. See All India Council on Technical Education

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. See Sloan Foundation

Alliance for Lifelong Learning. See AllLearn

All India Council on Technical Education (AICTE), 191, 196

Allison, Herbert M.: on audience, 49n93, 52n106

as CEO of AllLearn, 44, 46, 48, 52

on closure of AllLearn, 53–54

on content and cost of courses, 49n95

and credit, 245n98

on critics, 52–53

on member institutions, 50n99, 51

on mission, 45n79

AllLearn, 42–53

affiliate institutions of, 51, 51n101

audience of, viii, 45, 45n80, 46, 49, 49n93, 52, 52n106

branding in, 45, 226

business model of, 44–46, 50, 54

challenges faced by, viii, xiv, xix, 48–53

closure of, 24, 50, 53–56, 123–24

content of, 23n1, 46–51, 46n86, 47f, 49n95

cost of courses, 49n95

credit in, 54, 244–45, 245n98

critics of, 52–53

demand for, 217

vs. Fathom, 44, 45

funding for, 44–46, 50–51, 50n99

interactivity in, 48, 48n89, 73, 73n57

legacy of, 53–56

marketing of, 52, 52n106

member institutions of, 42, 44, 50–51

mission of, 45, 45n79, 46, 46n84

motivations behind, 42–44

vs. NPTEL, 188

vs. open courseware, 19

Open Yale Courses influenced by, 56, 123–24, 128

operating costs of, 48, 49, 49n95, 49n96, 52–53

origins and development of, 23–24, 42–46

overview of approach of, vii, viii, xix

press coverage of, 229, 230t

revenue of, actual, 49, 49n96

revenue of, potential, 12, 23–24, 44, 45–46

revisions to, 48–49, 52, 52n104

staff of, 46, 48, 52–53

usage of, 48, 49

website of, 42, 43f

ALN. See Asynchronous Learning Network

alumni: as audience for AllLearn, viii, 45, 45n80, 46, 49, 49n93, 52, 52n106

as audience for OpenCourseWare, 58–59

as audience for Open Yale Courses, ix

response to OpenCourseWare, 82, 82n99, 239–40, 240n83

Ambrose, Susan, 96–97, 97n24, 98, 98n26, 107, 108

American Film Institute, 30

American Graduation Initiative, 111–12

American University, Center for Social Media at, 213n19

Ananth, M. S.: on audience, 196n73

on credit, 204

as director of NPTEL, 190

on faculty participation, 194

on funding, 202

on impact, 199, 199n86

on intellectual property issues, 212

on interactivity, 202–3

on leadership, 189n47

marketing by, 197–98

on mission, 184

on motivations, 185

on OpenCourseWare, 184, 184n28

Anderson, Chris, 12n29

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. See Mellon Foundation

anecdotal feedback. See user feedback

applications, to traditional universities, xvii, 7, 8n12

archival records, of OpenCourseWare, xxi, 81n93

art history courses, 130, 132f

Asia: OER movement in, 21, 21n53

OpenCourseWare Consortium in, 79

assessment. See evaluation

Association of Yale Alumni, 42n73, 45

Asynchronous Learning Network (ALN), 18

Atkinson, Richard C., 16

audience: of AllLearn, viii, 45, 45n80, 46, 49, 49n93, 52, 52n106

credit and, 53–54

of Fathom, 29, 53

general public as, 3

lessons learned on, 216

misunderstandings about, 53–54

of NPTEL, 196–97, 204–5, 216

of OpenCourseWare, 58–59, 71–74, 216, 216n31

of Open Learning Initiative, 106–7

of Open Yale Courses, 127, 216

of webcast.berkeley, 150, 153–54, 153n10, 159–62, 163, 167. See also alumni

BAH. See Booz Allen Hamilton

Bain & Company, 239n82

bandwidth, 138n57, 194, 233

Baumol, William J., xiii, 113

Benkler, Yochai, 14n33

Berkeley. See University of California at Berkeley

Berkeley Internet Broadcasting System (BIBS), 151, 153, 154, 161, 163, 167–68.

See also webcast.berkeley

Berkeley Media Services, 151

Berkeley Multimedia Research Center (BMRC), 150, 153, 227n54

Bernstein, Peter, 42, 46, 48, 49, 51, 51n103, 52

BIBS. See Berkeley Internet Broadcasting System

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 20, 118, 240

Biosphere 2 project, 41

Blackboard course management system, 17, 208n4

Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 125

BMRC. See Berkeley Multimedia Research Center

Bollinger, Lee, 41, 41n70

Bonk, Curtis J., 60n9

Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH), 58–59, 59n4

Bowen, William G.: on commercialization of higher education, 14–15, 15n34

on Fathom, 61n15

forward by, vii–xvi, 252n13, 260

in ITHAKA, 62n20

on OpenCourseWare, 61, 84

Romanes lecture (2000) by, 14–15, 61

branding: in AllLearn, 45, 226

commercialization of higher education and, 16, 16n39

in Fathom, 35, 37–38, 226

intellectual property and, 226n51

in NPTEL, 226

in OpenCourseWare, 16, 59, 88

in Open Learning Initiative, 111, 225–26, 226n50

in Open Yale Courses, 123, 138–40, 225. See also marketing

Brenzel, Jeffrey, 45, 54, 141

Breslauer, George, 161, 163, 166, 169n70, 172, 176, 176n102, 177, 248

Brest, Paul, 61, 62, 62n20

Brigham Young University, 110, 236n74, 242n90

Britain, Joint Information Systems Committee in, 234n68

British Library, 30

British Museum, 30n28

Brown, John Seely, 4

Brown, Robert: and administrative support, 70–71, 70n47

on comprehensive nature of OCW, 57, 65

on credit, 244

on funding, 232n63

on internal impact, 80

on organization of OCW, 68n34

in origins of OCW, 58, 59, 60n12

on outreach to other universities, 79

on press coverage, 229

Brown University, 51

Budapest Open Access Initiative, 14n32

Bulliet, Richard, 39

business model(s): of AllLearn, 44–46, 50, 54

of Fathom, 28–29, 29n24, 29n27, 36, 38, 38n58, 39, 45, 54

internet, 13

of webcast.berkeley, 157–58, 170, 173–74

California Master Plan for Higher Education, 165–66

California State University (CSU) system, 165

California Virtual University, 23

Cambridge University Press, 30

Cape Town Open Education Declaration, 21n53

Carey, Kevin, 259n29

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 20

Carnegie Learning, Inc., 91, 93, 116–17, 116n104

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU): Eberly

Center for Teaching Excellence at, 96–97, 101, 102, 108

endowment of, 115, 115n101

in NPTEL, 186, 186n35, 187n38

Office of Technology for Education at, 90, 92

and OpenCourseWare Consortium, 79n82

strengths of, in development of courseware, xiv, 89–90, 92, 96–97.

See also Open Learning Initiative

Carson, Steve: on audience, 72–73, 73n56

on credit, 63–64, 244n95

on depth vs. breadth, 214

on funding, 236n74, 239n82, 240n83

on interactivity, 64n23

on internal impact, 79

on outreach to other universities, 78, 78n77, 79, 79n82

on updates to courses, 85n113

on usefulness of OCW, 216n31

on video lectures, 67n33, 130

Carter-Galvan, Sheree, 213

Casper, Gerhard, 4n7, 15n35, 44

Casserly, Catherine: on audience, 216n32

on costs, 233, 241

and evaluation of impact, 104n48, 221n39, 224n48

on OpenCourseWare, 84

in origins of Open Learning Initiative, 90–91

on updates to courses, 233n65

on usage, 218

Cassidy, John, 12n27

causal reasoning courses, 93n12, 99, 99n31

CC-OLI. See Community College Open Learning Initiative

Center for College Affordability and Productivity, 113–14

Center for Educational Computing Initiatives, MIT, 58

Center for Media and Instructional Innovation (CMI2), 48n90, 128, 129, 135, 136, 138, 139

Center for Social Media, American University, 213n19

CET. See Council on Educational Technology

CEUTT. See Cost-Effective Uses of Technology in Teaching

Chambers, John, 23n2

chemistry courses, 97, 157f, 168n68, 175n100, 227n54

Chinese translations, 219n37

Christensen, Clayton, 256n24

clickers, 249

closed captioning, 138n57

CMI2. See Center for Media and Instructional Innovation

CMU. See Carnegie Mellon University

cognitive science, at Carnegie Mellon, xiv, 90, 92, 96–97

cognitive task analysis, 98

cognitive tutors, 91, 93, 93n13, 113, 117, 117n106, 214

Cohon, Jared, 96, 102, 115, 117

Cole, Jonathan, 2n2, 25, 28, 53, 191n54

colleges. See universities; specific schools

Colman, Dan, 179n2

Columbia University: administrative turnover at, 41

Biosphere 2

project of, 41

patent royalties at, 27–28, 27n16.

See also Fathom

commercialization: of higher education, 14–16, 15nn34–35, 61, 229

of internet, 11–14, 12n27, 12n29

of knowledge, 14–15, 15n35

Commission on the Future of Higher Education, 231n58

community college(s): in California Master Plan, 165

funding for, 113

future of online courseware in, 258–59

number of students enrolled in, 7n11

Obama administration plans for, 111–12, 113, 118–19

Open Learning Initiative at, 118–19, 240, 251, 251n11

origins of online courses at, 10

Community College Open Learning Initiative (CC-OLI), 118–19, 240, 251n11

commuter institutions, 1n1

Compact for Open Access Publishing Equity, 88n121

computer science courses, 108n68, 119, 119n114, 240n85

Congress, U.S., on college costs, 9, 9n17

Connexions project, Rice University, 20, 77, 125, 125n6

consultants, in OpenCourseWare, 68, 68n37

continuing education, predictions about growth of, 24

copyright: vs. Creative Commons licenses, 125n8

fair use and, 211–13

in music history courses, 130n29

on NPTEL courses, 195. See also intellectual property issues

Cornell University, 23, 51

corporate sponsorship, of OpenCourseWare, 87, 239, 239n82

correspondence courses, vs. online degree programs, 3

cost(s): of AllLearn courses, 49n95

of Fathom courses, 33, 34

freemium approach to, 241, 242n90

future of courseware and, 247–51

lessons learned on, 233–43

of NPTEL courses, 194

of OpenCourseWare courses, 57–60, 58n3

of Open Learning Initiative courses, 92, 109, 109n75, 115, 115n98, 116, 116n102, 241, 241n86, 245

of Open Yale Courses, 147–48

of providing credit, viii, 244–45

of textbooks, 20, 20n50

of traditional higher education, 7n12, 8–9, 8n16, 17n41

of webcast.berkeley courses, 174–76, 174n95. See also operating costs

“cost disease,” xiii, 8, 113

Cost-Effective Uses of Technology in Teaching (CEUTT) program, 18, 18n45, 89n2, 99n31, 168n68, 227n54

Council on Educational Technology (CET), MIT, 58–60

Courant, Paul, xin 4

course management systems, 17, 208n4

course modules, from for-profit companies, viin 1

Creative Commons, 13n31, 21, 125, 125n8, 143, 195

Creative Commons India, 195

creative writing courses, 51, 51n102

credit: in AllLearn, 54, 244–45, 245n98

and audience, 53–54

cost of providing, viii, 244–45

for developing online courseware, 242–43

in distance education, 4

in Fathom, 36n52

future of, 254–58

lessons learned on, 243–46

in NPTEL, 204

in OpenCourseWare, viii–ix, 59, 59n6, 63–64, 244–46

in Open Learning Initiative, 107, 245

in Open Yale Courses, 144–45

in traditional undergraduate experience, 4

value of, viii–ix, 4, 244

in webcast.berkeley, 174–76

Crow, Michael M., 24–25, 26, 28, 29, 35n47, 39, 41

CSU. See California State University

Curriki, 21n52

degree programs, online: vs. online courseware, 2–5, 6t

rise of, 10

degrees. See credit

Dehlin, John, 78, 88, 236

demand: for higher education, 7, 7n11

for online courseware, 215–17

developing world: as audience for OpenCourseWare, 72

as producer of courseware, 185, 185n32

Diamond, Marian, 164, 169–70

digital strategy, of Yale University, 122–23, 140–41, 147

disaggregation of educational components, 2–3, 3n5, 243–44, 259–60

disaster preparedness, 167

DiscoverEd, 20

distance education, credit-bearing: future of, 255–57

vs. online courseware, vii, 3–5, 6t

in online degree programs, 2–3, 4

vs. OpenCourseWare, 63–64

in open universities, 3n4, 241–42

value proposition in, 4

d’Oliveira, Cecilia, 68, 68n34, 74n60, 75n68, 85

dot-com era: AllLearn and Fathom in, 23–24

end of, 53, 55

rise of, 11–12, 12n27

Drucker, Peter, 24

Duderstadt, James, xin 4

Duguid, Paul, 4

Duke University, 51

Duncan, Arne, 112, 120–21

DVDs, 194

Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence, Carnegie Mellon University, 96–97, 101, 102, 108

Ecollege, 24n3

economics courses, 99

eCornell, 23

Edley, Christopher, 175, 175n100

Education, U.S. Department of: Commission on the Future of Higher Education, 231n58

on community colleges, plans for, 111–12, 113, 118–19

meta-analysis and review of online learning studies by, 120, 120n119

National Educational Technology Plan, 112–13

origins of interest in online

courses in, 112–13, 112n89, 113n93, 118–21

Educational Technology Services (ETS), at University of California at Berkeley, 153, 157–58, 161, 171, 172. See also webcast.berkeley

EduCommons software, 125

Ehrenberg, David, 8n16

Eklavya (TV station), 193, 207n1

elite universities: applications to, 7, 8n12

cost of attending, 7n12, 8–9, 8n16

future of, 249n4, 250–60

in OpenCourseWare Consortium, 79, 79n82

origins of online courseware in, 10–11

selectivity of, 7–11, 7n12, 11n25

trends in access to, 7–11. See also specific schools

Encarta, 26n13

endowments: of Carnegie Mellon, 115, 115n101

and cost of higher education, 8–9

of MIT, 115, 115n101

and OpenCourseWare, 87, 115

and Open Learning Initiative, 115, 115n101

trends in, 8–9, 8n16

of Yale University, 127–28

engineering education, in India, quality gap in, 178, 179–85

enrichment, as goal of online courseware, 4, 245–46

enrollment: in online courseware, viin 1, 9–10, 253

over-enrollment, through webcast.berkeley, 249

in traditional universities, 7n11, 10. See also usage statistics

Etchemendy, John, 46n84, 73n57

ETS. See Educational Technology Services

evaluation of impact: challenges of, xiv, 218

lessons learned on, 217–24

need for, xiv, 218

of OpenCourseWare, 73–76, 218–24

of Open Learning Initiative, xiv, 90, 96, 103–6, 218–24

of Open Yale Courses, 218–24

of webcast.berkeley, 168–69, 168n68, 218–24

evaluation of students, in Open Learning Initiative, 93–96, 95f, 97, 106–7, 214, 214n24, 222

events, special, in webcast.berkeley, 161, 162f

external impact: lessons learned on, 217–24

of NPTEL, 196–201

of OpenCourseWare, 71–79, 87–88

of Open Learning Initiative, xii–xiii, 103–7, 109–14

of Open Yale Courses, ix, 137–38, 141–45

of webcast .berkeley, 168–70

faculty: benefits of OpenCourseWare for, 80–81

benefits of webcast.berkeley for, 164

engineering, in India, 180n9, 181, 181n11

Fathom criticized by, 39–40nn64–65, 39–41, 39n61

future of lecture capture and, 248–52

traditional functions of, 3n5, 5

on value of courseware, 223

faculty participation: in Fathom, 32–33

in NPTEL, 188–91, 189n47, 194–95, 194n61, 204–5

in OpenCourseWare, 41, 60, 65, 69–70, 69nn40–42, 70n44, 208, 209n5, 237

in Open Learning Initiative, 89–90, 100–102, 101n38, 107–8, 110, 119, 155, 237

in Open Yale Courses, 133, 133n36, 136–37, 136n49, 155

payment for, 69–70, 70n44, 101, 137, 189–90, 194

resistance to, 251–52, 252nn14–16, 255n22

in webcast.berkeley, 155–56, 164–65

fair use, 211–13

Fathom, 24–42

administrative support for, 39, 41, 227, 227n53

vs. AllLearn, 44, 45

audience of, 29, 53

branding in, 35, 37–38, 226

business model of, 28–29, 29n24, 29n27, 36, 38, 38n58, 39, 45, 54

challenges faced by, viii, xiv, xix, 33–42

closure of, 24, 33–34, 35n47, 41–42, 53–56

content of, 23n1, 31–38, 31n35, 32f, 35nn47–48

cost of courses, 33, 34

credit and, 36n52, 53

demand for, 217

depth vs. breadth in, 206

faculty criticism of, 39–40nn64–65, 39–41, 39n61

faculty participation in, 32–33

free content of, 33, 34, 34n44

funding for, 27–28, 27n16, 33–36, 35n45, 39–40, 39n64, 61n15

legacy of, 53–56

as marketing vehicle, 29

member institutions of, 29–31, 30n28, 31nn33–34, 34–36, 35nn47–49

mission of, 28, 38, 38n56, 41

motivations behind, 25–29

vs. NPTEL, 188

vs. open courseware, 19

origins and development of, 23–29, 44

overview of approach of, vii, viii, xix

press coverage of, 33, 226, 229, 230t

Professional Development Center of, 36, 37f, 46

revenue of, actual, 33–34, 39–40

revenue of, potential, viii, 12, 23–24, 28–29, 29n24

review process for courses, 191n54

revisions to, 34, 36–38

staff of, 28

usage of, 33, 34, 34n44

website of, 29–30, 30f

feedback. See user feedback, 226n51

financial aid: international students and, 17n41

trends in, 8, 8n14

financial crisis of 2008, xi, 8

first-mover advantage, 229

Flat World Knowledge, 20

Foothill De Anza Community College, 21, 112n89, 125

Ford Foundation, 186

for-profit educational institutions: course modules of, viin 1

future of, 255–57

rise of, 10

success of, 10, 10n21. See also specific schools

freemium approach, 12–13, 13n30, 241, 242n90

free software movement, 13, 13n31, 19

Friedman, Stephen, 26

Fuchs, Ira, 62, 62n20, 77

funding: administrative support and, 227, 227n54, 236–37

for AllLearn, 44–46, 50–51, 50n99

for community colleges, 113, 118, 118n112

for development of new programs, xii, xiii, xiv, 12

for Fathom, 27–28, 27n16, 33–36, 35n45, 39–40, 39n64, 61n15

lessons learned on, 233–43

for NPTEL, 178, 187, 199, 201–4, 201nn100–101

for OpenCourseWare, xx, 57, 60–62, 70–71, 83–87, 90, 115, 124, 239–40, 239n82

for Open Learning Initiative, x, xx, 89, 90–93, 98–101, 114–19, 125

for Open Yale Courses, xx, 123–26, 128–29, 145–48

for USU OCW, 235–36, 236n74

for webcast.berkeley, ix–x, 150, 157–58, 161, 170–76, 227, 227n54. See also sustainability

games, online educational, 148

Gates, Bill, xiii

Gates Foundation, 20, 118, 240

globalization, of higher education, 16–17

global usage: comparison of, 219, 221f

of NPTEL, 196

of OpenCourseWare, 72, 74–75, 82, 219–20, 221f

of Open Learning Initiative, 109, 219, 221f

of Open Yale Courses, 137–38, 142, 143–44, 148–49, 219, 221f

of webcast.berkeley, 167–70, 219–20, 221f

Goldenberg, Edie, xin 4

Goldstein, Michael, 28n20

Goodman, Paul, 186, 186n35, 187n38, 188, 199

Google Analytics, xxi, 197n75, 199, 219, 219n38, 220f, 221f

grades, in Open Learning Initiative, 107

Grassley, Charles, 9n17

Gray, Paul: on administrative involvement, 172

on credit, 174–75

on mission, 153–54

on motivations, 166

on press coverage, 164–65, 225

on sustainability, 170–74

Greenstein, Daniel, 176–77, 257

Hammer, Langdon, 134, 250

Hancock, Mara: on administrative involvement, 172

on audience, 162, 167

on content of courses, 156, 158n25

on credit, 174

on disaster preparedness, 167

on funding, 158n24, 170, 171

on impact of webcast.berkeley, 164, 169

on intellectual property issues, 212, 212n14

on mission, 153n10, 237n78

on number of courses, 155, 159

on Opencast project, 248n3

on Open Yale Courses, 159

on origins of webcast.berkeley, 152

on special events, 161

on sustainability, 173, 174n95, 177

on upgrades, 175n100

on usage, 167, 169

on user feedback, 163

hardware, for webcast.berkeley, 170n75, 171, 171n80

Harley, Diane, 76n71, 169n68, 217n34, 223, 223n45, 227n54, 257n25, 258n28

Harvard University: and, 226n51

invitation to join Fathom, 30

television broadcasts of, 207n1

Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, 113

Heffernan, Virginia, 134, 135

Hewlett Foundation: audience of, 216n32

in Community College Open Learning Initiative, 118, 240

on cost of courses, 241

demand for OER and, 215n26

evaluation of usage and, 218, 219, 224

evolution of education program of, 124–26, 125n7, 148, 235

influence of, 234–36, 234n67

and Obama Education Department, 119n113

OER division of, 19–20, 84, 84n104, 90, 124, 126

in OpenCourseWare, xx, 61, 62, 62n21, 77, 78n76, 82, 83–84, 86, 90, 115

in OpenCourseWare Consortium, 78–79

in Open Learning Initiative, x, xx, 89, 90–93, 98–99, 104, 111, 226, 234n67

in Open University, 241

in Open Yale Courses, xx, 124–26, 128–29, 145–47, 148, 234n67

and sustainability, 234–36, 235n70

in USU OCW, 235–36, 236n74

and webcast .berkeley, 227n54

higher education, traditional, 1–17, 6t

access to, xvii–xix, 7–11

commercialization of, 14–16, 15nn34–35, 61, 229

components of courses in, 5, 6t

“cost disease” in, xiii, 8, 113

cost of obtaining, 7n12, 8–9, 8n16, 17n41

demand for, 7, 7n11

enrollment in, 7n11, 10

faculty functions in, 3n5

funding shortages in, x–xiv

future of, xii–xvi, 247–60, 259–60, 259n29

globalization of, 16–17

internet in transformation of, 23–24, 259

vs. online courseware, 1–5, 6t

vs. Open Learning Initiative, student outcomes in, 104–5, 120, 222

pedagogical component of, 1, 2, 3

peers’ role in, 4, 4n6

residential component of, 1, 2, 4

unbundling components of, 2–3, 3n5, 243–44, 259–60

value propositions in, 4–5, 22. See also universities

Highlights for High School, in OpenCourseWare, 86

Hirsch, David, 129, 135

Hockfield, Susan, 71, 82, 85–86, 231n58, 238n79

Hoxby, Caroline, 8n14, 9, 9n18

Hubbard, Benjamin: on administrative involvement, 172

on audience, 159, 160, 162n40

on content of courses, 156, 160

on funding, 157, 158

on impact, 164, 169, 169n70

on intellectual property issues, 212n14

on number of courses, 155, 174

on production process, 155n15, 210

on special events, 161n36

on staff, 157n23

on usage, 168, 168n67, 169

on user feedback, 163

human-computer interaction, at Carnegie Mellon, 90, 96

humanities courses: in Open Learning Initiative, 98, 98n26

in Open Yale Courses, 130, 130n27

in webcast.berkeley, 156, 158

iCarnegie, 116–17

IIMs. See Indian Institutes of Management

IISc. See Indian Institute of Science

IITs. See Indian Institutes of Technology

impact of courseware. See evaluation of impact; external impact; internal impact

India: demand for higher education in, x, 182–83

five-year plans of, 201n99

future of online courseware in, xv

growth of higher education in, 181–82, 182n15

job market in, 182–83, 182n18

quality gap in higher education in, 178, 179–85. See also National Programme on Technology

Enhanced Learning

Indian Institute of Science (IISc), 178, 187

Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), 186, 187

Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs): acceptance rates for, 180, 180n6

autonomy of, 187–88, 188n43

collaboration by, on NPTEL, 187–88

establishment of, 178n1, 179, 179n3

faculty of, 180n9, 181, 181n11

funding for NPTEL from, 201, 201n100

in origins of NPTEL, 178, 183–87

quality of education at, 178n1, 179–80

virtual version of, 203–4, 254, 254n21.

See also National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

Indian National Knowledge Commission, 182

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), 183

industry funding, for NPTEL, 202

information industry, 15n35

information sharing, cost of, 14, 14n33

Institute of International Education, 17n41

Instreamer, 171n80

instructional design, at Carnegie Mellon, 89–90, 96, 97

intellectual property (IP) issues: branding and, 226n51

and depth vs. breadth of courses, 210–13

in Fathom, 28–29

lessons learned on, 210–13, 239n81

in music history courses, 130n29

in NPTEL, 212–13nn16–17

in OpenCourseWare, 70, 210–11, 213

in Open Yale Courses, 211–13, 212n12

in science courses, 158n25

in webcast.berkeley, 212–13, 212n14

interactivity: in AllLearn, 48, 48n89, 73, 73n57

costs of, viii

and depth vs. breadth of courses, 214

in distance education vs. online courseware, 3

lessons learned on, 214, 243–46

in NPTEL, 202–3

in OpenCourseWare, viii–ix, 3, 64n23, 73

in Open Learning Initiative, x, 89, 92, 93–96, 102–3, 203, 214

internal impact: lessons learned on, 217–33

of NPTEL, 200–201

of OpenCourseWare, ix, 64, 79–83, 85, 87–88

of Open Learning Initiative, 107–9, 108n68

of Open Yale Courses, ix, 138–41

of webcast.berkeley, 162–68. See also reputational benefits

International Institute for Education Planning, 125–26

international students: rise in number of, 17n41

universities’attempts to attract, 16–17, 17n41

international usage. See global usage

internet: commercialization of, 11–14, 12n27, 12n29

development of video streaming on, 151

expansion of access through, xvii–xviii

potential for transformation of education through, 23–24, 259

interviews: list of, 277–79

methodology of, xxi–xxii

I P. See intellectual property

Iraq War course, 46, 51, 51n102

ISRO. See Indian Space Research Organization

ITHAKA, 62n20

Ithaka S+R, 62n20, 223, 233n66, 236n74

iTunes, 154, 168

iTunes U, 56, 86, 161, 168, 219, 247, 247n1

Ivy League. See elite universities; specific schools

James, Kate, 67n33

JISC. See Joint Information Systems Committee

job market, in India, 182–83, 182n18

Johns Hopkins University, 78, 79n82, 125

Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), 234n68

Kamenetz, Anya, 10n21, 94, 257–58, 258n28

Kamlet, Mark: in Carnegie Learning, 116–17

on cognitive tutors, 113, 214

on credit, 145

on evaluation, 103

in origins of Open Learning Initiative, 91

on sustainability, 115, 116–17, 116nn102–3, 119

Kanter, Martha J., 112n89

Kasdin, Robert, 41

Khakhar, Devang V., 200, 201, 201n97, 215

Kim, Kristin: on affiliate institutions, 51n101

and audience, 49n93

as CEO of AllLearn, 42, 46, 48, 52

on credit, 54

on motivations, 42

revisions under, 48–49, 52, 52n104

Kirp, David L.: on access to higher education, 9, 11n25

on commercialization of higher education, 15, 16

on evaluation of impact, 217

on Fathom, 35n45, 55, 55n118, 59n5

on OpenCourseWare, 59n5

Kirschner, Ann: on administrative support, 39

on business model, 29, 29n24

on closure of Fathom, 53, 55, 56

on critics, 40–41, 40nn64–65

on faculty participation, 32–33

on free content, 33, 34, 34n44

on funding, 61n15

on member institutions, 31, 31nn33–34, 35, 36

and MIT, 59n5

in origins of Fathom, 24–25, 26, 29, 44

on revisions to courses, 34, 36–37, 38

Kirwan, William E., xi

Kleiner, Diana: art history courses taught by, 130, 132f

on business models, 54

on comprehensive nature of OYC, 133

on content of AllLearn courses, 46, 48n88, 49, 51–52nn102–3

on content of OYC courses, 130, 133, 134, 135

on credit, 144–45

on digital strategy of Yale, 140

as director of OYC, 128

and faculty participation, 133, 133n36, 137

on funding, 123–24, 126, 128–29

on global use, 138

on interactivity, 48n89

on OpenCourseWare, 56

on origins of AllLearn, 42, 44, 45n80, 46

in origins of OYC, 123–24, 126–29

on sustainability, 146

on usage, 142, 142n72, 144, 222

knowledge industry, 15n35

Koedinger, Ken, 98, 110

Kresge Foundation, 240n85

Krishnan, Mangala Sunder: in administration of NPTEL, 190, 190n49

on audience, 196, 197

on education gap, 179–80, 181n10, 183, 185, 185n29

on faculty participation, 190, 194

on impact, 199

on intellectual property issues, 212, 213n17

on interactivity, 203, 203n109

on marketing, 197–98

on motivations, 185

on open licenses, 195

on origins of NPTEL, 186

on staff, 195

on sustainability, 202, 204–5

on updates, 202n106

on usage, 197, 199, 200

Kumar, M. S. Vijay, 180, 181, 202

laboratories, virtual, 203, 203n109

Lane, Andy, 241, 242n91

Lawrence, Paul: in AllLearn, 48n90

on branding, 139–40

on content of courses, 130, 134n38, 135–36

on digital strategy, 141

on faculty participation, 136, 136n49

in origins of OYC, 128, 129

lecture capture, future of, 247–52. See also video lectures

Leinhardt, Gaea, 103–4

Lerman, Steven: on administrative support, 70n46, 71

on audience, 72

on faculty participation, 65

on internal impact, 81

in origins of OCW, 58, 59, 59n6, 60, 60n12, 67

on sustainability, 84

on usage statistics, 74n64

Lessig, Lawrence, 13n31

lessons learned, 206–46

on credit, 243–46

on demand, 215–17

on depth vs. breadth of courses, 206–15

on evaluation of impact, 217–24

on reputational benefits, 224–33

on sustainability, 233–43

Levick, Jeffrey, 129, 142

Levin, Richard C.: in AllLearn, 44, 49n93, 73n57

endowment of Yale under, 127

at Hewlett Foundation, 124

on institutional partnerships, 143

international presence of Yale under, 137, 138, 148–49

on mission, 238n79

on OpenCourseWare, 73n57

in origins of OYC, 123–24

and sustainability, 146

lifelong learners, 29–30, 53, 216

literacy, in India, 202, 202n105

logic courses, 99

London School of Economics (LSE), 29, 30, 31n34

Lorimer, Linda: on cost of courses, 56, 147–48

on credit, 145

on depth vs. breadth, 209

on digital strategy of Yale, 140–41

on faculty participation, 133

on institutional partnerships, 143, 145

on mission of OYC, 126

on motivations, 215

on number of courses, 132

in origins of OYC, 128

on sustainability, 146, 146n83, 147

on usage, 142, 144

LSE. See London School of Economics

Lumina Foundation, 20, 118, 240

Mackie, Christopher, 242

Margulies, Anne: on administrative support, 70, 70n46, 71

on audience, 72

on comprehensive nature of OCW, 64–65, 65n26

on credit, 59n6, 245

on evaluation, 74, 74n61

as executive director of OCW, 68

on faculty participation, 69–70, 69nn41–42, 70n44

on internal impact, 80

on organization of OCW, 68n34

in origins of OCW, 68, 69, 69n41

on outreach to other universities, 78, 79, 79n82

on software, 73n58

on standards for courses, 66

on sustainability, 84n107

on usage statistics, 74, 74n64

on user feedback, 76

marketing: of AllLearn, 52, 52n106

Fathom as vehicle for, 29

of NPTEL, 197–98, 198nn79–80

of OpenCourseWare, 16, 82, 226

of Open Learning Initiative, 110, 117

of Open Yale Courses, 139, 143–44

by universities, 16, 16n37. See also branding

Maslach, Christina, 154, 163, 167

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): administrative turnover at, 71

brand management by, 198n81

Council on Educational Technology at, 58–60

endowment of, 115, 115n101

invitation to join Fathom, 59n5.

See also OpenCourseWare

Massy, William F., 26n13, 94n16, 98n28

MasterCard International, 36

Matkin, Gary, 20n50

Mayadas, Frank, 38

McKinsey & Company, 58

McKinsey Global Institute, 183

media coverage. See press coverage

Mellon Foundation: changes to programs of, 235n71

Cost-Effective Uses of Technology in Teaching program of, 18, 18n45, 89n2, 99n31, 168n68, 227n54

and Fathom, 61n15

influence of, 234

in OpenCourseWare, 61, 62, 77, 82, 83–84

Research in Information Technology program of, 235n71

in webcast.berkeley, 227n54

Merrill Lynch, 24n3

metacognitive skills, 95

methodology, xxi–xxii

Meyer, Oded, 95–96, 100n32, 101n38, 105

MHRD. See Ministry of Human Resource Development

Michigan State University, 21

Microsoft, 26, 26n13, 73n58

Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) of India: and audience of NPTEL, 216

in collaboration of IITs, 188, 188n43

and content of NPTEL, 192

funding for NPTEL from, 201–2, 201n101

mission of, 184, 216n33

in origins of NPTEL, 184, 186–87

on virtual IIT, 254n21

mini-tutors, 93–94, 93n13, 97n24. See also cognitive tutors

MIT. See Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Miyagawa, Shigeru, 59, 65, 71, 74n64, 244

Mogulof, Dan, 158, 166, 174

Morningside Ventures, 25

motivations, 5–7

of AllLearn, 42–44

of Fathom, 25–29

lessons learned on, 224–33

of NPTEL, 179, 183–85, 185n31, 215

of OpenCourseWare, ix, 80, 215

of Open Yale Courses, 11, 126–27, 215

of webcast.berkeley, 151–52, 163, 166

Moudgalya, Kannan M., 198, 198n80, 200–201

Muller, Richard, 158n24, 166

Murray, Stephen, 27

music history courses, 130, 130n29, 211f

MyMathLab, 256n23

Nagarajan, Usha, 194, 194n61

Nair, G. Mahavan, 183

National Bureau of Economic Research, 121n119

National Center for Academic Transformation, 18n44

National Council for Higher Education (India), 182

National Educational Technology Plan (2010), 112–13

National Museum of Natural History, 30

National Programme Committee (NPC), 190, 190n50

National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) of India, 178–205

audience of, 196–97, 204–5, 216

branding in, 226

Carnegie Mellon in, 186, 186n35, 187n38

content and organization of, 178–79, 187–95

cost of courses, 194

credit in, 204

depth vs. breadth in, 210, 210n10, 212, 215

engineering education in India and, 178, 179–83

external impact of, 196–201

faculty participation in, 188–91, 189n47, 194–95, 194n61, 204–5

funding for, 178, 187, 199, 201–4, 201nn100–101

future of, 254, 254n21

global use of, 196

government role in, x, 178, 184, 186–87, 201–2

intellectual property issues in, 212–13nn16–17

internal impact of, 200–201

marketing of, 197–98, 198nn79–80

mission of, 178, 184, 192, 197

motivations behind, 179, 183–85, 185n31, 215

number of courses, 178–79, 192–93, 201

vs. OpenCourseWare, 184, 184n28, 191–92, 198–99

open licenses and, 19n46, 21n53, 195

origins and development of, 178, 179–87

overview of approach of, vii, x, xix

press coverage of, 198–99, 198n84, 200n96, 230t

staff of, 188–90, 189n47, 195

sustainability of, 201–5

updates to, 202–3, 202n106

usage of, 196–98, 197n75, 199–200, 219n38

website of, 187, 189f

National Repository of Online Courses (NROC), 21n52, 241n86

National Science Foundation (NSF), 99n29, 119

Netherlands, 234n68

networking, in value of education, 4

Nevada, budget for higher education in, xiin4

New York Public Library (NYPL), 30, 35n47

New York University, 23, 23n1, 55, 213n21

Ngugi, Catherine, 185n32

Noble, David, 252, 252n16

NPC. See National Programme Committee

NPR, 239n82

NPTEL. See National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

NROC. See National Repository of Online Courses

NSF. See National Science Foundation

Nugent, Georgia, 46n86

NYPL. See New York Public Library

NYUOnline, 23, 23n1, 55

Obama, Barack: American Graduation Initiative of, 111–12

and community colleges, 111–12, 113, 118–19

National Educational Technology Plan under, 112–13

and Open Learning Initiative, 111–13, 118–19, 226, 231

Oblinger, Diana, 24n3

OCW. See OpenCourseWare

OCWC. See OpenCourseWare Consortium

OCW Finder, 20

ODD. See Office of Digital Dissemination

OER. See Open Educational Resources

OER Africa, 185n32

OER Blogs, 21

OER Commons, 20

Office of Digital Dissemination (ODD), Yale University, 141, 141n65

Office of International Affairs, Yale University, 143

Office of Science and Technology Policy, 112

Office of Technology for Education (OTE), Carnegie Mellon University, 90, 92

OLI. See Open Learning Initiative

online courseware, 1–22

audience of (See audience)

definition of, xviii, 1

demand for, 215–17

depth vs. breadth of, 206–15

vs. distance education, vii, 3–5, 6t

diversity of models for, vii–xiv, xix–xx, 6n10

early problems with, viii

enrichment as goal of, 4, 245–46

evaluation of (See evaluation)

expansion of access through, xvii–xviii

financial problems in higher education and, x–xii

funding for (See funding)

future of, xii–xvi, 247–60

motivations behind, 5–7

number of students enrolled in, viin 1, 9–10, 253

in OER movement, 19–21

vs. online degree programs, 2–5, 6t

origins of, 6–21

productivity gains through, xii–xiii, 113–14, 114n96

revenue potential of, 11–12, 23–24, 24n3

vs. traditional undergraduate experience, 1–5, 6t

value proposition in, 4–5, 22. See also specific programs

Opencast project, 248n3

OpenCourseWare (OCW), MIT, 57–88

administrative support for, 70–71, 70nn46–47, 85, 115, 227, 227n53, 228f, 237

anticommercial stance of, 15, 16, 60

archival records of, xxi, 81n93

audience of, 58–59, 71–74, 216, 216n31

branding in, 16, 59, 88

comprehensive nature of, 57, 60, 61–62, 64–65, 65n26, 68, 132–33, 155, 208

consultants in, 68, 68n37

content and organization of, 3, 6n10, 57, 62–71, 66f, 93

cost of courses, 57–60, 58n3

credit in, viii–ix, 59, 59n6, 63–64, 244–46

depth vs. breadth in, 208–15, 208nn3–4

vs. distance education, 63–64

evaluation of impact of, 73–76, 218–24

external impact of, 71–79, 87–88

faculty participation in, 41, 60, 65, 69–70, 69nn40–42, 70n44, 208, 209n5, 237

Fathom and AllLearn’s influence on, 56

funding for, xx, 57, 60–62, 70–71, 83–87, 90, 115, 124, 239–40, 239n82

global use of, 72, 74–75, 82, 219–20, 221f

Highlights for High School, 86

influence on other programs, 77

intellectual property issues in, 70, 210–11, 213

interactivity in, viii–ix, 3, 64n23, 73

internal impact of, ix, 64, 79–83, 85, 87–88

management of, 67–68

marketing of, 16, 82, 226

mission of, ix, 59, 60, 64, 77–78, 87, 238n79

motivations behind, ix, 80, 215

vs. NPTEL, 184, 184n28, 191–92, 198–99

number of courses, 62, 68, 68n36

vs. Open Learning Initiative, 93, 94, 94n15, 102

operating costs of, 84–87, 209

origins and development of, 7, 57–62, 67–68

outreach to other universities, 77–79, 78n77

overview of approach of, vii, viii–ix, xix

press coverage of, 61–62, 64, 81–82, 81n94, 82n96, 198–99, 226, 229, 230t

reputational benefits of, ix, 16, 82–83, 82n99, 88, 226–33

staff of, 68, 68n37, 70, 189n47

standards for, 65–66, 246

success of, 57, 71, 77–78, 88

sustainability of, 83–87, 234–35, 235n70, 239–40

technology used in, 73, 73n58

translations of, 72, 72n54, 218–19, 219n37

updates to, 85–86, 85n113, 160

usage of, 73–74, 74n64, 218–24, 220f, 221f

video lectures in, 67, 67f, 67n33, 130, 130n26, 155

vs. webcast.berkeley, 77, 160, 167

website of, 62, 63f

OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCWC): goals of, 78

leadership of, 78–79

meetings of, 125

membership of, 19, 21, 21n53, 79

origins of, 78

on sustainability, 236, 236n74

Open Educational Resources (OER) movement, 19–21

on American Graduation Initiative, 112

coining of term, 19, 125

definition of, 19, 84n104

demand in, 215

Hewlett Foundation in, 19–20, 84, 84n104, 90, 124

impact of Open Learning Initiative on, 110–11

Open Learning Initiative (OLI), Carnegie Mellon, 89–121

Academic Version of, 106–7, 106n58, 109, 114–15, 121, 241, 241n86

accelerated learning in, 104–6, 105nn52–53

administrative support for, 108, 115–16, 237

audience of, 106–7

branding in, 111, 225–26, 226n50

at community colleges, 118–19, 240, 251, 251n11

content and organization of, x, xiin 5, 6n10, 93–103, 99f

cost of courses, 92, 109, 109n75, 115, 115n98, 116, 116n102, 241, 241n86, 245

credit in, 107, 245

depth vs. breadth in, 207–9, 214

evaluation of impact of, xiv, 90, 96, 103–6, 218–24

external impact of, xii–xiii, 103–7, 109–14

faculty participation in, 89–90, 100–102, 101n38, 107–8, 110, 119, 155, 237

funding for, x, xx, 89, 90–93, 98–101, 114–19, 125

and future of courseware, xii–xiii, 250–51

global use of, 109, 219, 221f

head-to-head studies of outcomes in traditional courses vs., 104–5, 120, 222, 250n9

hybrid mode in, 105–6, 110, 120, 250n8

interactivity in, x, 89, 92, 93–96, 102–3, 203, 214

internal impact of, 107–9, 108n68

marketing of, 110, 117

mission of, 89–90, 92, 103, 111, 119–20

NPTEL and, 186n35, 192, 203

number of courses, 90, 102, 119

Obama administration and, 111–13, 118–19, 226, 231

vs. OpenCourseWare, 93, 94, 94n15, 102

operating costs of, 101–2, 101n40, 115, 209, 209n6, 251n12

origins and development of, 90–93

overview of approach of, vii, x–xiv, xix

precursors to, 98–100, 100n32

press coverage of, 111–13, 226, 229–31, 230t

reputational benefits of, 225–26

as research tool, 108–9

staff of, 92–93, 102, 189n47

student assessment embedded in, 93–96, 95f, 97, 106–7, 214, 214n24, 222

success of, 90, 110–11

sustainability of, 114–19, 240–41

team approach to course design in, 100–102

updates to, 96, 96n20

usage of, 96, 109–10, 218–24, 220f, 221f

OpenLearn project, of Open University, 241–42

open licenses, 19–21, 19n46, 21n53, 125, 195

Open Society Institute, of Soros Foundation, 20

open universities, 3n4, 241–42

Open University (OU) (United Kingdom), 3n4, 241–42, 242nn91–92

Open Yale Courses (OYC), 122–49

administrative support for, 146–47, 146n83

AllLearn’s influence on, 56, 123–24, 128

audience of, 127, 216

branding in, 123, 138–40, 225

comprehensive nature of, 132–33

content and organization of, 6n10, 122, 129–37, 131f, 132f

cost of courses, 147–48

credit in, 144–45

depth vs. breadth in, 206–15, 207n2

evaluation of impact of, 218–24

external impact of, ix, 137–38, 141–45

faculty participation in, 133, 133n36, 136–37, 136n49, 155

Fathom’s influence on, 56

funding for, xx, 123–26, 128–29, 145–48

future of, 250–51, 251n10

global use of, 137–38, 142, 143–44, 148–49, 219, 221f

institutional partnerships in, 143–44, 145

intellectual property issues in, 211–13, 212n12

internal impact of, ix, 138–41

marketing of, 139, 143–44

mission of, 126–27, 238n79

motivations behind, 11, 126–27, 215

vs. NPTEL, 192

number of courses, 122, 129, 132–33

origins and development of, 122–29

overview of approach of, vii, ix, xix

press coverage of, ix, 134–35, 140, 229n57, 230t

staff of, 128, 128n20, 129, 136

sustainability of, 145–48

usage of, 142–44, 218–24, 220f, 221f

user feedback on, 141–42

video lectures in, 122, 129–30, 132f, 134–36, 134n38, 138n57, 155, 155n15, 192, 209–10, 211f

vs. webcast.berkeley, 155, 159

Yale community benefits from, 141

Open Yale platform, 141n65

operating costs: of AllLearn, 48, 49, 49n95, 49n96, 52–53

lessons learned on, 233–43

of OpenCourseWare, 84–87, 209

of Open Learning Initiative, 101–2, 101n40, 115, 209, 209n6, 251n12

of webcast.berkeley, 157–58, 161, 170–71, 248

Oregon State University, 17n41

Ostriker, Jeremiah, 44, 50

OTE. See Office of Technology for Education

OU. See Open University

Oxford University, 42n73. See also AllLearn

OYC. See Open Yale Courses

patent royalties, at Columbia University, 27–28, 27n16

PCR. See Program on Course Redesign

Pearson, 256n23

pedagogical component of education, 1, 2, 3

peer-review process, in NPTEL, 191, 191n54

peers, in value of traditional education, 4, 4n6

Peking University, 143

Pelikan, Jaroslav, 2

Penn State University: in Fathom, 36

Global Campus of, 2, 256, 256n24

Pew Charitable Trusts, Program on Course Redesign of, 18, 18n44, 89n2, 99n31, 253n19

Pew Research Center, 7n11

Phatak, Deepak B., 185, 195

PIC. See Programme Implementation Committee

Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center, 108

Plotkin, Hal, 113n93

podcasts, in webcast.berkeley, 158–60, 168, 171, 171n80

PowerPoint, 154

press coverage, 225–31, 230t

of AllLearn, 229, 230t

of Fathom, 33, 226, 229, 230t

lessons learned on, 225–31

negative, 227–29

of NPTEL, 198–99, 198n84, 200n96, 230t

of OpenCourseWare, 61–62, 64, 81–82, 81n94, 82n96, 198–99, 226, 229, 230t

of Open Learning Initiative, 111–13, 226, 229–31, 230t

of Open Yale Courses, ix, 134–35, 140, 229n57, 230t

of webcast.berkeley, 164–65, 230t

Princeton University: and Fathom, 30

withdrawal from AllLearn, 50. See also AllLearn

productivity gains, through online courseware, xii–xiii, 113–14, 114n96

Professional Development Center of Fathom, 36, 37f, 46

Programme Implementation Committee (PIC), 190, 194n60

Program on Course Redesign (PCR), 18, 18n44, 89n2, 99n31, 253n19

publications, scholarly, 14, 14n32, 88, 88n121

public television, 193, 207n1

public universities: future of online courseware in, xiv–xv, 249, 249n4, 253–56

origins of online courses in, 10. See also specific schools

Purdue University, 36

RAND Corporation, 30

Ray, Anup: on IITs, 179, 183–84, 188, 204

on intellectual property issues, 212n16

on peer-review process, 191n54

on usage, 197n75

Reif, Rafael, 71, 82, 83, 85, 86n115, 87n118

remedial material, in NPTEL courses, 196, 196n73

remix culture, 13

reputational benefits: commercialization of higher education and, 16

lessons learned on, 224–33

of OpenCourseWare, ix, 16, 82–83, 82n99, 88, 226–33

of Open Learning Initiative, 225–26

of press coverage, 225–31

of webcast.berkeley, 164–66, 225, 231. See also internal impact

research, university, 2, 2n2, 15n35

Research in Information Technology (RIT) program, 235n71

residential component of education, 1, 2, 4

Rice University, Connexions project of, 20, 77, 125, 125n6

RIT. See Research in Information Technology rites of passage, 4n7

Rowe, Lawrence A.: on automation of production, 154

and funding, 227, 227n54

on intellectual property issues, 212

on operating costs, 170, 170n75

in origins of webcast.berkeley, 150–54, 152n5, 164

on press coverage, 164

on sustainability, 171

on usage, 168, 168n67

Rupp, George, 25–27, 27n14, 27n16, 35n49, 38, 38nn55–56, 40n65, 41

Sakai course management system, 17

Sandel, Michael, 207n1

scaffolding, 97n24

Schama, Simon, 32f, 33

Schiffman, David, 135

scholarly publications, 14, 14n32, 88, 88n121

Schwartz, Stephanie, 127, 138–39, 144n77

science courses: in NPTEL, 190–91

in Open Yale Courses, 130, 130n27

in webcast .berkeley, 156, 157f, 158, 158n25

Science Museum of London, 30n28

screencasting, 154, 154n12, 158

selectivity of universities, 7–11, 7n12, 9n18, 11n25

Sen, Kushal: in administration of NPTEL, 190, 190n49

on audience, 196

on faculty participation, 194, 205

on IITs, 179, 188n43

on impact, 199

on mission, 184

Shankar, Ramamurti, 11, 250

Shapiro, Harold, 256–57

Shevgaonkar, R. K., 185, 188, 191, 192, 196, 197, 200, 204

Shirky, Clay, 213n21

Shuttleworth Foundation, 20

Sibal, Kapil, 182

Simon, Herb, 96

Sloan Consortium: on Education Department, 120n119

on enrollment in online courses, viin 1, 9–10, 253

Sloan Foundation: Asynchronous Learning Network of, 18

end of funding by, 235n71

on Fathom, 38

and webcast.berkeley, 227n54

Smith, Joel: on Academic Version, 241n86

and Eberly Center, 97

on evaluation efforts, 103, 104, 104n48

on external impact, 111

on funding, 98n29

on internal impact, 108

marketing by, 110

on mission, 92

on OLI as research tool, 108–9

on operating costs, 101, 102n40, 209n6

in origins of OLI, 90–93

on precursors to OLI, 99, 100n32

on subjects of courses, 98

on sustainability, 114, 115, 116, 116n102, 119, 235

on team approach, 101

on usage, 109–10

Smith, Marshall “Mike”: on accelerated learning, 105n52

on demand for OER, 215

in evaluation of OLI, 104, 104n48, 105n52

in Obama Education Department, 112

in origins of OLI, 90–91

role in Hewlett Foundation, 90, 112n88, 124

on sustainability, 234, 236, 236n77

on usage of OLI, 109

software: EduCommons, 125

free software movement and, 13, 13n31, 19

in Open CourseWare, 73, 73n58

for webcasting, 151, 154

software engineering, at Carnegie Mellon, 90

Soros Foundation, Open Society Institute of, 20

Spanish courses, 253, 253n19

Spanish translations, 219n37

special events, in webcast.berkeley, 161, 162f

Spellings Commission, 9n17

Spencer Foundation, 119

staff: of AllLearn, 46, 48, 52–53

of Fathom, 28

of NPTEL, 188–90, 189n47, 195

of OpenCourseWare, 68, 68n37, 70, 189n47

of Open Learning Initiative, 92–93, 102, 189n47

of Open Yale Courses, 128, 128n20, 129, 136

of webcast.berkeley, 157, 157n23

Stallman, Richard, 13n31

standards, for courses, 65–66, 245–46

Stanford University: commission on technology, 42n73

engineering masters degree program of, 56

online credit at, 243n94. See also AllLearn

State University of New York (SUNY), xv

state university systems: funding for, xi

future of online courseware in, xv, viin 1

statistics courses, OLI: at community colleges, 251n11

development of, 100, 100n32

evaluation of, x, 104–5, 104n50, 105n52, 222

interactivity in, 93n12, 94, 95, 95f

precursors to, 99n31

stipends, for faculty participation, 69–70, 70n44, 101, 137

StraighterLine, 256n23

Strategic Investment Fund, of Columbia University, 27–28

Suber, Peter, 14n32

SUNY. See State University of New York

surveys. See user surveys

sustainability: definition of, 233n66

lessons learned on, 233–43

of NPTEL, 201–5

of OpenCourseWare, 83–87, 234–35, 235n70, 239–40

of Open Learning Initiative, 114–19, 240–41

of Open Yale Courses, 145–48

of webcast.berkeley, 170–77. See also funding

Swineford, Lucas, 141, 141n65

teachers as audience: for NPTEL, 196, 197, 204–5

for OpenCourseWare, 72, 73n56

for Open Learning Initiative, 106–7. See also faculty

teacher-student ratios, in India, 181, 181n10

teaching methods: labor-intensive, xii–xiii

in Open Learning Initiative, x, xii–xiii

technology in education: at Carnegie Mellon, 91

early experiments in, 17–18

improved outcomes with, 94n16

in OpenCourseWare, 73, 73n58

technology transfer, as model for online courseware, 28, 28n20

television, 193, 207n1

textbooks: cost of, 20, 20n50

future of, 256, 256n23

open, 20, 21, 148

Thille, Candace: on Academic Version, 106–7, 109n75

on branding, 111, 226n50

on community college project, 118

on evaluation efforts, 103, 104, 105, 214, 214n24

as executive director of OLI, 93

on faculty participation, 100, 101, 107, 119

marketing by, 110

on metacognitive skills, 95

on mini-tutors, 93n13, 94

on mission, 103, 111, 119–20

in National Educational Technology Plan, 112

on OpenCourseWare, 94, 94n15

on subjects of courses, 98, 119n114

on sustainability, 115, 116, 117, 119

on updates to courses, 96n20

on usage, 109, 109n76

traditional education. See higher education, traditional

translations, of OpenCourseWare, 72, 72n54, 218–19, 219n37

Trow, Martin, 3n3, 15n35, 40n67, 227n54, 252n15

Tufts University, 78, 125

tuition: increases in cost of, 7n12, 8, 8n16

from international students, 17n41. See also cost(s)

tutoring: cognitive, 91, 93, 93n13, 113, 117, 117n106, 214

cost of providing, viii

for IIT entrance exams, 180

mini-tutors, 93–94, 93n13, 97n24

in OpenCourseWare, viii

Twigg, Carol A., 18n44

2tor, 256n23

UC. See University of California

UMass Online, 10, 10n22

unbundling of educational components, 2–3, 3n5, 243–44, 259–60

UNC. See University of North Carolina

undergraduate education. See higher education, traditional

UNESCO. See United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

UNext, 23, 23n1

United Kingdom: Joint Information Systems Committee in, 234n68

Open University in, 3n4, 241–42

United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 19, 21n53, 125–26

universities: commercialization of, 14–16, 61

community engagement by, 5–6

components of courses at, 5, 6t

core competencies of, 4

cost of attending, 7n12, 8–9

definition of, 2

globalization of, 16–17

marketing by, 16, 16n37

missions of, 237–38

open, 3n4, 241–42

as rite of passage, 4n7

selectivity of, 7–11, 7n12, 9n18, 11n25

trends in access to, 7–11.

See also elite universities

higher education

public universities

specific schools

University College London, 151

“The University in a Digitized, Commercialized Age” (Bowen), 61

University of Bahrain, 143

University of California at Berkeley: Berkeley Internet Broadcasting System at, 151, 153, 154, 161, 163, 167–68

Berkeley Multimedia Research Center at, 150, 153, 227n54

Educational Technology Services at, 153, 157–58, 161, 171, 172

extension programs of, 176, 176n102, 243n94

future of online courseware at, 256n24

Opencast project at, 248n3. See also webcast.berkeley

University of California at Los Angeles, 208n4, 257n24

University of California (UC) system: in California Master Plan for Higher Education, 165–66

financial problems of, 173–76

future of online courseware in, 254, 255, 255n22, 256n24

University of Chicago, 30

University of Florida, 36

University of Ghana, 143

University of Illinois, Global Campus of, 252n14

University of Maryland, University College of, 2, 256, 256n24

University of Massachusetts, 10, 10n22

University of Michigan, xi, 30n28, 41n70

University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, 253–54, 253n19

University of Notre Dame, 79n82, 125, 207n1

University of Phoenix, 2, 10, 135, 217, 255

University of Pittsburgh, 104

University of Southern Queensland, 232n59

usability studies, 96, 104

usage, international. See global usage

usage statistics: for AllLearn, 48, 49

for Fathom, 33, 34, 34n44

lessons learned on evaluation of, 218–24

for NPTEL, 196–98, 197n75, 199–200

for OpenCourseWare, 73–74, 74n64, 218–24, 220f, 221f

for Open Learning Initiative, 96, 109–10, 218–24, 220f, 221f

for Open Yale Courses, 142–44, 218–24, 220f, 221f

for webcast.berkeley, 167–69, 218–24, 220f, 221f

user feedback: in evaluation of usage, 219, 221

on OpenCourseWare, 75–76, 75n68, 76n71

on Open Yale Courses, 141–42

on webcast.berkeley, 163, 169, 169n70

user surveys: in evaluation of usage, 221, 222–23, 244

on OpenCourseWare, 76, 76n71, 223, 232

Utah State University (USU), 78, 125, 207n1, 229n55, 235–36, 236n74

value propositions, 4–5, 22

Vedder, Richard K., 113–14, 114n96

venture capital, for Open Learning Initiative, 117

Vest, Charles: and administrative support, 70–71, 70nn46–47, 227, 228f

on audience, 71–72

on faculty participation, 65, 69n40

and funding, 57, 61, 70–71

on global appeal, 82

on impact of OCW, 76–77, 83

on intellectual output of faculty, 5n9

on interactivity, 73, 214

in ITHAKA, 62n20

on mission, ix, 87

on MIT experience, 64

on motivations, 215

in origins of OCW, 58, 58n3, 59–60, 59n4

on outreach to other universities, 79n82

on reputational benefits, 231

on success, 88

on sustainability, 84, 87

on user feedback, 75n68

VHS tapes, 151

Victoria and Albert Museum, 30n28

video at scale, 158–59

video lectures: in AllLearn, 48, 48n90

automation of production of, 154–55, 155n15, 210

future of, 247–50

in NPTEL, 191–94, 192n55, 193f

in OpenCourseWare, 67, 67f, 67n33, 130, 130n26, 155

in Open Yale Courses, 122, 129–30, 132f, 134–36, 134n38, 138n57, 155, 155n15, 192, 209–10, 211f

production quality of, 209–10. See also webcast.berkeley

Vietnam, 234n68

Virtual Center for Technology Enhanced Learning, 186. See also National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

virtual IIT, 203–4, 254, 254n21

virtual laboratories, 203, 203n109

Virtual Temple, 23, 55

Vuchic, Victor, 111, 215n26, 223–24, 234n67

Walsh, Taylor, vii, x, xi, xii, xiii, xiv

web analytics: on OpenCourseWare, 74, 75

on webcast.berkeley, 168

webcast.berkeley, 150–77

administrative involvement in, 152, 153, 163, 171–73

audience of, 150, 153–54, 153n10, 159–62, 163, 167

automation of production in, 154–55, 155n15, 210

business model of, 157–58, 170, 173–74

content and organization of, 150, 154–62, 157f

cost of courses, 174–76, 174n95

credit in, 174–76

depth vs. breadth in, 209–10, 212

in disaster preparedness, 167

evaluation of impact of, 168–69, 168n68, 218–24

external impact of, 168–70

faculty participation in, 155–56, 164–65

funding for, ix–x, 150, 157–58, 161, 170–76, 227, 227n54

and future of courseware, 248, 249

global use of, 167–70, 219–20, 221f

intellectual property issues in, 212–13, 212n14

internal impact of, 162–68

mission of, 150, 151–52, 153–54, 237n78

motivations behind, 151–52, 163, 166

number of courses, 150, 152, 155, 155n16, 159, 174

in OER movement, 19

vs. OpenCourseWare, 77, 160, 167

vs. Open Yale Courses, 155, 159

operating costs of, 157–58, 161, 170–71, 248

origins and development of, 150–54

over-enrollment and, 249

overview of

approach of, vii, ix–x, xix

press coverage of, 164–65, 230t

reputational benefits of, 164–66, 225, 231

special events in, 161, 162f

staff of, 157, 157n23

sustainability of, 170–77

upgrades to, 175, 175n100

usage of, 167–69, 218–24, 219n38, 220f, 221f

website of, 161, 162f

webcasting: origins and evolution of technology for, 151–52. See also webcast.berkeley

Weeramuni, Lindsey, 213

Wharton School, 23

Wiley, David, 110, 209n5, 236n74, 238n80, 242

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. See Hewlett Foundation

Wilson, Fred, 13n30

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 30

World Lecture Hall, 21

writing courses, 51, 51n102

Wyatt, Tristram, 44n77, 51

XML, 125n6

Yale Corporation, 137

Yale University: brand management by, 198n81

Center for Media and Instructional Innovation at, 48n90, 128, 129, 135, 136, 138, 139

digital strategy of, 122–23, 140–41, 147

endowment of, 127–28

and Fathom, 30

Office of Digital Dissemination at, 141, 141n65

Office of International Affairs at, 143

and OpenCourseWare Consortium, 79n82. See also AllLearn

Open Yale Courses

Ying, Bill, 33, 35n47

YouTube, 86, 154, 161, 168, 194, 197, 219, 247, 247n1

Yudof, Mark, 173, 175

Yue, Dick, 59–60

Zemsky, Robert, 3n5, 26n13, 94n16, 98n28

Zimpher, Nancy, xv

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