
  1. absorption ratio
  2. accounting standards
  3. adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs)
  4. American International Group (AIG)
  5. arbitrage
    1. efficient markets and
    2. regulatory
  6. Argentina
  7. Asia
  8. asset-backed securities (ABS)
  9. asset bubbles
    1. banking crises and
    2. causes of
    3. Credit Crisis and
    4. credit supply and
    5. definition of
    6. examples of
    7. financial crises and
    8. monitoring for
  10. assets, risk-weighted
  11. asset valuation
    1. approaches to
    2. for banks
    3. for derivatives
    4. in Great Depression
    5. human behavior and
  12. Australia
  13. Austria
  14. auto companies
    1. bailouts of
    2. Great Depression and

  15. Bagehot, Walter
  16. bailouts
    1. of auto companies
    2. of banks
    3. of Bear Stearns
    4. Credit Crisis and
    5. Dodd-Frank Act and
    6. of government-sponsored entities
    7. moral hazard and
    8. systemic events and
  17. Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
  18. bank holding companies
  19. Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall Act)
  20. banking crises
    1. definition of
    2. equity prices and
    3. frequency of
    4. GDP growth and
    5. government default and
    6. in Great Depression
    7. predicting
    8. systemic events and
  21. banking entity, definition of
  22. banking stability index (BSI)
  23. Bank of America
  24. Bank of England
  25. bankruptcy
    1. closeout netting and
    2. of Lehman Brothers
    3. precipitating factors in
    4. probability of
  26. banks
    1. bailouts of
    2. capital requirements for
    3. data collection on
    4. failures of
    5. foreign
    6. international
    7. reserve requirements for
    8. risk sources for
    9. runs on
    10. systemically important
    11. Volcker Rule and
    12. See also central banks; commercial banks; Globally Systemically Important Banks; investment banks
  27. Barclays
  28. Baring, Francis
  29. Basel Accords
    1. Basel I
    2. Basel II
    3. Basel II.5
    4. Basel III
    5. evolution of
    6. objectives of
  30. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
    1. Basel Accords established by
    2. as FSB member
    3. identification of G-SIBs by
    4. on interconnectedness
    5. as international financial institution
    6. objective of
  31. Bear Stearns
  32. behavioral factors
    1. financial crises and
    2. investing and
    3. in systemic risk modeling
  33. benign neglect theory
  34. Bernanke, Ben
  35. Black-Scholes-Merton Option Pricing Model (BSOP Model)
  36. Bolivia
  37. borrowers
    1. as credit risks
    2. monitoring behavior of
    3. protections for
    4. types of
  38. Brazil
  39. broker-dealers, regulation of
  40. BSMD (multivariate density) function
  41. BSOP Model. See Black-Scholes-Merton Option Pricing Model
  42. bubbles
    1. credit supply and
    2. dot-com
    3. speculation and
    4. in stock markets
    5. See also asset bubbles; real estate bubbles
  43. Bush, George W.

  44. Callan, Erin
  45. call options
  46. Canada
  47. capital
    1. for commercial banks
    2. tiers of
  48. capital adequacy ratio
  49. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
  50. capital conservation buffer
  51. capital flow
    1. Credit Crisis and
    2. international
  52. capital productivity
  53. capital requirements
  54. caps
  55. Case-Shiller Housing Price Index
  56. CBOE Skew Index (SKEW)
  57. CBOE/S&P 500 Implied Correlation Index
  58. CBOE Volatility Index (VIX)
  59. central banks
    1. credit risk and
    2. credit supply and
    3. financial crises and
    4. interest rates and
    5. as lenders of last resort
    6. regulation of
  60. central counterparties
  61. central counterparty clearinghouses (CCPs)
  62. central securities depositories (CSDs)
  63. Chicago Fed National Financial Conditions Index
  64. Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
  65. Chile
  66. China
  67. Citigroup
  68. Citigroup Economic Surprise Indices
  69. clearinghouse certificates
  70. Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS)
  71. Clearing House Payments Company
  72. Clinton, Bill
  73. closeout netting
  74. CLS Bank International
  75. collateral
    1. for lenders of last resort
    2. in managing counterparty credit risk
    3. in measuring counterparty credit risk
  76. collateralization, regulation of
  77. collateralized credit valuation adjustment (CCVA)
  78. collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
  79. Columbia
  80. commercial banks
    1. assets of
    2. vs. investment banks
  81. Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems
  82. Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI)
  83. Committee on the Global Financial System
  84. Commodities Exchange Act of 1936
  85. Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000
  86. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
  87. commodities risk
  88. commodity prices, data collected on
  89. Community Reinvestment Act
  90. Comptroller of the Currency
  91. conditional value at risk (CoVaR)
  92. conflicts of interest
    1. financial stability and
    2. under Volcker Rule
  93. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
  94. consumer protection
  95. contagion risk
    1. counterparty risk and
    2. in Credit Crisis
    3. international
    4. need to analyze
    5. systemically important entities and
    6. See also interconnectedness
  96. contingent claims analysis (CCA)
  97. contract markets
  98. contracts
    1. derivatives
    2. regulation of
  99. corporate governance, regulation of
  100. Costa Rica
  101. countercyclical buffer
  102. counterparty credit risk
    1. management of
    2. measuring for OTC derivatives
    3. sources of
    4. systemic risk and
  103. Credit Crisis of 2007
    1. bailouts and
    2. Basel Accords and
    3. causes of
    4. counterparty credit risk and
    5. equity volatility in
    6. Federal Reserve and
    7. financial data gaps and
    8. GSEs and
    9. impact of
    10. interconnectedness and
    11. investment banks and
    12. investor behavior and
    13. macroprudential oversight and
    14. magnitude of
    15. nonregulated institutions and
    16. Ponzi borrowing and
    17. regulatory responses to
    18. risk aversion and
    19. systemically important entities and
    20. as systemic event
  104. credit default swaps (CDS)
    1. at AIG
    2. CDOs and
    3. counterparty credit risk and
    4. data repositories on
    5. definition of
    6. as speculation
    7. in systemic risk modeling
  105. credit rating agencies
  106. credit risk
    1. assessing
    2. for banks
    3. exposure to
    4. foreign
    5. management of
    6. See also counterparty credit risk
  107. credit supply
    1. in economic booms
    2. excessive
    3. financial crises and
    4. GSEs and
    5. U.S. residential mortgages and
  108. credit unions, regulation of
  109. cross-currency swaps
  110. currency
    1. debasement of
    2. foreign exchange value of
    3. gold standard and
  111. cybersecurity

  112. data repositories
  113. debt
    1. non-government accumulation of
    2. shrinking levels of
  114. default
    1. counterparty risk and
    2. government
    3. probability of (PD)
  115. default intensity model (DIM)
  116. Defense Production Act
  117. deflation
  118. Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC)
  119. Depository Trust Company (DTC)
  120. depression (economic), causes of
  121. derivatives
    1. data collection on
    2. definition of
    3. OTC (See over-the-counter [OTC] derivatives)
    4. regulation of
    5. transactions with
    6. types of
    7. valuation of
  122. devaluation
  123. distress dependence matrix (DDM)
  124. distressed insurance premium (DIP)
  125. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
    1. data repositories and
    2. impetus for
    3. objectives of
    4. OTC derivatives regulation and
    5. systemically important entities and
    6. system risk identification and
    7. See also Volcker Rule
  126. Dominican Republic
  127. dot-com bubble
  128. Dow Jones Industrial Average
  129. Dutch Tulip Mania

  130. economy
    1. booms in
    2. gold standard and
    3. impact of systemic risk on
    4. post-crisis downturns in
    5. spillover events and
    6. stress buildup in
  131. Ecuador
  132. Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)
  133. El Salvador
  134. Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
  135. emerging market countries
    1. government default and
    2. stock markets in
  136. employment
    1. Credit Crisis and
    2. Great Depression and
    3. risk-monitoring data collected on
    4. systemic events and
  137. England
  138. equity position risk
  139. equity prices
    1. post– Credit Crisis
    2. risk-monitoring data collected on
  140. euphoria
  141. Europe/European Union
    1. Credit Crisis and
    2. Dutch Tulip Mania and
    3. financial crises in
    4. financial regulation in
    5. government defaults in
    6. identifying financial vulnerabilities in
    7. recession in
  142. European Banking Authority (EBA)
  143. European Central Bank (ECB)
  144. European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
  145. European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA)
  146. European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
  147. European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS)
  148. exchange rates
    1. international financial crises and
    2. market risk and
  149. exchange-traded derivatives
  150. exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
  151. executive compensation, regulation of
  152. exposure restrictions

  153. fair value accounting
  154. fallacy of composition
  155. familiarity bias
  156. Fannie Mae. See Federal National Mortgage Association
  157. FAS
  158. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
    1. creation of
    2. Credit Crisis and
    3. Dodd-Frank Act and
    4. FSOC and
    5. function of
    6. nonregulated financial institutions and
    7. in systemic risk modeling
    8. Volcker Rule and
  159. Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council (FFIEC)
  160. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)
  161. Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
  162. Federal Housing Finance Administration (FHFA)
  163. Federal Insurance Office
  164. Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
  165. Federal Reserve
    1. Bear Stearns and
    2. Credit Crisis and
    3. Dodd-Frank Act and
    4. equity margin requirements and
    5. financial data collection and
    6. FSOC and
    7. gold standard and
    8. Great Depression and
    9. G-SIBs and
    10. as lender of last resort
    11. as regulatory agency
    12. stress testing by
    13. systemically important entity oversight by
    14. Volcker Rule and
  166. fight-or-flight response
  167. Financial Action Task Force
  168. financial crises
    1. behavioral factors in
    2. data gaps and
    3. drivers of
    4. examples of
    5. frequency of
    6. government defaults and
    7. impact of
    8. international spread of
    9. macroprudential oversight and
    10. predicting
    11. resolution of
    12. See also banking crises; Credit Crisis of 2007; systemic events
  169. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
  170. financial data
    1. closing gaps in
    2. indicators
    3. quality of
    4. repositories for
    5. sources of
    6. standardization of
  171. financial decision making
    1. interconnectedness and
    2. psycho-physical factors in
  172. financial institutions
    1. bailouts of
    2. Credit Crisis and
    3. creditworthiness of
    4. data collection from
    5. de-capitalization of
    6. failure of
    7. global
    8. interconnectedness of
    9. liquidation of
    10. mainstream access to
    11. non-bank
    12. nonregulated
    13. regulation of (See regulations)
    14. risk management by
    15. See also Systemically Important Financial Institutions; specific types
  173. financial instruments, definition of
  174. financial market infrastructures (FMIs)
  175. financial market utilities (FMUs). See also Systemically Important Financial Market Utilities
  176. Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)
  177. financial stability
    1. Dodd-Frank Act and
    2. lenders of last resort and
    3. monitoring of
    4. requirements for
    5. sources of risk to
    6. Volcker Rule and
  178. Financial Stability Board (FSB)
    1. central counterparty clearinghouses and
    2. on data gaps
    3. impetus for
    4. as international financial institution
    5. member institutions of
    6. objective of
    7. systemically important entities and
  179. Financial Stability Forum
  180. Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC)
    1. data collection for
    2. establishment of
    3. function of
    4. impetus for
    5. insurance industry and
    6. Office of Financial Research and
    7. risk management standards and
    8. systemically important entities and
    9. Volcker Rule and
  181. financial systems
    1. entities included in
    2. key standards for
  182. financial turbulence model
  183. Finland
  184. Fisher, Irving
  185. Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC)
  186. floors
  187. foreign credit risk
  188. foreign exchange crisis
  189. forward/futures contracts
  190. France
  191. Freddie Mac. See Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
  192. futures contracts. See forward/futures contracts

  193. G19
  194. Gadinis, Stavros
  195. GARCH model
  196. General Electric Capital Corporation
  197. geopolitical events
  198. George, Eddie
  199. Germany
  200. Ginnie Mae. See Government National Mortgage Association
  201. Glass-Steagall Act. See Banking Act of 1933
  202. Global Financial Stress Index (GFSI)
  203. globalization
    1. financial crises and
    2. of financial institutions
  204. Globally Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs)
  205. Goldman Sachs
  206. gold standard
  207. Goodfriend, Marvin
  208. Goodhart, Charles
  209. government default
    1. frequency of
    2. as systemic event driver
  210. government intervention
    1. assessing need for
    2. financial panic and
    3. See also bailouts
  211. Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)
  212. government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs)
    1. bailouts of
    2. Credit Crisis and
    3. function of
    4. regulation of
    5. securitization and
  213. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. See Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999
  214. Great Depression
    1. bailouts and
    2. bank failures and
    3. factors in
    4. Federal Reserve and
    5. gold standard and
    6. government default and
    7. GSEs created during
    8. magnitude of
    9. stock margin requirements and
  215. Great Recession. See Credit Crisis of 2007
  216. Greece
  217. Greenspan, Alan
  218. Gregory, Joe
  219. gross credit exposure, for OTC derivatives
  220. gross domestic product (GDP)
    1. banking crises and
    2. Credit Crisis and
    3. global
    4. government default and
    5. in Great Depression
    6. in macroeconomic systemic risk modeling
    7. Taylor Rule and
  221. gross market value, for OTC derivatives
  222. Group of Thirty
  223. groupthink
  224. Guatemala

  225. hedge borrowers
  226. hedge funds
  227. heterogeneous vs. homogeneous expectations
  228. homeownership
  229. Honduras
  230. Hong Kong
  231. housing prices
  232. Hungary

  233. ICE Clear Credit
  234. illiquidity-based systemic risk modeling
  235. India
  236. indicators, financial cycle
  237. Indonesia
  238. inflation
    1. gold standard and
    2. government default and
    3. interest rates and
    4. international financial crises and
    5. risk-monitoring data collected on
  239. insolvency, definition of
  240. insurance companies
    1. in financial system
    2. regulation of
    3. systemic risk in
  241. interbank market failure
  242. interconnectedness
    1. categories of
    2. counterparty risk and
    3. impact of
    4. increase in
    5. persistence of
    6. regulatory oversight and
    7. risk analysis for
    8. See also contagion
  243. interest rate risk
  244. interest rates
    1. ceilings on
    2. Credit Crisis and
    3. gold standard and
    4. inflation and
    5. money supply and
    6. on residential mortgages
    7. risk-monitoring data collected on
  245. interest rate swaps
  246. International Accounting Standards Board
  247. International Association of Deposit Insurers
  248. International Association of Insurance Supervisors
  249. international contagion
  250. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  251. International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
  252. investment banks
    1. Credit Crisis and
    2. in financial system
    3. Glass-Steagall Act and
    4. U.S.
  253. investors
    1. behavioral factors for
    2. protection of
    3. rational expectations of
    4. risk aversion of
  254. Isaac, William
  255. Italy

  256. Japan
    1. banking crisis in
    2. financial regulation in
    3. housing prices in
    4. real estate bubble in
    5. U.S. capital outflow to
  257. Joint Forum
  258. joint probability of default (JPoD)
  259. J.P. Morgan
  260. junk bonds

  261. Kansas City Financial Stress Index
  262. King, Robert
  263. Kobrak, Christopher

  264. labor productivity
  265. de Larosière, Jacques
  266. de Larosière report
  267. Latin America
  268. Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
  269. Lehman Brothers
  270. lender of last resort
    1. definition of
    2. Federal Reserve as
    3. function of
  271. lenders
    1. monitoring behavior of
    2. regulation of
  272. leverage ratio, for banks
  273. Lincoln, Blanche
  274. Lincoln Amendment
  275. liquidation
  276. liquidity coverage ratio
  277. liquidity risk
    1. for banks
    2. management of
  278. loans, as bank assets
  279. Long-Term Capital Management
  280. loss aversion bias

  281. Mackintosh, Stuart P.M.
  282. macroeconomic indicators
  283. macroprudential risk
    1. monitoring of
    2. tools for addressing
  284. mahalanobis distance
  285. mandatory clearing requirement
  286. mania
  287. market crashes, causes of
  288. market liquidity
  289. market risk
    1. for banks
    2. management of
  290. mark-to-market accounting
  291. Martingale Property
  292. maximum likelihood method
  293. Mellon, Andrew
  294. Merkley, Jeff
  295. Merrill Lynch
  296. MetLife Inc.
  297. Mexico
  298. microprudential risk
  299. Minsky, Hyman
  300. Mississippi Bubble
  301. Modern Portfolio Theory
  302. money supply
    1. contraction in
    2. gold standard and
    3. increase in
  303. Moody's KMV
  304. Moody's rating service
  305. moral hazard
    1. government bailouts and
    2. lenders of last resort and
    3. regulation to address
    4. Volcker Rule and
  306. Morgan Stanley
  307. mortgage-backed securities
    1. residential
  308. mortgages
    1. bailouts and
    2. delinquency rates on
    3. GSEs and
    4. regulatory reform and
  309. MSCI World Index
  310. multivariate density (BSMD) function
  311. mutual funds

  312. National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
  313. National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC)
  314. Netherlands
  315. net stable funding ratio
  316. netting
    1. bilateral
    2. to manage counterparty credit risk
    3. multilateral
  317. New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
  318. Nicaragua
  319. Nomura Holdings
  320. Norway
  321. notional principal
  322. novation

  323. off-exchange futures
  324. Office of Financial Research (OFR)
    1. creation of
    2. data collection and
    3. on interconnectedness
    4. systemic risk assessment by
  325. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
  326. Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)
  327. O'Neill, Paul
  328. operational risk
    1. for banks
    2. management of
  329. option contracts
  330. Option-iPoD model
  331. option pricing models
  332. Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)
  333. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  334. over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives
    1. as bilateral agreements
    2. counterparty risk and
    3. Credit Crisis and
    4. definition of
    5. G-SIBs and
    6. regulation of
    7. trading platforms for

  335. Panama
  336. panics
  337. Paraguay
  338. Paulson, Henry
  339. payment, clearing, and settlement services
  340. payment netting
  341. pension funds
  342. Peru
  343. Philippines
  344. Ponzi borrowers
  345. pooling
  346. Portugal
  347. President's Working Group on Financial Markets (PWG)
  348. prices
    1. debt-deflation cycle and
    2. of derivative securities
    3. human behavior and
    4. information available from
  349. Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI)
  350. private equity funds
  351. probability distribution systemic risk modeling
  352. probability of cascade effects (PCE)
  353. probability of default (PD)
    1. joint
  354. productivity
    1. capital
    2. labor
  355. proprietary trading
  356. Prospect Theory
  357. Prudential Financial Inc.
  358. push-out rule
  359. put/call ratio
  360. put options

  361. Qatar

  362. rating agencies
  363. Rational Expectations Theory
  364. real estate bubbles
    1. banking crises and
    2. as financial crisis driver
    3. frequency of
    4. investor behavior and
    5. in U.S.
  365. recession
    1. causes of
    2. post– Credit Crisis
  366. Reconstruction Finance Corporation
  367. reduced-form systemic risk models
  368. Regulation Q
  369. regulations
    1. Credit Crisis and
    2. housing
    3. international
    4. micro-/macroprudential policies and
    5. on OTC derivatives
    6. post– Credit Crisis
    7. of systemically important entities
    8. for systemic risk mitigation
    9. in U.S.
    10. See also specific regulations
  370. regulators
    1. approaches of
    2. focuses of
    3. independence of
    4. international
  371. regulatory arbitrage
  372. regulatory reporting
    1. for banks
    2. data standardization and
    3. Volcker Rule and
  373. repurchase agreements (repo)
  374. reserve requirements
  375. residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS)
  376. risk
    1. identification of
    2. sources of, for banks
    3. See also specific types
  377. risk analysis
    1. data used in
    2. interconnectedness and
    3. need for
  378. risk aversion
  379. risk management
    1. for financial market infrastructures
    2. micro-vs. macroprudential
    3. for SIFIs
    4. systemic risk analysis and
  380. risk-weighted assets
  381. Russia

  382. S&P 500 Index
  383. Saudi Arabia
  384. savings and loan crisis (U.S.)
  385. scenario analysis
  386. securities
    1. mortgage-backed
    2. price changes in
    3. ratings of
    4. regulation of
    5. Volcker Rule and
    6. See also specific types
  387. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    1. FAS 157 and
    2. financial data collection and
    3. FSOC and
    4. regulatory focus of
    5. Volcker Rule and
  388. securities brokers/dealers
  389. securities exchanges
  390. securities lending
  391. securitization
    1. Credit Crisis and
    2. function of
    3. regulation of
  392. shadow banking
  393. Sharpe-Lintner Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
  394. Simpson, Herbert
  395. Singapore
  396. Smith, Adam
  397. South Africa
  398. Southeast Asian financial crisis
  399. South Korea
  400. South Sea Company bubble
  401. sovereign default. See government default
  402. Spain
  403. speculation
    1. bailouts and
    2. bubbles and
    3. Credit Crisis and
    4. financial crises and
    5. Great Depression and
  404. speculative borrowers
  405. stable funding ratio
  406. standards
    1. for accounting
    2. for sound financial systems
    3. for systemically important entities
    4. underwriting
  407. St. Louis Fed Financial Stress Index
  408. stock margin requirements
  409. stock markets
    1. bubbles in
    2. closures of
    3. crash of 1929
    4. Credit Crisis and
    5. international financial crises and
  410. stress testing
  411. Structural GARCH model
  412. structural systemic risk models
  413. structured investment vehicles (SIVs)
  414. subordination
  415. subprime mortgage assets
  416. substitutability
  417. Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP)
  418. swap data repositories
  419. Swap Exemption of 1993
  420. swaps
    1. credit default
    2. regulation of
    3. transacting
    4. types of
  421. swaptions
  422. Sweden
  423. Switzerland
  424. synthetic CDOs
  425. systemically important entities
    1. classification of
    2. definition of
    3. failure of
  426. Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs)
  427. Systemically Important Financial Market Utilities (SIFMUs)
  428. systemic events
    1. definition of
    2. drivers of
    3. identifying
    4. impact of
    5. recent examples of
    6. See also banking crises; financial crises
  429. systemic expected shortfall (SES)
  430. systemic risk
    1. counterparty credit risk and
    2. Credit Crisis and
    3. definitions of
    4. Dodd-Frank Act and
    5. G-SIBs and
    6. importance of
    7. interconnectedness and
    8. management of
    9. micro-vs. macroprudential supervision of
    10. models for
    11. monitoring/measuring of
    12. sources of
  431. Systemic Risk Barometer Survey

  432. TARP. See Troubled Asset Relief Program
  433. Taylor Rule
  434. Thakor, Anjan
  435. Third Way
  436. Thomson, James
  437. Thornton, Henry
  438. Tier 1 capital
  439. Tier 2 capital
  440. Tier 3 capital
  441. “too big to fail”
  442. total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC)
  443. trade execution platforms
    1. for OTC derivatives
    2. registration of
  444. trading account, definition of
  445. Trading with the Enemy Act
  446. tranching
  447. Troege, Michael
  448. Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
  449. Turkey

  450. underwriting standards
  451. United Kingdom (U.K.)
    1. financial regulation in
    2. gold standard in
    3. stock market in
    4. systemic risk in
  452. United States
    1. bank failures in
    2. Credit Crisis and
    3. financial crises in
    4. financial regulation in
    5. gold standard in
    6. identifying financial vulnerabilities in
    7. real estate bubble in
    8. recession in
    9. stock market in
    10. systemic events in
  453. Uruguay
  454. U.S. Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR)
  455. U.S. Treasury
  456. U.S. Treasury Secretary
  457. U.S. Treasury securities

  458. Venezuela
  459. Volcker, Paul
  460. Volcker Rule

  461. Wall Street
    1. Credit Crisis and
    2. regulation of
  462. Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010
  463. Whitehead, Charles
  464. wrong-way risk

  465. Zero Down Payment Initiative
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