
Illustrations and tables are denoted by page numbers in italics. Page numbers followed by n indicate note number.

acquisitions and expansion, 144–146

action ambiguity, 35

action plane, 33–34

action plans, 55–56

See also Strategic Planning


adhocratic teams, 192–193, 228n128

administrative adhocracies, 102–103

labels for, 102

management as, 115

to Professional Assembly, 188–189

Project Pioneer as, 99–100, 224n78

administrative change in Professional Assembly, 95

Aeroplan, 205

affiliation for common purpose, 208–209

age and size of organizations, 5, 60–61

aging as renewal for survival, 190–197

Air Canada, 205

alienation in operating core, 80–81

alliance in associations, 209

alliance-building game, 135

“The Ambidextrous Organization” (O’Reilly and Tushman), 228n128

ambiguity of authority, 58–59

American Airlines, 207

analysts, 15

anchored forms, 173–177


company definition, 201

as hybrid organization, 179–180

iPhone as platform, 208

Jobs’ control style, 68

marketing at, 71

visioning strategy, 110

“An Architect Looks at Organization Design” (Yokoyama), 216

arrogance vs. confidence, 116

art, craft, and science of organizing, 24–36

decision making, 25, 26–27, 26

managing, 31–36, 32

strategy formation, 28–31, 28, 29, 30

art as visioning, 30

The Art of Japanese Management (Pascale and Athos), 45

artifacts, 16

assembled hybrids, 180–181

assembly, 209

assimilation and isolation, 163

association around a table, 209

Athos, Anthony, 45

autonomous professionals, 88–89, 92

bases of grouping, 49–52, 52

basic assumptions, 16

basic structure

Community Ship, 159–161

Personal Enterprise, 68–69

Professional Assembly, 87–91

Programmed Machine, 75–77

Project Pioneer, 100–101

bazaar governance, 229n142

beehive politics, 133–134

bees vs. flies, 214–215

Bennis, Warren, 32

beyond business, divisional form, 155–157

birth as personal enterprise, 184–185

blended hybrids, 179, 227n123

bottom management, 12–13

Brasilia, Brazil, design errors, 216

Braverman, Harry, 62

Bronowski, Jacob, 86

budgeting game, 135

bureau-adhocracy, 227n123

bureaucracies, 41–42, 79–80, 188–190

Burgleman, Robert, 227n127

by-product diversification, 146–147

capital allocation, 151–152

categorization problems in Professional Assembly, 92–94

C-form, 207

chain, organizational, 18–19, 21

chain of command, 21

chains, hubs, webs, and sets, 18–23

chamber, 209

change, 35, 92, 117

Cirque du Soleil, 180–181

cleavage, cooperation, and competition, 181

cloisters, 162

closed systems, 78, 212, 229n144

collaboration, 125, 194, 228n128

coming to terms with machines, 84–85

common property, 207

common results, 49


direct communication, 40

in managing, 33

Communist regimes as programmed machines, 78–79

communities of practice, 48

Community Ship, 158–164

basic structure, 159–161

defined and described, 158–159, 163

outward bound organizations in, 209–210

pros and cons, 163–164

quintessential community ship, 161

renewal in, 191

types, 162–163

communityship, 128, 160, 225n92

compelling cultures, 131–132

competition, cooperation, and cleavage, 181

complementors, 229n141

conditions and kinds

Personal Enterprise, 69–70

Professional Assembly, 91–92

Programmed Machine, 77–79

Project Pioneer, 101–103

confidence, 35–36, 116

conflict, 81, 132–139, 166–167

See also culture and conflict


conglomerate diversification, 147, 226n102

conglomeration cons, divisional form, 150–153

defined and described, 143

government as, 155

connection quandaries, 35, 116

Connolly, Terry, 27

consolidation in Personal Enterprise, 124

consortium, 209

containment, blessings of, 175–177

contamination, dangers of, 175–177

contingency/situational factors, 60

contracting to outsource, 204–205

contradiction, 181

control in managing, 33, 78

controller, 42

conversational approach to design, 214

converters, 162

Cook, Tim, 68

cooperation, competition, and cleavage, 181


by design, 41

in division of labor, 39

through training, 87–88

core competencies, 205

counterinsurgency game, 135

countervailing forces, 174

COVID-19 pandemic, 192, 206

cow parts, 10

craft as venturing and learning, 30–31

craft enterprises as Professional Assembly, 92

crisis in Personal Enterprise, 70

crowd wisdom and groupthink, 163–164

Crozier, Michel, 80, 82

crystalline diversification, 144

cultural turnaround, 196


changing, 164

defined and described, 16

place in book logo, 18

reinforcement of, 131

as spirit of human hive, 160

culture and conflict, 139–140, 139, 140, 177

See also conflict

culture of innovation, 193

customer diversification, 147–148

customization beyond standardization, 43–44

customized standardization, 44, 48–49

customizing design, 213–214

Dangerfield, Rodney, 165

Darwin, Charles, 169

dealing on outside, 34, 118

decentralization, 54–55, 89–90, 100–101, 148–149

decision making, 25, 26–27, 26, 54

decomposition, 35, 116, 117

decoupling trajectory, 175

delegation, 35

deliberate strategies, 28

Demil, Benolt, 229n142

demise, natural or political, 197–198

democracy in Professional Assembly, 92

Department of Transportation, 155


coordination by, 41

customizing design, 213–214

design conundrum, 217

design thinking, 217

See also design in context

elements of design

design in context, 60–64

age and size of organizations, 60–61

environment, organizational, 62–63

power in organizations, 63–64

technical systems, 61–62

Designing Complex Organizations (Galbraith), 222n42

detail mastery, 83

Devon, Ely, 226n107

diagnosis in organization forms, 90–91, 98

differentiated hybrids, 180

differentiation of tasks, 61

diffusion of culture, 131

direct supervision, 39–41, 45, 49, 55

disconnect at top in Programmed Machine, 82

discretion in Professional Assembly, 92, 94–95

distributed management, 22, 117

diversification, 143, 202–203

diversifiction, 153

divided coalition, 16

division of labor, 39, 76–77

divisional form, 143–157

beyond business, 155–157

conglomerate diversification, 147

conglomeration cons, 150–153

decentralization, 148–149

as depressive, 175

diversification toward, 187–188

divisional structure, 148–149

expansion and acquisition, 144–146

merging, 145

by-product diversification, 146–147

in Programmed Machine, 149–150

related-product diversification, 147

social performance of performance control, 153–154

transition stages, 146–148

transitions in, 227n126

vertical integration, 146

divisionalization, 143

doing first, 27

doing on inside, 34

dominated coalition, 16

Donaldson, Lex, 227n118

Drucker, Peter, 29, 45

Durant, William C., 149

Educating Managers Beyond Administration (EMBA), 212

efficiency, 124–125, 153–154, 226n107

elements of design, 46–59

decentralization untangling, 54–55

formalization, 47–48

lateral linkages, 56–59

matrix structure, 58–59

planning and control systems, 55–56

scope, 46–47

silos and slabs, 50–51

training and indoctrination, 48–49

unit grouping, 49–52, 52 unit sizing, 53–54

EMBA (Educating Managers Beyond Administration), 212

emergent strategies, 28

emergent structure, 216–217

EMI Music company, 150

empire-building game, 135

engaging organization, 129

entrepreneurs, 72, 184–185

environment, organizational, 62–63

espoused values, 16

evolving approach to design, 214

excellence, perils of, 174–175

expansion and acquisition, 144–146

expertise game, 135

experts, 92–93

extended adhocracies, 103

external coalition, 16

external control in Programmed Machine, 78

Facebook, 207

federation. See divisional form Fellini, Federico, 181

The Female Advantage (Helgesen), 21

five easy steps to not follow, 85

flies vs. bees, 214–215

focusing trajectory, 175

forces, countervailing, 174

forces in forms, 123–125, 168, 169–171, 173, 176, 178

Ford, Henry, 203

formalization, 47–48


flaws in, 173–174

imperfections in, 174

misfits in, 176

in outward bound organizations, 209–212

See also forces in forms

four forms compared

individual forms

formulaic approach to design, 214

formulation of strategies, 56

formulation-implementation separation, 83–84

Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, 160

founders in Personal Enterprise, 185

founding culture, 131

four forms compared, 105–120

as basic, 105–106

identification of, 106

managing, 114–118

Personal Enterprise managing, 114–115

Personal Enterprise visioning strategy, 109–110

Professional Assembly managing, 116–117

Professional Assembly venturing positions, 110–111

Programmed Machine managing, 115–116

Programmed Machine position planning, 110

Project Pioneer learning strategies, 111–113

Project Pioneer managing, 117–118

reality of, 118–120, 120

strategy formation, 109–113

summarization, 106–109, 107t, 109

friendly consulting, 211

G20 and G7, 209

Galbraith, Jay, 222n42

gaming companies, 102

General Electric, 150, 151

General Motors, 54–55, 149

geriatric consulting, 197

Glouberman, Sholom, 228n130

Golden, Brian R., 227n127

government as conglomerate, 155

grassroots model of strategy formation, 112–113

greenwashing, 16

Groupthink (Janis), 164

groupthink and crowd wisdom, 163–164

Grove, Andy, 117

Hales, Colin, 132

Hammer, Mark, 220n16

Harari, Yuval, 75, 229n151

hard vs. soft information, 82

Helgesen, Sally, 21

hierarchy of authority, 15

Honda, 203

horizontal chain of work, 76

horizontal dispersion of decision making, 54–55

hotel organization, 130

hothouse model of strategy formulation, 112–113

hubs, organizational, 18, 19, 21

hubs, webs, sets, and chains, 18–23

human resources, employees as, 79

hybrids, 178–181, 227n123

Hydro Quebec, 147

IBM, 207

The Icarus Paradox (Miller), 174

ideal types, 66

IDEO, 217

IKEA strategy, 84

impact teams, 211

imperfections in forms, 174

implementation of operating plans, 56

IMPM (International Masters Program for Practicing Managers), 210–212

indoctrination, 132

Industrial Revolution, Programmed Machine in, 105

industry recipes, 83

inefficient effectiveness, 104

influencers, 16, 18, 220n12

information plane, 32–33

infusion of culture, 128–132

infusion of value, 131

innovative teamwork, 191–193

inserving, 208

insight and vision, 69

instructions, issuing, 40–41

insurgency game, 134

integrated task sets, 79

integrating managers, 56–57

internal corporate venturing, 227n127

internal diversification, 145

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 144

International Masters for Health Leadership, 212

International Masters Program for Practicing Managers (IMPM), 210–212

intrapreneurial experts, 98

inventing trajectory, 175

iPhone as platform, 208

irrepressible managing, 114–115

isolation and assimilation, 163

Israeli kibbutzim, 159–160, 162–163

Janis, Irving, 164

jigsaw puzzles, 199–200

job enlargement, 47, 191, 192

job expansion, 191

job training, skilled vs. unskilled, 48

Jobs, Steve

Apple as hybrid organization, 179–180

best use of skills, 21–22

control style at Apple, 68

detail and big picture mastery, 71

as product designer, 222n47

visioning strategy, 109–110

joint ventures, 58, 206

kaizen (continuous improvement), 193

Kao (Japanese firm), 51

Keidel, Robert, 99, 224n77

Kets de Vries, Manfred, 175

Khanna, Tarun, 226n102

Krabberød, Tommy, 227n118

Laliberté, Guy, 180–181

Lamothe, Lise, 20

lateral linkages, 56–59

leading insiders, 33

Lebrecht, Norman, 223n68

Lecocq, Xavier, 229n142

liaison positions, 56

liberated unstitution, 218

Liedtka, Jeanne, 214

life cycle of forms, 182–198

birth as Personal Enterprise, 184–185

youth as partial Personal Enterprise, 185

maturity as natural structure, 185–187, 186

midlife and impromptu transitions, 187–190

aging as renewal for survival, 190–197

demise, as natural or political, 197–198

model, 183–184

organization structure, 183–184

line versus staff game, 136

linear sequence work flow, 18

linking to outsiders, 33, 118

local producers, 83

logo, earlier, 17–18

Lord Acton, 94

lording game, 135

lumping, 169–170, 227n118

macromanagement, 185–186

magic number 7, 7

Management Information System (MIS), 82


as art, craft, and science, 31–36, 32

in chain, hub, web, and set, 21–23, 22

defined and described, 15, 31–32

direct supervision from, 41

distributed managing, 117

education outward bound, 210–212

by exception, 115–116

as fine-tuning, 115–116

four forms compared, 114–118

in hub, 22

on information, people, and action planes, 32–34

management development, 210–211

manager training, 152

managerial exchanges, 211

mind-sets, 211

by objectives, 45

place in chain, hub, set, and web, 21–22

support of professionals, 116

titles, 15

“Managing the Care of Health and the Cure of Disease” (Glouberman and Mintzberg), 228n130

“Managing the Myths of Healthcare” (Mintzberg), 228n130

mass production/mass services in machine organization, 77

matrix structure, 58–59, 101

Matshushita, Konusuke, 71

mature organizations, 77

maturity as natural structure, 185–187, 186

McGill University

deans as managers, 53

International Masters for Health Leadership program, 212

invention of football, 219n5

as Professional Assembly, 89, 111

“Strategic Management Upside Down,” 227n125

McGillomania, 169, 227n118

measurable efficiency, 153–154

mechanisms to coordinate, 39–45

customization beyond standardization, 43–44

direct supervision, 40–41

mutual adjustment, 39–41

standardized norms, 43

standardizing output, 42

standardizing skills and knowledge, 42–43

standardizing work, 41–42

medical fields categorization problems, 93–94

meetings, standing committees, teams, and task forces, 57

Mercedes, 206

mergers, 144–145

meritocracy, Professional Assembly as, 88

Mesopotamia temple corporation, 76

meta-organizations, 208

micromanagement, 114–115, 185–186

Microsoft, 229n151

middle management, 12

midlife and impromptu transitions, 187–190

Miller, Danny, 169, 174, 175

Milne, A.A., 97

Mintzberg, Henry, 214, 228nn130,131

Mintzberg, Susan, 218, 229n151

misfit in pure forms, 176

mistreatment in Professional Assembly, 95–96

Murphy, Thomas, 74, 222n50

mutual adjustment, 40, 49, 55, 81–82

My Jobs/Your Jobs, 132–133

Myrada (Indian NGO), 161

mysteries, measuring, 35, 116

National Film Board of Canada (NFB), 112

National Health Service of England, 5

networking in Project Pioneer, 118

networking outward, 203–204

The Neurotic Organization (Miller and Kets de Vries), 175

new community architecture, 207

New Public Management, 155–156, 205

Nilsson, Warren, 129

Nizet, Jean, 221n35

Noda, Mitz, 162

Nöel, Alain, 199

not-for-profits (social enterprises), 70

nudging as stewardship, 117–118

official hierarchy of authority, 15

open license, 229n142

open-source software (OSS), 206–207

operating adhocracies, 102

operating turnaround, 195

operators, 14

orchestra efficiency, 4–5, 89, 219n3

O’Reilly, Charles III, 228n128

organigraph, 20

organization design and structure, 213–218

approaches, 214–215

bees vs. flies, 214–215

customizing design, 213–214

defined and described, 2

design conundrum, 217

design doing, 217

liberated unstitution, 218

life cycle model, 183–184

management levels, 12

pathways, 215–216

structure, emergent, 216–217

organizational environment, 62–63

organizational forms, 65–66, 66

See also specific forms

organizations/organizing, 1–8

as chain, 18–19

defined and described, 1–2

fives to sevens, 6–8

as hub, 19

magic number 7, 7

orchestra efficiency, 4–5, 89

organization no-speak, 6

personal connection with, 1

sectors, 3

as set, 20

sizes of, 5–6

structuring developments, 228n133

as web, 19

worst way, 3–5

Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, 223n68

OSS (open-source software), 206–207

outsourcing, 204

outward bound organizations, 201–212

affiliation for common purpose, 208–209

association around a table, 209

contracting to outsource, 204–205

diversification and vertical integration, 202–203

forms in, 209–212

management education, 210–212

networking outward, 203–204

outward bound, use of term, 201

partnering to venture jointly, 206

platforms establishment, 206–208

overlay of separation, 126–127, 127

P&G restructuring, 222n45

Paddock, Tana, 129

Palepu, Krishna, 226n102

paradigms, 95

partnering to venture jointly, 206

Pascale, Richard, 45

passive coalition, 16

pathway design and location, 215–216

patients as people, 94

“Patterns in Strategy Formation” (Mintzberg), 228n131

Patwell, Beverly, 24

people empowerment, 191–192

people plane, 33

performance controls, 42, 55–56, 110, 153–154, 226n106

performance measures in Professional Assembly, 94–96

permanent adhocracies, 102

Personal Enterprise, 67–73

aging to machine organization, 77–78

basic structure, 68–69

builders into imperialists, 174

to Community Ship, 187

compelling culture in, 132

conditions and kinds, 69–70

consolidation, 124

as dramatic, 175

managing, 114–115

in organization life cycle, 184–185

outward bound organizations in, 209–210

political games in, 137

as predominant organizational form, 106, 225n84

to Professional Assembly, 186

to Programmed Machine, 186–187

to Project Pioneer, 187

pros and cons, 70–73

renewal in, 190, 194–195

restructuring tendencies, 217

structure, 68–69

turnaround, 196

visioning strategy, 109–110

personal leadership as liability, 185–186, 186

personal service organization as Professional Assembly, 92

Peters, Tom, 31, 227n125

Pfizer, 206

Pichault, Francois, 221n35

pigeonholing in Professional Assembly, 91

planner, 42

planning and control systems, 55–56

planning predicaments, 35

platforms establishment in outward bound organizations, 206–208

players and parts, 11–23, 17

chains, hubs, webs, and sets, 18–23

logo, earlier, 17–18

manager, 21–23, 22

organization as chain, 18–19

organization as hub, 19

organization as set, 20

organization as web, 19

organization structure, 12

principal players, 14–17

reorganization, 12, 13

think outside the box, 11–14, 12, 13, 17

playful approaches to design, 214

plural sector, 156, 161, 184–185, 207

Political Arena, 165–168, 198

political games in organizations, 77, 134–137

politics, 133, 138–139

Porter, Michael, 18–19, 29, 31

positions, designing, 46–49

power in organizations, 63–64

PPP (public-private partnership), 206

principal players, 14–17

Principles of Scientific Management (Taylor), 3, 219n2

prior training, 42–43

problem-solving in Project Pioneer, 98

Professional Assembly, 85–96

administrative change, 95

basic structure, 87–91

categorization problems, 93–94

compelling culture in, 132

conditions and kinds, 91–92

coordination through training, 87–88

craftsmen into thinkers, 175

decentralization, 89–90

discretion, 94–95

managing, 116–117

mistreatment, 95–96

as most stable form, 189, 227n125

outward bound organizations in, 210

as paranoid, 175

political games in, 137–138

professional autonomy, 88–89

proficiency, 125

pros and cons, 92–96

renewal in, 190

restructuring tendencies, 217

support staff, 90

tailored standardization, 90–91

turnaround, 196

venturing positions, 110–111

professional associations training, 88–89

professional autonomy in Professional Assembly, 88–89

professional organizations, 110–111

proficiency in Professional Assembly, 125

Programmed Machine, 74–85

basic structure, 75–77

chain upon chain in, 76

coming to terms with machines, 84–85

compelling culture in, 132

as compulsive, 175

conditions and kinds, 77–79

divisional form, 149–150

efficiency, 124–125

managing, 115–116

for mass-produced inexpensive goods and services, 85

outward bound organizations in, 209–210

political games in, 137

position planning, 110

pros and cons, 79–85

renewal in, 191

restructuring tendencies, 217

salesmen into drifters, 175

Strategic Planning, 110

Project Pioneer, 97–104

as adhocracy, 99–100, 224n78

basic structure, 100–101

collaboration, 125

compelling culture in, 132

conditions and kinds, 101–103

inefficient effectiveness, 104

learning strategies, 111–113

managing, 117–118

as modern explorer, 98, 224n76

outward bound organizations in, 210

pioneers into escapists, 175

political games in, 137–138

to Professional Assembly, 189

pros and cons, 103–104

renewal in, 190

restructuring tendencies, 217

as schizoid, 175

sports as projects, 98–99

support staff, 100–101

turnaround, 196

as twentieth century favored form, 202

ubiquitous ambiguity, 103–104

project structure, 193

project teams, 57–58, 227n127

pros and cons

Personal Enterprise, 70–73

Professional Assembly, 92–96

Programmed Machine, 79–85

Project Pioneer, 103–104

Prova d’orchestra (film), 181

public enterpreneurship, 184–185

public-plural-private partnerships, 206

public-private partnership (PPP), 206

punctured equilibrium, 182

pure customization, 44

pure standardization, 43

pushing away, 126–127, 127

puzzles, 200

quality control engineer, 42

quintessential community ship, 161

Raphael, Ray, 178

reality of four forms compared, 118–120, 120

reformers, 162

reinforcement of culture, 131

related diversification, 144–145, 147

renewal, 196–198

reorganization, 12, 12, 13

risk-spreading, 152

rival camps game, 136

Rose, Janet, 111

rules, establishment of, 41

SABRE, 207–208

Sapiens (Hariri), 75

Schein, Ed, 16

Schumpeter, Joseph, 197

science as planning, 30

The Sciences of the Artificial (Simon), 213

scientific management, 45, 75

scope, 46–47

In Search of Excellence (Peters and Waterman), 227n125

seeing first, 27

segmented standardization, 44

Seidel, M.D.L, 207

Selznick, Philip, 131

separate units, 192–193

sets, chains, hubs, and webs, 18–23

sets, organizational, 18, 20, 22–23

shared beliefs, 43

shareholders, 16, 219n3, 220n24

Shortell, Stephen M., 227n127

silos and slabs, 50–51

Simon, Herbert, 32, 213

simple structure in Personal Enterprise, 68

situational/contingency factors, 60

size of unit, 53–54

skill enhancement, 192

skill standards in Professional Assembly, 88

Sloan, Alfred, 149

smart cars, 206

Smith, Adam, 46–47

snappy bureaucracy, 132

social enterprises (not-for-profits), 70

social entrepreneurship, 184–185

social performance of performance control system, 153–154

social unresponsiveness, 154

socialization, 131

soft vs. hard information, 82

son succession, 72

soul, organizations with, 130

span of control, 53

splitting, 169–171

sponsorship game, 135

sports as projects in Project Pioneer, 98–99

stakeholders, 16, 219n3, 220n24


customization beyond standardization, 43–44

in job training, 48

of norms, 43, 159, 221n35

of outputs, 42, 75

of skills and knowledge, 42–43, 45

in training, 87–88

of work, 41–42, 75

standing committees, 57

start-up organizations, 69

See also entrepreneurs

Personal Enterprise

status differences, 128

stewardship, nudging as, 117–118

Stewart, K.J., 207

strategic apex, 18

strategic candidate game, 136

“Strategic Management Upside Down” (McGill University), 227n125

Strategic Planning, 83–84, 110

strategic programming, 110

strategic responsiveness, 152

strategic turnaround, 196

strategy and strategy formation, 28–31, 28, 29, 30, 56, 109–113

structure and industry age, 61

structure in Personal Enterprise, 68–69

subcontracting, 204

subversion game, 136–137

succession in Personal Enterprise, 72

summarization, 106–109, 107t, 109

supply chain, 19

support staff, 14–15, 77, 90, 100–101

Surowiecki, James, 163–164

Swatch, 206

synergy, 128

tailored standardization, 44, 90–91

Tata of India, 151, 226n102

Taylor, Frederick, 3, 45, 80–81, 219n2

teams, task forces, meetings, and standing committees, 57

technical systems, 61–62

technocratic fixes in Professional Assembly, 94–96

technology vs. technical systems, 61

temporary adhocracies, 102

Terkel, Studs, 81

Terman’s Law of Innovation, 67

think outside the box, 11–14

thinking first, 27

Thorn, Jules, 150

Thorn EMI, 150

“Time for Design” (Mintzberg and Liedtka), 214

top management, 12

Toscanini, 223n68

Toyota, 193

training, indoctrination and, 48–49

training standards, 42–43, 87–88

trajectories in organizations, 174–175

transition stages, 146–148

transition types, 182–183

turnaround, 70, 191, 194–195, 195, 228n131

Tushman, Michael, 228n128

Uber, 208

ubiquitous ambiguity in Project Pioneer, 103–104

unionization in Professional Assembly, 96

units, 15, 49–54, 52

unity of command, 58

universal forces, 126–140

beehive politics, 133–134

compelling cultures, 131–132

conflict in forms, 137–138

constructive conflict, 138–139

culture and conflict, 139–140

engaging organization, 129

hotel organization, 130

infusion of culture, 128–132

intrusion of conflict, 132–139

overlay of separation, 126–127, 127

political games in organizations, 134–137

Urwick, Lyndall, 53

value chain, 18–19

venturing trajectory, 174

vertical chain of command, 76

vertical decentralization, 149

vertical delegation of decision making, 54–55

vertical integration, 146, 202–203

visionary approach to design, 214

visioning strategy, 109

Volkswagenwerk, 228n131

Waterman, Robert H., 227n125

The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 46–47

web, organizational, 18–19, 21–22

Weber, Max, 79–80

webs, sets, chains, and hubs, 18–23

Weick, Karl, 164

Welch, Jack, 150

“What Is Design Thinking?” (IDEO), 217

whistle blowing game, 136

Whitehead, Alfred North, 218

“Why Focused Strategies May be Wrong for Emerging Markets” (Khanna and Palepu), 226n102

Wikipedia, 206–207

Winnie-the-Pooh (Milne), 97, 224n175

The Wisdom of Crowds (Surowiecki), 163–164

Working (Terkel), 81

Worthy, James, 79, 80–81

Yokoyama, Yoshinori, 216–217

youth as partial personal enterprise, 185

Zajac, Edward, 227n127

Zaleznik, Abraham, 32

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