1. Livermore, Jesse, How to Trade in Stocks, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940.
  2. Graham, Benjamin, The Intelligent Investor, 2nd edition, Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1954.
  3. Graham, Benjamin, The Intelligent Investor, 4th edition, Harper & Row, 1973.
  4. Livermore, Jesse, How to Trade in Stocks, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940.
  5. Kahneman, Daniel, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Allen Lane Penguin Books, 2011.
  6. Allen, Larry, The Global Financial System 1750–2000, Reaktion Books, 2001.
  7. Tetlock, Philip E., Expert Political Judgment, Princeton University Press, 2005.
  8. Thomas, Gordon & Morgan-Witts, Max, The Day the Bubble Burst, Arrow Books, 1979.
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  12. Thomas, Gordon & Morgan-Witts, Max, The Day the Bubble Burst, Arrow Books, 1979.
  13. Bernstein, Peter L., Capital Ideas, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
  14. Livermore, Jesse, How to Trade in Stocks, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940.
  15. Ibid.
  16. Gibson, Thomas, The Study of Fundamentals and their Bearing on Security Prices (in Investments and Speculation), La Salle Extension University Chicago, 1910.
  17. Hall, Henry, How Money is Made in Security Investments, 2nd edition, The De Vinne Press, 1907.
  18. Sherrod, Julian, Scapegoats, Dallas, 1931.
  19. Livermore, Jesse, How to Trade in Stocks, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940.
  20. Bachelier, Louis, Théorie de la Spéculation, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, 1900.
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  26. Sether, Laura (ed.), Dow Theory Unplugged: Charles Dow's Original Editorials & their Relevance Today, W&A Publishing, 2009.
  27. Ibid.
  28. Hamilton, William Peter, The Stock Market Barometer, Harper & Brothers, 1922.
  29. Extract from Hearings before the Committee on Banking and Currency, U.S. Senate, 84th Congress, U.S. Government Printing Office, March 11, 1955, 545.
  30. Tobin, James, ‘A General Equilibrium Approach to Monetary Theory', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb., 1969), pp. 15–29.
  31. Smithers, Andrew & Wright, Stephen, Valuing Wall Street, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
  32. Fortune magazine, 10 December 2001.
  33. Coppock, E.S.C., ‘The Madness of Crowds', Barron's, 15 October 1962.
  34. Coppock, E.S.C., Realistic Stock Market Speculation, Trendex Research Corporation, 1972.
  35. Ibid.
  36. Dale, Richard, The First Crash: Lessons from the South Sea Bubble, Princeton University Press, 2004.
  37. The New York Times, 3 October 1885.
  38. Hirst, Francis W., The Stock Exchange, The University Press, Cambridge, USA, 1911.
  39. Galbraith, John Kenneth, A Short History of Financial Euphoria, Penguin, 1990.
  40. Bachelier, Louis, Théorie de la Spéculation, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, 1900.
  41. Gibson, George, The Stock Exchanges of London, Paris, and New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1889.
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  43. Friedman, Milton & Friedman, Rose, Two Lucky People: Memoirs, University of Chicago Press, 1998.
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  48. Livermore, Jesse, How to Trade in Stocks, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940.
  49. Ibid.
  50. Graham, Benjamin, The Intelligent Investor, 4th edition, Harper & Row, 1973.
  51. Livermore, Jesse, How to Trade in Stocks, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940.
  52. Ibid.
  53. Graham, Benjamin & Dodd, David, Security Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1940.
  54. Livermore, Jesse, How to Trade in Stocks, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940.
  55. Chambers, David & Dimson, Elroy, John Maynard Keynes the Investment Innovator, paper for Cambridge Judge Business School, 30 June 2013.
  56. O'Shaughnessy, James P., What Works on Wall Street, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
  57. Dreman, David, Contrarian Investment Strategies: The Next Generation, Simon & Schuster, 1998.
  58. Henry, George Garr, General Principles of Investment, La Salle Extension University Chicago, 1910.
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  61. O'Shaughnessy, James P., What Works on Wall Street, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
  62. ‘Remarks on the Celebrated Calculations of the Value of the South Sea Stock', Flying-Post, 9 April 1720, Kress-Goldsmith Microfilm Collection, London.
  63. Ehrenberg, Richard, Capital and Finance in the Age of the Renaissance, (trans. H.M. Lucas, London 1928), p. 309.
  64. Pisano, Leonardo, Liber Abaci, 1202 (reprinted Sigler, Laurence E., Fibonacci's Liber Abaci, Springer-Verlag New York, 2002).
  65. Ibid.
  66. de la Vega, Joseph, Confusion de Confusiones, 1688 (reprinted Fridson, Martin S., John Wiley & Sons, 1996).
  67. Ibid.
  68. Gelderblom, Oscar & Jonker, Joost, Amsterdam as the Cradle of Modern Futures and Options Trading, taken from The Origins of Value, Oxford University Press, 2005.
  69. Hutcheson, Archibald, ‘An Estimate of the Intrinsick Value of South Sea Stock', 11 June 1720 (from Dale, Richard, The First Crash: Lessons from the South Sea Bubble, Princeton University Press, 2004).
  70. Anonymous pamphleteer, early 1720, cited in Carswell, John, The South Sea Bubble, The Cresset Press, 1960.
  71. Buffett, Warren, Introduction to The Intelligent Investor, 4th edition, Harper & Row, 1973.
  72. Anderson, Adam (1764) (from Dale, Richard, The First Crash: Lessons from the South Sea Bubble, Princeton University Press, 2004).
  73. ‘Remarks on the Celebrated Calculations of the Value of the South Sea Stock', Flying-Post, 9 April 1720, Kress-Goldsmith Microfilm Collection, London.
  74. Mortimer, Thomas, Everyman his Own Broker; or a Guide to Exchange Alley 2nd edition, London: S. Hooper; with the 13th ed. published (1801).
  75. Keynes, John Maynard, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Macmillan Cambridge University Press, 1936.
  76. Gibson, Thomas, The Pitfalls of Speculation, The Moody Corporation, New York, 1906.
  77. Dow, Charles, The Wall Street Journal editorial, 13 June 1901.
  78. Graham, Benjamin, The Intelligent Investor, 2nd edition, Harper & Brothers, 1954.
  79. Rittenhouse, L.J., Buffett's Bites, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
  80. Hall, Henry, How Money Is Made in Security Investments, 2nd edition, The De Vinne Press, 1907.
  81. Dow, Charles, The Wall Street Journal editorial, 15 February 1901.
  82. Gibson, Thomas, The Study of Fundamentals and their Bearing on Security Prices (in Investments and Speculation), La Salle Extension University Chicago, 1910.
  83. Houghton, John, Collection for Improvement, 20 July 1694.
  84. Smith, Moses, Plain Truths about Stock Speculation, Brooklyn, NY, 1887.
  85. Graham, Benjamin, The Intelligent Investor, 4th edition, Harper & Row, 1973.
  86. Kelly, Fred C., Why You Win or Lose. The Psychology of Speculation, Houghton Mifflin, 1930.
  87. de la Vega, Joseph, Confusion de Confusiones, 1688 (reprinted Fridson, Martin S., John Wiley & Sons, 1996).
  88. Wyckoff, Richard D., Wall Street Ventures & Adventures through Forty Years, Harper & Brothers, 1930.
  89. Fowler, William Worthington, Ten Years in Wall Street or Revelations of Inside Life and Experience on Change, Worthington, Dustin & Co., 1870.
  90. Hall, Henry, How Money Is Made in Security Investments, 2nd edition, The De Vinne Press, 1907.
  91. Carret, Philip L., The Art of Speculation, Barron's, New York, 1927.
  92. Hirst, Francis W., The Stock Exchange, The University Press, Cambridge, USA, 1911.
  93. Graham, Benjamin & Dodd, David, Security Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1940.
  94. Dow, Charles, The Wall Street Journal editorial, 22 March 1902.
  95. Buffett, Warren, ‘Letter to Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders', 2007.
  96. Hirst, Francis W., The Stock Exchange, The University Press, Cambridge, USA, 1911.
  97. Buffett, Warren, ‘Letter to Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders', 1999.
  98. Dow, Charles, The Wall Street Journal editorial, 2 May 1902.
  99. Buffett, Warren, ‘Letter to Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders', 1988.
  100. Hirst, Francis W., The Stock Exchange, The University Press, Cambridge, USA, 1911.
  101. Buffett, Warren, Introduction to The Intelligent Investor, 4th edition, Harper & Row, 1973.
  102. Clews, Henry, Fifty Years in Wall Street, Irving Publishing Company, 1908.
  103. Guenther, Louis, Investments and Speculation, La Salle Extension University, Chicago, 1910.
  104. Smith, Matthew Hale, Twenty Years among the Bulls and Bears of Wall Street, J.B. Burr & Company, 1870.
  105. Hirst, Francis W., The Stock Exchange, The University Press, Cambridge, USA, 1911.
  106. Mortimer, Thomas, Everyman his Own Broker; or a Guide to Exchange Alley, 2nd edition, London: S. Hooper; with the 13th ed. published (1801).
  107. ‘Remarks on the Celebrated Calculations of the Value of the South Sea Stock', Flying-Post, 9 April 1720, Kress-Goldsmith Microfilm Collection, London.
  108. Perino, Michael, The Hellhound of Wall Street, Penguin, 2010.
  109. Guenther, Louis, Investments and Speculation, La Salle Extension University, Chicago, 1910.
  110. Ibid.
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  113. Guenther, Louis, Investments and Speculation, La Salle Extension University, Chicago, 1910.
  114. Sherrod, Julian, Scapegoats, Dallas, 1931.
  115. Graham, Benjamin & Dodd, David, Security Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1940.
  116. Henry, George Garr, General Principles of Investment, La Salle Extension University, Chicago, 1910.
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  118. Gibson, Thomas, The Study of Fundamentals and their Bearing on Security Prices (in Investments and Speculation), La Salle Extension University, Chicago, 1910.
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  131. Graham, Benjamin, From Special Report, Medical Economics, 20 September 1976.
  132. de la Vega, Joseph, Confusion de Confusiones, 1688 (reprinted Fridson, Martin S., John Wiley & Sons, 1996).
  133. Hall, Henry, How Money Is Made in Security Investments, 2nd edition, The De Vinne Press, 1907.
  134. Marks, Howard, The Most Important Thing, Columbia Business School, 2011.
  135. Graham, Benjamin, The Intelligent Investor, 2nd edition, Harper & Brothers, 1954.
  136. Clews, Henry, Fifty Years in Wall Street, Irving Publishing Company, 1908.
  137. Gordon, Myron, J., The Investment, Financing and Valuation of the Corporation, Richard D. Irwin Inc., 1962.
  138. Little, Ian M.D. & Rayner, A.C., Higgledy Piggledy Growth Again, Basil Blackwell, 1966.
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  141. Siegel, Jeremy J. The Future for Investors, Crown Business (Random House), 2005.
  142. Graham, Benjamin, The Intelligent Investor, Harper & Brothers, 1954.
  143. Wilson, Charles, Anglo Dutch Commerce & Finance in the 18th Century, Cambridge University Press, 1941.
  144. Morgan, John, The Life and Adventures of William Buckley, Archibald MacDougall, 1852.
  145. Kilpatrick, Andrew, Of Permanent Value — The Story of Warren Buffett, AKPE, 1994.
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