

Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), 31

Aircraft modeling, bistatic scattering in, 269273

American UWB regulations, 106130

antenna modifications, 126

antenna requirement, 126

certified operating frequency range, 125126

conducted limits, 126

coordination requirements, 129130

cross reference, 108

equipment authorization requirements, 125

external radio frequency power amplifiers, 126

general administrative requirements, 122

general technical requirements, 119121, 128129

GPR system, technical requirements for, 109110

hand held UWB systems, technical requirements for, 117119

indoor UWB systems, technical requirements for, 117, 118

measurement procedures, 121122, 129

measurement standards, 122124

medical imaging systems, technical requirements for, 113115

operation, general conditions of, 122

radiated emission limits, general requirements, 126127

radiated measurements, frequency range of, 124125

scope of, 107

sources of, 106

surveillance systems, technical requirements for, 113, 114

through-wall imaging systems, technical requirements for, 110113

UWB equipment, marketing of, 108109

vehicular radar systems, technical requirements for, 114116

WPR imaging systems, technical requirements for, 109110

Amplification, 3641

Amplitude modulation (AM)

envelope detector, 36

peak detector, 36

product detector, 36

Antenna(s), 3536

array geometry, 16

array signals, synchronization of, 1617

directivity of, 87

large current radiators, See Large current radiators: antenna

length versus pulse length, 8894

material-penetrating UWB radar, 397399

operations in far-field conditions, 404405

modifications, 126

Novelda Nanoscale Impulse Radar, 386

radiation effects of, 7375

far-field, 7579

reception and transmission patterns of

observation angle, 74, 79, 8386

reciprocity principle, 8788

time-domain radiated UWB field, 7983

requirement, 126

Xaver™ TWR system

array configuration of, 459, 460

information capacity of, 459

quality of, 456458

system model of, 453456

Anti-RFI capability, of UWB random signal radar, 199

narrowband, 199201

wideband, 202, 203

Apnea of prematurity (AOP), 298

Applications, of UWB radar, 1516

Arbitrary waveform generator (AWG), 186

Architecture, of future UWB radars, 1819

Atmel microcontroller, 384

Automatic adaptive plan, 477

online automatic predefined, 477478

Automatic threat detection, demonstration of, 506507

Avalanche drift diode generators, 33

Avalanche transistor/diode switching, 33

LCR antenna with, 329331, 355


B-2 stealth bomber, 26

Bandwidth, 72

defined, 108

fractional, 49

relative, 49


defined, 89, 10

and range resolution, relation between, 3, 4

Binary-phase-coded (RBPC) radar system, 209211, 213

Biological monitoring, UWB radars for, 101

Biological tissues, 288

characteristics of, 294

electrical properties of, 312313

reflectivity of, 290, 292293

Bipolar transistor switch, LCR antenna with, 328329

Bistatic scattering, from objects near half-space, 263272

aircraft model, transient response calculation of, 269273

ellipsoid pulse characteristics, 267269

problem solution method, 265267

Body scanning technologies, 498

Born approximation, 454455

Breast cancer detection, 315, 317

B-Scan™ system, 498

Building structure surveying, RASCAN-type HAR, 435439

groundwater intrusion, detection of, 439

Buried objects detection, by random signal radar, 213216


Carrier-free impulse UWB radar with random coding, 196199

Carrier-modulated UWB random signal radar random frequency modulation radar, 189190

random interrupted CW radar, 191196

random noise radar, 187188

random phase modulation radar, 190, 191

Cascade power pulse generator, 335

Center frequency, defined, 54, 108

Certified operating frequency range, 125126

Chaotic oscillators, 186

Computer tomography (CT), 305, 310, 311, 315, 318

Concealed weapons detection (CWD), UWB radar for, 497509

automatic threat detection, demonstration of, 506507

background of, 501502

capabilities of, 502

characteristics of, 505

designing of, 503505

laboratory demonstration of, 506

multiple-facets, 503, 504

performance of, 506

requirements of, 502

single-radar, 503

Conducted limits, 126


defined, 164, 166

of human tissues, 287290

solid media, 165, 168, 169

Conformal microwave imaging (CMI), 314315

antennal configurations, 316

data collection, 315

fundamentals of, 314

Continuous sampling, 375

Continuous time binary valued (CTBV) coding system, signal acquisition through, 376381

Coordination requirements, 129130

Correlation receiver-based random signal radar, architecture of, 178180; See See also Random signal radar

Cross-correlation receiver, 36


DAA UWB devices below 10.6 GHz, EU requirements for, 155, 157

Data encoding methods, 26

Dedicated microwave noise devices, 186

Dielectric spectroscopy, 403

Diffusion dispersive media, characteristics of, 166167

Digital (software) generators, 186

Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes (DPO), 42

Digital receiver-based random signal radar, architecture of, 182183; See See also Random signal radar

Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO), 42

Digital-to-analog converter (DAC), 186

Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) system

comparison with UWB radio communication systems, 32

Doppler-shifted local oscillator, 182

Drift step recovery diodes ( DSRD), 5455

Dual-random interrupted CW radar, 195196; See See also Random interrupted CW radar


Electrical characteristics, of human tissues, at 500 MHz, 288, 291, 292

Electromagnetic compatibility, of UWB random signal radar, 206213

Electromagnetic wave propagation, in solid media

media characteristics, 162165

signal propagation, 164166

transmission-media characteristics, 165170

diffusion dispersive media, characteristics of, 166167

frequency ranges, selection of, 166, 167

frequency spectrum for, 170

nondispersive wave transmission, 168169

transition frequency, 168

Emissions interference, technical difficulties associated with, 4143

Eqo™ system, 498

Equipment authorization requirements, 125

Equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP), 110, 134

defined, 109

limits, for through-wall imaging systems, 111

European Technical Standards Institute (ETSI), 130, 133

frequently referenced standards, 156

sensor references and harmonized standards, 156

system publications, 157

European Union UWB regulations, 130157

DAA UWB devices below 10.6 GHz, EU requirements for, 155, 157

GPR system, technical requirements for, 132137

history of, 130131

low duty cycle devices, 137139

applications of, 138139

below 10.6 GHz, EU requirements for, 152155

defined, 138

mitigation techniques, technical requirement for, 146152

technical requirements for, 138139, 140

material sensing devices

EU restrictions for, 141147

technical requirements for, 148

for object discrimination and characterization of devices, 139141, 140

permission to use UWB, 131132

wall imaging systems, technical requirements for, 132137

Excitation principle, of LCR antenna, 338339, 361363

External radio frequency power amplifiers, 126


Faraday’s law, 11

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), 184, 185

Field-effect transistors (FETs)

GaAs, 337

silicon, 332336

Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD)

simulation, 241, 243, 340

Fire and emergency rescue organizations, 109

Foliage-penetrating radars, 5253; See See also Radar systems

Fractional bandwidth, 49; See See also Bandwidth

Frequency domain analysis, 10

Future trends, of UWB radar, 1519


GaAs FET switch, LCR antenna with, 337

Gaussian pulse signal propagation, 1115

GEN 2® system, 498

General administrative requirements, of UWB systems, 122

General technical requirements, of UWB systems, 119121, 128129

Global Positioning System (GPS), 44

Ground-based Ka-band noise waveform SAR system, 217223

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) system, 5253, 160, 231250, 390391; See See also Radar systems

categories of, 421

defined, 108

frequencies matched to media, 170

image display techniques, 402, 403

military applications of, 171

object-detection method

in experimental GPR images, 246250

metrics of, 242243

numerical estimation of, 242

in stimulated GPR images, 244247

permittivity measurement of, 233

algorithm for, 239241

profile of, 233

registered data, signal processing of, 402

signals, Hough transforming for, 234236

permittivity value error, 237239

stand-off multiantenna configurations, 399

subsurface sounding process, 232

technical requirements for

American UWB Regulations, 109110

EU UWB Regulations, 132137


Hand held UWB systems

defined, 109

technical requirements for, 117119

Harmuth sliding correlator, 35

Harmuth systems, 3940

Heart rate measurement, UWB radar for, 296297

Hemorrhagic stroke detection, UWB radar for, 309311

Hertzian dipole’s field, 74

Higher order signal processing (HOSP), 18

high-resolution target detection, time-frequency approaches to, 5761

high-resolution target identification, time-frequency approaches to, 5759

singularity expansion method, 5556

white noise analysis, 5657

High-resolution body scanners, 499, 500

High-resolution target detection, time-frequency approaches to, 5761

High-resolution target identification, time-frequency approaches to, 5759

High-resolution Xaver™ TWR imaging, 461465

background and objectives of, 459, 461

technical problems in, 461462

High-voltage avalanche semiconductor diodes, 33

History, of UWB radar, 57

Holographic subsurface radar (HSR), 421442

advantages of, 424, 426, 427

designing of, 424

distinguished from impulse subsurface radar, 423424, 425, 427

distinguished from optical holography, 423

point scatterer, theoretical analysis for, 428432

RASCAN-type, See RASCAN-type HAR

Hough transform (HT), 233242

for hyperbolic curve detection

binary imaging, 234

GPR signals, 234236

permittivity value error, 237239

speeding up calculations, 236237

Humanitarian demining operations, RASCAN-type HAR for, 440441

Human tissues

biological tissues, 288

characteristics of, 294

reflectivity of, 290, 292293

conductivity of, 287290

electrical characteristics of, at 500 MHz, 288, 291, 292

permittivity of, 287290


Imaging system, defined, 108

Impedance pneumography (IMP), 298

Impulse subsurface radar (ISR)

distinguished from subsurface radar holography, 423424, 425, 427

stroboscopic, 426

Indoor UWB systems, technical requirements for, 117, 118

Infinite impulse response (IIR) filter, 492

Information capacity, of Xaver™ TWR system, 459

Infrascanner™, 307

Interactive user integration and noise plan, 477

Interference issues, 4344

Interferometric aperture synthesis, 414416

Intracranial hematoma detector (IHD)

clinical evaluation of, 308, 309

specification of, 308

technical description of, 308

Intracranial hemorrhages

physiology of, 307

UWB radar for, 307309

detection methods, 307

Inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR); See See also Synthetic aperture radar

moving targets with through-the-wall technology, tracking, 409410

rotary moving targets, high-resolution imaging of, 410411


Landmine detection, side-looking UWB SAR for, 407409

Large current radiators (LCRs), 325371


designs, for radiating pulse electromagnetic fields, 339351

dimensions, 339347

dipole radiation pattern of, 359

far-field characteristics, 347352

geometry of, 340

H-plane radiation pattern of, 359

multielement radiators, designing of, 365368

near-field characteristics, 347352

plate width effect on radiated field pulse, 340343

principles of, 326328

radiated field pulse and matching section length, dependency between, 343345

radiated field pulse and radiating plate length, dependency between, 345346

radiated pulse duration, controlling, 368370

radiator inductance, reduction of, 356365

return loop shielding effect on radiation, 352356

drive signal generator design

microcircuits as switches, 337338

switches with avalanche transistors, 329331, 355

switches with bipolar transistors, 328329

switches with GaAs FET, 337

switches with S-diodes, building, 331332

switches with silicon field-effect transistors, 332336

excitation, 338339, 361363

Laser diodes, 33

Law enforcement, 109

Light-activated bulk avalanche semiconductor switches (BASS), 33

Light-activated semiconductor switches (LASS), 33

Limited-size physical apertures, UWB SAR for, 411414

Low duty cycle (LDC) devices, 137139

applications of, 138139, 140

below 10.6GHz, EU requirements for, 152155

defined, 138

mitigation techniques, technical requirement for, 146152

technical requirement for, 138139

Low probability of interception (LPI), of UWB random signal radar, 204207

Low-resolution standoff screening systems, 499501

Low-voltage tunnel diodes, 33


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 302, 310, 311, 315, 318

Magnetic switches, 33

Marx bank pulse generators, 33

Matched adaptive time-frequency packet (MAP), 58, 60, 61

Matched filtering, 24, 2830, 73, 89, 98, 184, 192, 197, 199

Material-penetrating UWB radar imagery, 159172, 389417; See See also Radar systems

applications of, 160, 394

architecture of, 160161

classification of, 390392

design criteria for, 161163

electromagnetic wave propagation, in solid media

media characteristics, 162165

signal propagation, 164166

transmission-media characteristics, 165170

image display techniques, 170172, 402, 403

implementation methodology, 394399

antenna operational conditions, 397399

to support broadband operation, 395397

target features measurement, 397

interferometric aperture synthesis, 414416

interpretation of, 402403

inverse imaging schemes

moving targets with through-the-wall technology, tracking, 409410

rotary moving targets, high-resolution imaging of, 410411

with limited-size physical apertures, 411414

operation of, 161, 162

performance measures of, 392393

SAR imaging scheme

antenna operations in far-field conditions, 404405

forward-looking, for detecting objects in vegetation, 405407

side-looking, for landmine detection, 407409

signal processing techniques, 400402

system-level design constraints and tradeoffs, 393394

waveforms, 163

Material sensing devices

EU restrictions for, 141147

technical requirements for, 148

Measurement procedures, 121122, 129

Measurement standards, of UWB radar, 122124

Medical imaging system, 285320

benefits of, 286

defined, 108

heart rate measurement, See Heart rate measurement, UWB radar for

hemorrhagic stroke detection, 309311

human tissues, See Human tissues

intracranial hemorrhage detection, 307309

pneumothorax detection, 302306

possibilities of, 286

respiration rate measurement, See Respiration rate measurement, UWB radar for

technical requirements for, 113115

tumor detection, 311320

Microcircuits as switches, 337338

Microwave Hemorrhagic Stroke Detector (MHSD)

benefits of, 310311

comparison with CT axial/MRI scans, 310, 311

design objectives of, 309310

operating principles of, 311

Microwave tomography, 315318

applications of, 318

fundamentals of, 316

future directions of, 318, 320

multiscatter, 319

patents of, 319

principles of, 317

MIR receiver detector, 37

Multiple-channel radar systems

coherent registration of, 484, 485

time delay problem for, 482484

Multiple-facets CWD system, 503, 504

Multiple-slope m-coded stepped FMCW radar system, 208209

Multistatic UWB radar, 17


Narrowband signals, 72

Nondispersive wave transmission, 168169

Nonsinusoidal signal propagation, 1115

Novelda Nanoscale Impulse Radar, 373387

antennas, 386

characteristics of, 386

applications of, 383

case study, 387

chip specifications, 384

comparison with radar signal sampling, 376

CTBV signal-acquisition system, 376

suprathreshold stochastic resonance signal detection, 378379, 381

swept threshold sampling, 378380

development kits, 382, 384385

MUR extension through staggered pulse repetition frequency, 380

overview of, 374376

pipelined data output, 382, 383

power-consumption/heat-dissipation problems in, 380382


Object discrimination and characterization (OCD) of devices, EU requirements for, 139141, 140

Off-line a priori information plan, 476477

O-PEN™ SAR system, 449, 450

Operation, general conditions of, 122

Optical holography, 422423, 432, 433

distinguished from subsurface radar holography, 423

Origin, of UWB radar, 24


Patient monitoring radar (PMR)


heart rate measurement, clinical trials on, 296297

respiration rate measurement, clinical trials on, 298299

technical description of, 294296

specifications of, 295


defined, 164

solid media, 165, 169


defined, 164, 166

of human tissues, 287290

measurement, in GPR radar system, 233

algorithm for, 239241

value error, 237239

solid media, 165, 169

PneumoScan® pneumothorax detector, 303306

data processing algorithm of, 306

effectiveness of, 305306

operating theory of, 304305

Pneumothorax detection, UWB radar for, 302306

Positron emission tomography (PET), 318

Power spectral density (PSD), 3, 5, 28, 45

variation, of Gaussian pulse signal propagation, 15

Prisma™ radar system, 449, 450

Prism™ 200 radar system, 449, 450

Propagation, of UWB signals, 73

ProVision ATD® system, 498

Pseudorandom binary-phase-coded (PBPC) radar system, 209210, 213; See See also Binary-phase-coded radar system

Pseudorandom number generation, 186

Pulse backscattering, from objects near halfspace, 253283

in bistatic cases, 263272

aircraft model, transient response calculation of, 269273

ellipsoid pulse characteristics, 267269

problem solution method, 265267


numerical results, 260264

problem solution method, 254260

in uniform half-space, 272283

numerical results, 280283

problem solution method, 273280

Pulse detection, 3435

Pulse reception, 3435

Pulse repetition interval (PRI), 120, 128, 376

Pulse train

generation of, 33

matched filter response to, 2930

modulation of, 3334


Radar cross-section (RCS)

target measurement with UWB signals, 9497

Radarlib, 384, 386

RadarScope, 384

Radar signal sampling

comparison with Novelda Nanoscale Impulse Radar, 376

Radar systems, 4950

features of, 98100

foliage-penetrating, 5253

functional block diagram of, 27

ground-penetrating, See Ground-penetrating radar system

limitations of, 98100

materials-penetrating, See Materials-penetrating radar systems

medical applications of, See Medical imaging system

observations of, 62

range equation, 9798

Russian, 5355

short-range, 100102

applications of, 101102

target response of, 4749

through-wall, See Through-wall imaging systems

wall-penetrating, 5253

Radiated emission limits, general requirements, 126127

Radiated measurements, frequency range of, 124125


signal waveforms change during, 7379

patterns of, 7983

measurements, 46

Radiator inductance of LCR antenna, reducing, 356365

Radiator pulse duration in LCR antenna, controlling, 368370

Radio communication systems, 2425

capacity of, 4445

components of

antennas, 3536

pulse detection and reception, 3435

pulse train generation, 33

pulse train modulation, 3334

transmitter sources, 33

comparison with conventional communications, 31

comparison with direct sequence spread spectrum system, 32

historical development of, 2532

Laplace transformation of, 3031

matched filter response to pulse train, 2930

time-bandwidth-S/N product representation for, 2729

Random frequency modulation radar, 189190

Random interrupted CW radar, 191196

dual-random, 195196

Random noise radar, 187188

Random phase modulation radar, 190, 191

Random signal generation, 186

Random signal radar, 175226

architecture of

correlation receiver, 178180

digital receiver, 182183

spectrum analysis receiver, 180182

history of, 176178

overview of, 175176

processing schemes for, 183185

ultrawideband, 185199

advantages of, 199211

applications of, 211226

carrier-free impulse radar with random coding, 196199

carrier-modulated, 187196

random signal generation, 186

Range resolution and signal bandwidth, relation between, 3, 4

RASCAN-type HAR, 424425, 427, 429430

in building structure surveying, 435439

for humanitarian demining operations, 440441

role in security applications, 440

validation of, for low attenuation medium, 432435

Receivers, 5052

Reciprocity principle, 8788

Regulations, See American UWB regulations; See European Union UWB regulations

Relative bandwidth, 49; See See also Bandwidth

Remote human physiological measurements, UWB radars for, 102

Remote-sensing applications, of UWB radar

material-penetrating, 15

military, 16

Resonant microwave compressors, 33

Respiration rate measurement, UWB radar for, 298299

Return loop shielding, effect on LCR radiation, 352356

Ross and Robbins systems, 4041

Rotary moving targets, high-resolution ISAR imaging of, 410411

Russian UWB radar systems, 5355; See See also Radar systems


S-diode switch, LCR antenna with, 331332, 354355, 356

Secure 1000® system, 498

Security applications, RASCAN-type HAR role in, 440

Semiconductor-based pulse compressor systems, 33

Sensiotec Virtual Medical Assistant™ patient monitoring system, 299301

Sensors, 4950

target response of, 4749

Short-range SAR imaging, 216218

Short-range UWB radar systems, 100102; See See also Radar systems

applications of, 101102

Signal Acquisition System (SAS), 467478

automatic adaptive plan, 477

online automatic predefined, 477478

components of, 469

designing of, 471473

integration cycles, improvement of, 473476

interactive user integration and noise plan, 477

off-line a priori information plan, 476477

operating principles of, 478

receiver dynamic range considerations, 468

signal dynamic range considerations, 468

signal processing, 469470

SNR improvement, 471

Signal Acquisition System (SAS)

signal-to-noise ratio improvement in, 461

Signal bandwidth; See See also Bandwidth

defined, 89, 10

and range resolution, relation between, 3, 4

Signal detection, 3641

Signal processing techniques, of material-penetrating radar systems, 400402

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 31

factors affecting, 468

improvement, in Signal Acquisition System, 461, 471

receiver, improvements in, 17, 468469

Signal waveform variations, in UWB wireless systems, 71103

pulse length versus antenna length, 8894

during radiation, 7383

during reception, 8386

target RCS measurement, 9497

Silicon field-effect transistor switch, LCR antenna with, 332336

Single-radar CWD system, 503

Singularity expansion method (SEM), 5556

Solid media, electromagnetic wave propagation in

media characteristics, 162165

signal propagation, 164166

transmission-media characteristics, 165170

diffusion dispersive media, characteristics of, 166167

frequency ranges, selection of, 166, 167

frequency spectrum for, 170

nondispersive wave transmission, 168169

transition frequency, 168

Spectrum analysis receiver-based random signal radar, architecture of, 176, 177, 180182; See See also Random signal radar

SPO-7™ system, 498

SPO-20™ system, 498

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program, 2

Strobed sampling, 375

Structural changes, remote monitoring of, by random signal radar, 219221, 223, 224

Superwideband signal scattering, in layered half-space with ground parameters

numerical results, 260264

problem solution method, 254260

Suprathreshold stochastic resonance signal detection, 378379, 381

Surveillance systems

defined, 109

technical requirements for, 113, 114

Swept threshold sampling, 378380

Synthetic aperture radar (SAR), 391

inverse, 409411


Target response, of UWB radars/sensors, 4749

Tektronix™ system, 3839

Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes, 42

Digital Storage Oscilloscope, 42

Telemobiloscope, 176

Through-wall imaging systems

defined, 109

detection of peoples, 102

ISAR technology, tracking moving targets with, 409410

technical requirements for, 110113

Xaver™, See Xaver™ 400 through-wall radar; See Xaver™ 800 through-wall radar; See Xaver™ through-wall radar

ThruVision™ system, 498

Thyristors, 33

Time delay calibration system (TDCS), 481495

antenna array of, 482

designing of, 492

for multiple-channel radar systems, 482484

coherent registration of, 484, 485

objectives of, 485, 486

performance of, 494

time delay estimation block, designing of, 493494

time delay measurements, 485492

Time Delay Computation System (TDCS)

time return synchronization, 461462

Time domain analysis, 10

Time-domain radiated UWB field, 7983

Time domain reflectometry (TDR), 290

Time-frequency approaches

to high-resolution target detection, 5761

to high-resolution target identification, 5759

Transmitters, 4546

Traveling wave pulse generator, 330331, 356

Tumor detection, UWB radar for, 311320

detection methods, 313314

future directions of, 318, 320

medical diagnosis, microwave imaging for, 313315

tissue contrast, 312313


Ultrawide band (UWB) radar; See also individual entries

applications of, 1516

defined, 2, 710

early demonstrations of, 34

future trends of, 1519

resources of, 5, 6

U.S. Army Vital Signs Monitor, 299, 300

UWB equipment, marketing of, 108109

UWB signals, 72

UWB transmitter, defined, 108


Vacuum triodes, 33

Vegetation, detecting objects in, forward-looking UWB SAR for, 405407

Vehicular radar systems, technical requirements for, 114116


Wall-penetrating radars, 5253; See See also Radar systems

Wall-probing radar (WPR) imaging systems

defined, 109

technical requirements for

American UWB Regulations, 109110

EU UWB Regulations, 132137

White noise analysis, 5657

Wiener-Hopf equation, 34

Wiener-Khintchine theorem, 180, 181, 189


Xaver™ 400 through-wall radar, 452

antenna array in, 453

characteristics of, 454

signal processing of, 453

time-delay calibration of, 453

Xaver™ 800 through-wall radar, 172, 451, 452

antenna array in, 453

characteristics of, 454

high-resolution, 462, 463

signal processing of, 453

time return synchronization, 462

time-delay calibration of, 453

Xaver™ through-wall radar, 445465


array configuration of, 459, 460

information capacity of, 459

quality of, 456458

system model of, 453456

frequency selection, 447

functional objectives of, 446447

high-resolution, 461465

background and objectives of, 459, 461

technical problems in, 461462

imaging techniques of, 447448

time delay compensation effects of, 462464

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