
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


a/b testing tools, Validated Learnings
abductive reasoning, The analysis column of each competitor
About Face (Cooper), Step 2: Identify your customer segment’s (biggest) problem, User Research versus Guerrilla User Research
Adaptive Path project, working on ecommerce platform, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
Adobe Acrobat, as tool for interactive prototypes, Step 3
Adobe Analytics, Validated Learnings
advertising for participants, in guerrilla user research, Step 3: Finding the venue(s) and mapping out team logistics
cool UX from influencers at, Findings Brief, Section 3: Indirect Competitors
defining primary customer segment, If you don’t want to live on Fantasy Island...
key experience for, Identify the Key Experiences
killer user experience design of, Tenet 4: Killer UX Design
solution prototype for, Step 1, Solution Prototype Reality Check: Why User Experiences and Business Models Must Go Hand in Hand
storyboarding at, Storyboard the Value Innovation, Step 3: Lay out your storyboard on a canvas, add captions below each panel.
two-sided markets, Two-sided markets
value proposition of, The Blockbuster Value Proposition
Amazon, Mechanical Turk, How I Became an Experiment Addict
about, The Blockbuster Value Proposition, Part 2
conducting competitive, Conducting Competitive Analysis
four-step process in (see competitive analysis)
filling out competitive audit, Questions/notes to team or self
analysis phase, guerrilla user research
about, Interview phase (one day), Extracting succinct notes
look at big picture, Analysis Phase (Two to Four Hours)
tools for UX, Validated Learnings
using spreadsheet in, Analysis Phase (Two to Four Hours)
Validated Learnings in, Analysis Phase (Two to Four Hours)
Andreessen, Marc, on Product/Market Fit, Giving It Your Best Shot
applied simplicity, Preface
Art of War (Sun Tzu), The Four Tenets of UX Strategy
being honest about making, Step 2: Identify your customer segment’s (biggest) problem
determining riskiest, Interview phase (one day)
guerrilla user research and, Extracting succinct notes
learning if on right track about, Creating Prototypes for Experiments
making faulty customer, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
nonvalidated risky, Tenet 4: Killer UX Design
provisional personas and, If you don’t want to live on Fantasy Island..., Step 2: Identify your customer segment’s (biggest) problem, Analysis Phase (Two to Four Hours)
questioning, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?
refining ideas from, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
research based on factual, So What the Hell Is UX Strategy?
running small, structured experiments to validate, Conducting Guerrilla User Research
turning into facts, The Blockbuster Value Proposition
using best thinking in making, 4. Do you think it’s helpful for UX designers who are aspiring strategists to get an MBA or have a business degree?
using Funnel Matrix in validating, Seeding Growth Hackers
validated user-research experiments and, Step 2: Identify your customer segment’s (biggest) problem
validating, Step 5: Reassess your value proposition based on what you learned! (And continue to iterate until you have product/market fit.)


Balsamiq Mock-Up, as tool for interactive prototypes, Step 3
Beckman, Sara L., 2. What does UX strategy mean to you? Is it a bogus job title?
Bell, Genevieve, project in Asia on how people use technology, User Research versus Guerrilla User Research
benchmarking product attributes, Measuring raw data points
Bensoussan, Babette E., Business and Competitive Analysis, Conducting Competitive Analysis
Blank, Steve
The Four Steps to the Epiphany, Tenet 3: Validated User Research, Provisional persona layout and breakdown
The Startup Owner’s Manual, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
writing outline of panels, Creating Prototypes for Experiments
“Death by Competitive Analysis”, What Is an Analysis?
Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim and Mauborgne), Tenet 2: Value Innovation, Step 4: Writing the Competitive Analysis Findings Brief, Storyboarding Value Innovation
Bonaparte, Napoleon, User Research versus Guerrilla User Research
brand strategy, Misinterpretation 3: UX strategy is just product strategy, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
Brant Cooper, Lean Entrepreneur, Misinterpretation 3: UX strategy is just product strategy
Brown, Sunni, Gamestorming, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework, Storyboard the Value Innovation
Build-Measure-Learn feedback loops, Customer discovery, How I Became an Experiment Addict
building consensus, on shared vision, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
Buley, Leah, The User Experience Team of One, Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café
Business and Competitive Analysis (Bensoussan and Fleisher), Conducting Competitive Analysis
Business Model Canvas, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
Business Model Generation (Oswerwalder and Pigneur), Tenet 1: Business Strategy
business strategy, as tenet of UX Strategy Framework
about, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework
Business Model Canvas tool, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
conducting competitive analysis (see competitive analysis)
conducting competitive research
learning lessons, Learning Lessons, the Hard Way
using Competitive Analysis Matrix tool, Using the Competitive Analysis Matrix Tool
cost leadership tool, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
differentiation tool, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
formula for, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework
map app Waze tool, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
business strategy, learning about, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?, 2. What does UX strategy mean to you? Is it a bogus job title?, 2. What does UX strategy mean to you? Is it a bogus job title?, 3. How did you learn about business strategy?
business tasks, Funnel Matrix, Desired Action


Calacanis, Jason, Foreword
Carey, Chase, 3. How did you learn about business strategy?
Chartbeat, Validated Learnings
chess-playing machine, How I Became an Experiment Addict
Christensen, Clayton M.
Innovator’s Dilemma, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
on pursuit of wrong strategy, Creating Prototypes for Experiments
collaborative process, validated user research as, Tenet 3: Validated User Research
color-code, The Four Steps to a Competitive Analysis and Market Opportunities, Measuring raw data points, Extracting succinct notes
competitive advantage, Tenet 1: Business Strategy, Competitive advantage
competitive analysis
about, Conducting Competitive Analysis, The Blockbuster Value Proposition, Part 2
conducting, Conducting Competitive Analysis
four-step process to, The Four Steps to a Competitive Analysis and Market Opportunities
benchmarking product attributes, Step 3: Analyze each competitor by benchmarking product attributes and best practices
creating logical groupings, Measuring raw data points
scan, skim, and color-code columns, The Four Steps to a Competitive Analysis and Market Opportunities
writing competitive analysis findings brief, Step 3: Analyze each competitor by benchmarking product attributes and best practices
Competitive Analysis Matrix tool
filling out
about, Filling Out the matrix with data
analysis, Questions/notes to team or self
app store location, Filling Out the matrix with data
competitive advantage, Competitive advantage
content types, # of SKUs/listings
crowd-sourced content, Personalization features
customer reviews, Heuristic evaluation
funding rounds, Purpose of site
heuristic evaluation, Competitive advantage
monthly traffic, Revenue streams
notes, Heuristic evaluation
number of SKUs/listing, Monthly traffic
primary categories, # of SKUs/listings
purpose of site, Usernames and password access
revenue streams, Revenue streams
social networks, # of SKUs/listings
URL of website, Filling Out the matrix with data
user-generated content, Personalization features
usernames/password access, URL of website or app store location
year founded, Purpose of site
using, Using the Competitive Analysis Matrix Tool
competitive intelligence
about, The Blockbuster Value Proposition, Part 2
four-step process in gaining, What Is an Analysis?
Competitive Intelligence for Dummies (Underwood), The Blockbuster Value Proposition, Part 2
competitive research, conducting
learning lessons, Learning Lessons, the Hard Way
meaning of competition, Using the Competitive Analysis Matrix Tool
about, Using the Competitive Analysis Matrix Tool
compiling competition list, Types of Competitors
filling out competitive audit, Filling Out the matrix with data
searching for competitors, How to Find Your Competitors and Compile Your Competition List
types of competitors, Understanding the Meaning of Competition
using Competitive Analysis Matrix tool, Using the Competitive Analysis Matrix Tool
concierge MVP, How I Became an Experiment Addict
consensus building
on shared vision, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
techniques, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework
Constant Contact, Validated Learnings
conversion, designing for
about, Designing for Conversion
cross-functional team in, Seeding Growth Hackers
Funnel Matrix tool, Seeding Growth Hackers
about, Seeding Growth Hackers
horizontal axis of, User’s Process
journey map vs., Using the Funnel Matrix Tool
purpose of, Using the Funnel Matrix Tool
rocking, Why a Matrix and Not a Map?
vertical axis of, Rocking the Funnel Matrix
growth hacking, Seeding Growth Hackers
MVP Apprentice Program, Seeding Growth Hackers
suspect stage experiments with landing pages, Validated Learnings
about, Validated Learnings
value proposition needing to acquire leads, Case Study 2: When a Value Proposition Needs to Acquire Leads
value proposition needing to pivot, Validated Learnings
Cooper, Alan
About Face, User Research versus Guerrilla User Research
on personas, Step 2: Identify your customer segment’s (biggest) problem, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
Cooper, Brant
Lean Entrepreneur, Tenet 4: Killer UX Design
The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development, Using the Funnel Matrix Tool
cost leadership, competitive advantage and, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
Craig’s List, advertising for participants in guerrilla user research on, Step 4: Advertising for participants
creative briefs, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walks us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
Croll, Alistair, Lean Analytics, Rocking the Funnel Matrix
crowd-sourced content, Personalization features
customer discovery, conducting, Provisional persona layout and breakdown
about, Provisional persona layout and breakdown
problem interview, Customer discovery
reassessing value proposition, Step 5: Reassess your value proposition based on what you learned! (And continue to iterate until you have product/market fit.)
two-sided markets, Phase 2: The interview
customer experience map, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
customer reviews, Heuristic evaluation
customer segment
defining primary, If you don’t want to live on Fantasy Island...
identifying problem of, Step 2: Identify your customer segment’s (biggest) problem
definition of, Prospect stage
users vs., Phase 2: The interview, The Vertical Axis
Cyber Rag (electronic magazine), creating, Timing Really Is Everything
Cyberpunk (CD special edition album), Timing Really Is Everything


dashboards, Validated Learnings
data points, Scanning and skimming the data
data, qualitative vs. quantitative, Scanning and skimming the data
“Death by Competitive Analysis” (Blank), What Is an Analysis?
Definition of Experience Strategy (Garrett), What Is UX Strategy?
design hacking, Testing Product/Market Fit by Using Prototypes
about, Testing Product/Market Fit by Using Prototypes
creating mashing up images of story, Step 1
pasting screenshots into presentation tool, Step 2
solution prototype reality check, Step 3
writing outline of panels, Three Steps to Design Hacking the Solution Prototype
design methodology, UX strategy and, rules for, How I Became an Experiment Addict
designing for conversion (see conversion, designing for)
differentiation, competitive advantage and, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
digital montages vs. sketching on paper (Storyboarding), Storyboard the Value Innovation
digital product simulation, How I Became an Experiment Addict
direct competitors, Understanding the Meaning of Competition
growth of, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walks us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
package information design by, Identify the Key Experiences
discovery phase, UX Strategy Framework, The Four Tenets of UX Strategy, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
disruption, importance of, Do Feature Comparisons
disruptive innovation, The Four Tenets of UX Strategy, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
Division, Joy, Conducting Guerrilla User Research
Dolby, Thomas, Blinded Me With Science (song), Required Functionality
Dorf, Bob, The Startup Owner’s Manual, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
Dropbox, value proposition of, How I Became an Experiment Addict
Drucker, Peter, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, Tenet 2: Value Innovation, Validating the Value Proposition, Step 5: Reassess your value proposition based on what you learned! (And continue to iterate until you have product/market fit.)


ecommerce platform project, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
ecosystem map, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
eHarmony, business model, Step 3: Lay out your storyboard on a canvas, add captions below each panel.
email delivery/tracking services tools, Validated Learnings
The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development (Cooper and Vlaskovits), Using the Funnel Matrix Tool
enterprise-oriented analytics reporting tools, Validated Learnings
entrepreneurship, Tenet 3: Validated User Research
ethnographic research, User Research versus Guerrilla User Research
existence, Tenet 1: Business Strategy, Dénouement
experience map vs. Funnel Matrix, Using the Funnel Matrix Tool
experience strategy vs. user strategy, What Is UX Strategy?, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?
about, Creating Prototypes for Experiments
definition of, How I Became an Experiment Addict
on creating “OkCupid for barter”, How I Became an Experiment Addict
rules for design methodology and UX strategy, How I Became an Experiment Addict
setting up lean, How I Became an Experiment Addict
suspect stage, with landing pages, Validated Learnings
about, Validated Learnings
value proposition needing to acquire leads, Case Study 2: When a Value Proposition Needs to Acquire Leads
types to determine product fit
concierge MVP, How I Became an Experiment Addict
online advertising, How I Became an Experiment Addict
using prototypes in testing market fit (see prototypes, testing market fit using)


defining primary customer segment, If you don’t want to live on Fantasy Island...
offering of differentiated UX, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
The Facebook Effect (Kirkpatrick), Tenet 1: Business Strategy
The Fall, Strategists in the Wild
feature comparisons, Take Advantage of UX Influencers
feature sets, innovation patterns of, Techniques for Value Innovation Discovery
500 Channel Universe, 3. How did you learn about business strategy?
field research, essentials for successful, Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café
Fleisher, Craig S., Business and Competitive Analysis, Conducting Competitive Analysis
The Four Steps to the Epiphany (Blank), Tenet 3: Validated User Research, Provisional persona layout and breakdown
four-step process in gaining competitive intelligence, What Is an Analysis?
funding rounds, Purpose of site
funnel conversion tools, Validated Learnings
Funnel Matrix, Seeding Growth Hackers
about, Seeding Growth Hackers
horizontal axis of
business task, Desired Action
metrics, Business Task
required features, Required Functionality
users desired response, Desired Action
users process, User’s Process
validated learnings, Required Functionality
journey map vs., Using the Funnel Matrix Tool
purpose of, Using the Funnel Matrix Tool
rocking, Why a Matrix and Not a Map?
vertical axis of
about, Rocking the Funnel Matrix
Customer stage, Prospect stage
Lead Stage, Suspect stage
Prospect stage, Suspect stage
Reference User stage, Prospect stage
Repeat User stage, Prospect stage
Suspect stage, Suspect stage


habitual patterns, disrupting, Do Feature Comparisons
Halley, Lane, Acknowledgements, Techniques for Value Innovation Discovery
heuristic evaluation, Competitive advantage
horizontal marketplace, # of SKUs/listings, Suspect stage
Houston, Drew, value proposition of Dropbox, How I Became an Experiment Addict
hunches, value propositions and, What Is a Value Proposition?


iContact, Validated Learnings
Idol, Billy, Cyberpunk (CD special edition album), Timing Really Is Everything
indirect competitors, Types of Competitors
influencers, UX
cool features from, Findings Brief, Section 3: Indirect Competitors
taking advantage of, Identify the Key Experiences
innovative products, conducting strategy for, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
innovative services, conducting strategy for, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
innovative, meaning of, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
intelligence, competitive, The Blockbuster Value Proposition, Part 2
interactive prototypes, tools for, Step 3
interactive TV products, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walks us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
conducting customer discovery using, Customer discovery
in guerrilla user research, Step 2: Preparing the interview questions
in guerrilla user research, Step 2: Preparing the interview questions, Problem interview (10 minutes)
interview phase, guerrilla user research
about, Interview phase (one day), Step 5: Screening participants and scheduling time slots
café etiquette, Prepping the venue
conducting interviews, Conducting the interviews
note-taker for, Conducting the interviews
participant compensation, Prepping the venue
preparing interview questions, Step 1: Determine the objectives
prepping venue, Step 5: Screening participants and scheduling time slots
recording devices in, Step 3: Finding the venue(s) and mapping out team logistics
tipping, Prepping the venue
intrapreneurial, Who Should Read This Book?, Tenet 3: Validated User Research, Analysis Phase (Two to Four Hours)
investors, wants of, How I Became an Experiment Addict
Invision, as tool for interactive prototypes, Step 3
iPad, growth of, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walks us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?


Katz, Geoff, interview with strategist, Geoff Katz
on becoming a strategist, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?
on challenges of conducting strategies, 5. What types of products have you done the strategy for that were the most exciting or fun to work on?
on creative briefs, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walks us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
on education of strategists, 3. How did you learn about business strategy?
on experiments on products or UX strategy, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
on focusing on key business problems, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
on interactive TV products, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walks us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
on Lean Startup Movement, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
on learning about business strategy, 3. How did you learn about business strategy?
on meaning of UX strategy, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?
on skills for strategists, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walks us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
on technical overview, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
Kelley, J.F., on OZ Paradigm, How I Became an Experiment Addict
Kempelen, Wolfgang von, creating chess-playing machine, How I Became an Experiment Addict
key experiences, identifying, Techniques for Value Innovation Discovery
killer user experience design, as tenet of UX Strategy Framework
formula for, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework
guiding user innovation and, Tenet 4: Killer UX Design
Kim, W. Chan, Blue Ocean Strategy, Tenet 2: Value Innovation, Step 4: Writing the Competitive Analysis Findings Brief, Storyboarding Value Innovation
Kirkpatrick, David, The Facebook Effect, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
KISSmetrics, Validated Learnings
Klein, Laura, UX For Lean Startups, Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café
Kramer, Lea, Giving It Your Best Shot
Krause, Jared
explainer video for TradeYa, How I Became an Experiment Addict
on bringing in investors, How I Became an Experiment Addict
on creating “OkCupid for barter”, How I Became an Experiment Addict
on online advertising, How I Became an Experiment Addict
on progress made with TradeYa, Dénouement
on testing, How I Became an Experiment Addict
using landing pages to acquire leads, Case Study 2: When a Value Proposition Needs to Acquire Leads


LA Magazine, “The Ten Biggest Bargains in L.A.”, Giving It Your Best Shot
landing pages, suspect stage experiments with, Validated Learnings
about, Validated Learnings
value proposition needing to acquire leads, Case Study 2: When a Value Proposition Needs to Acquire Leads
value proposition needing to pivot, Validated Learnings
Lanning, Michael, value proposition coined by, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
Lean Analytics (Croll and Yoskovitz), Rocking the Funnel Matrix
Lean Entrepreneur (Cooper and Vlaskovits), Misinterpretation 3: UX strategy is just product strategy, Tenet 4: Killer UX Design
Lean Startup
in customer discovery, Provisional persona layout and breakdown, Provisional persona layout and breakdown
premise of, Creating Prototypes for Experiments
Lean Startup (Ries)
about, Tenet 3: Validated User Research
on concierge MVP, How I Became an Experiment Addict
on lean accounting with real-world metrics, Why a Matrix and Not a Map?
on rules for lean startup, How I Became an Experiment Addict
on running product experiments, Creating Prototypes for Experiments
Lean Startup feedback loop, of build-measure-learn, Tenet 3: Validated User Research
Lean Startup Machine, Creating Prototypes for Experiments
LeBlanc, Rena, “The Ten Biggest Bargains in L.A.”, Giving It Your Best Shot
Levy, Alan, Learning Lessons, the Hard Way
Levy, Rona, Creating Prototypes for Experiments
list of panels, creating in storyboarding, Storyboard the Value Innovation


Macanufo, Jamews, Gamestorming, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework, Storyboard the Value Innovation
MailChimp, Validated Learnings
Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (Drucker), Tenet 2: Value Innovation, Validating the Value Proposition, Step 5: Reassess your value proposition based on what you learned! (And continue to iterate until you have product/market fit.)
map app Waze tool, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
market place, researching, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
market research, UX-focused, conducting, Questions/notes to team or self
Mauborgne, Renée, Blue Ocean Strategy, Tenet 2: Value Innovation, Step 4: Writing the Competitive Analysis Findings Brief, Storyboarding Value Innovation
Maurya, Ash, Running Lean, Step 2: Preparing the interview questions
The Mechanical Turk (Standage), How I Became an Experiment Addict
Mental Models (Young), What Is UX Strategy?
Merholz, Peter, interview with strategist, Peter Merholz
on becoming a strategist, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?
on building trend map, 5. What types of products have you done the strategy for that were most exciting or fun to work on?
on challenges conducting strategies, 5. What types of products have you done the strategy for that were most exciting or fun to work on?
on challenges of conducting strategies, 5. What types of products have you done the strategy for that were most exciting or fun to work on?
on ecommerce platform project, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
on education of strategists, 3. How did you learn about business strategy?
on learning about business strategy, 2. What does UX strategy mean to you? Is it a bogus job title?
on meaning of UX strategy, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?
on personas, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
on profiles vs. personas, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
on skills for strategists, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
Funnel Matrix, Business Task
vanity, Metrics
Microinteractions (Saffer), Identify the Key Experiences
mindsets, for strategists, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walks us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
about term, Identify the Key Experiences
apprentice program, Seeding Growth Hackers
experimenting with, Findings Brief, Section 5: Taking a stand/Your Recommendations
five-screen, Testing Product/Market Fit by Using Prototypes
guerrilla user research using, So What the Hell Is UX Strategy?
learning, Creating Prototypes for Experiments
requirements of, Tenet 3: Validated User Research
validating value proposition with, Identify the Key Experiences
Mixpanel, Validated Learnings
mobile productivity app, testing, 5. What types of products have you done the strategy for that were the most exciting or fun to work on?
monthly traffic, Revenue streams
MVP (Minimum Viable Product) (see Minimum Viable Product (MVP))


Napoleon Bonaparte, User Research versus Guerrilla User Research
Nietzsche, Friedrich, Dénouement
North, Holly, interview with strategist, Holly North
on becoming a strategist, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?
on building consensus on shared vision, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
on challenges of conducting strategies, 5. What types of products have you done the strategy for that were the most exciting or fun to work on?
on conducting strategy for innovative products, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
on customer experience map, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
on education of strategists, 3. How did you learn about business strategy?
on learning about business strategy, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?
on meaning of UX strategy, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?
on skills for strategists, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
note-taker, for interviews in guerrilla user research, Conducting the interviews


“OkCupid for barter”, creating, How I Became an Experiment Addict
OkCupid, business model, Step 3: Lay out your storyboard on a canvas, add captions below each panel.
online advertising, How I Became an Experiment Addict
Operation Silver Lake Café, guerrilla user research, Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café, redesigning, The Four Tenets of UX Strategy, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework, Step 3: Create provisional personas based on your assumptions
Optimizely, Validated Learnings
optimizing products, Designing for Conversion
(see also conversion, designing for)
about, Designing for Conversion
Oswerwalder, Alexander, Business Model Generation, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
OZ Paradigm, How I Became an Experiment Addict


parity, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
partnerships, staying in, Giving It Your Best Shot
about, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
profiles vs., 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
provisional, Step 2: Identify your customer segment’s (biggest) problem, The problem interview
qualitative, User Research versus Guerrilla User Research
Pigneur, Yves, Business Model Generation, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
planning phase, of guerrilla user research
about, Interview phase (one day)
advertising for participants, Step 3: Finding the venue(s) and mapping out team logistics
determining objectives, Interview phase (one day)
finding venues, Final thoughts (two minutes)
mapping out team logistics, Final thoughts (two minutes)
preparing interview questions, Step 1: Determine the objectives
scheduling time slots, Step 5: Screening participants and scheduling time slots
screening participants, Step 4: Advertising for participants
Porter, Michael E., Competitive Advantage, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
Porter, Michael, defines value chain, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
problem interview
conducting customer discovery using, Customer discovery
in guerrilla user research, Step 2: Preparing the interview questions
product simulation, digital, How I Became an Experiment Addict
product strategy, UX strategy as, Misinterpretation 2: UX strategy is a “strategic way” to perform UX design
Product/Market Fit, Giving It Your Best Shot
conducting strategy for innovative, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
reasons for not making to market, Dénouement
Program or be Programmed (Rushkoff), Validated Learnings
prospects, Suspect stage
prototypes, testing market fit using
about, Testing Product/Market Fit by Using Prototypes
design hacking, Testing Product/Market Fit by Using Prototypes
about, Testing Product/Market Fit by Using Prototypes
creating mashing up images of story, Step 1
pasting screenshots into presentation tool, Step 2
solution prototype reality check, Step 3
writing outline of panels, Three Steps to Design Hacking the Solution Prototype
tools for interactive prototypes, Step 3
Prott, as tool for interactive prototypes, Step 3
purpose of site, in filling out competitive audit, Usernames and password access


qualitative personas, User Research versus Guerrilla User Research
qualitative vs. quantitative
data, Scanning and skimming the data
user research, Step 1: Determine the objectives


recording devices, in interviews, Step 3: Finding the venue(s) and mapping out team logistics
reference users, Prospect stage
repeat users, Prospect stage
required features, Funnel Matrix, Required Functionality
revenue streams, Revenue streams
Ries, Eric
Lean Startup, Tenet 3: Validated User Research
Lean Startup Movement, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
on concierge MVP, How I Became an Experiment Addict
on lean accounting with real-world metrics, Why a Matrix and Not a Map?
on metrics, Metrics
on rules for lean startup, How I Became an Experiment Addict
on running product experiments, Creating Prototypes for Experiments
Rudorff, Raymond, War to the Death, User Research versus Guerrilla User Research
Running Lean (Maurya), Step 2: Preparing the interview questions
Rushkoff, Douglass, Program or be Programmed, Validated Learnings


Safari Books Online, Comments and Questions
Saffer, Dan, Microinteractions, Identify the Key Experiences
Sapient, using personas, Step 3: Create provisional personas based on your assumptions
Schauer, Brandon, 3. How did you learn about business strategy?
SendGrid, Validated Learnings
services, innovative, conducting strategy for, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
sketching on paper vs. digital montages (Storyboarding), Storyboard the Value Innovation
skills, for strategists, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walks us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
SKUs (stock keeping units), Monthly traffic
Sloan, Mark, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework
SME (subject matter expert), screening participants in guerrilla user research using, Step 4: Advertising for participants
Snapchat, value proposition of, The Blockbuster Value Proposition
Sobol, Milana, interview with strategist, Milana Sobol
on becoming a strategist, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?
on challenges of conducting strategies, 5. What types of products have you done the strategy for that were the most exciting or fun to work on?
on ecosystem map, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
on education of strategists, 2. What does UX strategy mean to you? Is it a bogus job title?
on learning about business strategy, 2. What does UX strategy mean to you? Is it a bogus job title?
on meaning of UX strategy, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?
on researching market place, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
on skills for strategists, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
on testing mobile productivity app, 5. What types of products have you done the strategy for that were the most exciting or fun to work on?
on working in agency environment, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
on working with tech startup, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
solution demos
about, Testing Product/Market Fit by Using Prototypes
creating mashing up images of story, Step 1
pasting screenshots into presentation tool, Step 2
solution prototype reality check, Step 3
writing outline of panels, Three Steps to Design Hacking the Solution Prototype
solution interview, in guerrilla user research, Step 2: Preparing the interview questions, Problem interview (10 minutes)
Sonic Youth, Conducting Competitive Research
stakeholders, key, putting in front of customers, Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café
Standage, Tom, The Mechanical Turk, How I Became an Experiment Addict
The Startup Owner’s Manual (Blank and Dorf), Tenet 1: Business Strategy
startups, failure of, The Blockbuster Value Proposition
stereotypes, persona archetypes and, Step 3: Create provisional personas based on your assumptions
stock keeping units (SKUs), Monthly traffic
education of, 3. How did you learn about business strategy?, 3. How did you learn about business strategy?, 2. What does UX strategy mean to you? Is it a bogus job title?, 3. How did you learn about business strategy?
skills or mindsets for, 1. How did you become a strategist and/or get into doing strategy as part of your work?, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walks us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product?
strategy, challenges conducting, 5. What types of products have you done the strategy for that were most exciting or fun to work on?, 5. What types of products have you done the strategy for that were the most exciting or fun to work on?
subject matter expert (SME), screening participants in guerrilla user research using, Step 4: Advertising for participants
Sun Tzu, Art of War, The Four Tenets of UX Strategy
suspect stage experiments, with landing pages, Validated Learnings
about, Validated Learnings
value proposition needing to acquire leads, Case Study 2: When a Value Proposition Needs to Acquire Leads
value proposition needing to pivot, Validated Learnings
systems thinking, The Four Steps to a Competitive Analysis and Market Opportunities, 2. What does UX strategy mean to you? Is it a bogus job title?


technical overview, 8. What is your secret weapon or go-to technique for devising strategies or building consensus on a shared vision?
technologies, using everyday, Dénouement
“The Ten Biggest Bargains in L.A.” (LeBlanc), Giving It Your Best Shot
timing, is everything, Timing Really Is Everything
business model, Business Models and Value Innovation
defining primary customer segment, If you don’t want to live on Fantasy Island...
killer user experience design of, Tenet 4: Killer UX Design
value proposition of, What Is a Value Proposition?
TiVo, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
Totango, Validated Learnings
application maps, How I Became an Experiment Addict
explainer video for, How I Became an Experiment Addict
getting investors for, How I Became an Experiment Addict
home page wireframes, How I Became an Experiment Addict
MVP Apprentice Program at, Seeding Growth Hackers
on progress made with, Dénouement
online advertising, How I Became an Experiment Addict
setting up lean experiment, How I Became an Experiment Addict
testing, How I Became an Experiment Addict
testing Funnel Matrix, Why a Matrix and Not a Map?
transaction flow created for, How I Became an Experiment Addict
trend map, building, 5. What types of products have you done the strategy for that were most exciting or fun to work on?
Trunk Club, as direct competitor, Understanding the Meaning of Competition
two-sided markets, Phase 2: The interview


Uber, killer user experience design of, Tenet 4: Killer UX Design
UGC (user-generated content), Personalization features
UnBounce, Case Study 1: When a Value Proposition Needs to Pivot, Case Study 1: When a Value Proposition Needs to Pivot
Underwood, Jim, Competitive Intelligence for Dummies, The Blockbuster Value Proposition, Part 2
usability testing, focus of, Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café
User experience (UX) strategy
about, Preface, So What the Hell Is UX Strategy?
misinterpretations about, What Is UX Strategy?
rules for design methodology and, How I Became an Experiment Addict
tenets of, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework
(see also individual tenets)
toolkit, What Is the UX Strategy Toolkit?
UX design vs., Misinterpretations About UX Strategy
user journey, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy?
user research
guerrilla user research vs., Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café
qualitative vs. quantitative, Step 1: Determine the objectives
value proposition and, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
The User Experience Team of One (Buley), Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café
user-generated content (UGC), Personalization features
usernames/password access, URL of website or app store location
customers vs., Phase 2: The interview, The Vertical Axis
desired response, Desired Action
process, User’s Process
reference, Prospect stage
repeat, Prospect stage, User Research versus Guerrilla User Research
UX (User experience) strategy
about, Preface, So What the Hell Is UX Strategy?
items not, Tenet 4: Killer UX Design
misinterpretations about, What Is UX Strategy?
rules for design methodology and, How I Became an Experiment Addict
tenets of, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework
(see also individual tenets)
toolkit, What Is the UX Strategy Toolkit?
UX design vs., Misinterpretations About UX Strategy
UX competitive advantage, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
UX for Lean Startups (Klein), Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café
UX Pin, as tool for interactive prototypes, Step 3
UX Strategy Framework
discovery phase of, The Four Tenets of UX Strategy, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
formula for, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework
tenets of, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework
(see also individual tenets)
business strategy, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework
killer user experience design, Tenet 4: Killer UX Design
validated user research, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
value innovation, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
UX-focused market research, conducting, Questions/notes to team or self


validated learnings
Funnel Matrix, Required Functionality
getting, Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café
validated user research, as tenet of UX Strategy Framework
about, Tenet 3: Validated User Research, Customer discovery
as collaborative process, Tenet 3: Validated User Research
about, Creating Prototypes for Experiments
definition of, How I Became an Experiment Addict
on creating “OkCupid for barter”, How I Became an Experiment Addict
rules for design methodology and UX strategy, How I Became an Experiment Addict
setting up lean, How I Became an Experiment Addict
types to determine product fit, How I Became an Experiment Addict
using prototypes in testing market fit (see prototypes, testing market fit using)
formula for, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework
guerrilla user research
main phases of (see guerilla user research)
Operation Silver Lake Café, Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café
user research vs., Guerrilla User Research: Operation Silver Lake Café
prototypes, testing market fit using
about, Testing Product/Market Fit by Using Prototypes
design hacking (see design hacking)
tools for interactive prototypes, Step 3
using approach of Lean Startup, Customer discovery
value, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
value chain, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
value innovation, as tenet of UX Strategy Framework
about, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
business models and, Step 3: Lay out your storyboard on a canvas, add captions below each panel.
disrupting habitual patterns, Do Feature Comparisons
formula for, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework, Tenet 2: Value Innovation
techniques for discovery
about, Timing Really Is Everything
doing feature comparisons, Take Advantage of UX Influencers
identifying key experiences, Techniques for Value Innovation Discovery
storyboarding, Storyboard the Value Innovation
taking advantage of UX influencers, Identify the Key Experiences
value propositions, The Blockbuster Value Proposition
vanity metrics, Metrics
venues, in guerrilla user research
café etiquette, Prepping the venue
finding, Final thoughts (two minutes)
participant compensation, Prepping the venue
prepping, Step 5: Screening participants and scheduling time slots
tipping, Prepping the venue
virality, Prospect stage
visioning exercises, Storyboard the Value Innovation
Vlaskovits, Patrick
Lean Entrepreneur, Misinterpretation 3: UX strategy is just product strategy, Tenet 4: Killer UX Design
The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development, Using the Funnel Matrix Tool
Voicespondence Club, Dénouement


War to the Death (Rudorff), User Research versus Guerrilla User Research
Waze tool, map app
Google adaptation of, Tenet 1: Business Strategy
killer user experience design of, Tenet 4: Killer UX Design
value proposition of, The Blockbuster Value Proposition


Yoskovitz, Benjamin, Lean Analytics, Rocking the Funnel Matrix
Young, Indi, Mental Models, What Is UX Strategy?
Young, Neil, What Is UX Strategy?


Zindler, Alex, Dénouement
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