Part One
Discover Yourself

In our interviews with leaders about their development, the most striking commonality was the way their life stories influenced their leadership. Your life story is your foundation. It shapes how you see the world, and it can propel you forward or hold you back.

In Part I, we examine three topics:

  1. How you frame your life story. Your journey through life will take you through many peaks and valleys as you face the world's trials, rewards, and seductions. Reflection and introspection will help you understand your life experiences and, in some cases, reframe them.
  2. The role crucibles play in shaping your leadership. The way you deal with your greatest adversities will shape your character far more than the adversities themselves. Much like iron is forged by heat, your most significant challenges and your most painful experiences present the greatest opportunities for your personal growth.
  3. The risk of losing your way. Everyone experiences pressures and difficulties in life, and all of us deal with fears and uncertainties. In your life journey, you will be confronted with seductions that threaten to pull you off course from your True North. We examine five archetypes that can cause you to lose your way.

As you gain greater clarity and insight about your life's journey, you will discover the focus of your True North.

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