images Prologue: The Crystal Ball

images He who lives by the crystal ball soon learns to eat ground glass.


In 1980, at an otherwise ordinary industry conference, William Synott, then Senior Vice President of the First National Bank of Boston, approached the microphone and boldly asserted a prediction for the future of his profession. The event was the Information Management Exposition and Conference, and Synott would create a moniker, redefine the IT function, and invent a new career aspiration for the budding professionals in attendance. He stated:

The manager of information systems in the 1980s has to be Supermanretaining his technology cape, but doffing the technical suit for a business suit and becoming one of the chief executives of the firm. The job of the chief information officer (CIO)—equal in rank to chief executive and chief financial officers—does not exist today, but the CIO will identify, collect and manage information as a resource, set corporate information policy and affect all office and distributed systems.1

With that, a new title and role for information managers was born. The goal of their craft was no longer merely to be a technical expert but to combine this know how with business proficiency to advance the goals of the enterprise.

That same year, the largest IPO in nearly 25 years was offered, creating more millionaires than any company in history. Apple would grow to become the largest technology company in the world as measured by revenue and profit, topping Google and Microsoft combined, but its origins were a bit volatile. After several unsuccessful runs at conquering the enterprise user, Apple stuck to its niche in creating elegant devices with superior intuitive capabilities and providing them to a committed base of zealots in the consumer market. By the mid nineties, the company fully embraced its consumer identity and held fast to creating cooler computers with better capabilities. By the turn of the century, the niche player succeeded where so many before it had failed in devising a commerce platform through its iTunes storefront that finally made an MP3 player worth owning. Not long after, it took the same design and commerce principles and redefined the smartphone market—one previously reserved for the serious Blackberry enterprise user, with the launch of iPhone. iPad soon followed, generating more revenues in the first quarter of its debut than the entire company had just 10 years prior.

It is fitting, if not fate, that Apple's success would be predicated on consumer acceptance of its better mousetraps. The same year the company went public marks the genesis of a generation that would grow up as the most connected in history. Millennials would mature during the age of the Internet, mobile ubiquity, and Facebook, hardly living a moment of their lives unconnected to the virtual world surrounding them. Their rabid appetite for all things digital spawned the growth of new forms of communication and content and upended traditional business models for companies attempting to woo a multitasking generation on steroids.

As these examples illustrate, every so often, the confluence of multiple trends creates seismic shifts that even the most visionary futurists would have failed to predict given their seemingly unrelated origins. The year 1980 illustrates how disparate movements can originate in isolation, only to drift together decades later with tectonic force. Those technology-insatiable Millennials are now storming the enterprise gates and will represent roughly one-third of the workforce by 2014.2 Apple is a seemingly unstoppable juggernaut launching ever-cooler new devices to a now insatiable base of consumers that goes well beyond the niche fringes. In an ironic twist, these enthusiastic consumers have given Apple entrée to the enterprise market that once eluded it as they increasingly use their iPhones and iPads in the work environment—in some cases, without their company's consent. And, the CIO, once a position conceived by a visionary speaker at an industry conference and now an essential role within most private enterprises, finds himself in the eye of a perfect storm—a changing workforce with radically different work habits colliding with consumer companies that have become the gold standard in shaping how technology is used. The result some decades later is perhaps the most profound shift to ripple through enterprises since the advent of the personal computer.

Fueling this transformation are employees and the expectations they bring to the workplace as by-products of behaviors first adopted in the home. The way employees work is fundamentally changing. Buoyed by the plethora of technology options surrounding them and the marriage of previously distinct personal and professional personas, employees (and the land grab by companies to attract and retain the most attractive of them) are at the center of this change. Of course, there are also external forces in play accelerating the momentum and creating an environment conducive to the transformation:

  • Mobility—Mobility has changed work from a place employees go to a thing they do. More people have access to mobile technology worldwide than they do drinking water.3 The year 2011 marked the milestone when smartphone shipments exceeded those of PCs (including desktops, netbooks, and laptops) worldwide.4 Mobility has altered the landscape beyond simply connecting people on the go. It has reshaped expectations as to what they presume should be available from any remote corner of the globe. Although the phenomenon started in the consumer market, consumers are employees too. They expect to be just as productive (if not more so) with a smartphone, laptop, or tablet as they are from a traditional office. That's a seismic shift for the historically brick-and-mortar, 9-to-5 enterprise attempting to address an insatiable mobile appetite among employees who crave to work when and where they want.
  • Cloud—The cloud is changing the economics of scarcity. Capital is often among the scarcest resources for a firm (particularly in recessionary times or among smaller enterprises). The historic model for procuring technology within an enterprise required just that—procurement of capital-intensive devices, servers, and network infrastructure along with the retention of trained staff able to manage the complexity that so often accompanies technology (think of all those aspiring IT professionals at that conference in 1980). To balance the risk of obsolescence with the scarcity of capital, enterprises often made do with technology that wasn't always the latest or state-of-the-art. After all, employees were afforded little other alternative given that the most advanced technology options were often reserved for those with serious needs—in other words, businesses. But, somewhere around the turn of the millennium, broadband and advanced devices began proliferating. Households and enterprises soon found their technology options lagging those made widely available to consumers. No longer able to mollify tech-savvy employees with yesterday's dated technology and unable to keep pace with the significant capital investments required to do so, pioneering enterprises began turning to cloud alternatives to bridge the gap. The cloud allows companies to parse out and pay for technology on an as-needed basis. However, it also introduces new complexities for enterprises straddling the line between creating a culture of flexibility and protecting the physical borders of their assets and intellectual property.
  • Big data—Big data is changing the way decisions are made. In an enterprise with countless mouse clicks, updates, phone calls, e-mails, instant messages, and meetings occurring each day, remaining shrewd despite the deluge of data can be an overwhelming challenge for managers and employees. The opportunities for enterprises to mine their own coffers of data to make smarter decisions are real and revolutionary. Yet, such an approach requires different skill sets and cultural enablers, both difficult to effect overnight. However, firms embracing the challenge and boldly moving forward to translate big data into big information stand to gain in an always-on culture inhabited by employees and consumers.
  • Collaboration—Collaboration is changing the tone and the accessibility of conversations. Gone are the days when work product was relegated to teams of individuals who could interact directly and often in a collocated space. Social networking, the rage that enthralled college students seeking a virtual stage on which to share their latest stories and conquests, has seeped into the fabric of the enterprise as a viable means of getting the right people connected and interacting without the organizational friction that is often prevalent in traditional hierarchical structures. Conversations are asynchronous, multiparty, and perpetually evolving. The way employees interact is changing and creating additional pressures for company managers attempting to harness the output while not stifling the creative process.

Although these external forces are playing out in shaping how employees work, they are also having an impact on how enterprises compete. Almost since the arrival of Michael Porter's seminal work in studying the forces of competition, debates have raged about whether technology is sufficient in creating sustainable competitive advantage for a firm. We side with the school of thought that it is not. To find sustainable competitive advantage, a firm must generate something valuable, heterogeneous (meaning that it is composed of multiple elements such that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts), and highly immobile (meaning that other firms would find great difficulty in attempting to replicate said advantage to equalize the playing field). Technology on its own is subject to commoditization, making it difficult for companies to leverage it for sustainable competitive advantage. However, although technology alone is insufficient for this cause, it is an essential ingredient in other aspects of how enterprises function.

Among the most important intangible elements affected by technology is a company's culture. A firm's ability to create sustainable competitive advantage by affecting the heterogeneous, invisible activities surrounding its culture can be significantly hampered or enabled with its technology mind-set. This reality is also changing the definition of critical roles within the enterprise:

  • Employees—Employees, led by technology-addicted Millennials, are the precipitating force driving new functional requirements for traditional roles in the enterprise. Furthermore, a new breed of talent yet to enter the market (those graduating with advanced degrees within the next two years) works and thinks differently than even the most advanced Millennials currently in the workforce today. They will bring with them even more change to the enterprise and impose their requirements for how technology serves to enable cultural reform. Furthermore, the elite of this crop (those graduating from the top 100 colleges nationwide, who also maintain a superior grade point average and engage in a range of extracurricular and leadership activities) will have a significant say in how readily recruiters attempting to attract them advance their company's technology agenda. Back in 1980, job perks included the front-row parking space and the corner office—physical amenities during an era when time and space were measured. Today, they represent the borderless, timeless realm that work represents—things like flexible technology and work policies that embrace this segment's penchant for individualism and connectivity. This new generation of knowledge worker represents the sweeping changes yet to transform the enterprise and will commence a new era of change made possible, in part, by the technology orientation of the firm.
  • HR managers—Human resource leaders are typically ambassadors of cultural change. Historically, these individuals did not need to invest time or energy in contemplating how technology could be used in the enterprise. That was for the IT department to determine. HR was just another recipient of technology made available by an IT function that enjoyed a monopoly position in making such decisions. However, HR managers must now address the new work habits of employees. From internal social networking spaces to flexible work-at-home arrangements to mobility options for the road warrior, the HR manager's arsenal of attractive policies is critically dependent on the technology available in the enterprise. Increasingly, these technology options are having a significant impact on attracting and retaining talented employees. In addition, they bear equal weight in helping or hindering productivity and throughput for today's knowledge worker. As such, HR is gaining a louder voice at the table in evangelizing the key part that technology plays in influencing a healthy culture.
  • Marketers—Marketers, once lauded for creativity, now find a very different skill set in demand for their profession, one that activates the truckloads of data generated by hyperconnected consumers. The thousands of mouse clicks, location updates, and channel changes taken by a user each day present an interesting constellation of behaviors and preferences among prospects and consumers. The result can be a marketer's dream come true—the ability to use predictive analytics to intercept the consumer with the right message and right offer at precisely the right time to compel purchase or action. However, these relatively uncharted waters are fraught with challenges as marketers struggle to walk the fine line between consumer exploitation and empowerment. Adding complexity to the profession is the fundamental shift from broadcast, one-way media (such as television, radio, and print) that once dominated marketing spend to the two-way media propelled by the web and mobile technologies increasingly entering the scene. Marketers can no longer simply be creative, and they certainly are no longer the owners of their message in a market consumed by social media. They must be able to translate data into propensity models, do so without compromising consumer privacy, and harness new two-way technologies that are constantly evolving to reach an ever-changing marketplace. How companies invest in and embrace new technologies to answer the marketer's challenge will separate the leaders from the laggards.
  • CFOs—CFOs are the consummate resource allocators for their firms. In a sluggish economy, every line item is under intense scrutiny. Yet, CFOs increasingly realize they can't shrink their companies to greatness. Escalating cost-cutting measures are reaching a point of diminishing returns. CFOs are desperate to find the next growth engine or breakthrough. However, those looking within conventional research and development teams to find it may miss it outright. In a time of scarce resources, CFOs are getting more creative about how to tap new sources of internal and external innovation. An innovation-based approach requires a venture capitalist mind-set supported by metrics, rewards, and technologies that grease the gears of hierarchical organizations and harness the talents of multiple third parties. While balancing the ongoing needs of the business through compliance oversight and reporting measures, CFOs are also evolving as the most effective and credible leaders of their companies to champion an innovation culture.
  • CIOs—Beyond donning a business suit, the CIO is facing the most unprecedented role change in her short life span. Once the technical gatekeepers of a firm, these decision makers increasingly find themselves losing relevance among a new crop of tech-savvy employees. With familiar consumer brands now encroaching on the enterprise, CIOs also face complete disintermediation by their employees in favor of quicker, easier ways to get things done. For example, if an employee needs storage on a server to deposit a large file, he may go to his IT department or provider for support. Or, he could just go to Dropbox instead for free storage available in a fraction of the time. Of course, this employee is often not concerned with the potential security ramifications of doing so. That's for the CIO to worry about, even though her team may never have been consulted in the first place. CIOs are often the first, last, and only line of defense against attacks targeting the firm's network or intellectual property. Yet, they must also address the insatiable needs of employees influenced by technology options that are perfectly well suited to the consumer market, even if those alternatives carry some measure of risk when taxed for an enterprise purpose. Indeed, the role of the CIO, even as defined by Synott, is an endangered species. She must reinvent her role within the organization's value chain or risk disintermediation by the very employees she is paid to support.

In short, the external forces of mobility, cloud, data analytics, and collaboration are creating seismic shifts in the role of employees at all levels of the organization. The result can mean the difference between success and failure for the employee or the company itself. In fact, although politicians for years have stressed the urgency behind a “digital divide” in the United States—one where more populous areas are the beneficiaries of more advanced technology options (such as broadband), leading to increased growth potential—there is, in fact, a less popular digital divide remaining in this country, because it is not among consumer households. Indeed, the digital divide still plaguing the nation's opportunity for growth falls between the more advanced enterprises that use technology as a strategic asset and those that still view technology as a necessary evil. As economists have demonstrated with numerous studies, consumer broadband penetration alone is a leading indicator of economic growth for a nation. Imagine the national growth potential when broadband and associated technologies are examined within the context of private enterprises responsible for jobs, goods, and services. It is this last digital divide and the contrast between successful and unsuccessful companies that will be explored in this book.

The journey begins with a closer analysis of the sweeping technology trends affecting enterprises of all sizes, including employees' increasing appetite for mobility, the role of the cloud in transforming business economics, the significant opportunities and challenges precipitated by seemingly infinite data, and the dynamic pace of workflow brought forth by collaboration. Next, the associated change occurring for various roles within the company, including next-generation knowledge workers, human resource professionals, marketers, finance heads, and information technology leaders will be explored. This analysis will be reconciled against the impact on company culture with an assessment of how technology can play a part in a firm's financial success. Finally, broader technology implications will be discussed in the context of economic advantage—whether in leveling the playing field between large and small enterprises or competing for growth on a global stage between national superpowers. Each chapter will be accompanied by prescriptive actions for businesses wrestling with these knotty issues, if not pointed observations of how the landscape is poised for change in the not-too-distant future.

To examine the topic from multiple angles requires a review of some of the more provocative insights over the past few decades from leading researchers and analysts. Those commentaries are included throughout the book. At the same time, these findings are augmented by multiple primary research studies commissioned by the global telecommunications leader Alcatel-Lucent. One study in particular represents more than 2,800 respondents across every walk of life in the U.S. enterprise—including frontline knowledge workers and HR, IT, and business decision makers. It includes representation from the very small (between five and 19 employees) to the largest of companies (more than 1,000 employees). It is augmented by a separate questionnaire covering more than 300 elite upcoming graduates from the top 100 universities in the United States. Throughout this book, the results of this study offer perspective to the broader trends discussed. Hereafter, the results derived from this research will be referred to as the “2012 Alcatel-Lucent study,” and they specifically cover findings among U.S. respondents, unless otherwise noted. In particular, this research informs the analysis to address the following questions:

  • How are company culture and the role of various functions being affected by the changing appetites and work patterns of employees?
  • How is the “consumerization” of IT transforming the role of technology within the enterprise?
  • How and where can technology be used as a means toward sustainable competitive advantage, and what separates companies that are perceived as leaders in their space from their laggard peers (the “Enterprise Digital Divide”)?
  • How can technology be leveraged among small enterprises, often the subjects of greater cash and resource constraints than their large enterprise counterparts?
  • What are the untapped business models and opportunities that may usher in a new wave of technology adoption similar to that witnessed in the consumer market?

Although the most prophetic soothsayer would have been hard pressed to recognize the relationship between an emerging IT function, the rise of consumer technology juggernauts, and the birth of an always-on connected generation in 1980, the confluence of these trends in our current year is undeniable. There are likely numerous “unrelated” trends currently happening that will not reach fruition of intersection for multiple decades hence. We the authors won't be so bold as to connect these yet-unrelated dots, but this book will inform you how the current landscape is poised for future transformation in the next couple of years. In doing so, it offers prescriptive advice to companies struggling with their own digital divide and employees angling to compete in a workplace increasingly transformed by habits first adopted in the home. Although it is true that there is no crystal ball to indicate where the road will lead decades from now, research and analysis will illuminate the possibilities of the path. The destination 30 years hence remains unclear, but the journey begins now.

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