
I am deeply grateful for the multitude of talented, insightful and cutting‐edge thinkers in my life who have helped to make this book a reality. From an idea that first germinated six years ago with my dear friend Mary Abusief, the incredible writer Sara Leslie and my gifted colleague Heather Blonkenfeld, as we brainstormed together around a conference room table in my Palo Alto office, imagining how we could use our collective wisdom and experiences as professional women to benefit the next generation.

Fast‐forward five years to the middle of Covid in 2021, when I decided to use the two hours I had recaptured every day by not having to commute to instead interview 50 incredible women around the globe who are shining examples of how we can get women to economic parity with men. I then had the unbelievable luck of being connected to the fierce and whip‐smart Lisa Roth and Alanna Stang at Well Said in New York, who served as my True North and got me to synthesize my findings and taught me how to engage with LinkedIn as a tool to help spread my gospel. I so admire you both: thank you.

When I pitched my fantabulous CEO Constantine Alexandrakis on this book concept early in 2022, he was immediately enthusiastic and supportive, realizing that it gelled perfectly with RRA's goals of DE&I and improving the way the world is led. From there, marketing genius Amy Scissons, RRA's Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, partnered with me to expertly shepherd me through the publishing labyrinth, which had heretofore been a mystery to me.

My writing companion Samantha Marshall beautifully wove together our stories of these diverse women into a cohesive whole in record warp speed, always ensuring my voice was coming through. It bears noting that a few months into this book‐writing process, Sam was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation alongside our interviews; and yet, she never stopped believing in the message of this book and stuck by my side until the manuscript was done. To say she was courageous and tenacious in the face of enormous stress and physical discomfort would be an understatement of monumental proportions, and I am forever grateful to her for never giving up, even on the really dark days. (And I am overjoyed to report that she has made a full recovery.)

Susie Sell, my London‐based marketing colleague who was always literally nine hours ahead of me – and figuratively, always even more on top of things, is an absolute gem. Susie, we are so incredibly lucky to have you here at RRA. From telling me what to wear to photo shoots to reassuring me that we had everything under control, your talents seem to be truly limitless. This book definitely would not be possible without your expertise and innumerable talents. I owe you a knickerbocker glory.

To my many RRA partners around the globe – I wish I could list all 180 of you by name here! – who checked in with me, believed in this book's message, and proactively and graciously opened your Rolodexes to introduce me to the most incredible professional women you know. Robert Voth, Ulrike Wieduwilt, Harald Kringlebotn, and so many others – your generosity and trust are what our firm is all about. And to Aimee Williamson and Dee Fitzgerald for your incredible research, and, of course, Tina Shah – I am so privileged to work with cutting‐edge thinkers who care so deeply about this important mission.

To Gena McAndrews for working scheduling magic to somehow shoehorn all of these interviews onto my already overly committed calendar – I truly could not function without you by my side. To Catherine Schroeder for helping me diligence and research so many of our interviewees – you are always at the ready to help me be prepared, so thank you for being so caffeinated and ready to spring into action when I need you. To my other partners Amy Hayes, Chris Faralli, Tuck Rickards, Nick Roberts, Jim Lawson, Clarke Murphy, Justus O'Brien, Justin Cerilli, Paul Ottolini ‐ thank you for letting me poll you on book title ideas, cover designs, and myriad other things. To Clemens Frischenschlager and his team – thank you for designing more book cover concepts than I can count – I am so delighted and impressed with your creativity and your end product – I really appreciate how you “got” me in all of my pinkness. To Abby Zeitlin, Callie Bennett, Bea Constable, Miranda Thurtell and the rest of my beloved FOP team, who never stopped cheering for me – thank you for being the best colleagues someone could ever ask for – I'd trust you with my life.

And to the many, many women who enthusiastically jumped in and said, “Yes!” when I asked them if I could interview them, hear their life's stories, and who openly and candidly shared their struggles, fears and successes with me. I am humbled by how impressive all of you are; if the next generation of women can learn only a tenth of what I have had the privilege of learning from you, they will be so much better off for it.

And a huge thank you to my wonderful publisher Shannon Vargo at Wiley who believed in this book’s mission and message from the first moment – the way you made me feel so supported is something for which I’ll always be grateful.

Finally, to my devoted, loyal, insightful, and hilariously funny husband Colin, who is as much of a feminist as I am – thank you for always putting my career at the top of your list of priorities. I know you believe in this book as much as I do, and I appreciate that more than you can know. And to the two lights of my life, Morgan and Peyton: you are the part of my legacy of which I am most proud. I wrote this book in large part because I want you to grow up in a world that is even better than the one you inherited, and it is my hope that you will each continue our tradition of repairing the world, little by little. Keep being your awesome, unique selves – you are perfect just as you are. I love you with everything that I am.

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