Page numbers ending in an f indicate a figure. Page numbers ending in t indicate a table.

accountabilities in an operating model, 68, 69

Airbnb, 99100

Alcoa, 184

A-level talent

benefits of an inegalitarian staffing approach, 91, 93

budget allocation errors when staffing, 89

deployment of top talent in companies, 92f

identifying business-critical roles, 9394

impact on productivity, 8586, 87f, 88

leadership involvement in, 9495

track record of companies in hiring, 88

Allen, James, 143, 175, 188

all-star teams. See teams

Amazon, 51

Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev)

actions that communicated the culture, 179

background, 175176

cultural model, 56, 176177, 179

organizational principles, 12, 78, 99, 177178

productive power index, 21

zero-based budgeting, 180

Apple, 2, 45, 107, 120

Argyris, Chris, 104

Bain & Company, 12, 75, 107, 194, 200

Bain-Economist Intelligence Unit, 86, 137, 159

Bain Macro Trends Group, 2

Bank of America, 107

behavioral signature

basis of, 98

company-specific nature of, 9899

development process illustration, 101, 102f

diversity and, 103

leadership development and, 100

nurture versus nature and, 103

screening processes, 99100

techniques for defining, 100

Berkshire Hathaway, 1

Bezos, Jeff, 51

Bock, Laszlo, 200

Boeing, 50, 123124, 128

Boston Consulting Group, 1

Brito, Carlos, 5, 176

CEB, 11, 62

centeredness, 164

Chesky, Brian, 99

Chiquet, Maureen, 121

Clooney, George, 129


developing inspirational leaders and, 163164

separating from evaluation, 108, 109f

talent management and, 97, 100, 104, 154, 156

Coleman, Peter, 180

collaborative intelligence, 104105

competitive advantage

cost of capital and, 2

cultures at top companies and, 46

failure to manage human capital and, 34, 67

leaders’ focus on financial capital, 12

productivity record of top quartile companies, 6, 7f

resource allocation and, 1

sources of, 24

Condit, Phil, 123

Consulting magazine, 200

Container Store, 86

culture, organizational. See performance culture

culture of swirl, 58, 59f

DaVita, 5, 12, 182183

Dell Technologies

data on employee engagement, 141

environment, 143144

management model, 124125

organizational model, 74

talent pipeline management, 107

diagnostic tests

building a case for change using, 5354

productive output determination, 2327

Disney, 118119

Drexler, Mickey, 121

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (Pink), 148

Drucker, Peter, 55

Dunbar, Robin, 95


creating protocols for, 35, 36, 4849, 50

proliferation of, 3, 9, 10, 18, 39, 43, 130

Economist Group, The, 14

Economist Intelligence Unit, 14, 86

energy management

challenges in, 196197

characteristics of companies that fail in, 67

competitive advantage and, 24

culture and, 136

element of inspiration in (see inspired employees)

engagement and, 135136

making up lost productivity with, 19

organizational productivity and, 1516, 199

productive output diagnostic test, 2627


data on, 141

energy management and, 135136

factors contributing to low, 139

hierarchy of practices, 146149

inspiration versus, 140141

performance and, 174

price of disengagement, 139

qualities of successful, 143145

state of in companies, 137, 138f, 139

summary of ways to build, 165166

See also inspired employees

Facebook, 2, 107, 172

Fields, Mark, 124, 185

flywheel of organizational productivity, 197198

Ford, Bill, 124

Ford Motor Company, 13, 4748, 51, 124, 180, 185

founder’s mentality, 175

Founder’s Mentality (Zook and Allen), 188

Futurestep, 169

Gap Inc., 121122, 128

General Electric, 1

Gerstner, Lou, 168

Glassdoor, 196, 200

Goldberg, Gary, 46

Good Jobs Strategy, The (Ton), 145

Google, 78, 86, 99, 107, 144, 200

Gordon, Robert, 194

Grove, Andy, 35

Hamel, Gary, 11

Hinrichs, Joe, 124

Hoffman, Reid, 110111, 112

IBM, 168

Ikea, 172

inspired employees

elements in inspiration, 142

engagement versus inspiration, 140141

factors contributing to low engagement, 139

leadership and, 159165

price of disengagement, 139

productivity of, 19, 30, 136, 141

state of engagement in companies, 137, 138f, 139

summary of ways to build inspiration, 165166

value of an inspired employee, 140, 141

See also energy management

Janowski, Andy, 121

JetBlue, 200

Jobs, Steve, 45, 84, 86, 119

Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 119

Kellerman, Barbara, 161

Korn Ferry, 169

Kropp, Brian, 62


cultural change and, 185

developing inspirational leaders, 161165, 162f

executive concerns about the workforce, 10

focus on financial capital, 12

inspired employees and, 159160

involvement in placing top talent, 9495

leaders’ ambitions for their organizations, 142143

managing scarce resources, 4

talent pipeline management, 106107

teams and, 125126

learning agility, 104

Li, Ning, 127

LinkedIn, 196

culture, 114115

employment agreement, 111113

hiring rate, 115

mission, 110111

talent development, 113114

traits they look for, 111, 112f

Mahindra, 172

Mankins, Michael, 1314

Maslow, Abraham, 148

McCord, Patty, 4


nature of behavior during, 42

reasons for an increase in, 40

setting norms for, 48, 5053

time spent in, 3940, 41f

Metcalfe, Robert, 37

Metcalfe’s Law, 3738

Microsoft, 120, 127128

model, operating. See operating model

model, organizational. See organizational complexity

Monster, 196

Mulally, Alan, 47, 123, 124, 180, 185

multitasking, 44

Musk, Elon, 118

NASCAR crews, 120121

National Bureau of Economic Research, 126

Netflix, 2, 45, 12, 21

Net Promoter Score, 168169

Newmont Mining, 46

Newport, Cal, 130

nine-box matrix, 96, 97

nodes in an organization

deactivating select nodes, 7273

minimizing inter-nodal interactions, 7477

multiplier effect of adding, 6062, 62f

nodal map creation, 6364

Nordstrom, 13, 149150

Ocean’s Eleven, 129

O’Neill, Paul, 184

operating model

at Dell, 74, 124125

organizational complexity elements, 6768, 68f

simplifying complexity in, 7177

at Spotify, 154, 155f, 156

See also organizational complexity

organizational complexity

assessing the spread of, 6364

cost of adding managers, 65f

deactivating select nodes, 7273

decision rights and, 7577

determining which functions are essential, 73

effect of adding nodes, 6062, 62f

eliminating multiple sources of data, 73

minimizing number of inter-nodal interactions, 7477

operating model elements, 6768, 68f

organizational drag and, 57, 60

shrinking the pyramid, 7779

simplifying the operating model, 7177

spans-and-layers approach to change, 6466, 65f

standard method of attacking organizational drag, 60

summary of simplifying, 7980

symptoms of, 58, 59f

trap of complexity, 6870

zero-basing, 7172

organizational drag

cost of, 30, 3334

impact on time and productivity, 34, 1718

source of, 57, 60

standard method of attacking, 60

strategic threat of, 1112

talent management and, 1819

time management and, 196

outputs in an operating model, 67, 68f

Pepsi, 107

performance culture

basis of a winning culture, 170, 171f

behaviors and, 173, 190

energy and, 136

engagement and, 174

example of transforming into (see Anheuser-Busch InBev)

examples of top companies, 46

importance of, 29, 168169

leadership change and, 185

at LinkedIn, 114115

micro-battle concept, 188

overview of interventions, 181f

ownership mindset and, 184186

principles versus rules and, 144145

purpose and, 172

resetting the ways of working, 188190

at Spotify, 157

strategic ambition and purpose and, 182183

summary of ways to build a, 191

values and beliefs and, 172173, 186187t

Pink, Daniel, 148

Pixar, 118119

Price, Steve, 141

Procter & Gamble, 107

productive output, 20f, 22f, 2327

productive power of an organization

business cycle challenges, 193194

compensating for organizational drag and, 1819

cost of corporate bureaucracy, 11

data on organizational productivity, 11

determining factors of, 1516

diagnostic test, 2328

executive concerns about the workforce, 10

financial capital challenges, 195

flywheel of organizational productivity, 197198

interactions of individual elements in, 29, 199201

making up lost productivity, 19

organizational drag’s impact on, 1718

productive power index, 2023, 20f, 22f

productivity challenges, 194

productivity increases from A-level talent, 86, 87f, 88

research methodology, 1314

scarce resources management and, 195196

strategic threat of organizational drag, 1112

white-collar productivity, 910

workforce productivity responsibility, 15, 16

pyramid of employee needs, 146, 147f, 148149

RAPID, 7576

Rise and Fall of American Growth, The (Gordon), 194

Roberts, John, 86

Robin, Jennifer, 149, 13, 107

Sasol, 57, 60, 6970

Schultz, Howard, 180, 184

Seagate, 50

Selfridge, Oliver, 104105

Shanks, Bob, 124

Sinequanon (sqn), 100

SpaceX, 118, 128

spans-and-layers approach to change, 6466, 65f

Spotify, 13

alignment and control, 158

autonomy and accountability, 156157

company background, 154

culture, 157

innovation with consistency, 157

organizational model, 154, 155f, 156

performance management system, 156

player-coach model and, 156

stacked ranking systems, 9697, 127

Starbucks, 172, 180, 184185

structure in an operating model, 6768, 68f

Sullivan & Associates, 200

talent management

behavioral signature and (see behavioral signature)

CEO involvement in, 9495

challenges in, 196

characteristics of companies that fail in, 67

coaching and, 97, 100, 104, 108, 109f, 154, 156, 163164

collaborative intelligence and, 104105

compensating for organizational drag with, 1819

competitive advantage and, 24

importance of, 30

issues in a human capital plan, 90

key conditions defining capabilities, 90

learning agility and, 104

LinkedIn’s approach to (see LinkedIn)

nine-box matrix, 96, 97

organizational productivity and, 1516, 199

potential dimension in hiring, 9798

productive output diagnostic test, 2526

productivity results of well-managed talent, 83

rotations management, 108, 110

stacked ranking systems, 9697, 127

summary of finding and developing, 116

talent pipeline management, 106107

360-degree feedback, 97

top level (see A-level talent)

trajectory and hunger and, 105

typical employee evaluation factors, 96, 9798

Talent Strategy Group LLC, 97


avoiding overshadowing in, 129

collaboration and, 130

compensating for organizational drag and, 19

creation of the 777 by Boeing, 123124

Dell management model, 124125

egos and team performance, 128129

firepower advantage of all-star teams, 120121

incentives creation, 127128

leadership element, 125126

leveraging the “extra-milers,” 126127

multiplier effect from top teams, 117118, 122, 126

promoting productive teamwork, 129130

results from all-star teams, 118120, 121, 123, 126

summary of creating and developing, 131

support staff and, 128

synergy advantage of all-star teams, 121122

turnaround at Ford, 124

Thiry, Kent, 5, 182183

3G Capital, 99

time management

average workweek of an executive, 36

calendar data overload, 39

challenges in, 195196

characteristics of companies that fail in, 67

competitive advantage and, 24

cost of organizational drag, 3334

creating a fixed time budget, 4648

creating protocols for e-communications, 4849

dysfunctional meeting behavior and, 42

e-communications and, 39

establishing norms for meetings, 5053

low-cost communications and, 3739

meetings and, 3940, 41f, 4344, 44f

Metcalfe’s Law, 3738

monitoring and measuring how time is spent, 4950

organizational drag’s impact on, 34, 1718, 196

organizational productivity and, 1516, 199

placing restrictions on authority to call meetings, 48

practices of disciplined companies, 3637

productive output diagnostic test, 2325

results of a lack of formal controls over, 43

results of a lack of real collaboration, 42

results of and absence of consequences, 43

setting priorities, 4546

state of in companies, 3536

summary of suggestions for, 56

taking a holistic approach to reforms, 5355

Tindell, Kip, 86

Ton, Zeynep, 145

total factor productivity, 194

Total Renal Care, 182183

Toy Story, 118119

University of California, Berkeley, 61

US Navy Seals, 117118

Vault, 196, 200

VoloMetrix, 39

Walker, Dan, 195

ways of working in an operating model, 68

Weiner, Jeff, 111

Woodside, 5355, 76, 180

Work Rules (Bock), 200

Zanini, Michele, 11

Zappos, 144

zero-based budgeting (ZBB), 180

zero-basing, 7172

Zook, Chris, 143, 175, 188

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