Chapter 13. Regexes and Grammars

Regular expressions or regexes were introduced in “Regular Expressions (Regexes)” and “Substitutions”. You might want to review those sections before reading this chapter if you don’t remember much about regexes. You don’t need to remember the details of everything we covered earlier and we will explain again briefly specific parts of the functionality that we will be using, but you are expected to understand generally how regexes work.

A Brief Refresher

Regexes, as we have studied them so far, are about string exploration using patterns. A pattern is a sequence of (often special) characters that is supposed to describe a string or part of a string. A pattern matches a string if a correspondence can be found between the pattern and the string.

For example, the following code snippet searches the string for the letter “a”, followed by any number (but at least one) of letters “b” or “c”, followed by zero or more digits followed by a “B” or a “C”:

my $str = "foo13abbccbcbcbb42Cbar";
say ~$/ if $str ~~ /a <[bc]>+ (d*) [B|C]/;  # -> abbccbcbcbb42C
say ~$0;                                     # -> 42

This code uses the ~~ smart match operator to check whether the $str string matches the /a <[bc]>+ (d*) [B|C]/ pattern. Remember that spaces are usually not significant in a regex pattern (unless specified otherwise).

The pattern is made of the following components:


A literal match of letter “a”.


The <[bc]> is a character class meaning letter “b” or “c”; the + quantifier says characters matching the character class “b” or “c” can be repeated one or more times.


The d atom is a digit character class, the * quantifier means 0 or more occurrences of the previous atom, and the enclosing parentheses request a capture of these digits (if any) into the $0 variable (a special variable that is really a shortcut for $/[0]).


B|C is an alternation (either a “B” or a “C”), and the square brackets regroup this alternation into one subpattern (and also enable proper precedence).

If the match is successful (as is the case in this example), the result is stored into the match object, $/. Printing ~$/ displays a stringified version of the match object. And printing $0 (or $/[0]) displays the capture (part of the match that is between parentheses, in this case the number “42”).

This is what might be called low-level matching: pattern recognition is done mostly at the individual character level. Perl 6 offers ways to group and name regex patterns so that these individual patterns can then be used as building blocks for higher level matching: recognizing words and sequences of words (rather than just characters), for the purpose of performing what is called lexical analysis (or lexing) and grammatical analysis (or parsing) on a piece of text.

This chapter is mostly devoted to this higher type of matching, leading to the creation of full-fledged grammars that can analyze structured text such as XML or HTML texts, JSON or YAML documents, or even computer programs: Perl 6 programs are actually parsed using a Perl 6 grammar written in Perl 6.

Grammars are a very important topic in computer science, but, obviously, most programmers don’t commonly write full-fledged grammars for parsing programming languages. However, writing a simple grammar and a simple parser might be, or perhaps should be, a much more common task.

Quite often, people spend a lot of effort at deciphering a simple configuration file with low-level techniques, whereas writing a simple parser might be a lot easier and much more efficient. Perl 6 offers all the tools to do that very easily.

Sometimes, you also need to develop a domain-specific language (DSL), i.e., a usually relatively small sublanguage (a.k.a. slang) adapted to a specific field of knowledge (scientific, engineering, business, art, or other) with its own conventions, symbols, operators, and so on. With a grammar and Perl’s ability to create its own operators, you can often express specialized knowledge within the terminology framework of subject-matter experts.

Declarative Programming

Both regexes and grammars are examples of yet another programming paradigm that we haven’t really explored so far: declarative programming. This is a programming model in which, contrary to ordinary imperative or procedural programming, you don’t state how to do something and don’t choose your control flow. Rather, you specify a set of definitions, rules, properties, and possibly some constraints and actions, and let the program apply those to derive some new information about the input data.

This form of programming is widely used in logic programming (e.g., Prolog), artificial intelligence, expert systems, data analysis, database query languages (e.g., SQL), text and source code recognition (e.g., Lex and Flex), program compilation (e.g., Yacc or Bison), configuration management, makefiles, and also in some ways functional programming.


As we noted in the regex examples at the beginning of this chapter, round parentheses not only group things together, but also capture data: they make the string matched by the subpattern within the parentheses available as a special variable:

my $str =  'number 42';
say "Number is $0" if $str ~~ /number s+ (d+) /;  # -> Number is 42

Here, the pattern matched the $str string, and the part of the pattern within parentheses was captured in the $0 special variable. Where there are several parenthesized groups, they are captured in variables named $0, $1, $2, etc. (from left to right):

say "$0 $1 $2" if "abcde" ~~ /(a) b (c) d (e)/;       # -> a c e

This is fine for simple captures, but the numbering of captures can become tedious if there are many captures and somewhat complicated when there are nested parentheses in the pattern:

if 'abc' ~~ / ( a (.) (.) ) / {
    say "Outside: $0";                   # Outside: abc
    say "Inside: $0[0] and $0[1]";       # Inside: b and c

When it gets complicated, it is often better to use another feature called named captures. The standard way to name a capture is as follows:

if 'abc;%' ~~ / $<capture_name> = w+ / {
    say ~$<capture_name>;                # abc

The use of the named capture, $<capture_name>, is a shorthand for accessing the $/ match object as a hash, in other words: $/{ 'capture_name' } or $/<capture_name>.

Named captures can be nested using regular capture group syntax:

if 'abc' ~~ / $<overall>=( a $<part1>=(.) $<part2>=(.) ) / {
    say "Overall: $<overall>";           # Overall: abc
    say "Part 1: $<overall><part1>";     # Part 1: b
    say "Part 2: $<overall><part2>";     # Part 2: c

Assigning the match object to a hash gives you easy programmatic access to all named captures:

if 'abc' ~~ / $<overall>=( a $<part1>=(.) $<part2>=(.) ) / {
    my %capture = $/.hash;    
    say ~%capture<overall>;              # -> abc
    for kv %capture<overall> -> $key, $val {
        say $key, " ", ~$val;            # -> part2 c 
 part1 b

But you might as well do the same thing directly on the match object without having to perform an extra hash assignment:

if 'abc' ~~ / $<overall>=( a $<part1>=(.) $<part2>=(.) ) / {
     say "Overall: $<overall>";          # -> Overall: abc
    for kv %<overall> -> $key, $val {
        say $key, " ", ~$val;            # -> part2 c 
 part1 b

Remember that, in the above code, $<overall> is really a shortcut for $/<overall>, i.e., for a hash type of access to the $/ match object.

There is, however, a more convenient way to get named captures, which is discussed in the next section.

Named Rules (a.k.a. Subrules)

It is possible to store pieces of regexes into named rules. The following example uses a named regex, which is one of the kinds of named rules, to match a text line:

my regex line { N* 
 }  # any number of characters other 
                          # than new line, followed by 1 new line
if "abc
def" ~~ /<line> def/ {
    say "First line: ", $<line>.chomp;      # First line: abc

Notice that the syntax with a block of code is akin to a subroutine or method definition. This is not a coincidence; we will see that named rules are very similar to methods. Notably, rules can call each other (or even sometimes call themselves recursively) just like methods and subroutines, and we will see that this is a very powerful and expressive feature.

A named regex can be declared with my regex name { regex body }, and called with <name>.

As you can see in the example above, a successful named regex creates a named capture with the same name. If you need a different name for the capture, you can do this with the syntax <capturename=regexname>. In this example, we call the same named regex twice and, for convenience, use a different name to distinguish the two captures:

my regex line { N* 
if "abc
" ~~ / <first=line> <second=line> / {
    say "First line: ", $<first>.chomp;   # -> First line: abc
    say "Second line: ", $<second>.chomp; # -> Second line: def
    print $_.chomp for $<line>.list;      # -> abc  def

Here, we have used chomp method calls to remove the newline characters from the captures. There is in fact a way to match on the newline character but exclude it from the capture:

my regex line { N* )> 
if "abc
" ~~ / <first=line> <second=line> / {
    say "First line: ", ~$<first>;       # -> First line: abc
    say "Second line: ", ~$<second>;     # -> Second line: def
    print $<line>.list;                  # -> abc  def

This relatively little-known token, “)>”, marks the endpoint of the match’s overall capture. Anything after it will participate in the match but will not be captured by the named regex. Similarly, the “<)” token indicates the start of the capture.

Named regexes are only one form (and probably not the most common) of the named rules, which come in three main flavors:

  • Named regex, in which the regex behaves like ordinary regexes

  • Named tokens, in which the regex has an implicit :ratchet adverb, which means that there is no backtracking

  • Named rules, in which the regex has an implicit :ratchet adverb, just as named tokens, and also an implicit :sigspace adverb, which means that whitespace within the pattern (or, more specifically, between word characters) is not ignored

In the two examples above, we did not need the regexes to backtrack. We could (and probably should) have used a named token instead of a named regex:

my token line { N* 
if "abc
def" ~~ /<line> def/ {
    say "First line: ", $<line>.chomp;    # First line: abc

But, for a rule to match, we would have to remove the space from within the pattern:

my rule line { N*
if "abc
def" ~~ /<line> def/ {
    say "First line: ", $<line>.chomp;    # First line: abc

Collectively, these three types of named rules are usually referred to as rules, independently of the specific keyword used for their definition.

Remember the various regexes we experimented for extracting dates from a string in “Extracting Dates”? The last example used subpatterns as building blocks for constructing the full pattern. We could now rewrite it, with the added feature of recognizing multiple date formats, as follows:

my $string = "Christmas : 2016-12-25.";                                         
my token year { d ** 4 }                                        
my token month {   
    1 <[0..2]>                            # 10 to 12                     
    || 0 <[1..9]>                         # 01 to 09                     
my token day { (d ** 2) <?{1 <= $0 <= 31 }> }  
my token sep { '/' || '-' } 
my rule date {  <year> (<sep>) <month> $0 <day> 
                || <day> (<sep>) <month> $0 <year> 
                || <month>s<day>',' <year>

if $string ~~ /<date>/ {
    say ~$/;                              # -> 2016-12-25
    say "Day	= "   , ~$/<date><day>;     # -> 25
    say "Month	= " , ~$/<date><month>;   # -> 12
    say "Year	= "  , ~$/<date><year>;    # -> 2016

The first four named tokens define the basic building blocks for matching the year, the month, the day, and possible separators. Then, the date named rule uses these building blocks to define an alternation between three possible date formats.

This code checks that the day in the month is between 0 and 31 and that the month is between 01 and 12, and this is probably sufficient to recognize dates in a text in most cases, but this would recognize “2016-11-31” as a date, although November only has 30 days. We may want to be a little bit stricter about valid dates and prevent that by adding a negative code assertion to the date named rule:

my rule date { [    <year> (<sep>) <month> $0 <day> 
                 || <day> (<sep>) <month> $0 <year> 
                 || <month>s<day>',' <year>
               ] <!{ $<day> > 30 and $<month> ==  2|4|6|9|11}>

This is better, but we can still match an invalid date such as “2016-02-30.”

Exercise 13-1.

As an exercise, change the code assertion to reject a “Feb. 30” date. If you feel courageous, you might even want to check the number of days in February depending on whether the date occurs in a leap year. You may also want to try to define and test other date formats. Solution: “Exercise 13-1: Getting the February Dates Right”.

Rules can (and usually should) be grouped in grammars; that’s in fact what they have been designed for.


Grammars are a powerful tool used to analyze textual data and often to return data structures that have been created by interpreting that text.

For example, any Perl 6 program is parsed and executed using a Perl 6 grammar written in Perl 6, and you could write a grammar for parsing (almost) any other programming language. To tell the truth, programmers rarely write grammars for parsing programming languages. But grammars are very useful for performing many tasks that are much more common than parsing programs.

If you ever tried to use regexes for analyzing a piece of HTML (or XML) text,1 you probably found out that this is quickly becoming next to impossible, except perhaps for the most simple HTML data. For analyzing any piece of such data, you need an actual parser which, in turn, will usually be based on an underlying grammar.

If you didn’t like grammar in school, don’t let that scare you off grammars. Grammars are nothing complicated; they just allow you to group named rules, just as classes allow you to group methods of regular code.

A grammar creates a namespace and is introduced with the keyword grammar. It usually groups a number of named rules, in the same way a class groups a number of methods. A grammar is actually a class that inherits from the Grammar superclass, which provides methods such as parse to analyze a string and .parsefile to analyze a file. Moreover, you can actually write some methods in a grammar, and even import some roles. And, as we shall see, grammars are often associated with some actions classes or objects.

Unless told otherwise, the parsing methods will look for a default rule named “TOP” (which may be a named regex, token, or rule) to start the parsing. The date parsing rules used above might be assembled into a grammar as follows:

grammar My-date {
    rule TOP { s*? 
               [    <year> (<sep>) <month> $0 <day>
                 || <day> (<sep>) <month> $0 <year> 
                 || <month>s<day>',' <year>                     
               ] s* 
               <!{ ($<day> > 30 and $<month> ==  2|4|6|9|11)}>  
    token year  { d ** 4 }                                        
    token month {  1 <[0..2]> || 0 <[1..9]> }                
    token day   { (d ** 2) <?{1 <= $0 <= 31 }> }  
    token sep   { '/' || '-' } 

for " 2016/12/25 ", " 2016-02-25 ", " 31/04/2016 " -> $string {
	my $matched = My-date.parse($string);
	say ~$matched if defined $matched;

This will print out:


The code assertion within the “TOP” rule prevents invalid dates such as “31/04/2016” from being matched; you would need to add some code for handling the end of February dates, as we did in the solution to the previous exercise (see “Exercise 13-1: Getting the February Dates Right”) if this is important. You may want to do it as an exercise.

Besides that, this code is not very different from our earlier code, but there are a few changes that are significant.

We renamed the date rule as TOP because this is the default name searched by parse for the top-level rule. A grammar creates its own namespace and lexical scope, and we no longer need to declare our rules with the my declarator (which is required for rules declared outside of a grammar).

Within a grammar, the order in which the rules are defined is generally not relevant, so that we could define the TOP rule first, even though it uses tokens that are defined afterwards (which again would have not been possible with rules used outside a grammar). This is important because, within a grammar, you can have many rules that call each other (or rules that call themselves recursively), which would be unpractical if the order of the rule definitions mattered.

If you’re parsing the input string with the .parse method, the TOP rule is automatically anchored to the start and end of the string, which means that the grammar has to match the whole string to be successful. This is why we had to add patterns for spaces at the beginning and at the end of our TOP rule to match our strings that have some spaces before and after the date itself. There is another method, .subparse, which does not have to reach the end of the string to be successful, but we would still need to have the space pattern at the beginning of the rule.

Grammar Inheritance

A grammar can inherit from another grammar, just as a class can inherit from another class.

Consider this very simple (almost simplistic) grammar for parsing a mail message:

grammar Message {
    rule  TOP    { <greet> $<body>=<line>+? <end> }
    rule greet    { [Hi||Hello||Hey] $<to>=S+? ',' }
    rule end      { Later dude ',' $<from>=.+ }
    token line    { N* 

We can test it with the following code:

my $msg = "Hello Tom,
I hope you're well and that your car is now repaired.
Later dude, Liz";

my $matched = Message.parse($msg);
if defined $matched { 
    say "Greeting 	= ", ~$matched<greet>.chomp;
    say "Addressee	= $matched<greet><to>";
    say "Author   	= $matched<end><from>";
    say "Content  	= $matched<body>";

This will print out the following:

Greeting        = Hello Tom,
Addressee       = Tom
Author          = Liz
Content         = I hope you're well and that your car is now repaired.

Suppose now that we want a similar grammar for parsing a more formal message and we figure out that we could reuse part of the Message grammar. We can have our new child grammar inherit from the existing parent:

grammar FormalMessage is Message {
    rule greet { [Dear] $<to>=S+? ',' }
    rule end { [Yours sincerely|Best regards] ',' $<from>=.+ }

The is Message trait in the header tells Perl that FormalMessage should inherit from the Message grammar. Only two rules, greet and end, need to be redefined; the others (the TOP rule and the line token) will be inherited from the Message grammar.

Let’s try some code to run it:

my $formal_msg = "Dear Thomas,
enclosed is our invoice for June 2016.
Best regards, Elizabeth.";
my $matched2 = FormalMessage.parse($formal_msg);
if defined $matched2 { 
    say "Greeting 	= ", ~$matched2<greet>.chomp;
    say "Addressee	= $matched2<greet><to>";
    say "Author   	= $matched2<end><from>";
    say "Content  	= $matched2<body>";

This will print:

Greeting        = Dear Thomas,
Addressee       = Thomas
Author          = Elizabeth.
Content         = enclosed is our invoice for June 2016.

Actions Objects

A successful grammar match gives you a parse tree of match objects (objects of the Match type). This tree recapitulates all the individual “submatches” that contributed to the overall match, so it can quickly become very large and complicated. The deeper that match tree gets, and the more branches in the grammar there are, the harder it becomes to navigate the match tree to get the information you are actually interested in.

To avoid the need for diving deep into a match tree, you can supply an actions object. After each successful match of a named rule in your grammar, it tries to call a method with the same name as the grammar rule, giving it the newly created match object as a positional argument. If no such method exists, it is skipped. (Action methods are sometimes also called reduction methods.) If it exists, the action method is often used to construct an abstract syntax tree (AST), i.e., a data structure presumably simpler to explore and to use than the match object tree, or it can do any other thing deemed to be useful.

In this somewhat simplistic example of a basic arithmetic calculator, the actions don’t try to build an AST, but simply do the bulk of the calculation work between the various tokens matched by the grammar:

grammar ArithmGrammar {
    token TOP { s* <num> s* <operation> s* <num> s*}
    token operation { <[^*+/-]> }
    token num { d+ | d+.d+ | .d+ }
class ArithmActions {
    method TOP($/) {
        given $<operation> {
            when '*' { $/.make([*] $/<num>)}
            when '+' { $/.make([+] $<num>)}
            when '/' { $/.make($<num>[0] / $<num>[1]) }
            when '-' { $/.make([-] $<num>) }
            when '^' { $/.make($<num>[0] ** $<num>[1]) }
for '   6*7  ', '46.2 -4.2', '28+ 14.0 ',
    '70 * .6 ', '126   /3', '6.4807407 ^ 2' -> $op {
        my $match = ArithmGrammar.parse($op, :actions(ArithmActions));
        say "$match	= ", $match.made;

This prints the following output:

   6*7          = 42
46.2 -4.2       = 42
28+ 14.0        = 42
70 * .6         = 42
126   /3        = 42
6.4807407 ^ 2   = 42.00000002063649

The aim of this example is not to describe how to implement a basic calculator (there are better ways to do that, we’ll come back to that), but only to show how actions may be used in conjunction with a grammar.

The grammar is quite simple and is looking for two decimal numbers separated by an infix arithmetic operator. If there is a match, $/<num> (or $<num> for short) will refer to an array containing the two numbers (and $/<operation> will contain the arithmetic operator).

The parse method is called with an actions: named argument, the ArithmActions class, which tells Perl which actions object to use with the grammar. In this example, we don’t really pass an action object, but simply the name of the actions class (actually a type object), because there is no need to instantiate an object. In other cases, for example if there was a need to initialize or somehow use some object attributes, we would need to pass an actual object that would have to be constructed beforehand.

Whenever the TOP rule succeeds, the TOP method of class ArithmActions is invoked with the match object for the current rule as the argument. This method calls the make method on the match object and returns the result of the actual arithmetic operation between the two numbers. Then, the made method in the caller code (within the for loop) returns that result.

A Grammar for Parsing JSON

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open-standard format for text data derived from the object notation in the JavaScript programming language. It has become one of the commonly used standards for serializing data structures, which makes it possible, for example, to exchange them between different platforms and different programming languages, to send them over a network, and to store them permanently in files on disks.

The JSON Format

The JSON format is quite simple and is composed of two types of structural entities:

  • Objects or unordered lists of name–value pairs (basically corresponding to hashes in Perl)

  • Arrays, or ordered lists of values

Values can be either (recursively) objects or arrays as defined just above, or basic data types, which are strings, numbers, Boolean (true or false), and null (empty value or undefined value). A string is a sequence of Unicode characters between quotation marks, and numbers are signed decimal numbers that may contain a fractional part and may use exponential “E” notation.

Our JSON Sample

To illustrate the format description above and for the purpose of our tests, we will use an example borrowed from the Wikipedia article on JSON, which is a possible JSON description of a person:

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "isAlive": true,
  "age": 25,
  "address": {
    "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "postalCode": "10021-3100"
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "type": "home",
      "number": "212 555-1234"
      "type": "office",
      "number": "646 555-4567"
      "type": "mobile",
      "number": "123 456-7890"
  "children": [],
  "spouse": null,  
  "Bank-account": {
    "credit": 2342.25

Compared to the Wikipedia example, we’ve added a Bank-account object to provide the possibility of testing JSON noninteger numbers.

Writing the JSON Grammar Step by Step

Let’s take each of the JSON entities in turn and handle them with rules.


The example JSON document above only has integers and decimal numbers, but we need to be able to recognize numbers such as “17,” “–138.27,” “1.2e-3,” “.35,” etc. We can use the following token to do so:

token number {
    [+|-]?              # optional sign
    [ d+ [ . d+ ]? ]   # integer part and optional fractional part
      | [ . d+ ]        # or only a fractional part
    [ <[eE]> [+|-]? d+ ]?    # optional exponent

JSON strings

There are many possible patterns to define a string. For our sample JSON document, the following rule will be sufficient:

token string {
    " <[ w s - ' ]>+ " 

This will match a double-quoted sequence of alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and apostrophes.

For a real JSON parser, a rule using a negative character class excluding anything that cannot belong to a string might be better, for example:

token string {
    " <-[
 " 	]>* "

i.e., a double-quoted sequence of any characters other than double quotes, newlines, and tabulations.

You might want to study the JSON standards2 to figure out exactly what is accepted or forbidden in a JSON string. For our purposes, the first rule above will be sufficient.

JSON objects

JSON objects are lists of key–value pairs. Lists are delimited by curly braces and pairs separated by commas. A key–value pair is a string followed by a colon, followed by a value (to be defined later). This can be defined as follows:

rule object     { '{'  <pairlist> '}' }
rule pairlist   { [<pair> [',' <pair>]*] }
rule pair       { <string> ':' <value>  }

We can use a regex feature that we haven’t seen yet, the quantifier modifier, to simplify the pairlist rule. To more easily match things like comma-separated values, you can tack on a % modifier to any of the regular quantifiers to specify a separator that must occur between each of the matches. So, for example /a+ % ','/ will match “a” or “a,a” or “a,a,a”, etc.

Thus, the pairlist rule can be rewritten as follows:

rule pairlist   {<pair> + % ,}


rule pairlist   {<pair> * % ,}

if we accept that a pairlist may also be empty.

JSON arrays

Arrays are comma-separated lists of values between square brackets:

rule array       { '[' <valueList> ']'}
rule valueList {  <value> * % , }

Here, we again used the modified quantifier just shown.

JSON values

Values are objects, arrays, string, numbers, Booleans (true or false), or null:

token value { | <object> | <array> | <string> | <number> 
              | true     | false   | null 

The JSON Grammar

We have defined all the elements of the JSON grammar; we only need to declare a grammar and add a TOP rule to complete it:

grammar JSON-Grammar {
    token TOP      { s* [ <object> | <array> ] s* }
    rule object    { '{' s* <pairlist> '}' s* }
    rule pairlist  {  <pair> * % , }
    rule pair      {  <string>':' <value> }
    rule array     { '[' <valueList> ']'}
    rule valueList {  <value> * % , }
    token string   {  " <[ w s - ' ]>+ "  }
    token number   { 
      [ d+ [ . d+ ]? ] | [ . d+ ]  
      [ <[eE]> [+|-]? d+ ]?
    token value    { <object> | <array> | <string> | <number> 
                     | true   | false   | null 

We can now test the grammar with our sample JSON string and try to print the match object:

my $match = JSON-Grammar.parse($JSON-string);
say ~$match if $match;

This produces the following output:

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "isAlive": true,
  "age": 25,
  "address": {
    "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "postalCode": "10021-3100"
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "type": "home",
      "number": "212 555-1234"
      "type": "office",
      "number": "646 555-4567"
      "type": "mobile",
      "number": "123 456-7890"
  "children": [],
  "spouse": null,
  "Bank-account": {
        "credit": 2342.25

The sample JSON document has been fully matched. This JSON grammar works perfectly on it, and takes less than 20 lines of code. If you think about it, this is really powerful. Test it for yourself. Try to change the grammar in various places to see if it still works. You could also try to introduce errors into the JSON document (for example to remove a comma between two values of a list) and the match should no longer occur (or, at least, should not be the same).

You may object that this grammar covers only a subset of JSON. This is sort of true, but not really: it is almost complete. True, I would not recommend using this grammar in a production environment for parsing JSON documents, because it has been built only for pedagogical purposes and may not comply with every single fine detail of the JSON standards.

Take a look at the grammar of the Perl 6 JSON::Tiny module, which can parse any valid JSON document. It is not much more complicated than what we have shown here (except for the use of proto regexes, a topic that we haven’t covered here), and it is not much longer, as it contains about 35 code lines.

Adding Actions

The JSON grammar works fine, but printing out the tree of parse objects just for our relatively small JSON document will display about 300 lines of text, as it provides all the details of everything that has been matched, rule by rule and subpattern by subpattern. This can be very useful in helping you to understand what the grammar does (especially when it does not work as expected), but exploring that tree to extract the data can be quite tedious. You can use actions to populate a simpler tree structure (often called an abstract syntax tree) containing only the information you really need.

Let us add an actions class to build an abstract syntax tree (AST):

class JSON-actions {
    method TOP($/) {
        make $/.values.[0].made;
    method object($/) {
        make $<pairlist>.made.hash.item;
    method pairlist($/) {
        make $<pair>>>.made.flat;
    method pair($/) {
        make $<string>.made => $<value>.made;
    method array($/) {
        make $<valueList>.made.item;
    method valueList($/) {
        make [$<value>.map(*.made)];
    method string($/) { make ~$0 }
    method number($/) { make +$/.Str; }
    method value($/) { 
        given ~$/ {
            when "true"  {make Bool::True;}
            when "false" {make Bool::False;}
            when "null"  {make Any;}
            default { make $<val>.made;}

For this actions class to work, we need to make a small change to the grammar. The value method uses a val named capture to access its content; we need to add the relevant named captures to the value token:

token value { <val=object> | <val=array> | <val=string> 
              | <val=number> | true | false | null

We can now call our grammar with the following syntax:

my $j-actions =;
my $match = JSON-Grammar.parse($JSON-string, :actions($j-actions));
say $match.made;

Notice that here, we’ve used an actions object rather than simply the actions class, but this is just for the purpose of showing how to do it; we could have used the class directly as before.

The last statement in the above code prints out the AST. We have reformatted the output to better show the structure of the AST:

    Bank-account => {
        credit => 2342.25
    address => {
        city => New York, 
        postalCode => 10021-3100, 
        state => NY, 
        streetAddress => 21 2nd Street
    age => 25, 
    children => [], 
    firstName => John, 
    isAlive => True, 
    lastName => Smith, 
    phoneNumbers => [
        {number => 212 555-1234, type => home} 
        {number => 646 555-4567, type => office} 
        {number => 123 456-7890, type => mobile}
    spouse => (Any)

In this case, the top structure is a hash (it could also have been an array with a different JSON input string). We can now explore this hash to find the data of interest to us. For example:

say "Keys are: 
", $match.made.keys;
say "
Some values:";
say $match.made{$_} for <firstName lastName isAlive>;
say $match.made<address><city>;
say "
Phone numbers:";
say $match.made<phoneNumbers>[$_]<type number> 
    for 0..$match.made<phoneNumbers>.end;

This will display the following output:

Keys are:
(lastName Bank-account phoneNumbers children address age firstName spouse 

Some values:
New York

Phone numbers:
(home 212 555-1234)
(office 646 555-4567)
(mobile 123 456-7890)

Inheritance and Mutable Grammars

The capacity for a grammar to inherit from another one opens the door to very rich possibilities in terms of extending the Perl 6 language itself. It is possible, for example in the context of a module or a framework, to “subclass” the standard Perl grammar, i.e., to write a new child grammar that inherits from the standard Perl grammar, but adds a new feature, overloads an operator, or modifies some other syntax element, and to run this program with the same Perl 6 compiler, but with this locally modified grammar.

This means that it is actually possible to dynamically extend the language for new needs, often without even changing the compiler or the virtual machine. These are, however, advanced topics that are more geared toward language gurus than to beginners. So we only mention these exciting possibilities with the hope of whetting your appetite and pushing you to study these further, but will not dwell further on them in this book.


Writing grammars is a lot of fun, but it can also be difficult or even tedious when you start.

When you started to practice programming with this book, you probably made a lot of small mistakes that initially prevented your programs from compiling and running, or from doing what you expected. With practice, however, you hopefully gradually made fewer errors and spent less time chasing bugs.

When you begin to learn grammars (and to a lesser extent regexes), you may feel like you are starting again at square one. Even very good programmers often make silly mistakes when they start writing grammars. It is a different programming paradigm, and it requires a new learning phase.

In this case, small is beautiful. Start with small regexes and small rules, and with small test input. Test individual regexes or rules under the REPL, and add them to your code only when you’re confident that they do what you want.

Write test cases at the same time as your code (or actually even before you write the code), and make sure that you pass all the relevant tests before moving on. And add new tests when you add new rules.

One standard debugging technique is to add print statements to the code in order to figure out various information about the state of the program (such as the value of variables, the flow of execution of the program, etc.). You can also do that with regexes and grammars.

Let’s take the example of the very simple grammar for matching dates of “Grammars” and let’s suppose that you have written this grammar:

grammar My-Date {
    token TOP { s* <year> '-' <month> '-' <day> }
    token year  { d ** 4 }                                        
    token month {  1 <[0..2]> || 0 <[1..9]> }                
    token day   { (d ** 2) <?{1 <= $0 <= 31 }> }  
my $string = " 2016-07-31 ";
say so My-Date.parse($string);                 # -> False

This test fails.

At this point, it has already become a bit difficult to figure out why the grammar fails (unless we have thoroughly tested each of the three tokens before building the grammar, but let’s assume for the sake of this discussion that we haven’t). Let’s try not to randomly change things here or there and see if it works better; we would likely spend hours doing that and probably not get anywhere. Let’s be more methodical.

Let’s first test the building-block tokens, year, month, and day. We’ve seen before that the parse method looks by default for the TOP rule in the grammar, but you can specify another rule, and that’s what we need here. We can test these tokens individually:

say so My-Date.parse("2016", :rule<year>);    # -> True
say so My-Date.parse("07",   :rule<month>);   # -> True
say so My-Date.parse("31",   :rule<day>);     # -> True

These three tokens seem to work fine. At this point, you might be guessing where the problem is, but let’s assume you don’t.

We need to debug the “TOP” token. We can just use the common debugging method of printing where we are at various stages of the program. You can insert a print statement block in a named rule. Let’s try to change the TOP token to this:

    token TOP { s* <year>  { say "matched year"; }
                '-' <month> { say "matched month";}
                '-' <day>   { say "matched day";  }

This displays the following output:

matched year
matched month
matched day

So, even the “TOP” token seems to work almost to the end. At this point, we should be able to figure out that we lack final spacing in the “TOP” token.

So either we should add an optional spacing at the end of the token:

token TOP { s* <year> '-' <month> '-' <day> s*}

or change it to a rule:

rule TOP { s* <year> '-' <month> '-' <day> }

or it was possibly the test string that was wrong (because it wasn’t supposed to have spaces) and needed to be fixed.

If you have an actions class, you can also add print statements to the actions methods.

Remember also that the Perl debugger (see “Debugging”) can be very helpful. We briefly showed in “Stepping Through a Regex Match” how to go step by step through a regex match. Most of what has been described there also applies to debugging grammars.

Finally, there is a very good module, Grammar::Tracer, for debugging regexes and grammars that works with Rakudo. If you add:

use Grammar::Tracer;

to your program, then any grammar within the lexical scope will print out debugging information about the rules that tried to match, those that succeeded, and those that failed.

You can also use the following:

use Grammar::Debugger;

to do the same thing step by step. Just type “h” at the prompt for a list of available commands.


Abstract syntax tree (AST)

A data structure often summarizing the match object and used for further exploitation of the useful data. The match object is populated automatically by Perl, whereas the AST contains information explicitly inserted by the programmer.

actions class

A class used in conjunction with a grammar to perform certain actions when a grammar rule matches something in the input data. If a method with the same name as a rule in the grammar exists in the actions class, it will be called whenever the rule matches.


The fact that parts of the target string that are matched by a regex (or a grammar) can be retrieved through the use of a number of dedicated special variables.

declarative programming

A programming model where you specify definitions, rules, properties, and constraints, rather than statements and instructions, and let the program derive new knowledge from these definitions and rules. Regexes and grammars are examples of declarative programming.


A high-level tool for performing lexical and grammatical analysis of structured text. In Perl 6, a grammar is more specifically a namespace containing a collection of named rules aimed at this type of analysis.


Performing a lexical analysis of a source text, and especially dividing it into “words” or tokens.

Match object

In Perl 6, an object (of type Match), usually noted $/, which contains (sometimes very) detailed information about what was successfully matched by a regex or a grammar. The $/ match object will be set to Nil if the match failed.


Performing a grammatical analysis of a source text, and especially assembling words or tokens into sentences or expressions and statements that make some semantic sense.


In broad terms, named rules are regexes that use a method syntax and are usually stored in a grammar. More specifically, one category of these named rules (along with named regexes and tokens).

Exercise: A Grammar for an Arithmetic Calculator

The arithmetic calculator presented in “Actions Objects” is very simplistic. In particular, it can parse simple arithmetic expressions composed of two operands separated by one infix operator, but not much more than that.

We would like to be able to parse more complicated arithmetic expressions. The calculator should also be able to handle:

  • Expressions with several different operators (among the four basic arithmetic operators) and multiple operands

  • Standard precedence rules between operators (for example, multiplications should be performed prior to additions)

  • Parentheses to override usual precedence rules

These are a few examples of expressions the calculator should parse and compute correctly:

3 + 4 + 5;
3 + 4 * 5;   # result should be 23
(3 + 4) * 5; # result should be 35
Exercise 13-2.

Your mission, [Dan|Jim], should you choose to accept it, is to write such a grammar. As usual, should you fail, the Government shall deny any knowledge of your actions class.

There are many possible ways to accomplish this; the solution presented in “Exercise: A Grammar for an Arithmetic Calculator” is only one of them.

1 Don’t try to do it. Now, I warned you: just don’t do it.

2 Since JSON is actually not completely standardized, I will not provide a specific link; look it up and make up your mind.

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