Chapter 15. Crawling Wikipedia

In this chapter, I present a solution to the previous exercise and analyze the performance of web indexing algorithms. Then we build a simple web crawler.

The Redis-Backed Indexer

In my solution, we store two kinds of structures in Redis:

  • For each search term, we have a URLSet, which is a Redis set of URLs that contain the search term.

  • For each URL, we have a TermCounter, which is a Redis hash that maps each search term to the number of times it appears.

We discussed these data types in the previous chapter. You can also read about Redis structures at

In JedisIndex, I provide a method that takes a search term and returns the Redis key of its URLSet:

private String urlSetKey(String term) {
    return "URLSet:" + term;

And a method that takes a URL and returns the Redis key of its TermCounter:

private String termCounterKey(String url) {
    return "TermCounter:" + url;

Here’s the implementation of indexPage, which takes a URL and a jsoup Elements object that contains the DOM tree of the paragraphs we want to index:

public void indexPage(String url, Elements paragraphs) {
    System.out.println("Indexing " + url);

    // make a TermCounter and count the terms in the paragraphs
    TermCounter tc = new TermCounter(url);

    // push the contents of the TermCounter to Redis

To index a page, we

  1. Make a Java TermCounter for the contents of the page, using code from a previous exercise.

  2. Push the contents of the TermCounter to Redis.

Here’s the new code that pushes a TermCounter to Redis:

public List<Object> pushTermCounterToRedis(TermCounter tc) {
    Transaction t = jedis.multi();

    String url = tc.getLabel();
    String hashname = termCounterKey(url);

    // if this page has already been indexed, delete the old hash

    // for each term, add an entry in the TermCounter and a new
    // member of the index
    for (String term: tc.keySet()) {
        Integer count = tc.get(term);
        t.hset(hashname, term, count.toString());
        t.sadd(urlSetKey(term), url);
    List<Object> res = t.exec();
    return res;

This method uses a Transaction to collect the operations and send them to the server all at once, which is much faster than sending a series of small operations.

It loops through the terms in the TermCounter. For each one it

  1. Finds or creates a TermCounter on Redis, then adds a field for the new term.

  2. Finds or creates a URLSet on Redis, then adds the current URL.

If the page has already been indexed, we delete its old TermCounter before pushing the new contents.

That’s it for indexing new pages.

The second part of the exercise asked you to write getCounts, which takes a search term and returns a map from each URL where the term appears to the number of times it appears there. Here is my solution:

    public Map<String, Integer> getCounts(String term) {
        Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        Set<String> urls = getURLs(term);
        for (String url: urls) {
            Integer count = getCount(url, term);
            map.put(url, count);
        return map;

This method uses two helper methods:

  • getURLs takes a search term and returns the Set of URLs where the term appears.

  • getCount takes a URL and a term and returns the number of times the term appears at the given URL.

Here are the implementations:

    public Set<String> getURLs(String term) {
        Set<String> set = jedis.smembers(urlSetKey(term));
        return set;

    public Integer getCount(String url, String term) {
        String redisKey = termCounterKey(url);
        String count = jedis.hget(redisKey, term);
        return new Integer(count);

Because of the way we designed the index, these methods are simple and efficient.

Analysis of Lookup

Suppose we have indexed N pages and discovered M unique search terms. How long will it take to look up a search term? Think about your answer before you continue.

To look up a search term, we run getCounts, which

  1. Creates a map.

  2. Runs getURLs to get a Set of URLs.

  3. For each URL in the Set, runs getCount and adds an entry to a HashMap.

getURLs takes time proportional to the number of URLs that contain the search term. For rare terms, that might be a small number, but for common terms it might be as large as N.

Inside the loop, we run getCount, which finds a TermCounter on Redis, looks up a term, and adds an entry to a HashMap. Those are all constant time operations, so the overall complexity of getCounts is O(N) in the worst case. However, in practice the runtime is proportional to the number of pages that contain the term, which is normally much less than N.

This algorithm is as efficient as it can be, in terms of algorithmic complexity, but it is very slow because it sends many small operations to Redis. You can make it faster using a Transaction. You might want to do that as an exercise, or you can see my solution in

Analysis of Indexing

Using the data structures we designed, how long will it take to index a page? Again, think about your answer before you continue.

To index a page, we traverse its DOM tree, find all the TextNode objects, and split up the strings into search terms. That all takes time proportional to the number of words on the page.

For each term, we increment a counter in a HashMap, which is a constant time operation. So making the TermCounter takes time proportional to the number of words on the page.

Pushing the TermCounter to Redis requires deleting a TermCounter, which is linear in the number of unique terms. Then for each term we have to

  1. Add an element to a URLSet, and

  2. Add an element to a Redis TermCounter.

Both of these are constant time operations, so the total time to push the TermCounter is linear in the number of unique search terms.

In summary, making the TermCounter is proportional to the number of words on the page. Pushing the TermCounter to Redis is proportional to the number of unique terms.

Since the number of words on the page usually exceeds the number of unique search terms, the overall complexity is proportional to the number of words on the page. In theory a page might contain all search terms in the index, so the worst case performance is O(M), but we don’t expect to see the worse case in practice.

This analysis suggests a way to improve performance: we should probably avoid indexing very common words. First of all, they take up a lot of time and space, because they appear in almost every URLSet and TermCounter. Furthermore, they are not very useful because they don’t help identify relevant pages.

Most search engines avoid indexing common words, which are known in this context as stop words (

Graph Traversal

If you did the “Getting to Philosophy” exercise in Chapter 7, you already have a program that reads a Wikipedia page, finds the first link, uses the link to load the next page, and repeats. This program is a specialized kind of crawler, but when people say “web crawler” they usually mean a program that

  • Loads a starting page and indexes the contents,

  • Finds all the links on the page and adds the linked URLs to a collection, and

  • Works its way through the collection, loading pages, indexing them, and adding new URLs.

  • If it finds a URL that has already been indexed, it skips it.

You can think of the web as a graph where each page is a node and each link is a directed edge from one node to another. If you are not familiar with graphs, you can read about them at

Starting from a source node, a crawler traverses this graph, visiting each reachable node once.

The collection we use to store the URLs determines what kind of traversal the crawler performs:

  • If it’s a “first in, first out” (FIFO) queue, the crawler performs a breadth-first traversal.

  • If it’s a “last in, first out” (LIFO) stack, the crawler performs a depth-first traversal.

  • More generally, the items in the collection might be prioritized. For example, we might want to give higher priority to pages that have not been indexed for a long time.

You can read more about graph traversal at

Exercise 12

Now it’s time to write the crawler. In the repository for this book, you’ll find the source files for this exercise:

  •, which contains starter code for your crawler

  •, which contains test code for WikiCrawler

  •, which is my solution to the previous exercise

You’ll also need some of the helper classes we’ve used in previous exercises:





Before you run JedisMaker, you have to provide a file with information about your Redis server. If you did this in the previous exercise, you should be all set. Otherwise you can find instructions in “Making a Redis-Backed Index”.

Run ant build to compile the source files, then run ant JedisMaker to make sure it is configured to connect to your Redis server.

Now run ant WikiCrawlerTest. It should fail, because you have work to do!

Here’s the beginning of the WikiCrawler class I provided:

public class WikiCrawler {

    public final String source;
    private JedisIndex index;
    private Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<String>();
    final static WikiFetcher wf = new WikiFetcher();

    public WikiCrawler(String source, JedisIndex index) {
        this.source = source;
        this.index = index;

    public int queueSize() {
        return queue.size();

We have the following instance variables:

  • source is the URL where we start crawling.

  • index is the JedisIndex where the results should go.

  • queue is a LinkedList where we keep track of URLs that have been discovered but not yet indexed.

  • wf is the WikiFetcher we’ll use to read and parse web pages.

Your job is to fill in crawl. Here’s the prototype:

    public String crawl(boolean testing) throws IOException {}

The parameter testing will be true when this method is called from WikiCrawler​Test and should be false otherwise.

When testing is true, the crawl method should:

  • Choose and remove a URL from the queue in FIFO order.

  • Read the contents of the page using WikiFetcher.readWikipedia, which reads cached copies of pages included in this repository for testing purposes (to avoid problems if the Wikipedia version changes).

  • Index pages regardless of whether they are already indexed.

  • Find all the internal links on the page and add them to the queue in the order they appear. “Internal links” are links to other Wikipedia pages.

  • Return the URL of the page it indexed.

When testing is false, this method should take the following steps:

  • Choose and remove a URL from the queue in FIFO order.

  • If the URL is already indexed, it should not index it again, and should return null.

  • Otherwise it should read the contents of the page using WikiFetcher.fetchWikipedia, which reads current content from the web.

  • Then it should index the page, add links to the queue, and return the URL of the page it indexed.

WikiCrawlerTest loads the queue with about 200 links and then invokes crawl three times. After each invocation, it checks the return value and the new length of the queue.

When your crawler is working as specified, this test should pass. Good luck!

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