
  • Ecosystem Mapping, 98–99, 210
  • ecosystems, internal innovation, 288–295
  • Efficiency Experts, 39–40
  • empathy
  • creating in the business case, 185, 188
  • exhibiting radical customer, 301
  • in NVT members, 42
  • engagement of NBV members, 48, 49, 266–272
  • engineering specialists, 246
  • Entrepreneur-in-Residence, 244
  • entrepreneurs
  • networking for, 211–212
  • in Portfolio Review Days, 95, 97
  • resources for, 209–210
  • entrepreneurs, internal, 9
  • keeping them happy, 103
  • lifestyle of, 37
  • equity compensation, 250
  • execution, 178
  • in “Looking Forward to Accelerate,” 32
  • executive interviews, 94, 99, 274–275, 276
  • exercises
  • Asset Jam, 84
  • Challenge Question, 86, 294
  • Customer Pain Hypothesis, 85
  • Developing Personas, 147–148
  • Hypothesis, 293
  • Hypothesis Statement, 123
  • Identify Who Matters Most, 88–91
  • Mothership Management From-To Shifts, 294
  • What Matters Most?, 83
  • expertise, 17
  • access to, 48
  • facilities, 248
  • failure, embracing, 300–301
  • feasibility, 69, 72–73
  • product design and, 169–171
  • feedback
  • in Build to Validate, 218
  • on New Venture Plan Competitions, 100, 101
  • from pain point interviews, 134
  • from storyboard interviews, 139
  • financial services, 241
  • Financial Times, 15, 231
  • Fortune 500 companies, longevity of, 8–9
  • Foundation Capital, 12, 70
  • Frankenberger, Karolin, 190
  • The Friction Trap: How Smart Companies Make the Right Things Easier, the Wrong Things Harder, and Do It Without Driving People Crazy (Rao and Sutton), 285–286
  • fun, 303
  • funding, 17
  • approval of, 204–205
  • identifying sources of, 30
  • levels of for ventures, 258–260
  • in “Looking Forward to Accelerate,” 32–33
  • NVBs in providing, 48, 268–270
  • operating and execution plans on, 193, 195–196
  • small bets and, 28
  • for spin-outs, 283
  • in startups versus Venture Factories, 14–15
  • for Venture Factories, 256–260
  • future, working backward from the, 30, 45, 102, 104, 240, 302
  • Jobs, Steve, 14, 58, 153
  • Joby Aviation, 8
  • JPMorgan Chase, 8
  • Lammers, Patrick, 172
  • Lampert, Russ, 183
  • landing pages, 62
  • customer recruiting with, 117
  • prototype, 155–156
  • for prototypes, 165
  • launches, 240, 287–288
  • leaders and leadership, 261–297
  • development of, 253
  • failure of to grow, 16–17
  • fear of disruption by, 8
  • growth of, 232
  • politics and, 296–297
  • in Portfolio Review Days, 95
  • for Venture Factories, 231
  • leading the witness, 120
  • Lean Customer Development: Building Products Your Customers Will Buy (Alvarez), 121
  • lean startup methodology, 172
  • learning
  • by designing, 248–249
  • by doing, 248
  • by leading, 249
  • sharing with employees and investors, 255
  • Lee, Aileen, 9
  • legal services, 240, 291, 295
  • LinkedIn, 57, 116–117
  • logos, 56–57, 180
  • “Looking Forward to Accelerate” agenda, 30, 32–33, 45, 280–281
  • lunatic fringe, 37
  • Lyft, 169
  • Mach49, 12, 13
  • Accelerate phase at, 208–209
  • Board Member-in-Residence, 213
  • on industry veterans for Accelerate, 211
  • in Portfolio Review Days, 95
  • “Welcome to Accelerate” letter, 287–288
  • Mahr, Alex, 15, 231
  • management review board mindset, 231, 232
  • manufacturing, 241
  • marketability, 153
  • marketing, 201, 291
  • in Build to Automate, 220
  • NVAs and, 295
  • services for Venture Factories, 240
  • marketing channels, 84
  • markets
  • access to, 270–271
  • in the business case, 182–184
  • business model and, 190–192
  • experimentation framework for, 210
  • experts on in Venture Factory teams, 246
  • going to, 216
  • kill decisions based on, 182
  • segmentation of, 146
  • size of, 74, 182, 183–184, 200
  • strategy for, 154
  • testing, 14
  • mergers and acquisitions, 228, 255
  • methodology, 232, 301
  • metrics, 12, 15, 300
  • for Accelerate, 280
  • evaluating potential and, 225
  • for New Venture Plan Competitions, 98
  • in operating and execution plans, 192
  • risk mitigation and, 26, 199, 202
  • for spin-ins, 284
  • for Venture Factories, 237, 250, 261
  • milestones, 12, 14, 192
  • Accelerate, 209
  • accountability and, 175
  • Build to Automate, 219
  • Build to Validate, 32, 280
  • celebrating, 208
  • for customer interviews, 114
  • funding and, 195, 258, 268
  • operating and execution plan, 192–193
  • phantom stock plan, 286
  • reviewing, 288
  • risk mitigation and, 28
  • mindset, 231, 232, 277, 297
  • minimum viable product (MVP), 11, 33, 42
  • in Build to Validate, 218
  • business case on, 189
  • defining, 43, 169
  • definition of, 172
  • feasibility and, 72
  • market segmentation for, 146
  • in New Venture Plan Competitions, 108
  • product design based on, 172
  • prototypes and, 166, 167
  • risk and, 175
  • system architecture and, 172–174
  • Miro, 63
  • monetization, 190–192
  • Moore’s law, 152
  • Mothership
  • concept alignment with, 76–77
  • drivers to successful ventures, 289–291
  • engaging in Build to Grow, 221
  • friction with, 16, 232, 271
  • Gives and Gets with, 197–199
  • management from-to shifts, 294
  • managing the, 15–17, 28–29
  • NVT communication with, 57
  • NVT name/logo and, 56–57
  • readiness of, 94
  • risk and competition and, 201
  • transfer pricing and, 196
  • Venture Factory management of, 248
  • Venture Factory services and, 240–241
  • Mothership advantage, 10, 20, 28–29, 209, 232, 302–303
  • Gives and Gets and, 199
  • importance of seizing, 16, 18, 26
  • innovation ecosystems and, 271, 288–295
  • NVBs in seizing, 286, 288–295
  • scaling and, 10
  • motivation, 78
  • MVP. See minimum viable product (MVP)
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 46
  • Rachleff, Andy, 28, 175
  • Rao, Huggy, 285–286
  • R&D budgets, funding ventures with, 270
  • rebranding, 236
  • recruiting, 231
  • agencies for, 118
  • plans for, 194
  • regulatory services, 241
  • Reichheld, Fred, 144
  • reinvestment, 270
  • releases, 216
  • reliability, 153
  • resistance, 295–296
  • resources, 271
  • retention rates, 220
  • revenue models, 200
  • revenue streams, 193
  • risk, 16
  • embracing, 300–301
  • feasibility and, 72
  • operating and execution plans on, 199–202
  • product design and mitigation of, 175
  • Rocket Mortgage, 8
  • rockets, 94
  • Ross, Ed, 59
  • Uber, 17, 27, 29, 169
  • uncertainty, comfort with, 41
  • Unicorns
  • current number of, 9
  • definition of, 9
  • principles for creating, 298–303
  • road map for creating, 18–20
  • systematic process for developing, 10–12
  • unleashing within your company, 9–10
  • why yours should win, 13–15
  • unit economics, 200–201, 216
  • in Build to Automate, 220
  • United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, 236
  • urgency, 13
  • user experience, 200
  • in Build to Validate, 218
  • playbook for, 219
  • US Steel, 272
  • Y Combinator, 175
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