
I am most grateful to the illustrious showrunners interviewed in this book for generously and graciously taking the time to share their knowledge, insights, and hard-earned wisdom.

To my crackerjack editor, Trisha Chambers, who always makes it fun because (1) she’s so organized; (2) she’s so smart; (3) she loves TV, too.

It takes a village, and I certainly couldn’t have built this one without these industrious associate editors: Spencer Ballou, James Morris, and Tom Austin.

Enormous amounts of respect and gratitude to these friends and colleagues for their encouragement and support: Hal Ackerman, Alexander Akopov, Eyal Alony, Cary Brokaw, Channing Dungey, Sorche Fairbank, Jordi Gasull, Ben Harris, Jennifer Johnson, Sergey Kaluganov, Allison Liddi-Brown, Pamela K. Long, Denise Mann, Laurie Megery, Cory Miller, Irina Pivrovna, Janis Richardson, Mike Stein, David Stern, and Richard Walter.

Thanks to Dennis McGonagle and Carlin Reagan at Focal Press.

And special thanks to my sons, Noah and Zach, just for being awesome.

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