Introduction to Agile Project Management

OVER THE PAST 20 TO 25 YEARS, there has been a rapid and dramatic adoption of Agile methodologies and this trend has significantly accelerated in the last few years:

The “15th State of Agile Report,” published by Digital.ai, comments:

  • This year’s findings indicate significant growth in Agile adoption within software development teams, increasing from 37% in 2020 to 86% in 2021.1

Business Wire (a Berkshire Hathaway company) comments:

  • Driven by the global pandemic, Agile adoption rates double in non‐IT lines of business with continued, strong adoption in software development.
  • More than 90 percent of respondents say their company practices Agile, with most saying either the majority of or even all company teams have adopted Agile practices.
  • Rapid Agile adoption fuels an increase in adoption of other trends, including DevOps transformation and value stream management (VSM) initiatives for more than two‐thirds of organizations.
  • Post‐pandemic, a vast majority of IT respondents expect to permanently work remotely, making Agile adoption critical to driving collaboration and success across a globally distributed workforce.2

These statistics indicate that Agile is not a fad, it is having a significant impact on the way projects are managed, it’s definitely here to stay, and it is significantly accelerating in recent years. This trend has a significant impact on the career direction of project managers who have come from a classical plan‐driven project management background since there is no formal role for a project manager at the team level in an Agile project.


Despite this rapid and sustained proliferation of Agile, there is still somewhat of a chasm between the Agile and classical plan‐driven project management communities. When I published the first edition of this book in 2015, that chasm was large:

  • There had been only a limited amount of progress at that time on developing a more integrated project management approach that embraces both Agile and classical plan‐driven project management principles and practices.
  • Many project managers had been heavily indoctrinated into a classical plan‐driven project management approach and seemed to see Agile and classical plan‐driven project management principles and practices as competitive approaches that conflict with each other, and they essentially treated them as two separate and independent domains of knowledge.
  • Considerable polarization between these two communities was based on some part on myths, stereotypes, and misconceptions about what Agile and project management are that existed at that time.

Since that time, that chasm has narrowed considerably but there is still a gap that needs to be closed. Many people still seem to think that there is a binary and mutually exclusive choice between “Agile” and “Waterfall.” The ideal goal would be to have a seamless integration of project management approaches from heavily plan‐driven (Waterfall) at one extreme to heavily adaptive (Agile) at the other extreme with lots of alternatives between those two extremes as shown in Figure 1.1.

That leaves many project managers in a conundrum to try and figure out how these two very different approaches to project management can be integrated together. A major goal of this book is:

  • to help project managers understand the impact of Agile on the project management profession
  • to broaden and expand their project management skills as needed to develop a more integrated approach to adapt to this new environment.

Schematic illustration of spectrum of plan-driven and adaptive approaches

FIGURE 1.1 Spectrum of plan‐driven and adaptive approaches

What’s Driving These Changes?

In a classical plan‐driven project management environment, a project was deemed to be successful if it delivered well‐defined requirements on‐time and within the approved budget. In today’s world:

  • There is a much higher level of uncertainty, which, in many cases, makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to document firm and well‐defined requirements prior to the start of the project. In that environment, a much more flexible and adaptive approach is needed to further define and elaborate the detailed project requirements as the project is in progress.
  • We also live in a very competitive environment where there is a much greater need for creativity and innovation to maximize the business value of the solution. An overemphasis on planning and control can stifle creativity and innovation. In fact, there have been many projects that have delivered well‐defined requirements and met their cost and schedule goals but failed to deliver an acceptable level of business value.

This does not mean that a classical plan‐driven project management is obsolete and no longer useful, but we need to recognize that it does have limitations and fit the project management approach to the nature of the project rather than force‐fitting all projects to a classical plan‐driven approach.

The important thing to consider is “value.” What is the “value” that the project is intended to produce? Meeting a cost and schedule goal for delivering well‐defined requirements certainly has some value in many situations, but it is not necessarily the most important (or only) value in a given project. The choice of an appropriate methodology for a project will depend on a number of factors:

  1. The level of uncertainty in the project: A project that has a higher level of uncertainty in the requirements would naturally lean more towards a more flexible and adaptive approach.
  2. The level of training and sophistication of the project team: It takes a considerable amount of skill and judgment to use an Agile approach successfully and it should not be attempted unless the team has been properly trained in Agile, the primary roles of Scrum Master and Product Owner are in place, and the necessary tools to support the project are also in place.
  3. The relationship with the customer of the project: A classical plan‐driven project is typically based on somewhat of a contractual relationship with the customer:
    • The customer expects the project to be delivered as defined in the requirements within the approved cost and schedule goals.
    • The customer does not need to be heavily involved in the implementation of the project until it is time to approve the final deliverables.

      An Agile approach requires a much more collaborative approach with the customer. The customer needs to share responsibility for the successful completion of the project team by:

    • taking an active role in the project to provide feedback and inputs on incremental results
    • further defining and elaborating requirements as the project is in progress.

This means that there is no longer only one way to do project management and it takes a considerable amount of skill and organizational maturity to fit the most appropriate project management approach to the nature of the project:

  • Not only is it important that the individuals responsible for product development are trained and skilled in an Agile approach.
  • In addition, the businesspeople who are required to take an active role in the process need to understand how the process works.
  • The overall organization needs to be committed to whatever level of organizational change that may be needed to make it successful.

The Impact on the Project Management Profession

This isn’t just a matter of getting another certification—it can require a major shift in thinking for many traditional project managers that will take time and experience to develop. The Project Management Institute (PMI) has created the PMI‐ACP® (Agile Certified Practitioner) certification, which has been very successful and is a great step in the right direction—but it doesn’t go far enough, in my opinion.

  • It doesn’t test whether a project manager knows how to blend Agile and classical project management principles and practices in the right proportions to fit a given situation, and that is the real challenge that many project managers face.
  • PMI‐ACP is also not designed around a specific Agile role as many other Agile certifications are and the role that an Agile Project Manager might play is still somewhat undefined.

A lot of the polarization that has existed between the Agile and classical plan‐driven project management communities has been rooted in some well‐established stereotypes of what a project manager is that are based on how typical projects have been managed in the past. The role of a project manager has been so strongly associated with someone who plans and manages projects using classical plan‐driven project management approaches that many people cannot conceive of any other image of a project manager. It’s time to develop a new vision of what an Agile Project Manager is that goes beyond all those traditional stereotypes and fully integrates Agile within the overall portfolio of project management principles and practices.

It feels very similar to an evolution that took place when I worked in the quality management profession in the early 1990s. Up until that time, the primary emphasis in quality management had been on quality control, and inspection, and the image of a quality manager was heavily based on that role:

  • The predominant quality management approach was based on final inspection of products prior to shipping them to the customer and rejecting any that didn’t meet quality standards. It’s easy to see how that approach was inefficient, because it resulted in a lot of unnecessary rework to correct problems after the fact, and it also wasn’t that effective because any inspection approach is based on sampling, and it is impractical to do a 100% sample. For that reason, it can result in mediocre quality.
  • A far better approach was to go upstream in the process and eliminate defects at the source by designing the process to be inherently more reliable and freer of defects, and build quality into the inherent design of the products. That didn’t mean that the prior emphasis on quality control and inspection was obsolete and eliminated; it was just not the only way to manage quality and wasn’t the most effective approach in all situations.

That was a gut‐wrenching change for many in the quality management profession—instead of being in control of quality and being the gatekeeper with the inspection process, a good quality manager needed to become more of a coach and a consultant to influence others to build quality into the way they did their work. This changed the nature of the work dramatically for many in the quality management profession and eliminated a number of traditional quality management roles that were based on the old quality control and inspection approach. The similarity to the changes going on in the project management profession should be apparent:

  • To be successful in more uncertain environments, project managers need to be able to take an adaptive approach that is appropriate to the level of uncertainty in the project and integrate quality into the process rather than relying on final acceptance testing at the end of the project to validate the product that is being produced.
  • They also need to give up some of the control that has become associated with the project management profession—in some cases, they may need to become more of a coach and a consultant to influence others rather than being in absolute control of a project.

This can dramatically change the role of a project manager. In some situations, the role of a project manager as we’ve known it may no longer exist. For example, at a team level in an Agile project, you probably won’t find anyone with a title of Project Manager because the project management functions have been absorbed into other roles and are done very differently. That doesn’t mean that project management is no longer important, but it may cause us to dramatically rethink what project management is in a much broader context than the way we might have thought about it in the past.


You will often hear people make a comparison between Agile and Waterfall. Many of those discussions are polarized and position them as competitive approaches. Here’s an example:3

While that statement is generally true, it’s an oversimplification. There are at least two problems with that kind of statement:

  1. It makes it sound like there are only two binary, mutually exclusive choices: Agile and Waterfall.
  2. The meaning of the words Agile and Waterfall are typically not well‐defined and are used very loosely.

For those reasons, I prefer to avoid comparing Agile to Waterfall because it tends to be a very polarized discussion—I prefer to take a more objective approach that is based on a comparison between a plan‐driven and an adaptive (value‐driven) approach to project management. So, let’s first define both Agile and Waterfall, and then compare the two approaches.

Definition of Waterfall

The word Waterfall actually has a very specific meaning, but that’s often not how the word is really used:

Another aspect to the Waterfall model is that it is plan‐driven; it attempts to define and document detailed requirements and a plan for the entire project prior to starting the project.

  • When someone makes a statement comparing Waterfall to Agile, the word Waterfall is often used very loosely to refer to any kind of plan‐driven methodology, and that’s not really a very accurate and meaningful comparison.
  • In some other comparisons like this, the word Waterfall refers to a general style of project management that obsessively emphasizes predictability and control over agility, and that’s just bad project management. The Waterfall model will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.

Definition of Agile

Officially, Agile is defined by the principles and values of the Agile Manifesto of 2001 which will be discussed in Chapter 2. Agile is also an umbrella term used by many Agile practitioners to refer to different methods and frameworks that are based on adaptive, experimental, and extreme programming practices that have emerged since the mid‐to‐late 1990s.5

From a general perspective, Agile is a flexible and adaptive approach for developing and optimizing solutions in an uncertain environment. It is both incremental and iterative:

  • “Incremental” means that the solution is broken up into “chunks” that are developed and tested individually and might also be released individually rather than waiting for the entire solution to be developed, tested, and released as a whole.
  • “Iterative” means that the solution is progressively optimized and refined based on user feedback and inputs to maximize the value of the solution to the users.

It is particularly well suited for an environment with a high level of uncertainty because the process can start with only a high‐level view of the project goals and requirements and those goals and requirements can be further elaborated and refined as the project is in progress. Of course, that does not mean that all Agile projects start with only a high‐level view of the project goals and requirements. That will vary from one project to the next depending on the level of uncertainty in the project.

In actual practice, the meaning of the word Agile in this kind of comparison is also somewhat elusive because it has taken on some very strong connotations in actual usage. At a project level, the word Agile has frequently taken on a specific connotation associated with using the Scrum methodology on software development projects.

That definition has evolved over the years as Scrum has become somewhat of a de‐facto standard for Agile projects; however, the original definition of Agile conceived in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development,6 published in 2001, was much broader than that. Better known as the Agile Manifesto, it laid out some simple and general principles and values that can apply to any kind of project (not just software development) (see Chapter 2).

Comparison of Predictive (Plan‐Driven) and Adaptive (Value‐Driven) Approaches

Traditional, classical plan‐driven project management is a style of project management that is applied to projects where the requirements and plan for completing the project can be defined to a large extent prior to implementing the project. The emphasis in this style of project management is on predictability, and for that reason, the PMI calls it “predictive.” However, plan‐driven is a relative term, and you won’t find many projects that start out with an absolutely rigid plan that is not expected to change at all. This style of project management is often loosely called “Waterfall.”

In contrast, an adaptive (or value‐driven) style of project management starts the implementation of a project with a less well‐defined plan of how the project will be implemented and recognizes that the requirements and plan for the project are expected to evolve as the project progresses. Adaptive is also a relative term; you won’t find many projects that have no plan whatsoever of how the project will be done.

The important point is that the terms predictive (plan‐driven) and adaptive (value‐driven) are relative—they are not discrete, binary, mutually exclusive alternatives. They should imply a continuous range of approaches with different levels of upfront planning. Table 1.1 shows a comparison of the two approaches.

TABLE 1.1 Comparison of approaches

Classical project management approachHybridAgile approach
Project management approachPlan‐driven, predictive: The emphasis is on planning and predicting costs and schedules for projects with well‐defined requirementsBlend of bothValue‐driven, adaptive The emphasis is on maximizing the value of the solution in an uncertain environment with uncertain requirements
Project management responsibilityTypically, a project manager is responsible for managing the overall project to meet approved cost and schedule goalsThere may be no single “Project Manager” at the team level. Project management responsibility is typically distributed (see Chapter 17)
Project environmentBest suited for projects with a lower level of uncertainty where some level of predictability of costs and schedules is importantBest suited for projects with a higher level of uncertainty where some level of flexibility and adaptivity is needed to define the solution
Requirements managementDetailed requirements are defined prior to the beginning of the projectDetailed requirements are further defined and elaborated as the project is in progress
Change managementChanges in scope are controlled in order to maintain control over cost and schedule estimatesChanges are encouraged in order to support flexibility and adaptivity
Customer relationshipContractual based on well‐defined requirementsCollaborative based on a spirit of trust and partnership
Development managementTypically, Waterfall or an equivalent SDLC with controlled sequential phasesTypically, Scrum or an equivalent incremental and iterative approach
Solution deliveryThe entire solution is tested and delivered all‐at‐once at the end of the projectThe solution is tested and delivered incrementally at the end of each sprint and release
TestingTesting is typically done sequentially by a separate and independent QA organizationTesting is integrated into the development effort and is done concurrently with development

Which Approach Is Better?

You will often hear people say an Agile approach is inherently better than a Waterfall approach. That is often a very biased statement and it’s not necessarily accurate. Saying “Agile is better than Waterfall,” is like saying, “A car is better than a boat.”

  • Agile and Waterfall are different kinds of approaches designed for different kinds of projects.
  • The problem is not so much that Waterfall or Agile are inherently good or bad; the problem comes about when those methodologies are misused, and people try to use a single methodology (whatever it might be) for all projects.
  • Using a “one‐size‐fits‐all” strategy to applying either Waterfall (plan‐driven) or Agile (adaptive) approaches to all projects is not likely to yield optimum results.

In my opinion, being able to objectively understand the difference between a plan‐driven approach and a more adaptive (value‐driven) approach—as well as the principles behind those approaches at a deeper level—is probably one of the most important skills an Agile Project Manager needs to have. An Agile Project Manager needs to recognize the following:

  • There is a broad range of alternative approaches between being plan‐driven and being adaptive (value‐driven): The Agile Project Manager must choose the right level of upfront planning to be applied to a project, based on the level of uncertainty and other factors in the project.
  • It takes some skill to make the right choice: There is nothing inherently wrong with either of these approaches (adaptive or plan‐driven). The problem comes about when people try to force‐fit a project into one of these approaches rather than selecting and tailoring the approach to fit the project. For example, if I were to set out to try to find a cure for cancer (which has a high level of uncertainty) and I attempted to apply a highly plan‐driven approach to that project, the results would probably be dismal.

The important point is that a heavily plan‐driven approach (what some loosely refer to as Waterfall) is not the only way to successfully manage a project. In many projects, a good approach is to use an adaptive (value‐driven) approach to start the design effort without fully defined and detailed requirements and perhaps prototype something quickly. Then, user feedback can be added to further refine the design as the project progresses. With a more adaptive (value‐driven) approach:

  • The elements of the approach are much more concurrent than sequential: Instead of doing the entire design and then turning it over to quality assurance (QA) for testing, the design is done in small chunks called iterations or sprints that are typically two to four weeks long. During that time, developers and testers work collaboratively to design and test the software during each sprint.
  • The customer also provides detailed inputs on the design during each sprint: The customer accepts the results of each sprint at the end of each two‐ to four‐week period rather than waiting for user acceptance testing (UAT) at the end of the project. That has the advantage of finding and resolving any problems quickly and early in the project.

Advantages of an Adaptive (Value‐Driven) Approach

One primary advantage of a more adaptive approach is that the project startup is accelerated because less time is spent upfront in attempting to define detailed requirements and to develop a detailed plan to fulfill those requirements. In addition, engaging the user more directly in the design process is more likely to produce an outcome that provides the necessary business value and really meets the user needs.

An adaptive (value‐driven) approach has a higher probability of maximizing the business value to the customer because:

  • The customer is directly engaged with the design team as the project progresses.
  • The project might be delivered incrementally rather than waiting for the entire solution to be complete.
  • Control is somewhat decentralized, allowing people to make decisions at the appropriate time and level.7

Disadvantages of an Adaptive (Value‐Driven) Approach

However, an adaptive (value‐driven) approach is worse for predictability and control because the customer can make changes as the project progresses. In an Agile project, change is the norm rather than the exception. Several other disadvantages include:

  • An adaptive (value‐driven) approach typically requires a higher level of judgment and skill to implement and manage successfully and that requires training and coaching.
  • It also requires the customer to actively participate in the project as it is in progress in a collaborative spirit of partnership.

The Best of Both Worlds

This is not an “all‐or‐nothing” proposition to have either total predictability and control or no control at all. There are many ways to achieve the right balance of control versus agility. For example, prior to the start of a project, the high‐level requirements might be defined and stabilized, and then only the more detailed requirements need to be further elaborated as the project progresses.


Many of the techniques associated with project management that are in use today haven’t changed significantly since the 1950s and 1960s. I believe that we are on the verge of a major transformation of the project management profession that will cause us to redefine project management in a much broader context that includes both Agile and classical plan‐driven project management.

The Early History of Project Management

In order to understand this transition and to put it in perspective, it is useful to understand how the project management profession has evolved over the years and how we got to where we are today.

  • Project management has been practiced for many years in one way or another—I’m sure that there was some kind of “project management” approach to building the great pyramids of Egypt or the Great Wall of China or other similar large efforts many years ago, but it probably wasn’t even thought of as project management in those days.
  • They didn’t have Gantt charts and Pert charts and other sophisticated project planning and management tools, because those things weren’t even invented until the twentieth century.

The Industrial Revolution created the need for a more disciplined approach to project management, and a well‐defined body of knowledge associated with project management began to evolve:

World War II brought about the need for more large‐scale project management for organizing very large projects like the Manhattan Project; however, it wasn’t until the 1950s and 1960s, that it became apparent that a much more well‐defined body of knowledge and a disciplined approach were needed to successfully manage some of the large and complex projects that were evolving at that time, which led to the following:

Many people probably assume that the project management profession is now reaching a stage of maturity and stabilizing, but I believe that we have only seen the beginning, and project management, as we’ve known it, will continue to grow in entirely new directions.

Transformation of the Project Management Profession

Sometimes we get so immersed in day‐to‐day activities that we don’t take time to step back and see some fundamental changes that are going on around us.

  • It seems clear to me that the project management profession, as we know it, is going to go through such a major transformation. The exact nature of that transformation isn’t completely clear as it is still evolving; however, it does seem likely that it will cause us to rethink many of the things we have taken for granted in the project management profession for a long time in a much broader perspective.
  • It feels very similar to the evolution that has taken place in other technology areas and disciplines. For example, there is a strong similarity to the evolution from classical physics to modern physics.

Up until that time, the study of physics had been heavily dominated by Newtonian physics, which defines some fundamental laws of how the universe behaves such as Newton’s laws of motion. These fundamental laws were taken for granted in the world of physics for many years, even though we didn’t fully understand why things in the universe behaved as they did.

As modern physics has evolved in the twentieth century, based on quantum mechanics and relativity, we began to develop a deeper understanding of the real dynamics behind these laws, and we began to understand that the universe is not as simple and deterministic as we might have thought it was.

The transition from classical Newtonian physics to a more complete and more dynamic model based on quantum mechanics provided a deeper understanding of the forces and principles behind those laws, as well as the limitations in those laws and when and where they are really applicable. That deeper understanding didn’t invalidate the laws of Newtonian physics in most situations—“on an ‘everyday’ scale; that is, situations in which energies are large enough to permit one to neglect quantum effects, but small enough to neglect relativistic effects.”11

The similarity to the transition in the project management profession should be apparent—we’re moving from a world in which we had the impression that the behavior of the universe was highly predictable and controllable and totally subject to some well‐defined rules to a world that is much more dynamic, much more probabilistic, and much less predictable.

What's Driving This Change, and Why Now?

You might ask, “Why is it becoming so essential for the project management profession to make a change at this particular point in time?” There are several major factors that will force us to rethink the concept of project management:

  1. The nature of projects is changing: The modern concepts of project management were developed as result of big projects like the transcontinental railroad. Today, we have new industries and a much broader range of projects such as web development, e‐commerce, large IT projects, etc., which weren’t common before the mid‐1990s. It is becoming increasingly apparent that applying a “one‐size‐fits‐all” approach to such a broad range of projects will not have optimum results.
  2. Technology is rapidly changing: Figure 1.2 shows how the adoption rate of new technologies has changed over the past century. Project management approaches that worked in the 1950s and 1960s must be reexamined to adapt to the current fast pace of technology adoption.
  3. The general level of uncertainty in the world is increasing.

A similar transformation took place in the quality management profession in the 1980s and early 1990s.

  • At that time, the Japanese auto industry was demonstrating huge improvements in quality of products that made conventional quality management methods based primarily on quality control and inspection very inadequate.
  • They forced people to rethink the whole strategy and approach for doing quality management. Without the leadership of people like W. Edwards Deming and the significant improvements in quality that were demonstrated in the automotive industry, the transformation of quality management might never have happened.
    Schematic illustration of adoption rates of new technologies

    FIGURE 1.2 Adoption rates of new technologies

    Source: Singularity.com

  • What started primarily in the automotive industry has now become a more modern approach to quality management that is widely used in all industries.

A similar thing is happening with Agile and classical plan‐driven project management today:

  • The leadership of W. Edwards Deming in establishing a Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophy can be compared to the thought leadership behind the Agile Manifesto in 2001.
  • The broad‐based adoption of TQM starting in the automotive industry and eventually spreading to many other industries can be compared to how Agile has started out in software development today and is now beginning to spread to other areas.

Other researchers have come to a similar conclusion regarding this; Manfred Saynisch published his findings of a research project in Project Management Journal.

The article proposes a new approach to project management called “PM2” where classical plan‐driven project management will play an active and important role but will be “extended to consider dynamic, nonlinear, multi‐causal structures and processes as well as the principles of self‐organization, evolution, and networking.” The article goes on to say:

I agree with that view—we are on the verge of a new generation of project management that will cause us to rethink many of the accepted notions of what “project management is.” It requires blending classical plan‐driven project management principles and practices with a much more empirical and evolutionary approach to deal with the uncertain, dynamic, and fast‐paced environment we live in today.

The key message is to fit the project management approach to the nature of the project, as shown in Figure 1.3. That takes a lot more skill, but it definitely can be done.

Schematic illustration of fitting the project management approach to the project.

FIGURE 1.3 Fitting the project management approach to the project.

Source: Carsten Reisinger/Adobe Stock.


I am a strong believer in Agile, and there are some very significant benefits of an Agile approach in many situations. However, many proponents of Agile oversell the benefits and sometimes position Agile as a panacea that should be used for all projects.

  • The real benefit to a typical project manager of developing an Agile project management approach is not in throwing away any notion of using a plan‐driven approach, converting to Agile, and using a totally Agile approach for all projects.
  • Rather, the benefit results from recognizing that a classical plan‐driven approach is not the best way to manage all projects and thus learning to blend adaptive/Agile (value‐driven) and plan‐driven principles and practices in the right proportions to fit a given situation.

Even if a project manager never uses a fully Agile approach, I believe that knowledge of Agile concepts and principles will make him/her a better project manager. It’s really a matter of learning a broader range of approaches (adding more tools to your toolbox) and developing a more adaptive project management approach (developing more skill in using those tools). In my previous books, I used the analogy of a project manager as a “cook” and the project manager as a “chef” (with credit to Bob Wysocki):

  • A good cook might have the ability to create some very good meals, but those dishes might be limited to a repertoire of standard dishes, and knowledge of how to prepare those meals might be primarily based on following some predefined recipes out of a cookbook.
  • A chef, on the other hand, typically has a far greater ability to prepare a much broader range of more sophisticated dishes using much more exotic ingredients in some cases. The chef’s knowledge of how to prepare those meals is not limited to predefined recipes, and in many cases, a chef will create entirely new and innovative recipes for a given situation. The best chefs are not limited to a single cuisine and are capable of combining dishes from entirely different kinds of cuisine.

I think that sums up the transformation that needs to take place—we need to develop more project managers who are “chefs” rather than “cooks.”

Here are five specific benefits of developing an Agile Project Management approach.

  1. Increased focus on business outcomes: Many people think that the primary benefit of an Agile project is just getting it done faster, but that is not always the case.
    • The primary emphasis in an Agile project is really to deliver value in the form of very successful business outcomes by taking an adaptive approach to maximize the value that is delivered.
    • That doesn’t always result in the fastest delivery times. In some cases, it may require some experimentation and trial‐and‐error prototyping to find an optimum solution—that may or may not be the quickest way to get it done, but it should result in a better product in the end.
  2. Reduced time to market: Time to market is, of course, an important consideration, and Agile accomplishes that in a couple of ways:
    • By reducing the startup time required for projects as a result of simplifying some of the requirements definition practices.
    • By improving the efficiency of the overall project and delivering functionality incrementally as much as possible.
    • By focusing on simplicity and eliminating non‐value‐added work.
  3. Higher productivity and lower costs: Agile can also result in higher productivity and lower costs by eliminating unnecessary overhead and bottlenecks and doing work concurrently rather than sequentially.
  4. Higher quality: A very important benefit of Agile is higher quality.
    • In a classical Waterfall project, quality is sequential and is often perceived as a separate effort that is the responsibility of the quality assurance (QA) department.
    • The developers many times develop the software and then “toss it over the wall” to be tested by QA.
    • In an Agile project, the team, as a whole (which includes QA testers), jointly owns responsibility for building quality into the design of the products that they produce—it’s not someone else’s responsibility.
    • The development effort is broken up into short iterations called sprints that are typically two to four weeks in length. There is an emphasis on producing a shippable product at the end of every sprint, which means that quality testing must be more integrated with development and cannot be put off indefinitely.
  5. Organizational effectiveness: Finally, a very important benefit of Agile is a more effective organization with higher morale:
    • People at all levels are motivated and empowered to do their work and take pride in doing it well because the environment is built on solid values, including respect for people.
    • All parts of the organization work together more collaboratively in a spirit of partnership toward common goals.


  1. Closing the Chasm

    There has been a widespread and rapid adoption of Agile methodologies over the last 15 to 20 years:

    • However, our progress in developing an integrated approach to project management that embraces Agile as well as classical plan‐driven project management principles and practices has been somewhat limited.
    • To make further progress in that direction, we need to get past a number of well‐established stereotypes and develop a much broader vision of what project management is.
  2. Comparison of Agile versus Waterfall

    The typical discussion that compares Agile and Waterfall as if they were two discrete, mutually exclusive, binary choices oversimplifies what should be more accurately thought of as a range of adaptive and plan‐driven approaches:

    • The Agile versus Waterfall comparison has also created an impression that the approaches are competitive, and that has created some polarization.
    • In fact, adaptive (value‐driven) and plan‐driven approaches really should be thought of as much more complementary to each other.
  3. Transformation of the Project Management Profession

    The project management profession is at a major turning point in its history:

    • The project management profession has developed over a number of years into a well‐planned and disciplined approach to how projects are managed in reaction to the need for managing very large and complex projects that evolved in the early 1950s and 1960s.
    • That approach has worked well for projects that can be heavily plan‐driven; however, it has serious limitations in highly uncertain and rapidly changing environments that are difficult or impractical to develop a detailed plan for.
  4. Agile Project Management Benefits

    Developing a more adaptive approach to project management and tailoring the approach to fit the project will generally result in a number of benefits:

    • The benefits come from matching the approach to the project rather than always using a plan‐driven approach for all projects.
    • These benefits are not limited only to Agile projects—even if a project manager is never involved in an Agile project at all, developing a broader and deeper knowledge of both adaptive (value‐driven) and plan‐driven (predictive) principles and practices is likely to significantly improve a project manager’s skills for many different projects by developing a more adaptive (value‐driven) approach that can be optimized for the nature of the project.


Closing the Chasm

  1. Have you observed the “chasm” between the Agile and classical plan‐driven project management communities? How does it manifest itself? What is the impact? What needs to be done to “close the chasm”?

Agile versus Waterfall

  1. Research the usage of the terms Agile and Waterfall. Identify and discuss how this comparison is often misleading. Explain the difference between an adaptive (value‐driven) and a plan‐driven (predictive) approach and how that helps to provide a more objective frame of reference.

Transformation of the Project Management Profession

  1. How do you see the transformation that is going on in the project management profession? Do you think that there is a significant change, and if so, what impact will it have on the project management profession as a whole? What needs to be done to make this transformation happen?

Agile Project Management Benefits

  1. What do you think are the most important benefits of developing a more adaptive/Agile (value‐driven) approach? How would it affect the way you manage projects?

Balancing Agility and Control

  1. How would you go about determining the appropriate balance of agility and control for a project? What factors would you consider, and why? Provide an example of a real‐world project and discuss how you might do it differently based on these factors.

Agile Benefits

  1. What do you think are the most important benefits of an Agile approach to some typical projects? Discuss a real‐world example of how an organization might have benefited from adopting a more Agile approach.

Project Management Career Direction

  1. How do you think Agile affects the career direction of project managers? What impact do you think it might have on your own career? What do you think you might have to do differently as a result of Agile?


  1. 1.  “15th Annual State of Agile Report,” https://digital.ai/resource-center/analyst-reports/state-of-agile-report.
  2. 2.  “15th State of Agile Report Shows Notable Rise in Agile Adoption Across the Enterprise,” https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210713005631/en/15th-State-of-Agile-Report-Shows-Notable-Rise-in-Agile-Adoption-Across-the-Enterprise.
  3. 3.  PGDCA, Department of Computer Science, D.K. College, Mirza, https://www.facebook.com/dkcomputershell/posts/633083063450334:0.
  4. 4.  Winston Gonzalez, email comments to author on book review.
  5. 5.  Manifesto for Agile Software Development, https://agilemanifesto.org/.
  6. 6.  Ibid.
  7. 7.  Winston Gonzalez, email comments to author on book review.
  8. 8.  Project Management: Past and Present, https://opentextbc.ca/projectmanagement/chapter/chapter-1-project-management-in-industry-project-management/.
  9. 9.  Ibid.
  10. 10. “Physics,” http://www.conservapedia.com/Physics.
  11. 11. Ibid.
  12. 12. Winston Gonzalez, email comments to author on book review.
  13. 13. Manfred Saynish, “Mastering Complexity and Changes in Projects, Economy, and Society via Project Management Second Order (PM‐2),” Project Management Journal 41, no. 5 (Dec. 2010).
  14. 14. Ibid.
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