Annie Machon is a former spy turned privacy campaigner. She was an intelligence officer for the UK's Security Service, MI5, before resigning to help blow the whistle on the crimes and incompetence of British spies in the 1990s.

She is now a media pundit, writer, and international public speaker on a wide variety of geopolitical issues, including the wars on terrorism, whistleblowers, drugs, the internet, press and media freedoms, secrecy legislation, civil liberties and accountability in government and business. Annie brings a rare perspective on not only the inner workings of governments, intelligence agencies and the media, but also the wider implications for the need for increased openness and accountability in both public and private sectors. She has also given evidence to both the European Parliament and the UK Parliament about surveillance in the wake of the Snowden disclosures.

In 2020 Annie was awarded the SA Award for Integrity in Intelligence by Sam Adams Associates, a global group of intelligence, diplomatic and military whistleblowers, served four years as the European Director of Law Enforcement Action Partnership, is a director of https://worldethicaldata.org/, an organiser of the World Ethical Data Forum, and is an advisory board member of the Courage Foundation.

She is also a regular contributor to films, most notably Digital Dissidents, The Culture High, Disappear, The Mole, and Espionnes.

Annie has an MA (Hons) Classics from Cambridge University and is the author of Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers: MI5, MI6 and the Shayler Affair.

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