
This book benefited greatly from the help of many people, named and unnamed. We thank them for their assistance.

We especially thank all the contributors to the Joomla! Project who have worked together so hard to produce and support this amazing software. All of the people we interview in Chapter 14 have taught and inspired us day in and day out, many since the day Joomla! was born, and we are lucky to consider them friends, too. Thanks to Brad Baker, Gary Brooks, Chris Davenport, Mark Dexter, Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos, Vic Drover, Andrew Eddie, Louis Landry, Ian MacLennan, Sam Moffatt, Ryan Ozimek, Angie Radke, Wendy Robinson, Ron Severdia, Marijke Stuivenberg, and Andrea Tarr. There are dozens of others whose knowledge we have built on, including Michael Babker, Michelle Bisson, Anthony Ferrara, Lorenzo Garcia, Javier Gomez, Leslie Hawthorn, Gabrielle Heller, Dave Huelsmann, Alan Langford, Rob Schley, Toni Marie Swats, Jean-Marie Simonet, James Vasile, Rouen Weβling, and others.

We also thank all those participants in the Joomla! forums who answered our questions and asked us their own questions, and contributors to the Joomla! Official Documentation wiki, both of which taught us how to use Joomla! in more depth. The Joomla! Bug Squad has been a continuous source of inspiration.

Then there are the people who really made this book possible. Pete and Tom, our families, Linnea and Robert, and the Odd Sheep who were so supportive and put up with a lot while we were writing. Also, to our numerous friends who were given a sudden introduction to Joomla! and who gave of their time to read chapters and give encouragement and suggestions, thank you.

A very special thank-you to Terrence H. Pocock for bringing home a Teletype, which inspired a lifetime love of technology in his youngest daughter. And to Joan and Fred Waring for showing their daughter a counter sorter.

Thank you to Gillian Williams and Scott Wolpow for reading the whole manuscript; to Paul Orwig, Jacques Rentzke, and others at Open Source Matters for their support of the mission and vision of Joomla! Press; and, of course, to Debra Williams Cauley at Pearson who is a tireless advocate for Joomla! Press and kept us on track.

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