

404 error messages, 114

508 compliance, 39, 440

2009 Software Queensland Medal, 357


About Us pages, 262265

Access Administration Interface, 88, 90

Access Control List (ACL). See ACL (Access Control List)


in education web sites, 328

preparing for installation and, 3940

Radke on, 393396

ACL (Access Control List)

access levels in, 91, 9596

in Article Manager, 104105

configuration of, 8591

for education web sites, 345

for NPO web sites, 317318

Ozimek on, 411

User Manager and, 9596

Admin Login, 88

Administrator functions

components for, 152

layouts, 329331

modules for, 156


Global Configuration options for, 87

logins for, 88

lost passwords for, 423427

Super Administrator user groups, 79, 8690

Text Filtering for, 92

Adobe, 36, 42, 254

Advanced site content, 289

Advertising, 214

AiContactSafe, 249

Ajax, 359

Akeeba Backup

Dionysopoulos on, 415418

introduction to, 167

Kickstart procedure of, 241

Marriott on, 414

updating Joomla! and, 235, 438

Alpha releases, 1617

Alternative layouts, 179180, 186188

Americans with Disabilities Act, 328

Analogous color schemes, 3334

Animated items, 214

Announcements forum, 8, 399


hosting requirements and, 45

mod_rewrite in, 83

as resource, 441, 434

APIs (Application Program Interfaces)

for business sites, 250

GitHub, 377

Google Web Fonts, 270

for social media, 305

Archive icon, 103

Arial, 270

Article Manager

Article Order in, 127

Articles option in, 123124

Blog layouts in, 126

Categories layouts in, 125126

Category layouts in, 125

Category Order in, 127

creating new articles in, 106108

editing articles in, 106110

Editing layout in, 124125

Featured layouts in, 126

home page content in, 258

Integration option in, 127

introduction to, 101106

List layouts in, 126127

Options button in, 122

Pagination in, 127

Permissions in, 127128


in Content component, 117, 123124

managing. See Article Manager

in Menu Manager, 115

for school web sites, 342346

in TinyMCE Editor, 109

Assets tables, 430431

Atomic template

introduction to, 170176

modification of, 309

NPO demo site in, 294

NPO demo sites in, 298

Audio, 214215

Authentication Tools suite, 325

Author user groups, 87, 89, 317

Automated testing, 364

Automatic translations, 326


Back-end of sites

Administrator access to, 87

Article Manager in, 102103

Banners in, 145

Projectfork in, 354

Super User editing in, 7678

Web link submissions in, 137138

Backing up Joomla! sites

in Demo site system, 7172

extensions for, 235

introduction to, 232233

manually, 233235

Backup Manager, 7172

Baker, Brad, 388389, 411

Banners, 145, 153154

Batch icon, 104

Beez templates

Beez_20, 170171, 329330, 349

Beez2, 182186, 348349

Beez3. See Beez3

Beez5. See Beez5

for brochure sites, 254255, 264

Custom HTML modules in, 267

designing, 393396

editing, 180187

for education web sites, 329330, 348352

introduction to, 40

Personal option in, 182186

Radke on, 393396

in Template Manager, 99100, 170179


customizing, 180187

for education web sites, 329330, 350

in Template Manager, 170179


brochure sites in, 254255, 264

Custom HTML modules in, 267

for education web sites, 348, 351352

in Template Manager, 99100, 170176

Beginning with Joomla! See preparing for installation

Berne Copyright Convention, 28

Berners-Lee, Tim, 39

Beta releases, 1617

Better Business Bureau, 45

The Big Book of Color in Design, 36

BigShot Google Analytics, 168

Bing, 217218, 436

Blinking items, 214, 327


benefits of, 227

Category Blog for, 118119, 294296

for education web sites, 327

layouts for, 126

for NPO web sites, 289, 294296

Robinson on, 387

Blue Stork, 170, 177

Boards, 710

Body, 203208

Bootstrap. See Twitter Bootstrap

Bootswatch, 439


in preparing for installation, 3036

Robinson on, 385388

Waring on, 385


modules for, 156

in navigation, 222

in template creation, 204205, 211

Brochure sites

About Us pages in, 262265

contact forms in, 262

Custom HTML modules in, 265268

customizing templates in, 268273

demo of, generally, 254255

home pages in, 256261

introduction to, 248249

in Joomla! 2.5, 275278

in Joomla! 3, 273274

product descriptions in, 262265

Brooks, Gary, 402407

Browsers, 3840, 169170

Bug Squad

Dexter on, 361365

Eddie on, 360

introduction to, 1517

Moffatt on, 367368

Radke on, 395

Tarr on, 398399

Waring on, 382

Bulk import of users, 325

Business benefits of Joomla! 402407

Business sites

About Us pages in, 262265

aiContactSafe for, 249

brochure sites as. See brochure sites

business tools for, generally, 253

conclusions about, 281282

contact forms in, 262

Custom HTML modules in, 265268

customizing templates in, 268273

demo of, generally, 253254

for e-commerce, 250252

extensions for, 248253

Facebook Like Box for, 250

FoxyCart for, 252

introduction to, 247, 254255

JFBConnect, 250

JJ Tweets for, 250

in Joomla! 2.5, 275278

in Joomla! 3, 273274

Magento for, 252

MaQma for, 253

myApi for, 250

NewContent Tweeter for, 249250

osCommerce for, 252

payment systems in, 251

Paypal for, 252

planning of, 247248

product descriptions in, 262265

Projectfork for, 253

RokQuickCart for, 252

shopping carts for, 278281

social media for, 249250

Very Simple Image Gallery for, 248249


Calculated permissions, 90


for education web sites, 322323

of Google. See GCalendar

for NPO web sites, 285286, 298301

Captcha plugin, 142, 144

Captcha-reCaptcha plugin, 157, 262263

Caption box, 110

Carter, David, 36

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Categories, 331335


Blog, 118119, 294296

layouts, 125126

List layouts, 120

lists, 138

Manager, 112113

CB Captcha, 324325

CC (content constructions), 400

CCKs (content construction kits), 289

Center for Internet and Society, 444

Charitable giving, 443

Charlier, Dr. Michael, 393

Check In icon, 103

Checkout Modes, 279

Chrome, 177, 179

Chrome SEO, 218


for education web sites, 325

for NPO web sites, 286, 288

CiviSchool, 325

Clickingmad, 389

CLIs (Command Line Interface Applications), 6

Cloud computing, 406407

Cloud Control Panel, 71, 402407

CLT (Community Leadership Team), 1920

Club web sites. See group web sites

CMS (Content Management System)

Dexter on, 362

hosting requirements and, 45

of Joomla! generally, 45

Landry on, 420421

MacLennan on, 376377

Platform and, 57

release cycles of, 237238

CMSs (content management systems)

Brooks on, 403407

Dionysopoulos on, 417418

Drover on, 399

Eddie on, 357359, 361

Marriott on, 411412

Radke on, 394

Waring on, 382383

CoC (Community Oversight Committee), 20

CodeMirror plugin, 351

Color Schemer, 36, 438


analogous, 3334

cheat sheets for, 437

complementary, 3435

gradient, 310315

monochromatic, 3334

Personal option for, 182186

schemes of, 3236

split-complementary, 3435

for templates, 182186, 208211

in triad color schemes, 3436

Colour Lovers, 36, 438

Command Line Interface Applications (CLIs), 6

Comments, 228

Communication paths, 24

Community Builder (CB)

for education web sites, 323325

Marriott on, 413

for NPO web sites, 290291

Community Leadership Team (CLT), 1920

Community of Joomla! contributors

Baker on, 388

Brooks on, 404

Davenport on, 391

definition of, 1112

Dexter on, 362

Dionysopoulos on, 416

Drover on, 400

Eddie on, 358

invitation to, 1819

Landry on, 419

MacLennan on, 374

Marriott on, 412

Moffatt on, 366

Ozimek on, 409

project leadership in, 1920

Radke on, 394

Robinson on, 386

Severdia on, 378

Stuivenberg on, 370

Tarr on, 397

Waring on, 381382

Community of Joomla! users

forums for, 710

history of, 3

introduction to, 1112

JUGs in, 11, 372, 397

Community Oversight Committee (CoC), 20

Community portals, 290291. See also social networking, 434

Complementary color schemes, 3435


administrator, 152

Banners, 145

in configuring Joomla! 9297

Contacts, 142145

Content. See Content component

for content production, generally, 131133

introduction to, 6, 1213

News Feeds, 140142

Search, 145151

Users, 151152

Web Links, 136140

Compression icon, 234


in Joomla! 2.5, 64

in Joomla! 3, 6061

lost administrator passwords and, 423425

SEF URLS and template disappearance in, 430

Configuring Joomla!

conclusions about, 100

defaults for sites in, 98100

Global Configuration for. See Global Configuration

introduction to, 75

Media Manager in, 96

for new sites, 7579

Permissions tab for, 8591

Server tab for, 85

Site tab for, 8085

Smart Search, 9697

specific components in, 9297

Super User in, 7679

System tab for, 85

template style in, 98100

Text Filters tab in, 9192

user groups in, 8691

User Manager in, 9396

Constant Contact, 288

Constituent/client/customer relationship managers (CRMs), 288

Contact Creator plugin, 342344

Contact Display Options, 345346

Contact forms

for brochure sites, 262

for education web sites, 323

for NPO web sites, 297

Contact Manager

creating forms in, 262263

for education web sites, 345346

introduction to, 131133

for NPO site contact forms, 297

Contacts component, 115, 142145

Container, 203208


advanced, 289

creation of, generally, 43

FLEXIcontent for, 400

managing. See Content component

modules for, 153154

refreshing, 227228

standards for, 39

Content component

Article Manager in. See Article Manager

article menu types for, 117

Articles options for, 123124

Blog layouts for, 126

Category Blog for, 118119

Category layouts for, 125126

Category List layouts for, 120

category management for, 112113

conclusions about, 128

Create Article view for, 121

definition of, 101106

editing layouts for, 124125

extensions, 134136

Featured layouts for, 120121, 126

front-end article creation in, 134136

inserting images in, 110112

integration options for, 127

List layouts for, 126127

managing content with, 106110

Media Manager for, 110112

Menu Manager for, 114121

parameters for, 121128

permissions in, 127128

shared options for, 127

Single Article for, 117118

Content construction kits (CCKs), 289

Content constructions (CC), 400

Content Editor

for education web sites, 321

introduction to, 167

Marriott on, 413414

updating, 231232

Content Management System (CMS) of Joomla! See CMS (Content Management System)

Content management systems (CMSs), generally. See CMSs (content management systems)

Content Rights, 82

Continuous content, 43

Contributing to Joomla!. See community of Joomla! contributors

Control Panel, 7677

Cookie settings, 84

Copy, in Article Manager, 104


Berne Copyright Convention on, 28

Digital Millennium Copyright Act on, 384

in preparing for installation, 2629

U.S. Library of Congress Office of, 442

Waring on, 382

Core extensions. See extensions

Core Team Summit 2005, 360

Courier New, 270


Fanstastico in, 50, 70

File Manager in, 5658

as hosting control panel, 5253

htaccess.txt files in, 8384

introduction to, 49

lost administrator passwords in, 424425

MySQL Database Wizard on, 5254

permission/ownership issues in, 428

SEF URLS and template disappearance in, 430

Create Article view, 121

Creative Commons, 384385

Creative directors, 377380

CRMs (constituent/client/customer relationship managers), 288

Cross-browser compatibility, 430

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

adding color/typography in, 208212

adding style sheets in, 199200

brochure site modification in, 270278

cheat sheets for, 437

cross-browser compatibility issues in, 430

Davenport on, 392

editor background issues and, 429

gradient color in, 310316

LESS version of, 208209

in NPO web sites, 311, 313315

override.css files and, 270272

personal.css files in. See personal.css files

template modification in, 182186

template structure in, 191, 437, 438

Custom HTML modules

for brochure sites, 265268

for NPO demo sites, 298

for social media, 303306

Custom.css files, 311

Customer relationship management (CRM) applications, 253


Dao by Design, 219


assets table issues in, 430431

backups of, 234

configuring, 6566

creating, 5256

updating issues and, 431

Davenport, Chris, 389393

Days. See J!Days

Demo site of Joomla!

Brooks on, 403407

installing Joomla! and, 7172

introduction to, 12


of business sites, 253254

of education web sites. See school web sites

of NPO web sites. See nonprofit organization (NPO) web sites

Der Auftritt, 393396


of Beez templates, 393396

color in, 36

resources on, 189, 437439

usability and, 38

of web sites, generally, 377380

Developer Conferences, 11

Developer Tools, 210, 430, 434

Dexter, Mark, 361365

Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 384

Dionysopoulos, Nicholas K., 415418

Disabilities, 328

Discover, 195

Discovery Education Classroom Resources, 444

Discussion forums, 228

Display modules, 155

Displaying documents, 322

Div, 201207, 268, 312

DMOZ, 217218, 436

DNS (Domain Name System), 2425

DOCman, 322, 433

Domain Name System (DNS), 2425

Donations, 291292, 301302

DotProject, 357358

Downloading Joomla! 5152, 435

Drover, Vic, 399402

Dutch Joomla! community, 369373

Dynamic sites, 47, 214


Easy Folder Listing, 322, 340342


in Australia, 357

Giving Works, 292, 443

Landry at, 418421

Eclipse, 419

“Eclipse and Java for Total Beginners,” 362

E-commerce, 250252

Eddie, Andrew, 357361, 365

Edit icon, in Article Manager, 103

Editing layouts, 124125

Editing templates, 389393

Editor background issues, 429

Editor user groups, 8789

Education web sites. See also school web sites

accessibility in, 328

automatic translations for, 326

blogging on, 327

bulk import of users for, 325

calendars for, 322323

CB Captcha, 324325

CiviCRM for, 325

CiviSchool for, 325

Community Builder for, 323325

conclusions about, 355

contact information for, 323

demo of. See school web sites

displaying documents on, 322

DOCman for, 322

Easy Folder Listing for, 322

extensions for, generally, 321

Filtered News for, 321

Gallery for, 324

GCalendar for, 323

Google Apps for, 327

JCaL Pro for, 323

JCE for, 321

Joomla! for, generally, 319

Joomlearn LMS for, 326

Josetta for, 326

LDAP Authentication for, 325

learning extension for, 326

Marriott on, 411415

Moodle for, 326327

multilingual, 326

planning, 319321

ProfileBook for, 324

Projectfork for, 325

Public Mail for, 324

RokDownloads for, 322

Simple Image Rotator for, 321

social networking in, 327328

staff pages for, 323

stand-alone applications for, 327

English Great Britain (en-GB), 18

Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 253

EPrints, 366

ERP (enterprise resource planning), 253

Europa, 440

Event Registration Pro, 285286

Experts on Joomla! See interviews with experts

Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML), 192, 199

Extension Manager

Discover in, 195

introduction to, 164167

Update tab in, 236

updating issues and, 431

Very Simple Image Gallery in, 256261

Extension Update, 235237


adding, 162

administrator components, 152

administrator modules, 156

Akeeba Backup, 415418

for backups, 235

Banners component, 145

for business sites, 248253

conclusions about, 168

Contacts component, 142145

Content component, 134136

content modules, 153154

for content production, generally, 131133

core extensions, generally, 129130

Dionysopoulos on, 415418

directory for. See Extensions Directory

display modules, 155

Drover on, 399402

for e-commerce, 251252

for education web sites, 321

installing, 164167

for interactions, 285287

introduction to, 6, 13, 129

languages in, 158161

modules, 152156

navigation modules, 156

News Feeds component, 140142

for NPO web sites, 293294

plugins and, 156158

popular, 167168

Search component, 145151

security vulnerability of, 24

Smart Search, 145151

user modules, 156

Users component, 151152

utility modules, 155156

viewing information about, 164167

Web Links component, 136140

Extensions Directory

Dexter on, 365

Drover on, 399402

introduction to, 1213

using, 163164, 433

External Link, 117

Extracting files, 5759



education web sites and, 327328

Joomla! on, 433

marketing on, 387

URLs of pages in, 303305

Facebook Like Box, 250

Facepile plugin, 305

Fair use, 28

Fanstastico, 50, 70

Featured icon, in Article Manager, 103

Featured layouts, in Content, 120121, 126

File Manager

backups in, 233234

htaccess.txt files in, 8384

for installing Joomla! 5659

introduction to, 49

lost administrator passwords in, 423425

override.css files in, 270271

permission/ownership issues with, 427429

SEF URLS and template disappearance in, 430

updating issues and, 431

File permissions/ownership issues, 427429

File Transfer Protocol (FTP). See FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FileZilla, 57, 235

Filtered News, 321


in Article Manager, 101102, 105

in Language Filter System plugin, 158

in Multilingual Filter plugin, 161

for news, 321

in Smart Search, 148, 150151

in Text Filters, 80, 9192, 303304

Finding templates, 389393

Firebug, 210, 430

Firefox browsers, 8485, 392

First impressions, 213214

Flashing items, 214

FLEXIcontent, 400

Fonts, 270

Footer module, 186189

For-hire works, 29

Forms, 168, 433


introduction to, 79

for NPO web sites, 286287, 306309

questions in, 910

FOSS (free and open source software)

Dionysopoulos on, 416

introduction to, 247

Marriott on, 411

Tarr on, 398

FoxyCart, 252

Free and open source software (FOSS). See FOSS (free and open source software)

Free Software Foundation (FSF), 383

Free software licensing, 2930

Freedoms, 382

Front-end of sites

article creation in, 134136

Banners in, 146

contact forms in, 144, 263

CSS in, 316

Departments in, 335, 340

Easy Folder Listing in, 342

header logo images in, 276

home pages in, 259, 269, 279, 311

Kunena in, 308, 316

Language Switcher module on, 161

layouts in, 202203

Projectfork in, 354

shopping carts in, 281

URLs in, 224

User Parameters in, 9394

Users component in, 151152

Very Simple Image Gallery and, 261

views of News Feed in, 142

Web link submissions in, 136137

FSF (Free Software Foundation), 383

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

for backups, 235

introduction to, 47

in Joomla! 2.5, 64, 6768

permission/ownership issues with, 427429

in Server tab, 85

Fundraising, 291292


Gallery, 324


for education web sites, 323

introduction to, 293

for NPO web sites, 286, 298301

General Public Licenses (GPLs)

Drover on, 401402

extensions for, 12

GNU. See GNU General Public Licenses (GPLs)

Waring on, 382384

Georgia, 270

Germany, 393

Getting/staying listed, 216

GIMP, 42, 254

GitHub API, 377

Global Configuration

introduction to, 76, 7980

Metadata Settings in, 217

options in, 79

Permissions tab in, 8591

Server tab in, 85

Site Offline option in, 216

Site tab in, 8085, 244

System tab in, 85

Text Filters tab in, 9192

user groups in, 8691

GNU General Public Licenses (GPLs). See also General Public Licenses (GPLs)

freedoms based on, 2930

in Joomla! 2.5, 6566

Waring on, 382383


accounts with, 293294

Apps by, 327, 443

calendar system by. See GCalendar

fonts by, 175176, 437

Plus version of, 387

as resource, 436

submitting sites to, 217218

Wallet by, 441

Web Fonts API by, 270

Webmaster Tools by, 218

Google Summer of Code

Marriott in, 412

Radke in, 396

Tarr in, 398

GPLs (General Public Licenses). See General Public Licenses (GPLs)

Graat, Cecile, 257

Gradient color, 310315

Grid system, 200208

Group web sites

advanced site content for, 289

blogging for, 289

calendars for, 285

CiviCRM for, 286, 288

Community Builder for, 290291

community portals for, 290

CRMs for, 288

Event Registration Pro for, 285286

extensions for interactions on, 285287

Forums for, 286287

fundraising for, 291292

GCalendar for, 286

JCalPro for, 286

JFusion for, 287

JomSocial for, 287, 290

K2 for, 289

Kunena for, 287

leveraging, 284

mailing list integration for, 287288

planning, 283284

SEBLOD for, 290

SugarCRM for, 288289

ZOO for, 289

GuideStar, 292, 442


Hathor template

introduction to, 40

Tarr on, 396398

in Template Manager, 99100, 170171, 177

Header folders, 174

Help, 104105

History of Joomla! 14, 357361

Holland, 369373

Home pages

of brochure sites, 256261

content in Article Manager for, 258

for education web sites, 335

marketing and, 213214

in Menu Manager, 98

menus in, 114

navigation in, 220226

for NPO web sites, 294297

search modules on, 215

SEF URLs of, 216

SEO on, 215

in Very Simple Image Gallery, 256261


control panel for, 5253

of Joomla! 388389

managed, 50

requirements for installation, 4447, 4950

Htaccess.txt files, 8384

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

adding style sheets in, 199

alternative layouts in, 186

brochure site modification in, 269270

cheat sheets for, 437

Davenport on, 392

template modification in, 182183

template structure in, 191194

version 5 of, 395396

Http://, 434

Http://, 434

Http://, 434

Http://, 433

Http://, 433

Http://, 433

Http://, 434

Http://, 433

Http://, 434

Http://, 434

Https://, 434435


ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), 25

IContact, 288

Identifying purposes, 2324

IIS, 441


for education web sites, 346348

inserting, 110112

in TinyMCE Editor, 109

Index.html files, 193


in NPO web sites, 310

in Smart Search, 147

in Template Manager, 191196, 310, 312313

Index.php files

in Template Manager, 310, 312313

in template structure, 191194, 196

Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, 328

Inheritance, 8990

Inkscape, 42

Insert/Edit Image dialog box, 111122

Installatron, 369

Installing extensions, 164167

Installing Joomla!

conclusions about, 7273

database creation in, 5256 for, 7172

downloading, 5152

File Manager for, 5659

introduction to, 49

options for, 4951

preparation for. See preparing for installation

test site setup in, 7172

uploading, 5659

version 2.5, 6471

version 3, 5963

versions of Joomla! generally, 4951

via Web, 59

Integration options, 127

International Zone, 17

Internationalization, 1718, 369373

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 25

Internet Explorer, 315317, 392

Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, 2425, 25

Interviews with experts

of Baker, 388389

of Brooks, 402407

of Davenport, 389393

of Dexter, 361365

of Dionysopoulos, 415418

of Drover, 399402

of Eddie, 357361

introduction to, 346348

of MacLennan, 373377

of Marriott, 411415

of Moffatt, 365369

of Ozimek, 407411

of Radke, 393396

of Robinson, 385388

of Severdia, 377380

of Stuivenberg, 369373

of Tarr, 396399

of Waring, 380385

IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, 2425

IPhone App Store, 404

Isis, 170


Jansen, Wilco, 366367

JavaScript (js), 191, 200

JBS (Joomla! Bug Squad). See Bug Squad

JCal Pro, 286, 323

JCE (Joomla! Content Editor). See Content Editor


introduction to, 11

Israel, 416

Midwest, 400

New England, 397

Jdoc, 197199, 201202

JED (Joomla! Extensions Directory). See Extensions Directory

JEDevs (Joomla! Extension Developers), 401

JEPUM extension, 346347

JFBConnect, 250

JFusion, 287, 326

JHttp package, 377

JJ Tweets, 250, 402

JomSocial, 287, 290

Joomdle, 326


architects for platform of, 418421

Bug Squad of. See Bug Squad

community of, 1112

components of, 1213

conclusions about, 2021

Content Editor in. See Content Editor

Content Management System in. See CMS (Content Management System)

contributions to, 1819, 380385, 411415

Days on. See J!Days

Demo site for, 12

Developer Conferences on, 11

Eddie on, 361365

Extensions Directory in. See Extensions Directory

forums on, 710

history of, 357361

internationalization of, 1718

introduction to, 12

leadership of projects in, 1920

localization of, 1718

modules in, 1213

Moffatt on, 365369

platform of, 418421

Platform Project in. See Platform Project

plugins for, 1213

Production Leadership Team for. See Production Leadership Team (PLT)

professional services for, 1415

Resources Directory in. See Resources Directory

resources on. See resources

sphere of, 710

story of, 357361

Template Directory in, 15

translations of, 1718

User Groups in. See JUGs (Joomla! User Groups)

World Conferences on, 12

Joomla! 2.5

brochure sites in, 275278

NPO web sites in, 312315

Joomla! 3

business sites in, 273274

configuration.php in, 6061

Custom HTML modules in, 273274

installing, 5963

MySQLi in, 60

NPO web sites in, 309311

Pre-Installation Check screens in, 62

school web sites in, 351353

Joomla! Extension Developers (JEDevs), 401

Joomla! Programming, 364

Joomla! Security Strike Team (JSST), 370, 374375

Joomla! Template Directory (JTD), 15

Joomla! Templates, 393, 395, 434, 433

Joomlearn LMS, 326

Josetta, 168, 326

JQuery, 440

JRD (Joomla! Resources Directory). See Resources Directory

Js (JavaScript), 191, 200

JSST (Joomla! Security Strike Team), 370, 374375

JTD (Joomla! Template Directory), 15

JUGs (Joomla! User Groups)

introduction to, 11

Stuivenberg on, 372

Tarr on, 397

JUpload, 325

JUX (Joomla! User Experience), 378


K2, 289, 400

K-12 schools, 327

Keyword stuffing, 215

Kickstart procedure, 241

Kontent Design, 377380

Kuler, 36, 438


introduction to, 293

in NPO web site demo, 306309, 315318

for NPO web sites, generally, 287


Landry, Louis, 418421

Language Filter System plugin, 158

Language Manager, 158161, 188189

Language Switcher module, 161


in Article Manager, 104105

automatic translations for, 326

in Community Builder, 324

Filter System plugin for, 158

HTML. See HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

Joomlearn LMS for, 326

Josetta for, 326

Manager for, 158161

Stuivenberg on, 369373

Switcher module for, 161

translations of, 1718, 326, 369373

Latest News module, 12


administrator, 329331

alternative, 179180, 186188

Blog, 126

Categories, 125126

Category List, 120

Editing, 124125

Featured, 120121, 126

List, 126127

Single Article, 123124

LDAP Authentication, 325

Leadership Team, 1920

Learning extensions, 326

Learning Joomla! 1.5 Extension Development, 402

Learning management systems (LMSs), 326

LeBlanc, Joseph, 402


copyrights. See copyrights

licenses. See licenses

in preparing for installation, 2630

trademarks, 2627, 380385

LESS, 208209

Leverage, 284

Library of Congress, 2728


General Public. See General Public Licenses (GPLs)

in preparing for installation, 26, 2930

Waring on, 380385

Linux, 373374, 106, 435

List layouts, 126127

LMSs (learning management systems), 326

Loadposition plugin, 341

Localization, 1718

Location and Hours module, 272


for Joomla! 4

in preparing for installation, 3132

Robinson on, 385388

Waring on, 385

Long-term-support (LTS) releases

introduction to, 4952

migrating to new Joomla! versions and, 237

updating, 231232

LTS (long-term-support) releases. See long-term-support (LTS) releases

Lunch Menus, 340342


MacLennan, Ian, 373377

Magento, 252

Mail Chimp, 288

Mailing lists, 227228, 287288

Main Configuration screens, 6769

Maintenance releases, 1617

Majestic SEO, 218

Mambo Open Source project

Baker on, 388

Davenport on, 390

Dionysopoulos on, 415416

Eddie in, 357360

introduction to, 12

Moffatt in, 365

Waring on, 380381

Managed hosting, 46, 50

Manager groups, 87, 8990

Manual backups, 233235

MaQma, 253

Marketing Joomla! sites

conclusions about, 229

first impressions in, 213214

getting/staying listed in, 216

home pages in, 213214

introduction to, 213

for NPOs/NGOs, 284285

search engines in, 216219

SEO in, 216217, 219220

social networking in, 228229

updates in. See updating Joomla! sites

Marriott, Jennifer, 411415

Media Manager

in configuring Joomla! 9697

for Content component, 110112

for education web sites, 346347

image folders in, 257258

introduction to, 5

RokQuickCart in, 278281

MediaWiki, 366

Membership community sites, 323325

Menu Manager

for Content component, 114121

default home pages in, 98

for education web sites, 335340

Menu module, 223226

Merchant accounts, 251


in Article Manager, 108

in Global Configuration, 8182

marketing and, 217

Metrodigi, 377

Microsoft IIS, 45

Migrating to new Joomla! versions

CMS release cycles in, 237238

introduction to, 237

minimum requirement changes in, 240

preparation for migration in, 240

templates in, 239

test site creation in, 240242

test sites going live in, 244

testing updates in, 242244

user interface changes in, 238239

Milwaukee Harlequins Rugby Football Club site, 399

Minimum requirements, 240

MissionFish, 292

Module Manager

Custom HTML modules in, 265, 304305

for education web sites, 335336, 341


administrator, 156

content, 153154

Custom HTML. See Custom HTML modules

display, 155

extensions and, 152156

Footer, 186189

introduction to, 6, 1213

Language Switcher, 161

Latest News, 12

Location and Hours, 272

managing. See Module Manager

Menu, 223226

navigation, 156

OSDonate, 301302

positions of, 196199

search, 215

social media, 303306

styling of, 177179

user, 156

utility, 155156

Moffatt, Sam, 325, 365369

Monochromatic color schemes, 3334

Moodle, 326327, 366

MooTools, 419, 441

Morgue File, 438

Move, in Article Manager, 104

Multilingual Filter plugin, 161. See also languages

MVC components, 364

MyApi, 250

MySQL, 45, 440


in installing Joomla! 45

in Joomla! 2.5, 65

in Joomla! 3, 60



domain, 2425

of NPO web sites, 298

SEF, 216, 444

Nav class, 210


ease of, 213

modules for, 156

usability and, 38

Netherlands, 369373

Network for Good, 292, 443

NewContent Tweeter, 249250

News Feeds component, 140142

News Feeds Manager, 115

News icon, in Article Manager, 102103

News sections, generally, 227

Newton. Sir Isaac, 32

NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), 283284, 407411. See also nonprofit organization (NPO) web sites

Nielsen, Jakob, 38, 439, 403

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 283284, 407411. See also nonprofit organization (NPO) web sites

Nonprofit organization (NPO) web sites

ACL for, 317318

advanced site content for, 289

blogging for, 289

calendars for, 285, 298301

CiviCRM for, 286, 288

Community Builder for, 290291

conclusions about, 318

Contact forms for, 297

CRMs for, 288

CSS modification in, 311, 313315

event registration for, 285286

extensions for, 285287, 293294

forums for, 286287, 306309

fundraising for, 291292, 301302

GCalendar for, 286

home page settings for, 294297

index files in, 310

Internet Explorer and, 315317

introduction to, 292293

JCalPro for, 286

JFusion for, 287

JomSocial for, 287, 290

in Joomla! 2.5, 312315

in Joomla! 3, 309311

Joomla! for, generally, 283

K2 for, 289

Kunena for, 287

leveraging, 284

mailing list integration for, 287288

names of, 298

Ozimek on, 407411

planning, 283284

SEBLOD for, 290

setup of, 293294

social media modules for, 303306

styling modification in, 311, 313315

SugarCRM for, 288289

tagline for, 298

template modification for, 309315

ZOO for, 289

Non-Profit Soapbox service, 409410

NPO (nonprofit organization) web sites. See nonprofit organization (NPO) web sites

Nuke, 358


oCERT, 375

The Official Joomla! Book Web site, 34

Offline Access, 88

Open Source Matters (OSM)

introduction to, 23, 20

Ozimek at, 407411

Stuivenberg at, 369373

Waring at, 380, 384

Open source software

Brooks on, 403404

Davenport on, 390391

definition of, 30

Dexter on, 362

Dionysopoulos on, 416

Drover on, 399400

Eddie on, 358

Landry on, 418

MacLennan on, 373374

Marriott on, 412

Moffatt on, 365366

Ozimek on, 408

Radke on, 394

Robinson on, 386

Severdia on, 378

Stuivenberg on, 369370

Tarr on, 397

Waring on, 381, 23

Operable content standards, 39


in Article Manager, 104105

for Content component, 121128

in Text Filters, 92

Organization web sites. See nonprofit organization (NPO) web sites

OsCommerce, 252

OSDonate module, 293, 301302

OSM (Open Source Matters). See Open Source Matters (OSM)

Override.css files, 270272, 278

Overriding templates, 179

Overselling, 46

Overview of Joomla! See Joomla!

Ozimek, Ryan, 407411


Page Break buttons, 109

Password generators, 5354

Passwords, lost, 423427

Payment systems, 251


for donations, 301302

for e-commerce, 251252, 441

for NPO web sites, 293

PBF (Pizza, Bugs, and Fun), 363, 367368

Pearcy Foundation, 357

Pederick, Chris, 392

People Portal site, 11, 359, 433, 434

Perceivable content standards, 39

Permissions, in Article Manager, 127128

Permissions, calculated, 90

Permissions, for configuring Joomla! 8591

Permissions, in Content component, 127128

Permissions, in Global Configuration, 79

Permissions. See also ACL (Access Control List)

for Super Users, 89

troubleshooting issues with, 427429

in User Manager, 91

Personal color option, 182186

Personal.css files, 182, 187, 275

Photoshop, 42, 254


adding style sheets in, 199200

Drover on, 402

grid system in, 206207

introduction to, 64

minimum requirement changes in, 240

resources on, 440

template modification and, 188, 193194

PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer, 396

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, 4445

PhpBB, 287


databases in, 5455

introduction to, 49

lost administrator passwords in, 425

PICnet, Inc., 407411

Picnik, 254

Pizza, Bugs, and Fun (PBF), 363, 367368


of business web sites, 247248

of education web sites, 319321

of enterprise resources, 253

of NPO web sites, 283284

Platform Project

architects for, 418421

Dionysopoulos on, 417418

Eddie in, 357361

introduction to, 57

Landry in, 418421

MacLennan in, 373377

Moffatt in, 365369, 380

PLT (Production Leadership Team). See Production Leadership Team (PLT)


Captcha, 142, 144

Captcha-reCaptcha, 157, 262263

CodeMirror, 351

Contact Creator, 342344

extensions and, 156158

Facepile, 305

introduction to, 1213

Language Filter System, 158

loadposition, 341

Multilingual Filter, 161

Profile, 342344

Smart Search Content, 157

User Profile, 157158

User-Contact Creator, 157

Popular extensions, 167168

Positions of templates, 177

PostgreSQL, 45

Posts, 7, 910

“Powered by Joomla!” 383

Practical applications. See business sites

Pre-alpha releases, 15

Pre-Installation Check screens, 62, 6465

Preparing for installation

accessibility in, 3940

branding in, 3036

color/color schemes in, 3236

conclusions about, 47

content in, 43

copyrights in, 2629

hosts in, 4447

identifying purposes, 2324

introduction to, 23

licenses in, 26, 2930

logos in, 3132

registering domain names, 2425

storyboards in, 4142

target audiences in, 3640

trademarks in, 2627

usability in, 3738

visitors in, 37

visualization in, 4142

wireframes in, 4142

Preparing for migration, 240

Press release sections, 227

Primary colors, 3233

Privileges, 5354. See also permissions

Problems and solutions. See troubleshooting solutions

Product descriptions, 262265

Production Leadership Team (PLT)

Davenport in, 389393

Dexter in, 361365

introduction to, 19

Moffatt in, 365369

Severdia in, 377380

Tarr in, 396399

Professional services, 1415

Profile plugin, 342344

ProfileBook, 324


for business sites, 253

for education web sites, generally, 325

for school demo web site, 353355


brochure sites in, 254255, 264

fonts in, 270

GCalendar in, 298300

introduction to, 170173, 175

modification of, 309

module styling in, 178179

navigation in, 221

NPO demo site in, 294

Public domain, 28

Public Mail, 324

Publish icon, in Article Manager, 103, 106

Publisher user groups, 87, 89

Pulltester, 377

Purposes of sites, 2324


Queensland Software Industry, 357

Questrial, 309310, 312313

Quizilla, 419


Radke, Angie, 393396

RC (Release Candidate), 16

RDBMS (relational database management system), 45

Read More buttons, 109

Rebuild buttons, 115

ReCaptcha, 157, 262263, 297

Reenie+Beanie, 270, 273276

Registered user groups, 87, 89

Registering domain names, 2425

Registering for forums, 78

Relational database management system (RDBMS), 45

Release Candidate (RC), 16


on accessibility, 439440

business-related, 441442

on CSS, 436437

on designing web sites, 437439

for education web sites, 443444

on HTML, 436437

introduction to, 433

Joomla! Project offering, 433435

for nonprofits/organizations, 442443

for school web sites, 443444

for search engines, 436

for software, 440441

on usability, 439440

on web site development tools, 435436

on Web standards, 439440

Resources Directory

Brooks on, 404

for design options, 189

introduction to, 1415, 434

Revenues, 214

Robinson, Wendy, 385388

Robots field, 82

Robust content, 39

Rochen Ltd.

Baker at, 388389

Marriott on, 411

Robinson at, 385388

RokBox, 167

RokDownloads, 322

RokQuickCart, 252, 278281

Root folders, 5657

RSS Feed, 140141

Rugby web sites, 399


SaaS (software as a service), 402, 410

School district web sites, 412415

School web sites. See also education web sites

administrator layout in, 329331

article submission for, 342346

categories for, 331335

Contact Creator for, 342344

creating, generally, 329

images in, 346348

introduction to, 328329

in Joomla! 3, 351353

Lunch Menus for, 340342

menus for, 335340

Projectfork for, 353355

staff directories for, 342345

template changes in, generally, 348353

Search engine optimization (SEO)

on home pages, 215

in marketing, 216220

Site options for, 79, 8284

Search functions

extensions for, 145151

in forums, 8

on home pages, 215

in Menu Manager, 115

Smart Search, 9697, 115

Smart Search Content plugin, 157

whois searches, 25

Search-engine-friendly (SEF) URLs

of home pages, 216

introduction to, 8284

template disappearance and, 430


Secondary colors, 3233

Section 508 compliance, 328, 440, 440


Baker on, 388389

MacLennan on, 373376

Stuivenberg on, 369373

SEF (search-engine-friendly) URLs. See search-engine-friendly (SEF) URLs

SEO (search engine optimization). See search engine optimization (SEO)

SEOSimple, 219

Server configuration options, 79, 85

Severdia, Ron, 377380

sh404SEF, 167168, 220

Shakespeare, William, 378, 380

Shared options, 127

Shopping carts, 278281

Short-term-support (STS) releases

introduction to, 4952

migrating to new Joomla! versions and, 237

testing updated sites in, 242243

updating, 231232

Show Author Meta Tag, 82

Simple Image Rotator, 321

Single Article, 117118, 123124

Site Login, 88

Site Offline option, 216

Site Showcase

for design options, 189

resources on, 435

Severdia on, 378379

Site tab, 79, 8085

Smart Search

in configuring Joomla! 9697

Content plugin for, 157

in Menu Manager, 115

overview of, 145151

Smashing Magazine, 438

Social networking

benefits of, 227, 229

on business sites, 249250

Community Builder for, 323325

community portals for, 290291

in education web sites, 327328

marketing via, 228229

modules for, 303306

Robinson on, 387

Software as a service (SaaS), 402

Software engineers, 357361

Software Freedom Law Center, 2, 384

<span></span> tags, 268

Splash pages, 213

Split menus, 225226

Split-complementary color schemes, 3435

Stable releases, 1617

Staff directories, 323, 342345

Stallman, Richard, 383

Stand-alone applications, 327

Stanford University, 444

Starting Joomla! See preparing for installation

Stichting Sympathy, 370, 372

Stock.XCHNG, 257, 438

Storyboards, 4142

STS (short-term-support) releases. See short-term-support (STS) releases

Stuivenberg, Marijke, 369373

Style Bootstrap, 439


CSS for. See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

of NPO web sites, 311, 313315

sheets for, 199200

of templates, 176177

view of, 195

Styles Manager, 171

Subscription community sites, 323325

SugarCRM, 288289

Super Administrators, 79, 8690

Super Users

in configuring Joomla! 7679

filtering for, 303304

permissions for, 89

Text Filtering and, 92

Swish, 3132

System Links, in Menu Manager, 117

System options, 79, 85


Taglines, 298

Tags, 219220

Target audiences, 3640

Tarr, Andrea, 396399

TeacherTube, 444

TechSoup, 442

Teeman, Brian, 3

Template creation. See also templates

adding content to, 193194

adding templateDetails.xml, 194196

colors in, 208211

conclusions about, 211212

grid system for, 200208

introduction to, 191

module positions in, 196199

structure of templates in, 191193

stylesheets in, 199200

typography in, 208211

Template Directory, 15

Template Manager

alternative layouts in, 179180

default settings in, 170176

default styles in, 9899

index.php files in, 310, 312313

introduction to, 170

module styling in, 177179

NPO demo site in, 294

override.css files in, 271272

overrides in, 179

positions in, 177

styles in, assigning, 176177

Styles tab in, 264265

TemplateDetails.xml, 194196


alternative layouts for, creating, 186188

alternative layouts for, generally, 179180

Beez2, 182186

choosing new, 188190

conclusions about, 190

creating. See template creation

customizing, 180188, 268273

Davenport on, 391393

designing Beez, 393396

Directory of, 15

disappearing when SEF URLs turn, 430

forum on, 412

included in installations, 170176

introduction to, 6, 76, 169171

managing. See Template Manager

module styling in, 177179

for NPO web sites, 309315

overrides of, 179

Personal color option for, 182186

positions of, 177

Radke on, 394395

for school web sites, 348353

style of, 98100, 176177

in updating Joomla! sites, 239

Templates forum, 412

Tertiary colors, 3233

Test sites

creating, 240242

going live with, 244

in installing Joomla! 7172

testing updates in, 242244

Text Filters

in configuring Joomla! 9192

in Global Configuration, 80

social media and, 303304

Text Separator, 117

Third-party developers (3PDs), 401

Time zones, 85

Times New Roman, 270

TinyMCE Editor, 108110

TLDs (top-level domains), 25

Toggle editor, 109

Toowoomba City Council, 357358, 365

Topics, 7

Top-level domains (TLDs), 25

Trackers, 363, 368

Trademark Team, 404

Trademarks, 2627, 380385

Translations. See also languages

of Joomla! generally, 1718

Stuivenberg on, 369373

teams for, 17, 370373

Trash icon, 104

Triad color schemes, 3436

Troubleshooting solutions

for assets table issues, 430431

for cross-browser compatibility, 430

for editor background issues, 429

for file permissions/ownership issues, 427429

introduction to, 423

for lost administrator passwords, 423427

for template disappearance, 430

for updating sites issues, 431

in version 1.5 and earlier, 424427

in version 1.6 and later, 423424

when SEF URLs turn on, 430

Tutorials, 15


Bootstrap by. See Twitter Bootstrap

education web sites and, 327328

Joomla! on, 433

marketing on, 387

Twitter Bootstrap

adding color/typography in, 208211

adding style sheets in, 200

grid system in, 200208

LESS in, 208209

migrating to new Joomla! versions and, 239

resources on, 439

Typography, 208211. See also fonts


UCM (Unified Content Model), 420

UI (user interface), 238239, 243

Understandable content standards, 39

Unicode characters, 84

Unified Content Model (UCM), 420

Unpublish icon, 103

Updating Joomla! sites

backups in, 232235

CMS release cycles in, 237238

conclusions about, 245

extension updates in, 235237

extensions for backups in, 235

introduction to, 231232

manual backups in, 233235

migrating to new versions in, 237244

minimum requirement changes in, 240

preparation for migration in, 240

templates in, 239

test site creation in, 240242

test sites going live in, 244

testing updates in, 242244

troubleshooting solutions for, 431

user interface changes in, 238239

Uploading Joomla! 5659


of Facebook pages, 303305

search engines and, generally, 220224

search-engine-friendly, 8284, 216

for Web installation, 59

Urquhart, Alan, 34

U.S. Library of Congress Copyright Office, 442

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 442

Usability, 3738, 439, 38, 439

User, in Menu Manager, 116

User experience (UX), 238239

User groups

Administrator. See Administrators

Author, 87, 89, 317

Editor, 8789

in Global Configuration, 8691

introduction to, 11

JUGs. See JUGs (Joomla! User Groups)

Manager, 87

Publisher, 87, 89

Registered, 87, 89

Super Administrator, 79, 8690

Super User. See Super Users

User interface (UI), 238239, 243

User Loader, 325

User Manager

introduction to, 5

Parameters in, 9396

permissions in, 91

Super User in, 7779

User modules, 156

User Profile plugin, 157158

User-Contact Creator plugin, 157

Userport, 325

Users component, 151152


databases in, 5456

introduction to, 49

translations and, 371

Utility modules, 155156

UX (user experience), 238239


VEL (Vulnerable Extensions List). See Vulnerable Extensions List (VEL)

Verdana, 270

Very Simple Image Gallery

for business sites, 248249

creating home pages in, 256261

for education web sites, 345346

Video, 214215

Viewing Access Levels, 9596

Virtual private servers (VPSs), 375

Visualization, 4142

VPSs (virtual private servers), 375

VuFind, 366

Vulnerable Extensions List (VEL)

introduction to, 13

resources on, 435

in updates, 236


W3 (World Wide Web Consortium)

introduction to, 39

Web Accessibility Initiative of, 439

web site of, 436, 437

WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative), 398, 439

Waring, Elin, 380385

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), 39, 398

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 398, 439

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 39, 398

Web Developer toolbars, 392

Web developers, 415418

Web Links component, 117, 136140

Web-site-map, 435

WGs (Working Groups), 20

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG), 109

Whois searches, 25

WikiMedia Commons, 439

Wikipedia, 437

WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), 442

Wireframes, 4142

Brooks on, 403

for education web sites, 327

Moffatt on, 366

Working Groups (WGs), 20

World Conferences, 12

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 442

World Wide Web Consortium (W3). See W3 (World Wide Web Consortium)

Wrapper, 117, 359

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), 109


XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language), 192, 199

Xmap, 167

XML, 359

Y, 292, 443

Youth Voices, 444


Zen Cart sites, 396

Zip files, 164

ZOO, 289, 400

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