Survival Stories

Survival Story Author Page
“The chair’s arms were too fixed and narrow” Nicolle Diver 22
“I know what she needs” Carolyn Snyder 40
“The ground started to move” Colin Bay 58
“His frustration was clearly growing” Dan Seward 59
“An unexpected picture started to emerge” Anonymous 76
“She was desperate for work” Adrian Howard 98
“He refuses to leave” Cliff Anderson 100
“She was so appreciative” Kaycee A. Collins 122
“The lights seemed dimmer than normal” Carol Smith 135
“She looked agitated” Carol Peterson 150
“‘Too dumb’ to yield meaningful results” Charlotte Schwendeman 172
“The request caught me off-guard” Dana Douglas 192
“I would have trusted my gut” Christina York 212
“My best option was to smile” Dorienne Rosenberg 233
“You sure are pretty” Lorie Whitaker 234
“She tipped me … big!” Michael Robbins 253
“We didn’t know much about them” Bob Virzi 275
“I knew what it was like” Jacqueline Stetson Pastore 276
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