

1:1 reference chart, front inside cover

using with axles, 8

using with beams, 8

90-degree turns

making when steering, 35

performing via Rotation Sensor, 83

180-degree turn, making in place, 35


< (less than) value, comparing, 175

= (equal to) value, comparing, 175

> (greater than) value, comparing, 175


Action blocks, using with Complete Palette, 105

And operation, output value for, 176

A output port, connecting motors to, 19

arithmetic operations, capabilities for, 171

arrow buttons, tracking presses of, 188

autonomous mode

operating Shot-Roller in, 87

using with Shot-Roller, 108


building tip, 8

determining length of, 8

pushing in, 18


batteries, inserting, 5–6


building tip for Explorer, 8

finding length of, 8

using with grabbing mechanism, 198

using with lifting mechanism, 198

beeping alarm, creating, 66

bill of materials for Explorer, 8

blocks. See programming blocks


troubleshooting connections, 289

using to connect to NXT, 289

using to download programs to NXT, 27

Bluetooth dongle, finding, 288

B output port, connecting motors to, 19

brick. See NXT brick

bricks. See also Hybrid Brick Sorter

dropping in buckets, 263

finding buckets for, 259

finding for Hybrid Brick Sorter, 259

finding sizes and colors of, 238–239

getting sizes of, 261

broken data wire, 166


calculating positions of, 262

dropping bricks in, 263

finding for Hybrid Brick Sorter, 259

bulldozer blade, 80

Bumped action, detection by Touch Sensor, 68

bumper attachment, creating with Touch Sensors, 68–72. See also Discovery-Bumper program

Button variable, using with Smart-Game, 190, 191



attaching for Touch Sensors, 73

connecting, 19

connecting for Hybrid Brick Sorter, 259

connecting for Shot-Roller, 105

connecting to Explorer, 19

short versus long, 19

types of, 4, 19

wiring, 19

catalog numbers

for LEGO rechargeable batteries, 5

for transformers, 5

CCC (Compact Chimney Climber)

balancing on x-axis, 266–267

balancing on y-axis, 267

building, 269–279

climbing and staying balanced, 280–281

climbing technique, 266–267

control technique, 281

detecting balance errors, 267

extending arms for, 280

function of, 265

going down, 282

Motor blocks in, 280

preparing chimney for, 280

required pieces for, 268

solving balance errors, 267

spotting ceiling, 282

staying balanced, 282

stopping, 282

troubleshooting, 282

warning about, 265

Wheel motors, 280–281

chimney, preparing for CCC, 280

circles, displaying, 40

climbing technique, 266–267

Closest variable, using with Snatcher, 232

colored balls, identifying colors of, 85

colored line, staying inside of, 79

Color Lamp block, using with Shot-Roller, 105, 106, 111

color, saying name of, 80

Color Sensor, 55, 56

connecting to Discovery robot, 78

creating attachment for, 76, 78

creating line-following robot, 81

Discovery-Circle program, 79

function in Light Sensor mode, 112

Inside Range option, 78

Outside Range option, 78

polling via View mode, 78

programming with, 78–79

seeing black, 81

seeing white, 81

using with Brick Sorter, 262

using with Shot-Roller, 111

Color Sensor block

configuring, 162

Detected Color plug on, 162

color value, multiplying via Math block, 172

comments, including in programs, 29

Comment Tool, 29

Common blocks, using with Complete Palette, 105

Compact Chimney Climber (CCC). See CCC (Compact Chimney Climber)

companion website, xx

Compare block

Smart-Compare program, 175

using with Smart-Game program, 191

Compare setting, using with Ultrasonic Sensors, 159

Complete Palette, using with Shot-Roller, 105

conditions, using with Switch blocks, 62, 177

configuration icons, 35

Configuration Panel, 27, 28

accessing boxes on, 45

displaying, 27

for Move block, 33–34


listing NXT devices for, 286

to NXT via Bluetooth, 289

to NXT with USB, 286

setting up manually, 286

Constant blocks, 188


Custom block for, 188–189

defining, 188

Smart-Constant program, 188–189

controller. See NXT controller

Control Motor Power option, using with Shot-Roller, 107

Copy button, 28

C output port, connecting motors to, 19

Cut button, 28


data blocks

Compare block, 175

Logic block, 175, 176

Math block, 171, 173

Random block, 174

data hubs, 149

closing, 158

creating and connecting data wire, 157

input and output plugs on, 159

input plugs on, 167

opening for blocks, 158

opening for blocks in Smart-Intro program, 157

output plugs on, 167

data plugs

Direction plug, 169

hiding when unused, 169

using help for, 168–169

data plugs, input and output, 159

data wires, 149

blocks and configurations for, 160

broken data wire, 166

configuring Switch blocks with, 178–179

connecting to blocks, 166–167

connecting to data plugs, 167

connecting to different plugs, 166

connecting to inside Switch blocks, 180

creating and connecting, 157

deleting, 160

error messages, 287–288

function of, 163

managing, 169

Smart-LogicWire program, 164

types of, 163–166

using across programs, 169–170

using to end loops, 180

decisions, repeating for robots, 65

degrees, finding number of, 35


blocks, 26

data wires, 160

files, 287

variables, 184

DemoV2 program, running, 21

Direction plug, 169

direction signs, finding, 41

Direction variable, using with Snatcher, 233

Discovery-Avoid program, 60

Discovery-Bumper program, 74–75. See also bumper attachment

Discovery-Button program, 82

Discovery-Circle program, 79

Discovery-Loop program, 61

Discovery-Repeat program, 65

Discovery robot. See also Explorer robot; robots

with bumper attachment, 67

connecting Color Sensor to, 78

enhancement of, 55

Discovery-Rotation program, 83–85

Discovery-Switch program, 62–64

Discovery-Touch program, 73–74

Discovery-Wait program, 58–59

Display blocks, 38

Action setting, 39

Display box, 39

displaying drawings, 40

displaying images, 39

displaying text, 39

in Explorer-Display program, 40–41

testing, 40–41

Type box, 40

using with Strider robot, 140


detecting via sensors, 56

measuring for Ultrasonic Sensor, 66

dots, displaying, 40

Download and Run button, 25–26

Download button, 27

downloading programs to NXT, 285–288

drawings, displaying, 40

drive track, 42

Driving module, for Hybrid Brick Sorter, 238

Driving motor, for Hybrid Brick Sorter, 238

Drop Brick My Block, creating for Brick Sorter, 260

Duration Unlimited setting, using with Move block, 45–46


Enter button

using to choose items, 20

using to turn on brick, 23

equal to (=) value, comparing, 175

error messages

cannot download needed file for program, 288

data wires, 287–288

the file is currently in use, 288

the NXT device is no longer connected, 287

the NXT device is out of memory, 287

the program is broken . . . missing files, 288

troubleshooting, 25

Exit button

using to abort programs, 21

using to access previous menu, 20

using to turn off brick, 20

Explorer-Display program, Display blocks in, 40–41

Explorer-Loop program, 47

Explorer-Move program, 32

Explorer-Parallel program, 50, 51

Explorer robot. See also Discovery robot; robots

accelerating, 34

adjusting speed of, 30

bill of materials for, 8

building, 9–18

connecting cables to, 19

controlling remotely, 30

making drive backward, 32–33

moving back and forth, 48

moving in square, 46

selecting pieces for, 7

testing, 21

tips for friction and nonfriction pins, 8

turning, 34–35

Explorer-Sound program, 36

Explorer-Unlimited program, 45

Explorer-Wait program, 43–44


Feedback Boxes, using to poll sensors, 142

files, removing from NXT’s memory, 287

Find Object My Block, creating for Snatcher, 232–233

Firing motor, function in Shot-Roller, 88

fixed pen, lifting up, 42

Flat View option, using with Switch blocks, 64

Flow blocks, using with Complete Palette, 105

friction pins, building tip for, front inside cover, 8


game. See Smart-Game program

gears, using with Snatcher, 198–199

“Goodbye” and “Hello,” programming for robot, 59

Grabber motor, using with Snatcher, 197

grabbing mechanism. See also Snatcher robotic arm

beams used with, 198

using with Snatcher, 198–199

Grab My Block, creating for Snatcher, 232

greater than (>) value, comparing, 175


“Hello” and “Goodbye,” programming for robot, 59

Help Window, 27

house, robotizing, 85

Hybrid Brick Sorter. See also bricks

building, 240–258

calculating position of bucket, 262

checking bricks for sorting, 261

connecting cables for, 259

Driving module, 238

Driving motor, 238

Drop Brick My Block, 260

function of, 237

getting brick size for, 261

identifying size of bricks, 238

overview of, 259–260 required pieces for, 239

Reset Sorter My Block, 260

Scanning module, 238

sorting technique, 238


images, displaying, 39

input plugs

using settings with, 167–168

using with SmartBot, 159

input ports

selecting for Color Sensor, 78

using with sensors, 56

inventory sheet, locating, 4


LCD screen

controlling display on, 38–41

dimensions of, 38–41

Left Arrow button, pushing, 82

Left Touch Sensor, 73

LEGO rechargeable batteries, catalog numbers for, 5

less than (<) value, comparing, 175

lifting mechanism

beams used with, 198

using with Snatcher, 198–199

Light Sensor, determining lightness and darkness with, 143

Light Sensor mode, using with Shot-Roller, 111, 112

Light Sensor value, choosing, 162

line detector, using Color Sensor as, 79

line-following robot, creating, 81


displaying, 40

following, 85

Little Help Window, 27, 28

Logic block

logic operations, 176

Not operation, 176

Smart-Logic program, 175–176

Logic data wires, 163, 164

comparing, 175, 176

outputting via Compare block, 175

Logic setting, using with Loop blocks, 180

Loop block, 46

Configuration Panel, 46

Discovery-Loop program, 61

Explorer-Loop program, 47

placing programming blocks in, 46

settings, 47

Smart-Loop program, 180–181

using Logic setting with, 180

using sensors with, 60–61

using within Loop blocks, 48

using with Shot-Roller, 110, 115

loop count, using with SmartBot, 158

loops, ending with data wires, 180


Manty robot, walking technique of, 145

Math block

function of, 171–173

Smart-Math program, 171–172

Smart-Sound program, 172–173

mechanical functions, testing, 107

menus, returning to, 20

Motor blocks

in CCC (Compact Chimney Climber), 280

data hub characteristics of, 168

using with Shot-Roller, 106, 107, 118

using with SmartBot, 158

motor compartment, turning, 18

MotorControlTest program, 107

motor rotations, finding number of, 35


connecting for Shot-Roller, 105

connecting to brick, 19

connecting to output ports, 19

controlling movement of, 32–35

turning directions of, 83, 107, 135

turning on for Discovery-Bumper program, 75

use of, 4

Move block, 32

configuration icons, 35

Configuration Panel, 33–34

Degrees setting, 33

Direction box, 33

Duration setting, 33

Duration Unlimited setting, 45–46

Explorer-Unlimited program, 45

name and image setting, 34

Next Action box, 35

port settings, 33

Power box, 33

Rotations setting, 33

settings, 33

Steering slider, 33

Unlimited option, 44–45, 81

using with Color Sensor, 81

Move Closer My Block, creating for Snatcher, 234

My Blocks, 48

adding icons to, 49

changing icons for, 50

creating, 49

creating for Hybrid Brick Sorter, 260

creating for Snatcher, 231–234 editing, 50

naming, 49

placing in Switch blocks, 138

using in programs, 49–50

using with Strider robot, 137–141


nonfriction pins, building tip about, front inside cover, 8

note, selecting from keyboard, 37

Not operation, 176

Number data wire, 163

adding to Smart-LogicWire, 166–167

using, 180

Number to Text block, 165

number variable, PressCount, 186

NXT brick. See NXT

NXT buttons

determining pressed status of, 82

Discovery-Button program, 82

using to navigate brick, 19–21

NXT controller, 26, 27, 285

NXT devices, listing for connections, 286

NXT-G programming software

accessing, 4

installing, 5

NXT-G software window, 25

NXT-G startup screen, 24

NXT kit, sorting out parts in, 4

NXT screen

displaying Ultrasonic Sensor reading on, 165

and NXT buttons, 19

showing text lines on, 164

NXT’s memory, removing files from, 287

NXT, 4

changing name of, 286

connecting via Bluetooth, 289

connecting motors to, 19

disconnection error message, 287

downloading programs to, 285–288

finding programs downloaded to, 26

memory message, 287

navigating, 19–21 personalizing, 286

refreshing list of, 286

transferring programs to, 26–27

turning off, 20

turning on, 20, 23

using Bluetooth for downloads to, 27

NXT window, using to connect manually, 286



detecting, 56

grabbing with Snatcher, 234

obstacles, avoiding, 60

Or operation, output value for, 176

output plugs

using settings with, 167–168

using with SmartBot, 159, 167

output ports, connecting motors to, 19


palettes, opening, 25

Pan Tool, 29

Parallel Sequence Beam

Explorer-Parallel program, 50, 51

using in programs, 50, 51

Paste button, 28

pen, lifting up, 42

pins, building tip for, 8

Pointer Tool, 29

points, displaying, 40

polling information, 56

ports. See input ports

Position variable, using with Smart-Game, 190

PressCount number variable, 186

Pressed action, detection by Touch Sensor, 68

programming blocks

adding to Switch blocks, 64

configuring, 45

copying, 29

Display block, 38–41 in Explorer-Unlimited program, 45

manipulating, 28

Move block, 32–35 moving and deleting, 26

opening data hubs for, 158

picking and placing, 24

placing in Work Area, 26

repeating sequences of, 46–48 selecting, 25

on Sequence Beam, 31

Sound block, 36–38 types of, 31

using to create programs, 31

Programming Palettes, 25

Program Navigation Bar, 27, 28


aborting, 21, 285

closing, 28

comments in, 29

configuring blocks in, 45

creating, 23, 25

creating with programming blocks, 31

downloading to NXT, 25, 285–288

downloading without running, 27

finding downloads to brick, 26

managing, 28

modifying, 28–29

navigating between, 28

navigating to parts of, 29

pausing via Wait block, 58–60

running, 21

running manually, 26

transferring to NXT brick, 26–27


Random block

Smart-Random program, 174

using with Smart-Game program, 191

rechargeable batteries, catalog numbers for, 5

Redo button, 29

Released action, detection by Touch Sensor, 68

Release My Block, creating for Snatcher, 232

Remote Control, 30

remote-control mode, operating Shot-Roller in, 87, 113–114

Repeat checkbox, using with Sound block, 36

Reset, selecting in Switch block, 85

Reset Sorter My Block, creating for Brick Sorter, 260

Right Arrow button, pushing, 82

Right Touch Sensor, 73, 76

Robo Center, 27, 29, 30

robots. See also Discovery robot; Explorer robot

repeating decisions of, 65

testing mechanical functions for, 107

!Rotation Sensor, 84

Rotation Sensor block, configuring, 163

Rotation Sensors

behavior of, 83

Discovery-Rotation, 83–85

making programs with, 83–85

polling via View mode, 83

resetting, 84–85


Say Color My Block, creating, 80

Scanning module, using with Hybrid Brick Sorter, 238


adjusting in Smart-Game program, 192

displaying in Smart-Game program, 193

Score variable, using with Smart-Game, 190

“seeing” behavior, sensor for, 56

selecting items, 20

Sensor blocks

configuring, 162

using to perform sensor measurements, 166

using to poll sensors, 162

using with Complete Palette, 105

sensor cables, connecting for Strider robot, 134

sensor data, basing decisions on, 62

sensor readings, viewing, 56


Color, 55, 56

connecting for Shot-Roller, 105

Light, 111

polling, 56, 57

polling via Feedback Boxes, 142

Rotation, 83

Touch, 55

triggering, 58

types of, 55

Ultrasonic, 55

using with Loop block, 60–61

using with Switch blocks, 62–65

and Wait block, 58–60

sensors, use of, 4

Sequence Beam, programming blocks on, 31


autonomous mode, 108

building, 88–104

Color Lamp block, 105, 106

Complete Palette, 105

connecting cables for, 105

Control Motor Power option, 107

creating a catapult for, 119

defending territory with, 112

Firing motor, 88

Light Sensor mode, 111

Motor blocks, 106, 107, 118

MotorControlTest program, 107

remote-control mode, 113–114

required pieces for, 88

Shot-Roller-Light program, 112–113

Shot-Roller-Remote program, 114–118

TestColorLamp program, 106

turning into intruder alarm, 111

Turn motor, 87, 114–115

Turret motor, 87, 116

Shot-Roller-Light program, 112–113

Shot-Roller-Remote program, 114–118

Smart-Accelerate program, 158–159


accelerating motor for, 158

building, 150–155

required pieces for, 150

Smart-Intro program, 156

using loop count with, 158

Smart-Compare program, 175

Smart-Constant program, 188–189

Smart-Count program, 186–187

Smart-Game program

adjusting score in, 192

comparing position and button variables, 192

defining variables for, 190

displaying current score, 193

displaying target randomly, 191

expanding, 193–194

overview of, 190

repeating for 30

seconds, 193

storing pressed button, 191

waiting until button is pressed, 191

Smart-Intro program

blocks for, 156

open data hubs for blocks, 157

overview of, 157

Sound blocks in, 157

Ultrasonic Sensor block in, 157

Smart-Logic program, 175–176

Smart-LogicWire program, 164, 166–167

Smart-Loop program, 180–181

Smart-Math program, 171–173

Smart-Random program, 174

Smart-Sound program, 172–173

Smart-Switch program, 178–179

Smart-TextWire program, 165

Smart-Touch program, 177

Smart-Variable program, 185

Snatcher robotic arm. See also grabbing mechanism

building, 201–230

Find Object My Block, 232–233

function of, 231

gears for, 198–199

Grabber motor, 197

grabbing mechanism, 198

grabbing objects with, 234

Grab My Block, 232

lifting mechanism, 198–199

Move Closer My Block, 234

overview of, 231

Release My Block, 232

required pieces for, 200

Say Color My Block, 234

troubleshooting, 235

Sound block

Action setting, 36

with Configuration Panel, 36

Configuration Panels for blocks, 37

configurations, 36

Control box, 36

creating program for, 37–38

File box, 36

Function box, 36

function of, 172

selecting notes from keyboard, 37

in Smart-Intro program, 157

in Switch blocks, 84

using with Strider robot, 140

Volume setting, 36

Wait box, 37

Sound Editor, using, 36

sound files, creating, 36


aborting, 36

repeating, 36

types of, 36

square-shaped patterns, driving in, 46

Start Area, 26

straight line, following, 61

Strider robot

building, 122–133

connecting sensor cables for, 134

creating Walk-Forward My Block, 135

leg pairs, 134

minifigures for walking technique, 134

motor assemblies, 122, 135

motor direction for motor blocks, 137

NXT motors, 135

power settings for motor blocks, 137

Strider-Touch program, 137–138

on three wheels, 146

using Display Blocks with, 140

using My Blocks in interactive program, 137–141

using Sound Block with, 140

walking technique, 134–135

Walk-Left My Block, 136

Walk-Right My Block, 136

Strider-Scared program

creating, 144

polling sensors with Feedback Boxes, 142

setting threshold values for, 142–143

Switch blocks

adding blocks to, 64

behavior of, 65

configuring, 62–63

configuring with data wires, 178–179

decreasing size of, 64

Discovery-Repeat program, 65

Discovery-Switch program, 62–64

displaying on Work Area, 64

Flat View option, 64

placing My Blocks in, 138

selecting Reset in, 85

sensors polled by, 74

Smart-Switch program, 178–179

Smart-Touch program, 177

Sound blocks in, 84

using conditions with, 62–65

using Number data wires with, 180

using sensors with, 62–65

using Text data wires with, 180

using to follow lines, 81

using with Shot-Roller, 109, 116–117

using with Smart-Game program, 191–192

switches, repeating, 65


TestColorLamp program, 106

Test Pad, 5

Text data wire, 164

Number to Text block, 165

Smart-TextWire program, 165

using, 180

text, displaying, 39

text lines, displaying on NXT screen, 164–165

threshold values, setting for Strider-Scared program, 142–143

Tone Frequency plug, 172

tones, playing, 36, 84


buttons for managing programs, 28

buttons for modifying programs, 28–29

buttons on, 28

Comment Tool, 29

Pan Tool, 29

Pointer Tool, 29

Touch Sensor block, configuring, 162

Touch Sensors, 55

actions detected by, 68

bumper attachment with, 68–72

connecting cables for, 73

detecting pressed status of, 177

Discovery-Touch program, 73

Left Touch Sensor, 73

polling via Wait block, 73

programming with, 73

Right Touch Sensor, 73

Smart-Count program, 186–187

using to avoid walls, 74–75

using with Strider robot, 139–140

transformer, catalog number for, 5

triangle-shaped patterns, driving in, 48

trigger value

configuring for Rotation Sensor, 83

using with sensors, 58

tunes, playing, 61

Turn motor

function in Shot-Roller, 87

using with Shot-Roller, 114–115


curving, 36

making accurately, 35

Turret motor

function in Shot-Roller, 87

using with Shot-Roller, 116


Ultrasonic Sensor, 55, 56

Compare setting, 159

using in Smart-Intro program, 157

using to avoid walls, 60

using Wait block with, 58–59

Ultrasonic Sensor reading, displaying on NXT screen, 165

Undo button, 29

Unlimited option, using with Move block, 45

problems with, 45


Variable block, configuring, 184


Bricksize for Hybrid Brick Sorter, 261

Bucket for Hybrid Brick Sorter, 262

Button for SmartBot, 190

changing values for, 186

Closest for Snatcher, 232

defining, 183, 184

defining for Smart-Game program, 190

deleting, 184

Direction for Snatcher, 233

initializing, 186–187

Position for SmartBot, 190

Score for SmartBot, 190

Smart-Count program, 186–187

Smart-Variable program, 185

storing values in, 184

View menu, viewing sensor readings on, 56, 57

View mode

using to poll Color Sensor, 78

using to poll Rotation Sensor, 83

voice, recording with microphone, 36


Wait blocks, 43

Configuration Panel, 58

creating Explorer-Wait program, 43–44

Discovery-Wait program, 58–59

on Programming Palette, 74

settings, 43

using sensors with, 58–60

using to poll Touch Sensor, 73

using with Color Sensor, 79

using with Shot-Roller, 109–111

Walk-Forward My Block, creating for Strider robot, 135

Walk-Left My Block, creating for Strider robot, 136

Walk-Right My Block, creating for Strider robot, 136


avoiding via Touch Sensors, 74–75

avoiding via Ultrasonic Sensor, 60–61

website, companion, xx

Wheel motors, using with CCC, 280–281

wires. See data wires

Work Area

displaying Switch blocks on, 64

moving, 29

placing blocks in, 26


XOr operation, output value for, 176


Yes/No output plug, controlling, 159

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