“This book will be a game changer for any introvert who hates selling or believes they just can’t do it. You can!”

—Neil Patel, New York Times bestselling author of Hustle
and co-founder of Crazy Egg & Hello Bar

“Here are all the fundamental techniques you need to become a successful salesperson! If you’ve ever felt that your introversion is an obstacle to your success, worry no more. Matthew Pollard shows you exactly why the opposite is true! For all of you introverts who are looking to succeed in sales (or any extrovert-dominated field), The Introvert’s Edge by Matthew Pollard is for you!”

—Marshall Goldsmith, international bestselling author
of What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

“Matthew has created the ultimate guide for people who are reluctant to enter the world of sales. He won the war with his instinct, courage, friendliness, and honesty. But the cool part is he documented it so that you can do the same thing. More than a sales book, it’s both informational and inspirational.”

—Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Little Red Book of Selling

“Don’t read this book . . . if you love excuses. I used to believe that I couldn’t sell because ‘I’m an introvert.’ This book taught me that my excuse was actually an advantage.”

—Ryan Deiss, CEO,

“Introverts have what it takes to be great salespeople! Matthew Pollard proves that point and more in this compelling read. By sharing powerful case examples and a clear sales system, he offers introverts a way to build on their listening and preparation skills to win sales and influence people.”

—Jennifer Kahnweiler, Ph.D., CSP, bestselling author
of The Introverted Leader and Quiet Influence

“At the core, I’m an introvert myself, so I know the importance of reliable, adaptable systems that draw on our greatest strengths. Matthew Pollard has nailed a process that harnesses our creativity, empathy, and analytical thinking to cultivate relationships that create the solutions your customers need.”

—Dr. Ivan Misner, founder of BNI and New York Times bestselling
author of Truth or Delusion? Busting Networking’s Biggest Myths

“I’ve long advocated taking control of the sale, while at the same time keeping the customer’s needs front and center. Matthew Pollard’s system does exactly that—and much more. Brilliant, intuitive, and refreshing.”

—Matthew Dixon, author of The Challenger Sale and The Challenger
(listed as the number one and two Most Highly-
Rated Sales Books of All Time by HubSpot)

“Sales is due for a transformation. The Introvert’s Edge flips selling from an uncomfortable, unsuccessful, high-pressure nightmare to a smooth, winning conversation.”

—Mark Roberge, Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School;
former CRO at HubSpot; bestselling author
of The Sales Acceleration Formula

“Introverts can set the world on FIRE, and Matthew Pollard will show you how in The Introvert’s Edge. Introverts, it’s time to IGNITE!”

—John Lee Dumas, founder and host of Entrepreneurs
On Fire
(recently ranked by Entrepreneur
as a top five podcast for entrepreneurs)

“Being an extrovert, this book by Matthew helps me understand why some of my biggest competitors in my sales career have been the quiet ones.”

—Erik Day, Vice President & GM, North America
Small Business at Dell Technologies

“Finally! A sales manual for people who’d rather chew their arm off than ‘work a room’ . . . in other words, most of us. I make much of my living trying to be an extrovert on stage by giving speeches. When I have to do what amounts to selling, I don’t have any energy left. I need a sales system that doesn’t rely on any natural ability for charm, chit-chat, or schmoozing. The Introvert’s Edge is it.”

—Paul Smith, bestselling author of Sell with a Story

“Everyone knows that introverts can’t sell very well. Wrong! The Introvert’s Edge provides the necessary steps to sell successfully, and it does so in an easy, accessible, and readable manner. Through the use of stories, this book goes way beyond general sales tips; it provides insights on how introverts can make the leap into sales. Ease into this book and you will see immediate results.”

—John B. Molidor, Ph.D., President of the National Speakers
Association and Professor of Psychiatry at Michigan State University

The Introvert’s Edge is a great read for both the quiet and the less-quiet. Matthew Pollard not only shows the power of process over personality when it comes to sales, but helps pave the way for workplaces that are great for all kinds of people.”

—Ed Frauenheim, Director of Research and Content,
Great Place to Work Institute

“Matthew Pollard really knows what he’s talking about. Every introvert interested in selling any idea or product would be well advised to read his book and follow his simple and practical process.”

—Derek Lidow, Professor of Entrepreneurship at Princeton
and author of Startup Leadership and Building on Bedrock

“As a Sales Strategist instructor for our (then) young company, Matthew added hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales for us with his ‘just tell stories’ technique. He transformed our lowest selling introverted salesperson into a ‘Top Dog’ winner for highest quarterly sales. Now, he has distilled that several-week course into an enjoyable read that has you pulling for the introvert, all while absorbing Matthew’s tried-and-true successful sales strategies. I highly recommend this book for both introverts and extroverts alike to improve their sales productivity.”

—Volney Campbell, Co-Chairman/Principal
at Colliers International Austin

“Matthew Pollard challenges some time-honored beliefs on what it takes to be successful at sales. I love how he weaves real-life stories into practical applications that new or even experienced reps can put to use right away! It’s a must-read for anyone who proudly calls sales their profession!”

—Bob Perkins, founder and Chairman of the American
Association of Inside Sales Professionals

“Matthew Pollard gets people, and he gets sales. The Introvert’s Edge not only dispels the myth that you must be loud and outgoing to thrive in sales, but also offers a powerful roadmap for how all of us can better build trust and connect with buyers. I. Absolutely. Love. This. Book. I highly recommend it for anyone who sells, not just for those who are more reserved!”

—Mike Weinberg, author of the AMACOM bestsellers Sales
Management. Simplified
. and New Sales. Simplified.

“Disclaimer: I went into Matthew’s book a skeptic. (Introverts make the best salespeople? C’mon.) By page 6, I was intrigued; by page 16, I was captivated—by page 30, Mr. Pollard had won another believer and raving fan. The Introvert’s Edge isn’t vague coaching, it isn’t a rah-rah pep talk, it isn’t a handful of interesting ideas. This is the real deal. Matthew’s approach is gold. Not only sales gold, but gold, period.”

—John David Mann, coauthor of New York Times bestseller
The Red Circle and the bestselling classic The Go-Giver

“The more we learn about introversion, the better equipped we are to draw on its strengths. The Introvert’s Edge, a fine addition to the canon of introvert advice, offers a concrete, clearly delineated plan to help introverts defy the misperception that they can’t succeed in sales.”

—Sophia Dembling, author of The Introvert’s
and Introverts in Love

“Matthew practices what he preaches: by naming our pain points and sharing inspiring success stories, he sells us on the idea that introverts can sell! His framework puts process over personality, which is music to this introverted entrepreneur’s ears. I love how clearly he outlines his proven method. Whether you pick-and-choose or adopt his entire system, get ready to experience greater ease and flow with your sales process!”

—Beth L. Buelow, PCC, author of The Introvert Entrepreneur
and host of The Introvert Entrepreneur podcast

“By far, this is the best sales book I have ever read. Matthew teaches how to turn every sales call from a pushy, do-or-die bulldog approach into a performance . . . much like a play. Tremendously effective for us introverts and a must-read for anyone who knows they need to learn to sell, but thinks they don’t have what it takes.”

—Brian Smith, UGG founder and author of The Birth of a Brand

“This book not only proves that introverts can be great at sales, it gives you the step-by-step tools to actually be great at sales.”

—Jason Cohen, founder and CTO of WP Engine

“This wonderful book shows you how to sell in a warm, self-confident way, straight from the heart, by focusing on helping your customer make the best decision for him or her, with no pressure, which sows the seeds for a long-term relationship.”

—Brian Tracy, motivational public speaker and
author of The Psychology of Selling

“I love it when someone looks at sales differently! In The Introvert’s Edge, Matthew Pollard provides a whole new take on sales and authentic selling. Matthew has managed to evolve tried and proven strategies into a system that offers predictable results. Unbelievable!”

—Tom Hopkins, author of How to Master the
Art of Selling
and When Buyers Say No

“Anyone thinking that sales isn’t for them ‘because they’re an introvert’ should read this book. For too long, introverts have believed that their personalities make them ineffective salespeople, or that they have some excuse not to learn and master the necessary skills. This book provides an overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary. Sales is just a process, like anything else, that can be learned and perfected—and introverts are, in fact, uniquely suited to succeed in sales.”

—Jordan Harbinger, co-founder and host of The Art of Charm podcast
(ranked by Forbes as one of the 50 best
relationship-builders in the world)

“Through simple advice and countless memorable stories, Matthew makes it clear that anyone can be successful in sales—even those who are introverted and shy. Open this book to discover how to create a sales system that will work for your business, that will grow with you, and most important, that will be authentically yours.”

—Tony Vlahos, Chief Marketing Officer, ExecuNet

“I’ve been a professional speaker and author for over 40 years and was inducted into the Sales & Marketing Hall of Fame, yet I turn to my young mentor Matthew Pollard to help me continue to succeed. This amazing man has discovered a game-changing approach to common business challenges. Let him guide you through real world examples that you can relate to and learn from. Read this book now . . . and make your success easier tomorrow.”

—Jim Cathcart, founder of and author of The Self
Motivation Handbook, Relationship Selling
, and The Acorn Principle

“For too long, sales books have focused on bulldog sales techniques. Matthew provides a simple, relaxed, step-by-step system for people who don’t want to sell . . . but need to stay in business.”

—Julie Fedele, General Manager at Bupa Australia and New Zealand

“Matthew makes it clear that being an introvert is no excuse—it’s an edge! Introverts, rejoice! This book offers a clear, practical, and proven system that will boost your confidence to close more deals than you ever thought possible.”

—Gerhard Gschwandtner, founder and
Publisher of Selling Power magazine

“A salesperson or small business owner achieves success in sales when they listen, hear, build trust, and advocate on behalf of their customer. This book does a masterful job of outlining all the key elements an introvert must use to obtain a successful sales outcome and, more important, a happy customer.”

—Resa Kierstein, Vice President of Development at SCORE

“One of the best books on sales process and technique that I’ve ever read. Introverts empowered by this sales process will generate amazing results, regardless of their industry, title, or product. Every business owner and sales team should read this book.”

—Justin McCullough, Vice President of National
Small Business E-Commerce at Capital One

“Matthew’s unique perspective on sales, and how introverts can master the process, has been sorely needed for a long time. A welcome addition to sales training literature, with ground-breaking advice and strategies. For too long, introverts have lived with the stigma that they can’t succeed in this loud world of extroverts. It’s a nice surprise to see someone confront this myth with not just research, but real-world evidence and application.”

—Marco Rasi, founder and Executive Manager of Il Commerciale -
The Salesman © and founder of the Best Sales Blogger Awards

“Relevant, relatable, and right-on-target insights and advice from an undisputed industry leader. A treasure trove of practical tips, relatable stories, and first-hand learnings that will revolutionize your approach to sales and literally transform your business.”

—Brig. General (R) John E. Michel, C-Suite Leader, TED speaker,
bestselling author, and internationally recognized
expert in Positive Organizational Performance

“If you are an introverted business owner, you need this book. Sales are the lifeblood of your business and you can still be hugely successful even if you are an introvert—if you read this!”

—Jaime Masters, founder and host of the Eventual Millionaire
(recently ranked by a top three podcast for entrepreneurs)

“Matthew dissects the struggles that introverts like me have with sales, and he shows how we can excel in a realm thought to be the sole domain of the extroverted. I am already putting the lessons to good use in my job and will keep the book as a handy reference. Good reading and happy selling.”

—Scott Healy, Partner Manager at Oracle

“The hard sell doesn’t work in the new economy. Listening, peeling back the onion on the deep pain points that need to be solved, and knowing how to drive improvement are the new in-demand sales skills, and introverts master these instinctively. Matthew Pollard teaches you a repeatable process that really works.”

—Rob Stone, National Partner Director, Xero Australia

“For too long, introverts have been at a disadvantage in the business world. But not anymore! The Introvert’s Edge shows you how to harness your innate talents to succeed in sales, taking your career to the next level.”

—Dorie Clark, author of Stand Out and Entrepreneurial You, and
Adjunct Professor at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business

“Most freelancers like me choose to go out on our own so we can do what we love, on our own terms. We never really think about sales . . . until we don’t have any. It’s vital that we learn what Matthew’s system provides—a clear, comfortable process that’s actually not like selling at all.”

—Emily Leach, founder of the Freelance Conference (recognized by
USA Today as the #1 conference for freelancers to check out in 2017)

“The secrets are in this book. Matthew Pollard takes the guesswork and uncertainty out of sales, and turns it into a structured process that achieves results. If you’re an introvert and think that sales is hard, think again. Matthew shows you it’s more than just turning on the charm and bulldozing your way to the close. This is an insightful must-read for anyone who’s into selling or wants to sell.”

—Frazer Neo Macken, Vice President of Communications,
Electrolux Asia Pacific

“The book is fantastic and offers practical steps to support introverts in becoming better salespeople. A must-read for everyone wanting to become better at sales.”

—Nick Hilton, head of Strategic Growth and Alliances
at NAB / MLC Advice Partnerships

“I encourage my students to learn from others’ experiences and then adapt them for their own use. Matthew Pollard’s The Introvert’s Edge delivers these experiences brilliantly and offers a sales process that introverts—or anyone—could adapt and use right away. Pollard shows introverts that they, too, can be stellar salespeople. Highly recommended for both business students and business leaders who want to level up their sales skills.”

—Harlan Beverly, Ph.D., Lecturer at McCombs School of Business
and Asst. Director of Texas Venture Labs, UT Austin

“The most comprehensive book on sales I’ve ever read, all wrapped up in fun stories that had me entertained the whole time. Whether you love or hate sales, The Introvert’s Edge is for you. I am going to make sure my entire team reads it!”

—Jeff Yapp, founder and CEO of WUTZNXT and
former president of 20th Century Fox

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