16. D. J. Ewins, Modal Testing eory and Practice, Wiley, 1984.
at being said, the primary emphasis in this book’s chapter on experimental modal anal-
ysis may be found in the following publications.
17. R. N. Coppolino, A Simultaneous Frequency Domain Technique for Estimation of Modal Pa-
rameters from Measured Data, SAE Paper 811046, 1981.
18. R. N. Coppolino, Efficient and Enhanced Options for Experimental Mode Identification,
IMAC 21, 2003.
19. R. N. Coppolino, Experimental Mode Verification (EMV) using Left-Hand Eigenvectors,
IMAC 37, 2019.
While the simultaneous frequency domain technique (SFD) is featured in this book, no
implication as to its superiority over the variety of excellent experimental modal analysis tech-
niques is implied.
e general subject of model updating (test-analysis reconciliation) is intimately tied to ana-
lytical approximation of structural dynamic model parametric sensitivity. It is most important
to first cite techniques that are ultimately unreliable due to (a) the presence of closely spaced
or repeated modes, (b) large uncertainties in structural joint (stiffness) parameters, and (c) sub-
stantial errors associated with modal truncation; the following published works describe those
techniques in this category:
20. R. I. Fox and M. P. Kapoor, Rates of Change of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, AIAA
Journal, 6, 1968.
21. R. B. Nelson, Simplified Calculation of Eigenvector Derivatives, AIAA Journal, 14, 1976.
22. P. Avitabile, Twenty Years of Structural Dynamic Modification-A Review, IMAC 20, 2002.
e technique that appears to efficiently and effectively circumvent deficiencies (a)–(c) is
documented in the following.
23. R. Coppolino, Methodologies for Verification and Validation of Space Launch System (SLS)
Structural Dynamic Models, NASA CR 2018-219800, 2018.
e reconciliation process is completed via incorporation of an optimization (error norm
minimization) procedure. ree leading strategies designed to accomplish reconciliation are
found in the following.
24. T. K. Hasselman, D. C. Zimmerman, and D. L. Herendeen, An Integrated FEA Software
Capability for Dynamic Model Validation and Verification, AIAA 40th SDM Conference,
1999 (Bayesian Statistics).
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