Our Acknowledgments

Whenever you write a book, there are so many people who help make it possible. We want to start with thanking our book agent, Jessica Faust of BookEnds, LLC, and our tireless book assistant, Angeles Winesett. We also want to thank the entire team at John Wiley & Sons, including Matthew Davis, who started us out, Heather Brosius, Brian Neill, Jocelyn Kwiatkowski, Alyssa Benigno, and Shannon Vargo.

Special thanks to Vu Le of the Nonprofit With Balls blog for agreeing to write the Foreword to our book even while sleepless with a newborn. Tequila! A huge round of applause to Rob Cottingham, our talented cartoonist who made us snort our lattes when we received his sketches. And to Arianna Huffington for fighting for our right to sleep.

A big thank-you to the Alliance of the Nonprofit Management and Annie Hernandez for letting us facilitate a design lab at the conference as part of the research. And to Chrissie Bonner for her superb graphic facilitation. Thank you to Americans for the Arts and Clayton Lord and Laura Kakolewski for letting us facilitate a design lab with the leadership group at the National Arts Marketing Project Conference.

And our heartfelt thanks to the many amazing nonprofit professionals and experts who gave their time and shared their stories with us about burnout, self-care, and organizational culture.

This book is for everyone who is doing the hard work to make our world a better place.

Beth’s Acknowledgments

I couldn’t have worked on this book without the love and support from my family when I was at the computer writing or when I needed to take long walks to think about the book or for self-care. And I couldn’t have written this book without Aliza Sherman who made working on the book project an exciting journey of curiosity, creativity, learning, and fun and shares my passion for magic markers and drawing. I know that with Aliza as a writing partner, I’ve become a better writer. But, more important, she helped break my 35-year habit of adding two spaces after periods!

Aliza’s Acknowledgments

I couldn’t have worked on this book without patience and understanding from my family when my nose was stuck to my computer screen and my brain was in this book. And I couldn’t have written this book without Beth Kanter who I’ve known for years and got to know even better in the past 12 months. Here’s hoping her generosity of spirit, brilliance of mind, and dedication to walking has rubbed off on me. Here’s to Oxford commas and finding our way out of rabbit holes!

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