


As a lay term, fluency is often used to denote general second language (L2) proficiency. In this context, the term typically implies that an L2 user has advanced facility with the grammar, vocabulary, and perhaps even the pronunciation of a second language (Segalowitz 2010). The term fluency might also be used to indicate that a person can comprehend the L2 with ease or that the person has advanced skills in L2 reading and writing. Notably, this lay use of the term necessarily excludes its application to learners who are beginners and even to those with an intermediate knowledge of an L2.

In contrast, applied linguists and language teachers typically use the term fluency to refer to the fluidity or ease with which the second language is spoken (Derwing et al. 2004; Freed 2000; Isaacs and Thomson 2013; Koponen and Riggenbach 2000). Consequently, some lower proficiency L2 learners may be described as fluent, despite the fact that they have only rudimentary grammatical ability, limited vocabulary knowledge, and poor pronunciation. In this context, describing lower proficiency learners as fluent is understood to mean that the language knowledge they do have is easily accessed and that their oral language is produced without undue hesitation (Segalowitz 2010). At the extreme, pidgin languages provide an example of second language varieties that develop into highly fluent systems of communication, despite comprising substantially reduced morphological, grammatical, lexical, and phonological forms (Holm 2000).

Anyone in the field of second language instruction will have encountered learners who produce fluent but structurally simplified L2 speech at the same proficiency level as learners who, despite having similar declarative knowledge, are disfluent. These individual differences in oral performance across speakers with similar knowledge of a language are widely assumed to emerge from a trade-off between accuracy and fluency, whereby L2 learners’ attention to form can adversely affect their fluency (Skehan 1998, 2009; VanPatten 1990). Competition between accuracy and fluency arises when learners access declarative knowledge during online processing, since doing so requires reliance on short-term memory, which is assumed to have a limited capacity (Baddeley 2007). When a speaker’s conscious attention is directed toward one part of the speech production process, such as pronunciation, less attention is available for other processes, such as lexical access, grammatical encoding, etc. This can lead to a breakdown in the speech production system, manifesting itself as a disfluent utterance.

In this chapter, I endeavor to disentangle fluency as a cognitive skill from other constructs of speech production commonly found in the pronunciation literature, and review the few studies that hint at a relationship between fluency and three of these constructs – accentedness, intelligibility, and comprehensibility. I then describe some theoretical models that help illuminate the role of pronunciation in the development of oral fluency. Finally, I discuss some implications for pronunciation instruction.

Defining fluency

In the pronunciation literature, fluency is often considered in combination with other measures of spoken language – especially comprehensibility and accentedness (e.g., Derwing and Munro 1997; Derwing, Munro, and Thomson 2008; Derwing, Thomson, and Munro 2006; Isaacs and Thomson 2013). However, although they are often discussed together, and despite superficial similarities in how they are measured, fluency is quite different from these other constructs.

In accentedness, intelligibility, and comprehensibility research, the interaction between L2 speakers’ production and listeners’ perception forms the locus of attention. For example, accentedness is operationalized using impressionistic judgments of how far L2 speakers’ pronunciation diverges from a native speaker target; intelligibility is operationalized in terms of how accurately listeners are able to identify spoken language relative to an L2 speaker’s intended utterance; and comprehensibility is operationalized as how easy speech is for a listener to understand, referring to how much effort is involved (see Munro and Derwing 1995a; Munro, Derwing, and Morton 2006).

In contrast, investigations of oral fluency typically focus on the state of learners’ L2 speech production systems. Thus, although measures of oral fluency often involve listener judgments, those judgments are typically understood to reflect the underlying cognitive processes involved in planning and producing spoken language, and the degree to which those processes are automatic or controlled. Listeners’ perceptions of L2 fluency in terms of its impact on communication are normally of little interest in this line of research.

Although listener judgments are taken to be indicators of fluency, other features in learner speech undoubtedly influence these judgments (e.g., word choice, grammar, pronunciation). Recognizing this problem, Derwing et al. (2004) blend definitions from Schmidt (1992) and Guillot (1999) to describe fluency as comprising “an automatic procedural skill on the part of the speaker and a perceptual phenomenon in the listener” (2004: 656).

Given that listener judgments of cognitive fluency can be influenced by other factors, some researchers have attempted to operationalize fluency using more objectively quantifiable correlates of fluency, which are extracted from the speech signal itself (see Derwing et al. 2004, 2009; Kormos 2006; Kormos and Dénes 2004; Towell, Hawkins, and Bazergui 1996). Among others, these measures often include:

  • Speech rate: the average number of syllables spoken per second or minute.
  • Phonation time ratio: the percentage of time devoted to speaking relative to the total time taken to produce an utterance.
  • Pruned syllables: the average number of syllables spoken per second or minute after any disfluencies have been removed (e.g., syllables attributed to self-repetitions, self-corrections, etc., are not counted).
  • Articulation rate: the average number of fluent syllables per second or minute between pauses of a predetermined length (e.g., 400 ms). Like pruned syllables, this measure excludes disfluencies from the total syllable count. Unlike pruned syllables, when calculating the duration of the utterance, any time elapsed during the production of disfluencies (e.g., self-repetitions) and pauses is excluded from the total time.
  • Mean length of run: the average number of words or syllables produced between pauses of a length specified by the researcher(s).
  • Silent pause ratio: the number and/or time attributed to silent pauses of a particular length per second or minute. The minimum duration for what constitutes a silent pause varies across studies.
  • Filled pause ratio: the number and/or duration of pausing attributed to filled pauses (e.g., “um” and “uh”) per second or minute.

In an attempt to overcome some of the limitations associated with using either listener judgments or temporal measurements on their own, Derwing et al. (2009) employed both methods of assessment in a longitudinal study aimed at examining the link between L1 and L2 fluency. Interestingly, while some of the listener judgments closely paralleled the related temporal measures, on other occasions this was not the case. Overall, temporal measures were found to be more sensitive in detecting a relationship between L1 and L2 fluency than were listener judgments of the same speech samples. The authors attributed this difference to the fact that the judges who assessed the L1 samples were not the same judges who assessed the L2 samples. However, one might just as reasonably conclude that temporal measures are simply more accurate than listener judgments, which are influenced by other unrelated factors.

As Segalowitz (2010) points out, notwithstanding the additional insight temporal measures offer relative to listener judgments, operationalizing fluency in these terms is not entirely satisfactory. For example, researchers make subjective judgments in concluding that every self-repetition or self-correction in a given utterance is a sign of cognitive disfluency (Hieke 1981; MacGregor, Corley, and Donaldson 2009). In fact, speakers sometimes use self-repetitions and corrections as a discourse strategy, aimed at clarifying or emphasizing given information for the listener’s benefit.

Similarly, deciding what length of silent pause constitutes a disfluency, and in what context, is also subjective (see Davies 2003). Like self-repetition, pausing can be used as a discourse strategy, especially at clause and sentence boundaries. As a result, silent pauses do not provide fail-safe evidence that there has been a breakdown in cognitive fluency. Conversely, lexical filled pauses (e.g., “like”, “I think”, etc.), which often are a sign of disfluency, are never considered when the filled pause ratio is calculated. This omission is problematic, since like their nonlexical counterparts, lexical filled pauses are sometimes produced in order to buy time for planning and producing utterances that follow.

Defining fluency in terms of temporal phenomena can also be limiting because it reduces the construct to speed of production, which is an oversimplification of the complex cognitive underpinnings of fluency. Taking a cognitive perspective, Schmidt (1992) and Segalowitz (2010) argue that it is the efficiency and automaticity of processing, rather than speech rate, that marks fluency. This means that while, on average, automatic processing is likely to be faster than conscious processing, speech rate cannot serve as a reliable indicator of fluency. Instead, fluency should be viewed as a set of interrelated and overlapping cognitive processes, organized in such a way that they impose the smallest possible demands on working memory, which has limited capacity.

Although a more transdisciplinary approach using experimental techniques borrowed from psychology and neuroscience would unquestionably provide more precision in measuring cognitive fluency (see Segalowitz 2010for a detailed overview), a substantial body of research using less sophisticated approaches has still provided important insights into the development of L2 fluency. It is to this earlier research that we next turn.

Relationships between fluency, accentedness, intelligibility, and comprehensibility

While interrelations between accentedness, intelligibility. and comprehensibility are well attested, their relationship to fluency is less so. To date, no studies appear to have systematically investigated the relationship between oral fluency and these other commonly researched measures of L2 speech production. This is somewhat surprising, since learners’ conscious attention to pronunciation can affect their fluency, which in turn might impact listener perceptions of accent, intelligibility and comprehensibility. Despite the paucity of deliberate research in this area, several studies have examined fluency and these other measures of oral production in tandem. By re-examining several such studies, preliminary evidence emerges that fluency is partially related to these other facets of L2 pronunciation.

Accentedness, intelligibility, and comprehensibility

Before exploring the relationship between fluency and other dimensions of L2 speech, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of the research contrasting accentedness with intelligibility and comprehensibility.

Munro and Derwing (1995a) were the first to empirically demonstrate that an L2 speaker could have a very strong foreign accent, but still be highly intelligible and comprehensible. In a later study, Derwing and Munro (1997) confirmed that this quasi-independence of accentedness, intelligibility, and comprehensibility extends across proficiency levels and across learners from varied L1 backgrounds. Furthermore, while the native speaker raters who participated in the later study reportedly recognized that non-target-like segmental features contributed to their perception of a foreign accent, the raters did not report the same influence on their comprehensibility ratings. Derwing and Munro interpreted this to mean that while segmental errors are a major contributor to the perception of a foreign accent, they do not necessarily lead to processing difficulties for listeners. To determine whether impressionistic ratings of accentedness are aligned with more objective measures of comprehensibility, Munro and Derwing (1995b) examined the relationship between perceived accentedness and the amount of time it took for listeners to process the accented utterances. This study confirmed that a strong foreign accent does not always lead to an increase in processing time.

Derwing, Munro, and Wiebe (1998) extended these findings to classroom instruction by investigating whether 12 weeks of pronunciation instruction focused on segmentals (i.e., vowels and consonants) versus instruction focused on suprasegmentals (e.g., word stress, intonation, rhythm) would have a greater impact on listener ratings of L2 speech. They found that suprasegmental training led to significant improvement in comprehensibility ratings of speech during an extemporaneous speaking task, while segmental training did not. In read speech, both groups showed improvement. Since the ultimate goal of pronunciation instruction is to improve the intelligibility and comprehensibility of spontaneous production, Derwing, Munro, and Wiebe (1998) argue that focusing on suprasegmental features provides the greatest benefit to learners.

Fluency and accentedness

Indirect evidence for a link between fluency and accentedness can be found by considering other measures to which these constructs are both related. For example, Derwing et al. (2004) found that speech rate and goodness of prosody (referring to suprasegmental features) are correlated with fluency, while other studies report that speech rate and prosody are correlated with accentedness (e.g., Derwing and Munro 1997; Kang 2010). In another study, Trofimovich and Isaacs (2012) report a moderate negative correlation between mean length of run, a measure of fluency, and number of segmental errors, a measure typically associated with accentedness.

Derwing and Rossiter (2003) investigated the fluency, phonological accuracy, and complexity of L2 speech before and after pronunciation training. They found that the phonological accuracy of learners receiving segmental instruction significantly improved, even on an extemporaneous speaking task, while these learners experienced no improvement in terms of fluency and complexity. This was in marked contrast to a group trained on suprasegmentals, for whom fluency and complexity significantly improved, while their phonological accuracy did not. The researchers concluded that the segmental group had consciously attended to phonological form during their speech production and that this had consumed cognitive resources that could otherwise have been used for more fluent and complex speech. In fact, while there may have been no improvement in the segmental groups’ fluency over time, neither was there a significant decline. If conscious attention to phonological form impacted other processes involved in speech production, as the authors argue, we should expect that the speakers’ fluency and complexity scores would decline as a result. The fact that this did not happen hints at the possibility that real gains in fluency and complexity were masked by the deleterious effect of the learners attending to phonological form. This interpretation suggests that as the segmental groups’ newly learned phonological knowledge becomes automatized, their fluency scores might also improve.

Derwing, Thomson, and Munro (2006) examined Mandarin and Slavic speakers’ development of L2 English fluency and accentedness over a period of eight months. Regrettably, the researchers do not report any correlational analysis between the fluency and accentedness ratings they obtained. Nevertheless, we could surmise that if fluency and accentedness are related, improvement in one should be accompanied by improvement in the other. This prediction is only partially borne out in this study. While both fluency and accent ratings improved for the Slavic group, only accent ratings improved for the Mandarin group. However, since the absolute increase in the Mandarin group’s accent ratings was quite small, this could be taken to indicate that greater improvement in pronunciation is necessary before a relationship with fluency becomes detectable.

A colleague and I recently examined the impact of rater expertise and rating scale length on listener judgments of the fluency, accentedness, and comprehensibility of 38 L2 English learners (Isaacs and Thomson 2013). For the purpose of this chapter, I have revisited that data to explicitly examine the relationship between the fluency and accentedness ratings for the 20 raters who used a 9-point scale. A Pearson’s r coefficient reveals a moderate correlation between these two constructs (r = 0.605, p < 0.001). To probe further, I examined the distribution of accentedness ratings for the five most fluent and five least fluent speakers respectively (see Figure 12.1).


Figure 12.1 Distribution of accent ratings for the five most fluent and five least fluent speakers (1 = strong accent; 9 = no accent).

Although skewed toward the low end of the scale (i.e., away from a native-like accent), the distributions are otherwise relatively normal. This indicates that it is sometimes possible for a speaker to be perceived as more fluent, but highly accented, or conversely as less fluent despite having a more native like accent.

Fluency and intelligibility

Previous studies appear to provide only limited evidence for a relationship between fluency and intelligibility. For example, Munro and Derwing (1995a) investigated a number of variables with the intent of establishing an error gravity hierarchy for intelligible L2 speech. They concluded that prosodic errors have a more negative impact on intelligibility than most other error types. In a later study, Derwing and Munro (1997) report that goodness of prosody, as well as speech rate, were significantly correlated with the intelligibility scores of a small subset (8%) of listeners in their study. Since goodness of prosody and speech rate are also known to be moderately correlated with fluency ratings (Derwing et al. 2004), these studies provide an indication that fluency and intelligibility may be weakly related. Relationships between prosody and fluency might suggest that intelligibility can be improved through fluency instruction or that instruction in prosody could impact fluency.

Fluency and comprehensibility

Indirect evidence for a relationship between fluency and comprehensibility can be found across several studies. For example, Anderson-Hsieh, Johnson, and Koehler (1992) report that accurate prosody is linked to more comprehensible speech. Similarily, Derwing and Munro (1997) report that goodness of prosody and speech rate were correlated with the comprehensibility ratings of a third of the raters in their study. In addition, 15% of their raters indicated that they were consciously aware that several features normally associated with fluency (e.g., pausing, speech rate, etc.) had affected their comprehensibility judgments.

The pronunciation training studies described previously (i.e., Derwing, Munro and Wiebe 1998; Derwing and Rossiter 2003) also point to an indirect relationship between fluency and comprehensibility. While the group trained on suprasegmentals experienced significant improvement in both dimensions on the extemporaneous speech task, the group trained on segmentals did not. This suggests that fluency and comprehensibility are both closely aligned with suprasegmental features of pronunciation.

Derwing, Munro, and Thomson (2008) compared the development of Mandarin and Slavic learners’ English fluency and comprehensibility over a two-year period. Although the relationship between these two constructs was not a focus of their study, they report moderate to strong correlations between fluency and comprehensibility ratings at three separate data collection points (Pearson’s r coefficients were 0.872, 0.791, and 0.791 respectively).

Revisiting data from Isaacs and Thomson’s (2013) study reveals a strong correlation between fluency and comprehensibility ratings (r = 0.826, p < 0.001). However, comprehensibility ratings for the five most fluent and five least fluent speakers (see Figure 12.2) are quite normally distributed. This indicates that it is possible for some L2 speakers to be perceived as more fluent, but less comprehensible, or conversely as less fluent, but highly comprehensible.


Figure 12.2 Distribution of comprehensibility rating for the five most fluent and five least fluent speakers (1 = extremely difficult to understand; 9 = very easy to understand).


Taken together, the findings summarized in this section provide evidence that fluency is most related to comprehensibility, somewhat related to accentedness, and apparently least related to intelligibility. In the latter regard, the evidence is admittedly quite limited. These patterns have important implications for instruction, since they suggest that improvement in fluency may lead to improvement in comprehensibility and accentedness. Conversely, improvement in prosody and segmental accuracy might also lead to improvement in fluency.

Relevant speech production models

Several theoretical models of speech production help illuminate the complex interactions between fluency and pronunciation. Specifically, these models help point to possible underlying cognitive mechanisms and processes that might explain how improvement in either fluency or pronunciation can promote improvement in the other.

Adaptive Control of Thought model

Although some of its general assumptions about language are open to debate (Towell, Hawkins, and Bazergui 1996), Anderson’s (1983, 1993) Adaptive Control of Thought (ACT) model provides a useful framework for explaining differences between controlled and automatic processing in speech production. These differences are said to account for the trade-off between fluency and accuracy (e.g., Derwing and Rossiter 2003; Skehan 2009). ACT has earlier been used to explain the development of L2 fluency (e.g., Segalowitz 2010; Towell, Hawkins, and Bazergui 1996), but has not previously been extended to a specific discussion of fluency’s relationship to pronunciation.

ACT divides memory into three subtypes: declarative memory, production memory, and working memory. Declarative memory comprises long-term knowledge that must be consciously retrieved prior to use, while production memory contains long-term knowledge that is automatically retrieved without conscious attention. In contrast, working memory is a short-term memory store, which briefly holds small amounts of information retrieved from one of the two long-term memory stores during online speech production. Working memory is also used to temporarily hold new information encountered in the outside world, before it can be added to long-term memory. According to ACT, the movement of information from declarative memory to production memory is also mediated by working memory.

ACT takes the consensus view that retrieval of declarative knowledge is inefficient relative to retrieval of procedural knowledge. In part, this stems from an understanding that the working memory component has limited capacity – see, for example, the widely cited Miller’s law (Miller 1956), which posits a human capacity to hold seven plus or minus two units of information in short-term memory. Access to and manipulation of declarative knowledge during speech production places a high demand on working memory, both in terms of its capacity and the amount of attention it requires. In contrast, procedural knowledge consumes far less memory and attention since its units, stored in production memory, partially comprise preprocessed chunks of information. For example, at the lexical level, procedural knowledge may include automatized collocational connections between smaller units and storage of prefabricated lexical chunks and phrases. ACT describes connections between smaller units within production memory as IF/THEN pairs. These pairs are accessed nearly simultaneously because activation of the first half of the pair automatically activates the other half. Since each resulting unit of speech moving from production memory to working memory is larger than those from declarative memory, the entire system is more efficient, which promotes greater fluency.

Applying ACT to pronunciation, phonological forms for associated units (e.g., words or phrases) can be retrieved from either declarative or production memory. For normal adult speakers, L1 pronunciation constitutes procedural knowledge, and is therefore automatic. In L2 speech, a learner can still rely on automatized L1 phonological processes, which might allow the learner to be more fluent, albeit highly accented. However, the development of more accurate L2 phonology begins within declarative and working memory stores. Thus, the only way to offset the impact of attention to phonological form on fluency would be to make other parts of the process automatic, freeing up more processing capacity to attend to pronunciation.

In order for a pronunciation correction to take place before an L2 utterance is spoken, speakers must consciously access declarative knowledge. Because this strategy is inefficient, it can result in disfluent speech. Disfluencies arising from reliance on declarative knowledge might simply be manifested as temporal hesitation. This would make identifying the source of the disfluency difficult, leading to a weak correlation with pronunciation. In contrast, adjustment to pronunciation during automatic speech production can only take place after a learner has already heard his or her own utterance and perceives a mismatch between that utterance and explicit knowledge. In such cases, since the utterance has already been spoken, the only option for a repair is to make a self-correction. This explicitly implicates pronunciation as the source of the disfluency. Even when new L2 pronunciation patterns move into production memory, the speed with which they are accessed might remain slow until connections between these forms and other knowledge (e.g., the words in which they occur) are strengthened. Despite being slower, because they are automatic, they do not represent a disfluency (see Segalowitz 2010). Nevertheless, speed of access does influence traditional fluency measures.

ACT’s assumptions about long- and short-term memory allow us to make specific predictions regarding the relationship between L2 fluency and pronunciation. Table 12.1 highlights six possibilities, depending on the state of the L2 learner’s phonological system. It predicts, for example, that learners can be heavily accented, but still fluent, if they use the already established L1 phonological system that is part of their production memory. In contrast, too much attention to accurate pronunciation of the L2 might lead to disfluent speech. It might also be possible for learners to consciously match L1 sounds to L2 vocabulary, in which case they would be both accented and disfluent.

Table 12.1 Possible learner outcomes for L2 fluency and pronunciation applying Anderson’s (1983) Adaptive Control of Thought model.

Uses L1 phonologyUses interlanguage phonologyUses L2 phonology
Production memoryFluent – Accented
  • High risk to intelligibility and comprehensibility
Fluent – Somewhat accented
  • Potential risk to intelligibility and comprehensibility
Fluent – Unaccented
  • No risk to intelligibility and comprehensibility
Declarative memoryDisfluent – Accented
  • High risk to intelligibility and comprehensibility
Disfluent – Somewhat accented
  • Potential risk to intelligibility and comprehensibility
Disfluent – Unaccented
  • No risk to intelligibility; some to comprehensibility

Levelt’s model of Speech Production

Levelt’s (1989, 1999) “blueprint” of speech production provides another useful framework for discussing the relationship between L2 fluency and pronunciation. This widely cited model has been adapted to describe L2 speech production by De Bot (1992), further elaborated by others (Kormos 2006; Segalowitz 2010; Skehan 2009). The purpose here is not to describe Levelt’s model in detail, but to highlight how it can be used to explain relations between fluency and pronunciation. It complements Anderson’s (1983) ACT model by describing the processes involved in speech production, rather than focusing on the role of memory.

In brief, Levelt’s (1999) model describes the speaking process as primarily linear, although it does allow a few iterative steps. The first step in the model is the conceptual preparation of a pre-verbal message. This is followed by processes involved in selecting what grammatical and rhetorical forms should be used to convey that message. Next are procedures that apply any rules necessary for the speaker to arrive at the correct spoken form of the utterance. In terms of pronunciation, these rules specify how a word or utterance is to be articulated. Like Anderson’s (1983) description of production memory, many steps in Levelt’s model overlap, with one step in the process simultaneously activating the following step. Levelt’s model is somewhat predictive in that for reasons of efficiency particular steps of the process anticipate what will come later. The process in Levelt’s model can be interrupted or slowed at numerous junctions, resulting in disfluency. In Anderson’s (1993) terms, these junctions might represent points in the process where the speaker moves between productive memory, with its automatic processing, and declarative memory, with its controlled processing.

While many disfluency-invoking breakdowns in Levelt’s Speech Production model are unrelated to pronunciation (e.g., searching for a word or grammatical form), in other cases pronunciation difficulties might very well be the source of temporal or perceived disfluencies (see Segalowitz 2010for a detailed discussion of specific points in Levelt’s model where disfluency may be expected to arise). The first place in the system where pronunciation may cause a breakdown is when phonological encoding is applied to a planned utterance. At this point, a speaker accesses the mental lexicon to assign segmental features, syllabification of words, and prosody at the phrasal level. In Levelt’s model, the mental lexicon comprises implicit lexical and morphological knowledge, which is automatic. In contrast, except for very advanced speakers, L2 words largely comprise declarative knowledge, because these words are not yet fully established in the mental lexicon, either in terms of access or in terms of their connections to other words. Like Anderson’s (1993) ACT, in Levelt’s model accessing declarative knowledge requires conscious attention. One obvious way to compensate for this added demand on the speech production system is to link L2 vocabulary with L1 phonology, as many L2 speakers do. This will result in the fluent–accented speaker illustrated in Table 12.1.

After phonological encoding, the second location in Levelt’s blueprint where pronunciation may impact fluency is during phonetic encoding. During phonetic encoding, the input from the phonological encoding process must activate related articulatory gestures. For normal adult L1 speech, these gestures are largely automatic. Thus, an L2 speaker who uses L1 gestures will fall into the fluent–accented category. Conversely, while L2 gestures will rarely be native-like, some interlanguage gestures may become automatized and therefore lead to the fluent–somewhat accented category of Table 12.1. If, however, a learner accesses declarative knowledge for L2 gestures, whether accurate or not, this might lead to the disfluent–somewhat accented category.

The third place for a possible influence of pronunciation on fluency is when the speaker leaves the phonetic encoding stage and enters the articulation stage. Here, all the planning involved in the previous stages results in overt speech. The extent to which L1, L2, or interlanguage articulatory procedures are automatized will impact fluency in much the same way as in the previous stage. The automatic nature of the process can further break down if the learner, while monitoring his or her overt speech, detects a need for repair in how he or she articulates an utterance. This can lead to a repair in the form of a self-correction.

Complexity Theory

While Anderson’s (1983) ACT and Levelt’s (1999) speech production model are helpful for elaborating the role of memory and automaticity in speech processing, Complexity Theory (CT) holds promise for describing how fluency and pronunciation interact and develop over time (see Larsen-Freeman 1997; Larsen-Freeman and Cameron 2008). Furthermore, since CT is transdisciplinary, it offers perspectives beyond those typically associated with structural linguistics, which, as Larsen-Freeman (2012) notes, has historically provided the foundation for our understanding of L2 speech production.

Several major tenets of CT have implications for descriptions of L2 fluency and pronunciation. For example, complex systems are said to be open and dynamic, implying that procedural knowledge can be changed. While this might seem to be at odds with the belief that L2 language skills become fossilized (e.g., Nakuma 1998; Selinker 1972), there is evidence that with the right sort of instructional intervention change in pronunciation is possible, even after learning is traditionally assumed to be asymptote (e.g., Derwing, Munro, and Wiebe 1997; Thomson 2011, 2012). CT’s view that dynamic systems are open to change should not be interpreted as meaning that native-like pronunciation is attainable for all adult learners, but it clearly implies that given the right conditions at least some change is possible.

Another important principle from CT is that complex systems are emergent, and arise from multiple system components in interaction. Thus, while Anderson’s (1993) and Levelt’s (1989) models divide speech production into relatively discrete parts, CT assumes that changes in the functioning of one part of the system can impact other parts. This means that activities aimed at improving fluency could simultaneously improve pronunciation, and vice versa. Taking this further, improvement in both fluency and pronunciation might come from targeting a different part of the system altogether, for example, grammar or vocabulary.

Another important principle from CT is that there can be multiple routes to the same emergent system or outcome. This might explain why changes in fluency can impact changes in pronunciation and vice versa. More than ACT or Levelt’s model, CT offers a framework for making sense of the sometimes chaotic evidence for a partial relationship between fluency, accentedness, intelligibility, and comprehensibility, and opens new directions for fluency and pronunciation research.


Although many classroom activities are purported to promote L2 fluency (see Rossiter et al. 2010), there is a dearth of research exploring their long-term impact. Related research has, however, revealed factors that affect oral fluency in the short term. For example, many researchers have examined the impact of task type, planning, and rehearsal (e.g., Ellis 2009; Skehan and Foster 2008), while others have investigated the use of repetition (Gatbonton and Segalowitz 2005), time constraints (Nation 1989), and consciousness-raising (Boers et al. 2006). Unfortunately, the goal of such research is typically limited to validating theoretical models of speech production (e.g., De Bot 1992; Levelt 1999), with little attention to the influence of instructional practice on the development of fluency as a complex cognitive system. Thus, while a variety of factors can clearly be shown to impact fluency during a specific classroom task (state fluency), the extent to which these factors affect permanent changes in fluency (trait fluency) remain uncertain. Nevertheless, some general instructional principles can be inferred from what is known about the relationship between fluency and pronunciation, and through appeal to the theoretical models outlined in the previous section.

One general principle is that for pronunciation instruction to promote fluency, it should aim to stimulate transfer of declarative knowledge to production memory. This means that instructional activities should balance attention to phonological form with activities in which the same forms are represented in communicative contexts. For example, some activities could require learners to consciously attend to pronunciation, which would encourage more accurate but less fluent speech (e.g., Saito 2013). Other activities might use corrective feedback after an utterance has been spoken, since this will not interrupt the speech production process (e.g., Saito and Lyster 2012a, 2012b). Since opportunities to balance fluency and accuracy are rare outside of the classroom, where the demands of communication often prevent conscious attention to form (Lee et al. 1997; Schmidt 2001), this type of instruction is particularly important.

Skehan (2009) provides a useful summary of communicative classroom tasks that promote fluency and accuracy. Personal exchange tasks or other tasks with concrete and familiar topics promote both fluency and accuracy, since they place less of a burden on working memory. Similarly, tasks that provide clear structure also promote both fluency and accuracy. In contrast, tasks introducing new content, such as picture descriptions, or tasks requiring manipulation of information, are ill suited for fluency and pronunciation development, since they impose too many competing demands on working memory.

A second guiding principle for effective pronunciation instruction is that it should include activities that facilitate restructuring of the speech production process to make it more efficient. For example, in Levelt’s (1999) model, a breakdown could first occur during phonological encoding of words. One strategy to reduce the potential for such breakdowns is to improve the overall speed of lexical access (see Skehan 2009). If words are accessed efficiently, more working memory capacity is available to devote to pronunciation. In fact, there is strong evidence that pronunciation accuracy is closely related to lexical frequency and familiarity (e.g., Munro and Derwing 2008; Thomson and Isaacs 2009; Walley and Flege 1999). Thus, vocabulary training and reinforcement should play a central role in fluency and pronunciation instruction.

Another place where restructuring could promote fluency is during the phonetic encoding stage of the speech production process. Connections between mental representations and articulatory gestures can be improved through explicit pronunciation instruction. Training ought to incorporate both perceptual and production practice, since it is widely assumed that in normal L2 development speech perception precedes speech production (Flege 2009). At the same time, in keeping with Complexity Theory, practice in producing sounds might offer another route to improving perception, a claim made by Lowie (2010). Reed and Michaud (2005) also appeal to this view in their argument that speaking helps listening, because learners’ own speech becomes input in their developing L2 speech perception.

When deciding on the content of instruction, suprasegmental features should be given priority, since they are likely to impact fluency more than segmental features. When segmental features are taught, those that occur the most frequently in contrast with other sounds are likely to provide the greatest long-term benefit to fluency. The relative contribution of individual sounds to communication is known as their functional load (Brown 1991; Munro and Derwing 2006). Spending time on sounds with a low functional load can cause learners to unnecessarily divert attention toward features of pronunciation that do not have a major impact on the intelligibility of speech. Furthermore, when L1 sounds can be used in place of L2 sounds without a loss of intelligibility (e.g., a trilled /r/ instead of a standard English /r/), for reasons of efficiency there is merit in allowing learners to continue using the L1 sound rather than expecting them to acquire the more native-like form, if fluency is a goal.

As more accurate perceptual representations emerge, pronunciation instruction should provide learners with substantial practice in speech articulation at the level of segments, words, and phrases. This will promote fluency at the articulation stage of Levelt’s (1999) model. As with the previous stage, it is advisable to allow learners to rely on L1 speech sounds, whenever doing so does not adversely affect their intelligibility. Unrealistically attempting to achieve accent-free production can lead learners to overmonitor their speech, causing at least temporary and unnecessary destabilization of an already efficient L1 system.


In this chapter I have related fluency to some common constructs from the pronunciation literature. This relationship can be further understood through reference to cognitive mechanisms that are known to impact fluency and pronunciation. Given the many questions that surround the validity of fluency measures used in existing L2 research, the precise nature of the relationship between fluency and pronunciation remains uncertain. Future research is needed that is more methodical in relating fluency to pronunciation. There is also a clear demand for longitudinal research in this area. This can lead to evidence-based pedagogical interventions, which will encourage both more fluent and more comprehensible L2 speech.


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