
absenteeism, paid time-off policy and, 133

accidental death and dismemberment insurance, 129

acquisitions and mergers, 232–233

across-the-board pay increases, 113

AD&D coverage, 129

advertising agencies, for writing job posting, 8

age, interview questions about, 23

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), 163–164, 226

alcohol, 83–84, 197

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 23, 29, 69, 165–169

arrest, interview questions about, 24

auditing, 99

awards luncheons, 81

background check, 30–31

Barron’s Profiles of American Colleges, 14

behaviorally based questions, in job interview, 21

benefits, see employee benefits

bonuses and incentives, 32, 114–119


for healthcare plans, 136–137

for insurance, 126–127

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 109

business climate, changes, 231–232

business plan, and career growth, 89

career fairs, 16–17

career growth opportunities, 88–90

Careerbuilder, 5

child care, 151

clarity, of manager’s instructions, 77

closed-ended questions, 21

coaching, 52

for communication issues, 78–79

COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986), 143, 221–222

college graduates, as job candidates, 14–16


about layoffs, 242–243

about terminated employee to other workers, 227

fixing interpersonal, 78–79

fostering effective, 72–79

honesty in, 73–74

information from employees, 75

methods, 74–75

on pay raises, 109

and performance management, 51

poor, and retention problems, 76–78

Community Living Assistance Services and Support Act (CLASS), 131

company culture, and performance management, 51

company intranet, for employee handbook access, 48

company Web site, and job candidates, 5

compensation, 97–119

administrative exemption, 100

bonuses and incentives, 114–119

computer-related occupations exemption, 101–102

confidentiality, 114

employee complaints, 113

executive exemption, 100

job candidate’s requirements, 20

outside sales exemption, 101

overtime payments, 103–104

pay grades, 106–107

pay increases, 109–114

philosophy of, 105–106

post-termination, 220–227

professional exemption, 101

rates of pay, 108–109

salary freezes, 110–111

system for, 104–106

wage and hour laws, 98–100

compressed workweek, 86


appropriate use, 187

communicating standards for, 191–192

employee right to privacy, 188

conduct in workplace

dishonesty, 202–207

inappropriate or illegal, 185

substance abuse, 197–201

violence, 193–197


of compensation, 114

of employee investigation of high-risk behaviors, 196

terminated employee and, 227

of termination, 218

conflict resolution, 90–93

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA), 143, 221–222

consumer-directed health plans, 139

contingent search firms, 18

conviction record, interview questions about, 24

copayment for office visits, 142

cost-of-living allowance, 108

cost-of-living increases, 110


of hiring mistakes, 2, 31–32

of Internet job postings, 7

of layoffs, 235

of testing, 28

counseling, 145, 196

Craigslist, 7

credit check, 30, 69

credit history, interview questions about, 24

criminal background checks, 30, 69

Culpepper Geographic Pay Differential Practice Survey, 108

decisional unit, 245

defined retirement benefit plans, 145–146

defined retirement contribution plans, 146

dental care benefits, 140–141

disabilities, interview questions about, 23–24

disability insurance, 129–131

discharge, see termination and discharge

disciplinary process, 54

discriminatory practices, 153–163

complaints, 69

formal complaint form, 259–261

and termination, 215–216

dishonesty in workplace, 202–207


of bonuses and incentives, 118

of disciplinary steps, 54

employee records, 68–69, 98

of flexible schedule, 87

I–9, 68

of interviews in investigations, 211, 212

job descriptions, 107

of performance reviews, 68

records retention, 144

of termination process, 216–217

waiver or release signed by terminated employee, 225–227

see also tools and templates

domestic partner coverage, 141

downsizing, 234

see also layoffs

Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 (DFWA), 198–200

drug testing, 200–201

preemployment, 28

education requirements for job opening, 3–4

EEOC, see Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

e-mail, 74

appropriate use, 187

communicating standards for, 191–192

company monitoring of, 188–190

confidentiality, 225

employee right to privacy, 188

managing by, 76–77

emotions, in conflict, 92

empathy, 78

employee assistance programs, 145, 195

employee benefits, 121–151

401(k) plans, 146–149

AD&D coverage, 129

cafeteria plan, 144

disability insurance, 129–131

employee assistance programs, 145, 195

group life insurance, 127–128

health insurance, 134–145

holidays, 131

legally required insurance, 122–124

offering, 32

other benefits, 151

post-termination, 220–227

retirement benefits, 145–150

sick days, 132–134

social security benefits, 124

unemployment insurance, 124–125

vacation days, 132

workers compensation, 125–127

employee conduct

inappropriate or illegal, 185

substance abuse in workplace, 197–201

violence in workplace, 193–197

workplace dishonesty, 202–207

employee handbook, 36–48

attorney involvement in development, 44

content concerns, 45–46

corrective discipline/termination policies, 41–42

development process, 37

disclaimers in, 43–44

EEO policies, 39

electronic format, 48

on employee benefits, 40–41

on employment and compensation, 39–40

encouraging reading of, 46–47

introductory section, 38

layoff policies, 236

legal issues, 43–44

maintaining different language versions, 38

for multiple locations, 45

need for, 36–37

ongoing review, 47

on safety, 41

sample acknowledgment of receipt, 254

severance policy, 42

stylistic considerations, 42–43

on time-off, 40

employee opinion survey, 76

employee referrals, 12–13

employee relations, 71–95

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 150

employee turnover, insurance company notification, 135


contribution to health insurance costs, 142–143

drug testing, 200–201

expectations for performance, 50–51

information gathering from, 75

information sharing with, 72–73

insurance coverage for former, 143

investigations of, 207–212

monitoring mail sent to workplace, 204

privacy rights of, 68

see also job candidates; termination and discharge

employers, standards for security and privacy, 186

employment agreements, 216

employment at will, 214–215

employment contract, 33

severance provisions, 224

employment files, 98

maintaining, 68–69

employment reference request, 268

entertainment, at company parties, 84

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 27–28, 226–227

policies in handbook, 39

records, 69

voluntary self-identification form, 262–263

Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), 169–170

executive compensation, 119

health plans, 141–142

exempt employees, 99–100

exit interview, 93–95

questionnaire, 266–267


for employee performance, 50–51

for new employees, 64

Facebook, 8–9, 190

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 30–31, 208

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FSLA), 98–99, 100

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 69, 134, 172–177

Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), 124

feedback, 77

specificity in, 61

firing, see termination and discharge

flat-rate bonuses, 115

flexible scheduling, 85

appropriateness of arrangements, 86–87

implementing, 87

flexible spending account (FSA), 144–145

flextime, 85

floating holidays, 131

forced ranking system, 73 401(k) plans, 146–149

fraud, investigations of, 207

generic prescriptions, 142

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, Title II, 170–172

geographic pay differentials, 108

goal-based bonus plans, 116–117

grievances, 69, 75

group life insurance, 127–128

guidelines for federal workplace drug testing programs, 201

guns at work, 196

halo effect, 25

harassment, 95

headhunters, 17–18

health insurance, 134–145

factors impacting cost, 137

legal requirements, 135–136

sample plans comparison, 253

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), 143–144

health maintenance organizations (HMOs), 138

health reimbursement accounts (HRAs), 140

health savings accounts (HSAs), 139

healthy conflict, 91

“Help Wanted” sign, 13–14

Hewitt Associates, 110

high-deductible health plans (HDHP), 139–140


negligent, 31

see also job candidates

holiday parties, company-sponsored, 83–84

holidays, 131

honesty in communications, 73–74

hosting events, 12

human resources policies, 35–48

I–9 documentation, 68

incentive system for performance, 79

indemnity health plans, 138

information sharing

with employees, 72–73

see also communications


company rate changes, 142–143

disability, 129–131

health, 134–145

legal requirements, 122–124

unemployment, 124–125


appropriate use, 187

communicating standards for, 191–192

employee right to privacy, 188

job postings on, 4–11

in performance review process, 59–60

for rewards and recognition programs, 82

search on job candidate, 30

internship programs, 16

investigations of employees, 207–212

job candidates

college graduates as, 14–16

comfort of, 26

finding, 1–4

flow log, 251

preemployment testing and screening, 26–31

prescreening, 20

referral sources, 11–17

telephone reference check form, 252

job descriptions, need for, 107

job fairs, 16–17

job interview, 20–26

illegal questions, 22–24

parts, 24–26

questions, 20–22

responsibility for, 3

job offer, 31–34

job opening, reason for, 4

job parameters, defining, 2

job points system, 107

job postings

accuracy of, 4

on Internet, 4–11

writing for online, 7–8

job sharing, 85–86

Kaiser Family Foundation, 134


alternatives to, 234

considerations for remaining workers, 245–248

costs, 235

implementation, 242–245

motivation after, 247–248

planning, 235–242

letters from top executives, 74

letters of reference, 29

life insurance, 127–128

Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, 170

LinkedIn, 10

listening skills, 77

living wage, 99

lockers, searches of employees’, 203

long-term disability insurance (LTD), 129–130

mail sent to employee’s workplace, monitoring, 204


information gathering from employees, 75

training in performance review process, 60–61

marital status, interview questions about, 22–23

mediators, for conflict resolution, 91

medical records, 69, 143–144

mentoring, 52–53

for communication issues, 78–79

mergers and acquisitions, 232–233

merit raise increases, 110, 111

minimum wage laws, 98–99

mission, sharing with employees, 72

mitigated severance, 222

money purchase plans, 150

Monster Web site, 5

motivation after layoffs, 247–248

national origin, interview questions about, 23

negative comments

in performance review forms, 67

in references, 228, 229

negligent hiring, 31

negotiating job offer, 32–33

networking, and job candidates, 11–12

new employees, performance evaluation, 63–65

newsletters, 74


help wanted ads, 11

online versions for job postings, 6

niche employment Web sites, 6

night workers, inclusion in rewards and recognition program, 81

noncompete agreement, 33

nondisclosure agreements, 74

nonexempt employees, 99–100

nonqualified plans, 150

nursing home, 130–131

Occupational Employment Statistics, 109

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1979, 177–183

Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA), 226

open-door policy, 91

open-ended questions, 21

organizational changes, sharing with employees, 73

organizational conflict, 90–91

outplacement, 223

overtime payments, 99–100, 103–104

paid time-off policy, 133–134

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), 121, 123–124, 135–136

pay, see compensation

pay grades, 106–107

pay range, for job opening, 3

paycheck, after termination, 220

pay-for-performance system, 112

pension, of terminated employee, 221

people with disabilities, incentives for hiring, 19

performance appraisal, 55–69

appropriate content, 60

balanced scorecard, 62

conducting, 65–69

document format, 57–58

forced ranking system, 73

frequency of reviews, 56–57

negative comments in forms, 67

planning for, 65–66

sources of forms, 58–59

system development, 55–56

360-degree feedback, 61–62

training of managers for, 60–61

performance deficiencies, 53–54

performance improvement plan (PIP), 67

performance management, 49–69

focus group preparation, 256

goals, 255

system development, 50–54

perks, 114

physical exams, preemployment, 29

point of service plan (POS), 139

polygraph tests, 206–207

praise, 81

preemployment testing and screening, 26–31

preferred provider organizations (PPOs), 139

prescriptions, generic, 142

privacy rights, 185

and employee searches, 202

of employees, 68

and medical records, 143–144

private employers, standards for security and privacy, 186

probable-cause search, 203

probationary periods, 63–65

profit sharing, 149–150

progressive discipline, 54


from within, 89

job opening due to, 4

and pay increase, 111

psychological testing, 196

public employers, standards for security and privacy, 186


to ask job candidates before scheduling interview, 250

from job candidate, 25

in job interview, 20–22, 23

race, interview questions about, 23

random searches, 202

rating scale, for performance appraisal, 57

Receipt of Handbook Acknowledgment Form, 46–47

records, see documentation

records retention, 144

recruitment firms, 17–18

recruitment strategy, 1–2

Internet use, 4–11

recruitment Web sites, 5–7

reference check, 29

of job candidate, 3

for terminated employee, 228

referral sources, 11–17

employees as, 12

regulatory issues, 153–183

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), 163–164

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 165–169

discriminatory practices, 153–163

Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), 169–170

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 172–177

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, Title II, 170–172

Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, 170

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1979, 177–183


in layoff process, 244–245

signing by terminated employee, 225–227

religion, interview questions about, 23

resignation request, vs. termination, 220

resumes of job applicants

vs. LinkedIn profile, 10

managing, 7–8

retained searches, 17–18

retention bonuses, 117

retirement benefits, 145–150

reward and recognition programs, 79–84

types, 81–83

salaries, see compensation

sales incentives, 115–116

Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Businesses (SIMPLE), 149

search firms, 17–19

searches of employees, company right to conduct, 202

Section 125 plans, 144

security, 185

self-evaluation, 58, 257

self-insurance, for healthcare plans, 137

severance pay, 222, 239

sexual harassment, formal complaint form, 259–261

short-term bonuses, 115

short-term disability insurance (STD), 129–130

sick days, 132–134

sign-on bonuses, 117

SIMPLE plans, 149

single-rate jobs, 112

skill requirements for job opening, 3–4

skills test, 26–28

social networking, 1

for finding potential employees, 8

problems from, 190

social security benefits, 124

Sodexho, 8

Spanish translation of handbook, maintaining, 38

Standard Occupational Classification System, 109

stock options, 117–118

of terminated employee, 221

substance abuse in workplace, 197–201

suggestion box, 75

surveys of employees, 76

suspension of employee, 209

tax breaks, for hiring applicants with specific characteristics, 19

telecommuting, 85

checklist, 258

telephone conversations of employees, listening to, 205

templates, see tools and templates

termination and discharge, 213–229

checklist, 264–265

discriminatory practices, 222

flexibility in offering benefits, 223–224

immediate, 216

job opening from, 4

post-termination compensation and benefits, 220–227

process, 214–220

reasons for, 215–216

vs. resignation request, 220

response to reference check after, 228

signed waiver or release, 225–227

timing for, 217

see also layoffs

theft, investigations of, 207

360-degree feedback, 61–62

time requirements, for hiring process, 2

tools and templates, 249–268

discrimination/sexual harassment formal complaint form, 259–261

employee handbook sample acknowledgment of receipt, 254

employment reference request, 268

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, voluntary self-identification form, 262–263

exit interview questionnaire, 266–267

health plans sample comparison, 253

job applicant flow log, 251

performance management goals, 255

performance management system, focus group preparation, 256

preemployment telephone reference check, 252

questions to ask job candidates before scheduling interview, 250

self-evaluation, 257

telecommuting checklist, 258

termination checklist, 264–265

training, 89

in performance review process, 60–61

translation of handbook, maintaining, 38

tuition assistance, 151

Twitter, 10, 190

unemployment insurance, 124–125, 224

contesting employee application for, 224–225

U.S. Salary Increase Survey, 110

vacation days, 132

payment for terminated employee, 220

validation of employee tests, 27

variable pay, 114–119

vested funds in 401(k) plan, 149

video surveillance, 206

videos, on workplace, 9

violence in workplace, 193–197

company preparation for, 197

warning signs, 194–196

vision, sharing with employees, 72

vision care benefits, 141

volunteering to work, 102

wage and hour laws, 98–100

administrative exemption, 100

computer-related occupations exemption, 101–102

executive exemption, 100

outside sales exemption, 101

professional exemption, 101

wage market data, 109


in layoff process, 244–245

signing by terminated employee, 225–227

Web resources, on salaries, 109

Web-based job postings, 1

Weddle’s Guide to Employment Sites on the Internet, 6

welfare-to-work programs, 19

Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998, 135

work environment, 79

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act, 240–242

workers compensation, 125–127

workforce reorganization, 231–248

acquisitions and mergers, 232–233

economic challenges, 234–235

layout considerations for remaining workers, 245–248

layout implementation, 242–245

layout planning, 235–242

work-life balance, 84–87

appropriateness of arrangements, 86–87


dishonesty in, 202–207

substance abuse in, 197–201

workplace violence, 193–197

company preparation for, 197

warning signs, 194–196

workweek, compressed, 86

written HR policies, 36

wrongful discharge claim, 225

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